Monday, January 20, 2014
Cops bloody old man — for jaywalking
Via Knuckledraggin' My Life Away
Cops bloodied an 84-year-old man and put him in the hospital Sunday when he jaywalked at an Upper West Side intersection and didn’t appear to understand their orders to stop, witnesses said.
Kang Wong was strolling north on Broadway and crossing 96th Street at around 5 p.m., when an officer told him to halt because he had walked against the light.
Police were targeting jaywalkers in the area following the third pedestrian fatality this month around West 96th Street.
Wong, who lives a block away, appeared to not understand the cop, the witnesses said.
“The guy didn’t seem to speak English. The cop walked him over to the Citibank” near the northeast corner of 96th and Broadway, said one witness, Ian King, a Fordham University law student.
“[The officer] stood him up against the wall and was trying to write him a ticket. The man didn’t seem to understand, and he started walking away.
“The cop tried to pull him back, and that’s when he began to struggle with the cop,” said King, 24. “As soon as he pushed the cop, it was like cops started running in from everywhere.”
Wong was left bleeding and dazed with cuts to his face.
Cops bloodied an 84-year-old man and put him in the hospital Sunday when he jaywalked at an Upper West Side intersection and didn’t appear to understand their orders to stop, witnesses said.
Kang Wong was strolling north on Broadway and crossing 96th Street at around 5 p.m., when an officer told him to halt because he had walked against the light.
Police were targeting jaywalkers in the area following the third pedestrian fatality this month around West 96th Street.
Wong, who lives a block away, appeared to not understand the cop, the witnesses said.
“The guy didn’t seem to speak English. The cop walked him over to the Citibank” near the northeast corner of 96th and Broadway, said one witness, Ian King, a Fordham University law student.
“[The officer] stood him up against the wall and was trying to write him a ticket. The man didn’t seem to understand, and he started walking away.
“The cop tried to pull him back, and that’s when he began to struggle with the cop,” said King, 24. “As soon as he pushed the cop, it was like cops started running in from everywhere.”
Wong was left bleeding and dazed with cuts to his face.
More @ New York Post
Lee-Jackson Day 2014: Honoring Gen. Jackson at VMI
We had planned this long before we heard of the restrictions put in place by VMI this year. The fact that the annual Lee-Jackson Day parade was not ending on their grounds meant a quick change of plans, so that we put the word out to gather after the service at the LEE Chapel, instead of immediately following the parade.
At the conclusion of the the Chapel service, we trudged up the hill to the parade grounds at VMI, and gathered in front of the Jackson statue, at the Jackson arch. Unlike previous years, there were several units of Keydets drilling around the grounds. As we unfurled the 22 x 32 flag, and positioned it for a photo, we noticed that the units had stopped drilling to watch. After several minutes of photos and quiet reflection, we began to sing Dixie. In years past, the echo of the song off of the high building was enough to send goose bumps up and down all who gathered, but NOTHING prepared us for what happened next...
...as we sang, many of the Keydets joined in the chorus, one by one. Dixie's Land bounced off of the buildings and echoed loud and strong, and when we finished, we turned to find that many of the windows had opened and Keydets were gathered. They added their voices to a Rebel Yell at the close of the song that was extended in length and loud enough that it was certainly heard by Jackson himself in the heavens. Shortly after that, a Confederate Battle Flag appeared from one of the windows.
We were honored to be a part of this moment of remembering Jackson on the grounds that he knew so well, and pleased to find that despite what appears to be attempts by the administration to remove the proud legacy that Jackson and the Confederacy have bestowed on the school, the student body still has a healthy respect and admiration for the man who made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of Virginia.
Susan Hathaway
Virginia Flaggers
*Many thanks to Judy Smith Photography for the wonderful photo, and to our friend Greg Randall for joining us and lending his support and handsome likeness of the general!
Israelites in Grey

overlooked in War Between the States histories are the Israelites in
grey who made heroic sacrifices and contributions for the Southern war
effort. In addition to many Jewish soldiers in the field, Benjamin
Mordecai of Charleston was one of the most generous contributors to the
relief of military families; young Isabel Adeline Moses at fourteen
became the youngest member of the Soldiers’ Aid Society in Columbus,
Georgia, and spent long hours nursing the wounded.
