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Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Her Last Dance
Via Knuckledraggin' My Life Away
Man, this is a killer.
When 14-year-old Katelyn Norman learned that her bone cancer was going to take her life, she drew up a list of her final wishes - a slow dance, a last kiss, a date to prom.
But as her friends gathered at a venue in LaFollette, Tennessee on Tuesday night to throw the prom in her honour, Katelyn was airlifted to hospital after struggling to breathe.
So classmates and relatives brought the party to her bedside instead, bringing balloons, music and her smartly-dressed date to make sure she didn't miss out on completing her bucket list.
Katelyn has been fighting osteosarcoma, an aggressive bone cancer, for two years but doctors told her last week that it has spread to her heart, arteries, pelvis and spine and that there is nothing more they can do.
Man, this is a killer.
When 14-year-old Katelyn Norman learned that her bone cancer was going to take her life, she drew up a list of her final wishes - a slow dance, a last kiss, a date to prom.
But as her friends gathered at a venue in LaFollette, Tennessee on Tuesday night to throw the prom in her honour, Katelyn was airlifted to hospital after struggling to breathe.
So classmates and relatives brought the party to her bedside instead, bringing balloons, music and her smartly-dressed date to make sure she didn't miss out on completing her bucket list.
Katelyn has been fighting osteosarcoma, an aggressive bone cancer, for two years but doctors told her last week that it has spread to her heart, arteries, pelvis and spine and that there is nothing more they can do.
More with many pictures @ Mail Online
Keep America Independent: Stop Trade Promotion Authority
On March 1 the Obama administration released a 2013 trade policy agenda that calls on Congress to authorize "Trade Promotion Authority" (TPA). This TPA, also known as "fast-track trade authority" provides for expedited congressional handling of trade pacts, and is generally considered necessary for Congress to pass a new trade deal.
Under fast-track rules, a trade pact must have an up-or-down vote in both House and Senate, without amendment, within 90 days of being submitted by the Executive Branch. Congress has never rejected a trade agreement that was submitted under fast-track rules.
A major objection to authorizing TPA for the Obama administration is that Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution gives the power "to regulate commerce with foreign nations" to Congress, not the President. Awarding TPA to the Executive Branch cedes a great deal of power to regulate commerce to the President. Furthermore, the multilateral trade agreements, such as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), that result from presidential exercise of TPA, set up new multilateral panels and tribunals that regulate U.S. trade. These multilateral entities are deemed superior to the U.S. Congress and courts regarding regulation of trade within their respective trade blocs, which amounts to a clear violation of the U.S. Constitution.
President Obama is asking for TPA at this time to help his administration get congressional approval of a Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) free trade pact by December 31 this year. He has also announced the launching of negotiations for a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) free trade deal, which he hopes to conclude by 2015.
A second major objection to authorizing TPA for the Obama administration is that it would facilitate the administration's negotiations and congressional approval of free trade agreements, such as the TPP and TTIP. Such free trade deals help to bring about economic integration which then generally leads to political integration and ultimate loss of sovereignty for the nations who originally entered into these free trade agreements.
For example, many European nations established a European-wide free trade area by means of a series of free trade agreements beginning in the 1950s. This economic integration has evolved into political integration whereby 27 formerly sovereign European nations now find themselves ruled by a new supranational entity, the European Union.
Similarly, the continent-wide free trade area established by the NAFTA agreement in 1993 has evolved toward a North American Union, following the earlier trajectory of the European nations from free trade area to political union.
Political union with Mexico, Canada, and eventually the Pacific Rim nations of the TPP and the 27 nations of the EU would mean the end of our national independence along with the loss of the United States Constitution and the freedom and prosperity that we have enjoyed while living under its protection.
As most of you already know, it's getting late in the game to stop all of this merger madness. It's even an article of faith for many senators and representatives, especially Republicans, that free trade agreements will lead to more jobs and greater prosperity for our nation, even though our experience with NAFTA proves otherwise. And, virtually no one in Congress seems to understand how free trade agreements lead to political integration.
Nonetheless, we have to start somewhere to turn this whole movement toward regional trade agreements and eventual world government around. A good place to take a stand is to oppose Trade Promotion Authority. Although no bill has been introduced in Congress yet to authorize TPA, such legislation is likely to be introduced in the next month or so.
Click here to send a prewritten, editable email to your representative and senators in opposition to authorizing Trade Promotion Authority for the Obama administration.
Phone calls can also be very effective, and of course, the most effective way to educate your congressmen and staff is by making personal visits to their offices. Click here for contact information.
