On 11 July 1864 Confederate General Jubal Early began an invasion of Washington, DC. Unfortunately, he didn't finish the job so we're still plagued with 'em today.
Friday, July 11, 2014
Breaking news..........
Slaughtering and Butchering a Cow
Via Cousin John
We slaughter a cow that we raised with dignity and care to provide meat for our family. Nothing tastes as good as eating our own beef that we raised ourselves. We know that we are eating meat that came from a healthy cow who was grass fed and was not injected with growth hormones. The beef is processed in a sanitary environment and cut and packaged to our own specifications and needs. We feel that we are giving our family the healthiest meat possible. We feel self-sufficient in providing for the needs of our family.
Slaughtering the Cow
Here in our corner of the woods in Texas it has been a cold fall and winter. We are getting ready to slaughter a steer during this cold period. This steer is 20 months old. In the past we have slaughtered both steers and heifers, depending on what is available during the slaughter time of the year. As we prepare for this year’s beef butchering, let me share with you last year’s beef butchering process. Last year we slaughtered a cow that was an 18-month heifer. We estimate that she weighed about 900 pounds at slaughter time.
We slaughter a cow that we raised with dignity and care to provide meat for our family. Nothing tastes as good as eating our own beef that we raised ourselves. We know that we are eating meat that came from a healthy cow who was grass fed and was not injected with growth hormones. The beef is processed in a sanitary environment and cut and packaged to our own specifications and needs. We feel that we are giving our family the healthiest meat possible. We feel self-sufficient in providing for the needs of our family.
Slaughtering the Cow
Here in our corner of the woods in Texas it has been a cold fall and winter. We are getting ready to slaughter a steer during this cold period. This steer is 20 months old. In the past we have slaughtered both steers and heifers, depending on what is available during the slaughter time of the year. As we prepare for this year’s beef butchering, let me share with you last year’s beef butchering process. Last year we slaughtered a cow that was an 18-month heifer. We estimate that she weighed about 900 pounds at slaughter time.
More @ GRIT
I used to sell Grit when it was a weekly newspaper. Could be me in front of Bew's Drugstore in Marshall, Virginia :)
Mexico, Guatemala fast-track delivery of illegals to U.S.

Mexico and Guatemala have reached an agreement that is intended to make it easier and safer for Central Americans, including unaccompanied minors, to enter the United States illegally.
Though largely unreported in the U.S. mainstream media, the two nations agreed on July 7, in a presidential-level meeting in Mexico, to make it legal and safe for Central American immigrants, including unaccompanied minors, to cross Mexico’s border with Guatemala and transit Mexico en route to the U.S. border at the Rio Grande.
The agreement apparently does not recognize that the result of such trips – entry into the United States – remains illegal.
More @ WND
This Is, And Has Been, An Invasion
Via avordvet
We have to stop calling things what they're not and start calling them what they are.
The incursion of adults and kids on our southern border is an invasion and it is an intentional act undertaken by both Mexico and nations south.
Further, our lawmakers are lying about "most of these kids will be deported", and they know it:
As for our part we routinely refuse to hold and deport those we catch.
The incursion of adults and kids on our southern border is an invasion and it is an intentional act undertaken by both Mexico and nations south.
Further, our lawmakers are lying about "most of these kids will be deported", and they know it:
The official, Juan Osuna, director of the Executive Office of Immigration Review at the Department of Justice, told a Senate committee that about 46 percent of all children, accompanied and unaccompanied, apprehended by authorities fail to show up for hearings before immigration judges.
He told the panel the office didn’t have a court-response rate for the unaccompanied children that have flooded through the southern border in recent months, so that rate could be even higher.So how are you going to deport someone that doesn't show up?
As for our part we routinely refuse to hold and deport those we catch.
More @ Market Ticker
Via Cousin Bill
More @ Warbird Information Exchange
Ad Promises $6,000 a Month Tax Free To House Immigrant Children
An ad in the local Penny Saver in Murrieta, California caught the attention of residents today. The ad, which was put up by the Crittenton Services and Foster Family Agency or (FFA) claims to be looking for families who will help provide homes for foster children as well as for “unaccompanied refugee minors”.