Bernhard Thuersam, Chairman
North Carolina War Between the States Sesquicentennial Commission
"Unsurpassed Valor, Courage and Devotion to Liberty"
"The Official Website of the North Carolina WBTS Sesquicentennial"
Israelites in Grey
the war . . . the most ambitious [memorial] project . . . was that of
the Hebrew Ladies Association of Richmond, organized in 1866 to care for
the Jewish Confederate graves in Hollywood cemetery on Shockoe Hill.
The work of turning the sod was performed by Jewish veterans. A
Richmond reporter who went out to the cemetery one day said “it was a
gratifying sight to behold the young men of this city, some of them
frail of limb, with coats off, wheeling gravel and turf, as the last sad
tribute they would pay to departed worth.”
the Richmond Jewish community, impoverished by the war, was unable to
defray all the expenses of the plot, a general appeal for financial
support was issued by the Association “To the Israelites of the South:”
the world yet rings with the narrative of a brave people’s struggle for
independence, and while the story of the hardships so nobly endured for
Liberty’s sake is yet a theme but half-exhausted, the countless graves
of the myriad of heroes who spilled their noble blood in defense of that
glorious cause, lie neglected, not alone unmarked by tablet or
sculptured urn, but literally vanishing before the relentless finger of
Time . . .
. . [We make this appeal for aid well-knowing that as Israelites and
true patriots, they will not refuse to assist in rearing a monument
which shall serve not only to commemorate the bravery of our dead, but
the gratitude and admiration of the living, for those who so nobly
perished in what we deemed a just and righteous cause . . . [and] it
will be a grateful reflection that they suffered not their country to
call in vain.”
Bettelheim, who came to Richmond in 1868, remarked how the entire
Jewish population of Richmond would go out to the cemetery every
Confederate Memorial Day, setting wreaths on the headstones, and
standing before the monument with tears in their eyes.”
(American Jewry and the Civil War, Jewish Publication Society of America, 1951, pp. 110-111)
The Iditarod on 12,000 Calories a Day
This winter’s record Midwestern freeze made any outdoor activity a real challenge. It also made us appreciate modern housing, heating, transportation and hydrocarbons – and what our frontline troops have endured in the Aleutians, Korea and Afghanistan. I’ve been in minus 20-50 F weather, and it is brutal.
The nasty weather reminded me of the Iditarod racers and spirited sled dogs I met last summer in Alaska. Trekking 1,100 miles from Anchorage to Nome, across Sam McGee’s wilderness in the dead of winter in nine to twelve days, is not for faint-hearted humans or canines. It’s equivalent to jogging from Chicago to Tampa or from Washington, DC to Kansas City – with temperatures ranging from a “balmy” 10 or 20 degrees F (-7 to -12 C) above to a bone-rattling and deadly minus 50 (-46 C) or lower for the entire trip.
It helps explain why far more people have reached the summit of Mt. Everest than have finished the annual Iditarod race: some 4,000 to Everest’s peak versus around 900 individual dogsledders, many of whom are the same hardy men and women racing year after year. About 2,550 dog teams of 16 dogs each have competed since Dorothy Page and Joe Redington, Sr. launched the Iditarod dogsled race in 1973.
More @ Townhall
Single Teen Mom? Texas's Wendy Davis Lied About Life Story
Wendy Davis, the Texas state senator whose filibuster for abortion rights made her a Democratic superstar and launched her campaign for governor, has admitted to the Dallas Morning News that she lied about key events in her life, including her first divorce. Davis may even have lied under oath, testifying in a federal lawsuit over redistricting that "I got divorced by the time I was 19 years old," when in fact she was divorced at age 21.
Other missing details have included: her second husband paid her way through law school and she divorced him the day after the last payment was made; her ex-husband accused her in initial court filings of adultery, and was awarded custody of their two daughters; and she first ran for city council in Fort Worth as a Republican.
More with video @ Breitbart
No Kidding? (There Are Actual Rights In The US?)
Via avordvet
From the no **** file we have this:
Well, duh.
But let's step back a bit because this really does speak to the issue, doesn't it?
From The Declaration:
From the no **** file we have this:
In the original ruling, Chang seemed to grant Second Amendment advocates a big win in both noting the responsibility of governments to protect its citizens, but also reportedly writing, “…on the other side of this case is another feature of government: certain fundamental rights are protected by the Constitution, put outside government’s reach, including the right to keep and bear arms for self-defense under the Second Amendment.”This is from the ruling where the judge gave Chicago 180 days (six months) to re-write their law banning gun stores, stating that the city's law was clearly unconstitutional.