Your Friends at The John Birch Society
Outside Objective Observers
Today we have none.
We have insiders who get a pay check from the guy who they are evaluating. The length of their employment means they are keeping inside the lines.
The only difference today from 1920's is that today we have food stamps and they had soup kitchens.
They had workers leaving town to go to the Company camps and we have the Welfare debit cards.
In the 1920's they had the daily stocks on a paper pad and we have it on the same type machines that they used to put Obama into the White House.
In the 1920's the failed brokers were leaping from their office windows. Today they are getting loans from the Federal Reserve and we owe the bill.
TSHTF yesterday, last month, last year, and in 2007 and the day before and we never saw the fan or the wall it landed on. We didn't even smell the odor.
-- safetalker
Steubenville: Revelry Turned Into Rape
Roundabout via Wes
This is but 3 of many videos on this.
Steubenville: Revelry Turned Into Rape
You would not have been around to go to trial punks, if she were my daughter, although mine would have never been there in the first place. It was your responsibility to protect your daughter, Sir and you failed miserably.
Steubenville: Unforgettable Moment
Anonymous Steubenville Rape Conviction.
Sh%t Southern Women Say, Episode 1 & 2
Via Cousin Colby
Re-post of episode 1. Episode 2 doesn't measure up to #1 though.
Senators Paul, Cruz and Lee to Lead Filibuster of Reid’s Gun Control Bribe-o-thon
On the heels of a test vote last Saturday where 50 Senators — including six “Red State” Democrats — voted for an amendment offered by Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) to prohibit virtually all gun control legislation in the Senate, three senators have committed to filibuster any motion to proceed to any gun control legislation.
The three Republican Senators — Rand Paul of Kentucky, Ted Cruz of Texas and Lee of Utah - have cosigned a letter indicating that they would filibuster a motion to proceed to S. 649.
S. 649 already contains the Veterans Gun Ban, which could send you to prison for 15 years for selling, raffling or gifting a firearm in America, while not realizing that the recipient was disqualified in some way — say, for being a military veteran with PTSD or for being a habitual user of marijuana (for medical purposes).
In addition, S. 649 contains Chuck Schumer's universal gun registry legislation. Although he doesn't have 60 votes now, Schumer will ruthlessly work to get weak-kneed Republicans to endorse some version of universal registries.
Finally, Reid will allow amendments to S. 649 consisting of the Feinstein gun ban, a magazine ban, and whatever other gun control proposals he feels he can cram down our throats. But not if the Paul-Cruz-Lee filibuster is successful, as the Senate will never reach Reid's gun control bribe-o-rama where he will be able to threaten, bribe, and coerce other Senators into getting the votes he needs to pass a myriad of gun control restrictions.
ACTION: Click here to contact your Senators. Demand that they support the Paul-Cruz-Lee filibuster of the motion to proceed to S. 649 and to resist Harry Reid's gun control bribe-o-rama.
The Patton Papers
Via govorilkin
"The Russians are mongols. They are Slavs and a lot of them used to be ruled by ancient Byzantium. From Genghis Kahn to Stalin, they have not changed. They never will and we will never learn, at least, not until it is too late."
"Our difficulty in understanding the Russian based on the fact that we do not take into account the fact that the Russian did not Europeans, Asians, and therefore distorted thinking. Russian us no easier to understand than Chinese or Japanese, but having seen them, I me and there was no particular desire to understand them, but to find out how much lead or iron need to destroy them. Except the rest of his possessing the qualities Russian not value human life, and they are all sons of bitches, barbarians, and chronic drunks. "
"To me it is obvious that the fatalistic teachings of Mohammed and the complete degradation of women - the main cause of slow development Arabs. Arab today is the same as it was in 700, and in that time we have evolved."
"Animals ... subhuman species, not the past cultural and social process of our time"
The Patton Papers (Boston 1974) Vol. 2. p. 734. Patton Diaries, September 21, October 1, 1945, LC, Patton Papers, box 4, Patton to Charles Codman, October 31, 1945
Translated poorly from Russian. No beating around the bush, he.:)
"The Russians are mongols. They are Slavs and a lot of them used to be ruled by ancient Byzantium. From Genghis Kahn to Stalin, they have not changed. They never will and we will never learn, at least, not until it is too late."
"Our difficulty in understanding the Russian based on the fact that we do not take into account the fact that the Russian did not Europeans, Asians, and therefore distorted thinking. Russian us no easier to understand than Chinese or Japanese, but having seen them, I me and there was no particular desire to understand them, but to find out how much lead or iron need to destroy them. Except the rest of his possessing the qualities Russian not value human life, and they are all sons of bitches, barbarians, and chronic drunks. "
"To me it is obvious that the fatalistic teachings of Mohammed and the complete degradation of women - the main cause of slow development Arabs. Arab today is the same as it was in 700, and in that time we have evolved."