More @ Ben Swann
TSA Allowing Illegals to Fly Without Verifiable ID, Says Border Patrol Union
Illegal aliens are being allowed to fly on commercial airliners without valid identification, according to the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC). “The aliens who are getting released on their own recognizance are being allowed to board and travel commercial airliners by simply showing their Notice to Appear forms,” NBPC’s Local 2455 Spokesman, Hector Garza, told Breitbart Texas.
“This is not the CBP [Customs and Border Protection] or another federal agency renting or leasing an aircraft, these are the same planes that the American public uses for domestic travel,” said Garza.“This just adds insult to injury. Not only are we releasing unknown illegal aliens onto American streets, but we are allowing them to travel commercially using paperwork that could easily be reproduced or manipulated on any home computer. The Notice to Appear form has no photo, anyone can make one and manipulate one. They do not have any security features, no watermark, nothing.
They are simply printed on standard copy paper based on the information the illegal alien says is the truth.”
More @ Breitbart
Citizens Of Miami! Prepare To Defend Yourselves.
Mayor Carlos Gimenez of Miami has decided that he’d prepare for the criminal alien invasion and the pending 2014 hurricane season by slashing $64 million from the 2014-15 budget, resulting in a loss of up to 600 police jobs in Dade County.
As a result, the Miami-Dade Police Benevolent Association president John Rivera is warning citizens to arm themselves, because there will not be police officers to answer calls for help:
Speaking to WSVN News, Rivera said, “If the mayor’s not going to provide security, then my recommendation, as an experienced law enforcement officer for nearly 40 years, is either buy yourself an attack dog, put bars on your windows and doors and get yourself some firearms because you’re going to have to protect yourselves.”
More @ Bearing Arms
Is The Fed Going To Attempt A Controlled Collapse?
Via Jonathan
As most Fed watchers know, last week was interesting because Janet Yellen, speaking at IMF came out and said something quite surprising. In a nutshell, she said “It’s not the Fed’s job to pop bubbles”. While many market participants immediately took this to mean, “To the moon, Alice!”
and started buying equities hand over fist, there’s another possible explanation for Mrs. Yellen’s proclamation of unwillingness: The Fed could be preparing to do exactly what it said it wouldn’t.
As most Fed watchers know, last week was interesting because Janet Yellen, speaking at IMF came out and said something quite surprising. In a nutshell, she said “It’s not the Fed’s job to pop bubbles”. While many market participants immediately took this to mean, “To the moon, Alice!”
and started buying equities hand over fist, there’s another possible explanation for Mrs. Yellen’s proclamation of unwillingness: The Fed could be preparing to do exactly what it said it wouldn’t.
Here’s a quick re-cap of events: In the recently
released Annual Report of the BIS: Bank for International
Settlements (commonly thought of as the “central bank’s central bank”)
the BIS made a rather ominous recommendation to it’s member banks: Pop this bubble now. Their specific language wasn’t quite so direct, but the message was just as clear.
The risk of normalising too late and too gradually should not be underestimated… The trade-off is now between the risk of bringing forward the downward leg of the cycle and that of suffering a bigger bust later on.
Few are ready to curb financial booms that make everyone feel illusively richer. Or to hold back on quick fixes for output slowdowns, even if such measures threaten to add fuel to unsustainable financial booms," …
"The road ahead may be a long one. All the more reason, then, to start the journey sooner rather than later.
More @ Alt-Market
10 Places We Read 'Assault and Flattery' to Annoy Feminists
Townhall News Editor Katie Pavlich’s new book ‘"Assault and Flattery" exposes the Democrat Party’s manipulative tactics in trying to convince women Republicans are taking away their reproductive rights. In reality, Pavlich explains, it’s the Democrats who are waging a war on women by telling them to vote with their lady parts instead of their brains and trying to take limit their Second Amendment rights with cries of "gun control!" It’s the perfect book to annoy liberals. Here are just a few places we went around the nation’s capital reading "Assault and Flattery" to prickle some feminist feathers.
1. Planned Parenthood’s downtown clinic in D.C.
More @ Townhall
Federal funding to La Raza more than doubled after former VP joined Obama administration
Via avordvet
Federal funding surged to a radical immigration group under the Obama
administration after a former top member of the organization joined the
Obama team in 2009.
In 2009, Cecilia Muñoz was appointed as the Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of Intergovernmental Affairs in the Obama administration. She served in this position until January of 2012 when she became the President’s Domestic Policy Advisor and the Director of the Domestic Policy Council, a position which coordinates the domestic policy making process in the White House.