Well, duh.
But let's step back a bit because this really does speak to the issue, doesn't it?
From The Declaration:
More @ Market Ticker
Snake-handling preacher dies from rattlesnake bite in West Virginia
Via Ryan
West Virginia preacher Mark Randall "Mack" Wolford, who believed Christians should handle snakes to test their faith, died after a rattlesnake bit him over the weekend.
was bitten on the thigh about 2 p.m. Sunday afternoon, but he didn't
come to the hospital until 10:30 p.m., a nursing supervisor at Bluefield Regional Medical Center told the Charleston Daily Mail. The
incident occurred during an outdoor service at Panther State Forest,
about 80 miles west of Bluefield in southern West Virginia, the paper
Wolford had turned 44 on Saturday. He had seen his father die of a snakebite when he was teenager, the Daily Mail reported.
West Virginia preacher Mark Randall "Mack" Wolford, who believed Christians should handle snakes to test their faith, died after a rattlesnake bit him over the weekend.
Wolford had turned 44 on Saturday. He had seen his father die of a snakebite when he was teenager, the Daily Mail reported.
More @ NBC
Obama blames skin color for tanking approval ratings
Via Ryan
“The New Yorker” published a profile of President Barack Obama’s fifth year in office Sunday, covering a wide range of issues, including his sagging approval rating, which the president blames on the color of his skin.
“There’s no doubt that there’s some folks who just really dislike me because they don’t like the idea of a black president,” Obama said in the article.
The election of Barack Obama was expected to usher in a post-racial America, and with his approval rating close to 70 percent in his first few months in office, according to CBS News, he seemed to be well on his way to bringing this about.
Five years later, Obama’s approval rating is at 39 percent, according
to Gallup. A low that marks the aftermath of his infamous broken
promise to the American people, “If you like your healthcare plan, you
can keep it.
“The New Yorker” published a profile of President Barack Obama’s fifth year in office Sunday, covering a wide range of issues, including his sagging approval rating, which the president blames on the color of his skin.
“There’s no doubt that there’s some folks who just really dislike me because they don’t like the idea of a black president,” Obama said in the article.
The election of Barack Obama was expected to usher in a post-racial America, and with his approval rating close to 70 percent in his first few months in office, according to CBS News, he seemed to be well on his way to bringing this about.
More @ Biz Pac Review
The Communist Party Hails De Blasio and Obama
Via Cousin John
For a long time, the communist left has used the word "progressive" to cloak its agenda. This phenomenon is hardly new. It has gone on since at least the 1930s, not long after the American Communist Party was founded in Chicago.
I know this well, having written at length on the subject. You might have thought this strategy died with the USSR, when we won the Cold War and once defeated communism. Unfortunately, thanks to the left's takeover of education and media, it continues unabated, and is moving full steam ahead in Barack Obama's fundamentally transformed America, where the far left seems invigorated unlike ever before. The communist left has sudden new energy in the "progressive" mayoral victory of Bill De Blasio, the New York mayor who once raised money for the Nicaraguan communists and honeymooned in Castro's Cuba.
More @ American Thinker
Russia's Vladimir Putin links gays to pedophiles
Via Frank
Russian President Vladimir Putin has offered new assurances to gay athletes and fans attending the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics next month. Yet he defended Russia's anti-gay law by equating gays with pedophiles and said Russia needs to "cleanse" itself of homosexuality if it wants to increase its birth rate.
Putin's comments in an interview broadcast Sunday with Russian and foreign television stations showed the wide gulf between the perception of homosexuality in Russia versus the West.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has offered new assurances to gay athletes and fans attending the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics next month. Yet he defended Russia's anti-gay law by equating gays with pedophiles and said Russia needs to "cleanse" itself of homosexuality if it wants to increase its birth rate.
Putin's comments in an interview broadcast Sunday with Russian and foreign television stations showed the wide gulf between the perception of homosexuality in Russia versus the West.
More @ USA Today
Virginia Flagger & Tarheel Sgt. Cliff Troutman, Walking Dead Vietnam veteran killed in house fire
The Virginia Flaggers are saddened to announce that we have lost a beloved friend and Flagger, and our country has lost a true hero.