"Animals ... subhuman species, not the past cultural and social process of our time"
The Patton Papers (Boston 1974) Vol. 2. p. 734. Patton Diaries, September 21, October 1, 1945, LC, Patton Papers, box 4, Patton to Charles Codman, October 31, 1945
Caseless ammo could cut 25 lbs. from gear
Via avordvet
The Marine Corps and Army are developing new caseless and case-telescoped ammunition that, when partnered with a new light machine gun also in development, could significantly cut the burden on troops in combat. And perhaps more significant than that, in the coming years this revolutionary ammo could drive production of the Corps’ next service rifle.
Caseless ammunition, which is free of the heavy brass casings found on traditional cartridges, will allow Marines to carry more rounds or simply shed weight — up to 25 pounds for the typical M249 Squad Automatic Weapon gunner, said George Solhan, the Office of Naval Research’s deputy chief researcher for expeditionary maneuver warfare. Some of the ammo and weapon systems now in development could be ready for action in just a year or two, according to researchers.
M249: 51.3 pounds when fully loaded with 1,000 rounds of linked ammo — 17.5 pounds for the weapon, 33.8 pounds for the ammo.
to make that happen requires a commitment from military and civilian
leadership to speed the ammo’s development — and an entirely new line of
compatible infantry weapons, Solhan said. The associated cost and
effort has caused many to give pause. And while Solhan acknowledges that
pushback, he dismisses it as shortsighted given the potential payoff
for infantrymen.
“For the cost of a couple of current-generation jet fighters,” he said, “you could do that for the entire Army and Marine Corps.”
A new light machine gun could be fielded within two years if military leaders and lawmakers on Capitol Hill put their unequivocal support behind the project, he predicted. There are nearly a dozen working prototypes of what is known as the Lightweight Small Arms Technologies machine gun. To the user, it looks and feels like a conventional machine gun, but at less than 10 pounds, it is nearly half the weight of an M249 SAW. And there is additional weight savings when comparing the new ammo to standard 5.56mm rounds.
The Marine Corps and Army are developing new caseless and case-telescoped ammunition that, when partnered with a new light machine gun also in development, could significantly cut the burden on troops in combat. And perhaps more significant than that, in the coming years this revolutionary ammo could drive production of the Corps’ next service rifle.
Caseless ammunition, which is free of the heavy brass casings found on traditional cartridges, will allow Marines to carry more rounds or simply shed weight — up to 25 pounds for the typical M249 Squad Automatic Weapon gunner, said George Solhan, the Office of Naval Research’s deputy chief researcher for expeditionary maneuver warfare. Some of the ammo and weapon systems now in development could be ready for action in just a year or two, according to researchers.
Dropping weight
The Marine Corps and Army are developing new ammunition that, when partnered with compatible weapons, could cut some serious weight from the gear troops carry in combat. A look at the numbers:
M249: 51.3 pounds when fully loaded with 1,000 rounds of linked ammo — 17.5 pounds for the weapon, 33.8 pounds for the ammo.
“For the cost of a couple of current-generation jet fighters,” he said, “you could do that for the entire Army and Marine Corps.”
A new light machine gun could be fielded within two years if military leaders and lawmakers on Capitol Hill put their unequivocal support behind the project, he predicted. There are nearly a dozen working prototypes of what is known as the Lightweight Small Arms Technologies machine gun. To the user, it looks and feels like a conventional machine gun, but at less than 10 pounds, it is nearly half the weight of an M249 SAW. And there is additional weight savings when comparing the new ammo to standard 5.56mm rounds.
More @ Marine Corps Times
CBO: America Will Never See Full Employment Under Obama
The Congressional Budget Office is now projecting that the U.S. economy will never achieve full employment during the eight years Barack Obama serves as president.
That would make Obama the only American president during the post-World War II era who never presided over a year in which the U.S. economy offered full employment to the American people.
The CBO defines “full employment” to be when the national unemployment rate is at or below what it calls the “natural unemployment rate
More @ CNS News
Millions to Be Priced Out of Obamacare
Millions of Americans will be priced out of health insurance under President Barack Obama's healthcare overhaul because of a glitch in the law that adversely affects people with modest incomes who cannot afford family coverage offered by their employers, a leading healthcare advocacy group said on Tuesday.