Muñoz is the former Vice President for the Office of Research, Advocacy, and Legislation for the National Council of La Raza (NCLR), one of the most radical groups today behind the push for a compete overhaul of the United States immigration system. She is married to Amit Muñoz-Pandya, a human rights lawyer and former counselor to the Open Society Institute, which was established and funded by liberal billionaire George Soros.
Prior to Muñoz joining the Obama administration, La Raza received $4.1 million in federal funds.
When President Obama brought her aboard in 2009, he issued a special “ethics waiver” since it violated his lobbyist ban. In 2011, it was reported by Judicial Watch that between 2009 and 2010, the funding increased from $4.1 million to $11 million — more than doubling and nearly tripling.
In 2009, Cecilia Muñoz was appointed as the Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of Intergovernmental Affairs in the Obama administration. She served in this position until January of 2012 when she became the President’s Domestic Policy Advisor and the Director of the Domestic Policy Council, a position which coordinates the domestic policy making process in the White House.
Muñoz is the former Vice President for the Office of Research, Advocacy, and Legislation for the National Council of La Raza (NCLR), one of the most radical groups today behind the push for a compete overhaul of the United States immigration system. She is married to Amit Muñoz-Pandya, a human rights lawyer and former counselor to the Open Society Institute, which was established and funded by liberal billionaire George Soros.
Prior to Muñoz joining the Obama administration, La Raza received $4.1 million in federal funds.
When President Obama brought her aboard in 2009, he issued a special “ethics waiver” since it violated his lobbyist ban. In 2011, it was reported by Judicial Watch that between 2009 and 2010, the funding increased from $4.1 million to $11 million — more than doubling and nearly tripling.
More @ Capitol City Project
Muscle cars break the 700-horsepower barrier
Via WiscoDave
As if it were the 1960s all over again, Detroit automakers are
pushing horsepower in what's left of their muscle car lineups to new
But having just announced 700 horsepower in a production car, some experts question whether it's more power than most potential buyers can handle.
The bar was raised last week by Chrysler Group's Dodge, which announced that a special version of the Challenger will spit out 707 horsepower for the first time in a production car. Ford Motor and General Motors' Chevrolet are already within striking distance:
But having just announced 700 horsepower in a production car, some experts question whether it's more power than most potential buyers can handle.
The bar was raised last week by Chrysler Group's Dodge, which announced that a special version of the Challenger will spit out 707 horsepower for the first time in a production car. Ford Motor and General Motors' Chevrolet are already within striking distance:
More @ USA Today
NC: Family Says Woman Shouldn’t Face Charges After One Son Kills The Other With A Gun Found In The Home
The family of a North Carolina woman says that she should not be facing charges after her 9-year-old son was killed by her 12-year-old son with a pistol he found in their home.
The mother’s defense?
She claims that the firearm was left in the home by an ex-boyfriend, and that she didn’t know the handgun was there:
Amy Suzanne Pittman, 36, was arrested Wednesday on manslaughter and 10 other charges in the April 28 death of Christian Patterson, who authorities say was shot by his 12-year-old brother while they played with a gun at their home on Macon Street.
More @ Bearing Arms
'We're really sorry': US sends 14,000 draft notices to men born in 1800s
No, the United States isn't trying to build a military force of centenarians.
It just seems that way after the Selective Service System mistakenly sent notices to more than 14,000 Pennsylvania men born between 1893 and 1897, ordering them to register for the nation's military draft and warning that failure to do so is "punishable by a fine and imprisonment."
The agency realized the error when it began receiving calls from bewildered relatives last week.
More with video @ Fox
Transfer of illegals to San Diego halted after scabies outbreak
Border-security activists are celebrating an announcement by U.S. Customs and Border Protection that flights carrying illegal aliens from Texas to San Diego County have been suspended, but warn an outbreak of scabies among undocumented Central Americans already processed and released poses a health danger to their communities.
Since last week, three flights carrying a total of 420 border-crossers – mostly women and children – have arrived in the San Diego area. Most have been processed and released. A fourth with 140 aliens was scheduled for Thursday, but that flight has reportedly been cancelled.
Gabe Pacheco, a Border Patrol agent in San Diego and a union spokesman, said agents are now going to rely on existing technology that allows agents to process migrants in Texas using video equipment, reported the San Diego Union-Tribune.