Sgt. Cliff Troutman died in a fire at his home on Saturday, January 18, 2014. Almost as soon as we organized, Sgt. Troutman searched out the Va Flaggers and instantly became one of our most ardent supporters and dedicated Flaggers. As famous for his "Confederate Pig" pork rinds as his legendary status as one of the "Walking Dead", Sgt. Troutman was an inspiration to us all and he will be greatly missed.
"Sgt. Troutman was a Tar Heel, with ancestor from the 4th N.C. Regiment of Bryan Grimes, one of the hardest fighting Tar Heel Units in the war. The 4th would suffer and endure one of the highest casualties of N.C. Units, beginning at the battle of Seven Pines, where the unit of Grimes was almost decimated.
He was as a Marine, a Vietnam Marine. But, there's more to say because he was with the famed 1 - 9th Marines in Vietnam called the Walking Dead. Sgt. Troutman saw war and he saw death, just like his ancestor with the 4th North Carolina. The Marine Unit 1 9th would be with the hardest fighting Marine unit in Vietnam. Troutman told me that he came ashore in the first wave of Marines, landing at Red Beach in 1965, a place that I would hear about many times at DaNang, and that he had 2 or 3 tours of duty there.
During the Vietnam War, the unit earned the name "The Walking Dead" for its high casualty rate.[1] The battalion endured the longest sustained combat and suffered the highest killed in action (KIA) rate in Marine Corps history, especially during the Battle of July Two. The battalion was engaged in combat for 47 months and 7 days, from 15 June 1965 to 19 October 1966 and 11 December 1966 to 14 July 1969. Based on a typical battalion strength of 800 Marines and Navy hospital corpsmen, 93.63% (747) were Killed In Action (KIA) and 0.25% (2) were Missing In Action (MIA).
FEW VIETNAM Veterans would endure and suffer the numbers of tours in Vietnam and the service where death among brothers was a daily occurrence, and the enemy suffered and endured the losses of great numbers. We have lost one of America's Great Warriors.
Sgt. Troutman has Resumed His Watch with the Walking Dead, And I Salute His Journey - Finding his Friends and Lost Compatriots and Comrades in Arms, Who Became Forever Young from 1965 - 1972. Troutman will be there with his Confederate Flag for sure, telling his friends - "Saddle Up Marines, it's Time to Lock and Load'."
Sgt. Cliff Troutman died in a fire at his home on Saturday, January 18, 2014. Almost as soon as we organized, Sgt. Troutman searched out the Va Flaggers and instantly became one of our most ardent supporters and dedicated Flaggers. As famous for his "Confederate Pig" pork rinds as his legendary status as one of the "Walking Dead", Sgt. Troutman was an inspiration to us all and he will be greatly missed.
"Sgt. Troutman was a Tar Heel, with ancestor from the 4th N.C. Regiment of Bryan Grimes, one of the hardest fighting Tar Heel Units in the war. The 4th would suffer and endure one of the highest casualties of N.C. Units, beginning at the battle of Seven Pines, where the unit of Grimes was almost decimated.
He was as a Marine, a Vietnam Marine. But, there's more to say because he was with the famed 1 - 9th Marines in Vietnam called the Walking Dead. Sgt. Troutman saw war and he saw death, just like his ancestor with the 4th North Carolina. The Marine Unit 1 9th would be with the hardest fighting Marine unit in Vietnam. Troutman told me that he came ashore in the first wave of Marines, landing at Red Beach in 1965, a place that I would hear about many times at DaNang, and that he had 2 or 3 tours of duty there.
During the Vietnam War, the unit earned the name "The Walking Dead" for its high casualty rate.[1] The battalion endured the longest sustained combat and suffered the highest killed in action (KIA) rate in Marine Corps history, especially during the Battle of July Two. The battalion was engaged in combat for 47 months and 7 days, from 15 June 1965 to 19 October 1966 and 11 December 1966 to 14 July 1969. Based on a typical battalion strength of 800 Marines and Navy hospital corpsmen, 93.63% (747) were Killed In Action (KIA) and 0.25% (2) were Missing In Action (MIA).