Tax credits are a key component of the law and the White House has said the credits, averaging about $4,000 apiece, will help about 18 million individuals and families pay for health insurance once the Affordable Care Act takes full effect, beginning in January 2014.
The tax credits are geared toward low and middle-income Americans who do not have access to affordable health insurance coverage through an employer. The law specifies that employer-sponsored insurance is affordable so long as a worker's share of the premium does not exceed 9.5 percent of the worker's household income.
In its rule making, or final interpretation of the law, the IRS said affordability should be based strictly on individual coverage costs, however.
That means that, even if family coverage through an employer-based plan far exceeds the 9.5 percent cutoff, workers would not be eligible for the tax credits to help buy insurance for children or non-working dependents.
More @ Newsmax
WATCH: Mark Kelly Pulls Daughter's Dog Off Sea Lion After Kill
Gabby Gifford's husband, Mark Kelly, got more unwanted attention over the weekend when his daughter's American Bull Dog attacked and killed a baby sea lion at Laguna Beach.
According to reports, the dog was on a leash and being walked on the beach by Kelly's 18-year-old daughter. But when the dog saw the sea lion, it pulled free from Kelly's daughter and attacked the sea lion.A passerby filmed the attack, and in the video you can hear Kelly's daughter screaming and see her trying to pull the dog off while two other women swing sticks to try to get the dog to release its hold on the helpless sea creature.
Eventually, Kelly shows up and grabs the dog and pulls it off the sea lion.
More @ Breitbart
School Bans the Word ‘Easter’
Boys and girls at an Alabama elementary school will still get to hunt for eggs – but they can’t call them ‘Easter Eggs’ because the principal banished the word for the sake of religious diversity.
“We had in the past a parent to question us about some of the things we do here at school,” said Heritage Elementary School principal Lydia Davenport. “So we’re just trying to make sure we respect and honor everybody’s differences.”
Television station WHNT reported that teachers were informed that no activities related to or centered around any religious holiday would be allowed – in the interest of religious diversity.
“Kids love the bunny and we just make sure we don’t say ‘the Easter Bunny’ so that we don’t infringe on the rights of others because people relate the Easter bunny to religion,” she told the television station. “A bunny is a bunny and a rabbit is a rabbit.”
Teachers had planned to have an Easter egg-themed quiz bowl where boys and girls would ring in with egg buzzers and search for answers hidden in Easter eggs.
“I don’t get upset about too many things, but this upsets me,” one parent wrote to the television station. “Even non-believers enjoy a good egg hunt. Kids need to enjoy being kids.”
More @ Townhall
Imperial Washington
The Senate did something this past weekend it hasn't done in four years: passed a budget. The law requires the Senate to pass a budget, but Congress often ignores its own laws. For most of Barack Obama's presidency, a series of continuing resolutions kept the money -- your money -- flowing. Now the Senate wants to add a trillion dollars of new taxes, even more than President Obama seeks.
Despite our growing debt, the Senate wants to fund things like the Senate barbershop, which loses a third of a million dollars every year.
It's like they live in a private bubble.
Politicians say, "I'm going to Washington to serve others." Maybe they mean to. But after most "serve," they never leave. When I visit Washington, I see politicians and bureaucrats serving themselves.
When the housing bubble burst, home prices dropped in most of America, but not in Washington. Our capital feeds off federal spending, and politicians won't allow that bubble to burst.
One result is that, today, for the first time, most of America's richest counties are in the Washington area. About 43 percent of "the 1 percent" -- the top earners leftists say they hate -- now live in 14 counties that surround the District of Columbia.
Nick Sorrentino, creator of AgainstCronyCapitalism.org, notes that average total compensation for a federal employee is now about $120,000, and the gap between government pay and private pay has been growing.
More @ Rasmussen
The reality of combat
Few events opened my eyes, and somehow make me survivor right at the beginning, and I can say I have luck to understand in very early stage how hard it is, and what it takes.
During one of the first bigger events of killing in the streets, I was out together with my friend who also was medical professional.
Fire from machine guns was on people who were standing in front of the main city bread factory, and people started to scream and run over each other.
My first impulse was to run to nearest cover but my friend got down to help some lady, so I stayed one meter next to him.
I was confused about my decision and not sure to stay with him or run. Bullets from machine gun hit him over his legs, and I saw how his knee cap exploded, it looked like some bad movie special effect.
He just looked at his legs, then at me, in silence. Even that was just seconds moments like this feel very long.
I took him by the hands and drag him some 20 or 30 meters to safety. Only there I saw that he was missing his leg under the knee. It stayed with dead lady on the street.
And only then he started to scream.
More @ SHTF School
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