Two senior Border Patrol sources confirmed to WND that, of those released, more than 100 have been diagnosed with scabies, and five border agents have been infected as well due to their contact with the illegals. Multiple cases of fever have been documented among children, as well as several cases where children were coughing up blood. Tuberculosis is suspected in those cases. Also reported, but unconfirmed, were possible cases of the H1N1 virus.
More @ WND
Life, Liberty, and Property – Sovereignty’s Last Stand
If the government can
take your private property by regulation, taxation, or outright
confiscation through eminent domain abuse, is it really yours or are
they just letting you use it as long as you are an obedient servant?
To our nation’s
founders, the totality of your private property consisted of your land,
your home, your possessions, the work of your hands, the ideas of your
mind, and your life itself.
This concept dates back thousands of years. Four of the Ten Commandments deal specifically with private property:
1. Thou shalt not covet
2. Thou shalt not steal
3. Thou shalt not bear false witness
4. Thou shalt not kill
2. Thou shalt not steal
3. Thou shalt not bear false witness
4. Thou shalt not kill
“The right to own
private property that cannot be arbitrarily regulated or confiscated by
the government is the moral and constitutional basis for individual
freedom” is the credo of Dr. Dan’s Freedom Forum.
A legal definition of Private Property was written by Washington State Supreme Court Justice Richard B. Sanders in 1997:
More @ Dr. Dan's Freedom Forum
Oh Help. Oh Help. Oh Help.
Here is a news item that I once might have made up as parody. It is hard, though, to imagine anything too absurd not to exist in a university.
“Female Arizona State University students can receive extra credit for defying social norms and refusing to shave for 10 weeks during the semester.”
Accompanying the news of this enlightened policy was a photograph of the beneficiaries triumphantly exhibiting their armpits. The children were of course trying to shock, which is normal among adolescents. What once would actually have shocked is that the alleged adults in the alleged university encourage their alleged scholars in extended juvenility. (Stray thought: Why are so many feminists ugly enough to make a freight train take a dirt road?)
More @ Fred On Everything
Shoot Test: Version 4.2.3 Spall Guard and Maingun Patriot Plate
Via WiscoDave
As many of my readers know by now, steel plates offer tremendous advantages (low cost, extreme durability/multiple hits, thin profile), but do suffer from issues with front-face spall (fragmentation caused by defeated rounds) and weight. Most solutions that attempt to address this issue exacerbate the weight, and negate the advantage of a thin profile.
D-Rmor Gear spall guards address the issue while remaining lightweight and keeping the thin steel plate profile, while stopping 95-98% of all front face spall. The newest version exhibits improved extreme angle spall capture, as shown by the test below.
The plate used was the excellent Maingun Surplus Patriot plate, in flat profile. The plate was placed at a 12 degree angle (to focus the splash pattern more strongly toward the upper edge where the neck/throat would be). This is closer to a worst-case scenario shot, since the residual velocity of the spall is higher.
The test rounds were M855, 20″ barrel, 3000 fps @ 10 FEET. The witness method was a cardboard box. The shoot consisted of two shots, the first with the D-Rmor Gear Version 4.2.3 spall guard installed, the second with the bare plate. The pictures below show the witness box after the first and second shots for direct comparison purposes.

As many of my readers know by now, steel plates offer tremendous advantages (low cost, extreme durability/multiple hits, thin profile), but do suffer from issues with front-face spall (fragmentation caused by defeated rounds) and weight. Most solutions that attempt to address this issue exacerbate the weight, and negate the advantage of a thin profile.
D-Rmor Gear spall guards address the issue while remaining lightweight and keeping the thin steel plate profile, while stopping 95-98% of all front face spall. The newest version exhibits improved extreme angle spall capture, as shown by the test below.
The plate used was the excellent Maingun Surplus Patriot plate, in flat profile. The plate was placed at a 12 degree angle (to focus the splash pattern more strongly toward the upper edge where the neck/throat would be). This is closer to a worst-case scenario shot, since the residual velocity of the spall is higher.
The test rounds were M855, 20″ barrel, 3000 fps @ 10 FEET. The witness method was a cardboard box. The shoot consisted of two shots, the first with the D-Rmor Gear Version 4.2.3 spall guard installed, the second with the bare plate. The pictures below show the witness box after the first and second shots for direct comparison purposes.
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