FEW VIETNAM Veterans would endure and suffer the numbers of tours in Vietnam and the service where death among brothers was a daily occurrence, and the enemy suffered and endured the losses of great numbers. We have lost one of America's Great Warriors.
Sgt. Troutman has Resumed His Watch with the Walking Dead, And I Salute His Journey - Finding his Friends and Lost Compatriots and Comrades in Arms, Who Became Forever Young from 1965 - 1972. Troutman will be there with his Confederate Flag for sure, telling his friends - "Saddle Up Marines, it's Time to Lock and Load'."
- Bobby Edwards
In his memory, the Va Flaggers will continue our vigil, knowing he has joined the Great Cloud of Witnesses, watching and cheering us on...
" Iron Lady"
Susan Hathaway
Va Flaggers
In his memory, the Va Flaggers will continue our vigil, knowing he has joined the Great Cloud of Witnesses, watching and cheering us on...
" Iron Lady"
Susan Hathaway
Va Flaggers
A Person I Admire, By Dixie And Daddy
My General Lee Picture
looked for years until I found one that I thought truly looked like
General Lee and when I saw this one, I immediately bought it. I believe
he used the picture of Lee standing on the porch at his home in
Richmond after his return for the likeness. Very similar. BT
Re-post from Lee's Birthday2007+
A Person I Admire
By Dixie Townsend
Nine Years Old
Rocky Mount Telegram
March 3, 2006
"The person I admire is Robert E. Lee, the general of the Confederate Army. He's my Dad's favorite person. Mr. Lee was an excellent horseman. He, and his horse Traveller, led the Confederate soldiers to fight against the Yankees.
His four daughters admired his courage, bravery and his Southern accent. Later in life, Lee's hair turned white. His beard was always trimmed neatly. He presented a commanding appearance, straight, alert and intelligence. He was never known to smoke, drink alcoholic beverages or use profane language.
General Lee was an American hero. Perhaps one day, I can be like him."
Fourth grade,
Tarboro-Edgecombe Academy,
Jamie Baker, teacher
Lee, (By Dixie Townsend, Nine Years Old) ======== General Robert Edward Lee |
Edward Lee, in my estimation, was the greatest man this nation has ever produced. He graduated from the United States Military Academy without a single demerit, a feat that has been unequaled to this day. He also was second in his class and achieved the coveted cadet rank of Adjutant. He served over thirty years in the United States Army and General Winfield Scott stated that Lee's exploit before the Battle of Contreras in Mexico was "the greatest feat of physical and moral courage" he had ever known. General Scott marked him for high command and thought the cost would be cheap if the United States could absolutely insure Lee's life at the cost of five million dollars a year. He proclaimed that Lee "was the very best soldier I ever saw in the field."
In 1856, as dark clouds loomed, Lee stated that "There are few, I believe, in this enlightened age, who will not acknowledge that slavery as an institution is a moral and political evil."
When war finally came General Scott offered him command of the Union Army, but Lee , after pacing the floor all night, decided he could not fight against his own people. Lee's final written words to General Scott were "Save in defense of my native state, I never desire again to draw my sword."
After leading the Army of Northern Virginia to many victories against overwhelming odds, he surrendered and asked his men to go home and be good citizens. A while later he was offered $50,000 for the use of his name by a northern insurance company, but Lee politely informed them "Sirs, my name is the heritage of my parents. It is all I have, and it is not for sale." He also stated that concerning his previous actions "I could have taken no other course without dishonor, and if it were all to be done over again, I should act in precisely the same manner."
In 1868, the New York Herald proposed nominating Lee for President, but Lee by then President of Washington College where he had but one rule and that was "every man must be a gentleman."
Theodore Roosevelt characterized Lee as "the very greatest of all the great captains that the English-speaking peoples have brought forth." Winston Churchill stated that Lee was "one of the noblest Americans who ever lived."
In closing, I think the words of General/President Eisenhower would be appropriate concerning a question as to why he kept a picture of Lee in his office. He stated that Lee "was noble as a leader and as a man, and unsullied as I read the pages of our history......From deep conviction I simply say this: a nation of men of Lee's calibre would be unconquerable in spirit and soul."
Brock Townsend
"If any American father were asked which of our great men he would most want his own son to resemble, the father, if he were wise, would be compelled to answer, 'Robert E. Lee.'" '
Benjamin Andrews, President Brown University, 1880.
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