Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Bear Attack Stopped With .45 ACP On Second Floor Of Motel

Via Herschel


Dean Weingarten writing at Ammoland.
He turned around, and looked. There, no more than 20 feet away, its feet on a tipped over trash can, was a huge black bear. The bear did not notice him immediately.
But Greg’s dog had come out, and peaked around the corner. It growled and emitted a bark, Grrrr..ru..ruff! The bear jumped over the downed trash can, landed with a Woof!, and charged directly at Greg.
Everything happened extremely fast, but Greg had moved into the psychological state of tachypsychia, where everything seems to slow down. This is a common effect when a human perceives a deadly threat. The effect also distorts distance, and can cause tunnel vision, focused on the threat.
Greg said: Oh f*ck! The .45 Kimber appeared in his hand and he was firing, with the bear taking up his whole field of vision. Greg told me:

Tucker: Media pushed Democrats toward impeachment (& Dying on the Hill is their only Option.) :)

The Dispossession of White America in 13 Maps

Via Reborn


In the beginning of his book, Suicide of the West (1964), James Burnham wrote, “While working on this book one morning, I happened to come across, lingering on a remote shelf, an historical atlas left over from my school days long, long ago. I drew it out and began idly turning the pages.”

Continuing, he notes:

Second Adam Schiff Staffer Linked to Burisma-Backed Think Tank, ‘Close Friends’ with Alleged ‘Whistleblower’

Andrew Harrer-Pool/Getty Images

Yet another staffer for Rep. Adam Schiff served as a fellow for the Atlantic Council, a think tank that is funded by and works in partnership with Burisma, the natural gas company at the center of allegations regarding Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden.

Sean Misko has been described as “close friends” with Eric Ciaramella, whom Real Clear Investigations suggests is the likely so-called whistleblower.  Misko reportedly joined Schiff’s staff at the House Intelligence Committee in August – the same month the so-called whistleblower’s complaint was filed after first reportedly interfacing with a staffer for Schiff’s office.

Misko in 2015 was a yearlong “Millennium Fellow” at the Burisma-funded Atlantic Council, which has been under the microscope for its ties to other individuals associated with the Trump impeachment inquiry. 

More @ Breitbart

Impeachment Polls Prove Schiff Hearings Were a Huge Failure & Democrat Brenda Lawrence Suggests Impeachment Exit Strategy — but Quickly Recants

 (INSET: Donald Trump) WASHINGTON, DC - NOVEMBER 19: (L-R) Democratic Counsel Daniel Goldman and committee chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) confer as they listen as former National Security Council Senior Director for European and Russian Affairs Tim Morrison and former State Department special envoy to Ukraine Kurt Volker testify before …

The latest impeachment polling has come in from HuffPost, CNN, and Politico, and it proves Adam Schiff’s House hearings were a massive failure.

This is not just a massive fail on Schiff’s part — it is also a massive media fail. Because, if you recall the last two weeks, Schiff’s kangaroo court was backed by billions and billions of dollars in corporate propaganda through the fake media, including far-left CNN, MSNBC, and even a number of lying morons on Fox News, like Chris Wallace and Andrew Napolitano.

What’s more, as a means to give Schiff’s hoax the air of legitimacy, all the major networks broadcast the hearing live throughout the day, which included commentary from their own left-wing analysts.

More @ Breitbart


 WASHINGTON, DC - JUNE 21: U.S. House Minority Leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) (L) and Rep. Brenda Lawrence (D-MI) (R) listen during a "shadow hearing" before the Democratic Women's Working Group (DWWG) June 21, 2018 on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. The hearing addressed immigration and family separation at the …

Rep. Brenda Lawrence (D-MI) has withdrawn her suggestion of “censure” instead of impeaching President Donald Trump — a trial balloon for an exit strategy in response to dismal polling for Rep. Adam Schiff’s impeachment hearings.

After her radio remarks blew up overnight, Lawrence issued a statement declaring “I still support impeachment”:

More @ Breitbart

Inmates react to Kanye West's performance

Via Adrienne Marie

Another Trump in Office? NYT Floats Don Jr., Lara for NY House Seat

Via Billy

Image result for Another Trump in Office? NYT Floats Don Jr., Lara for NY House Seat

I can just imagine the tears that were falling on a laptop in The New York Times’ Midtown Manhattan headquarters as this headline was being typed out: “Could Donald Jr. or Lara Trump Run for Office in New York, and Win?”

Potentially, the answer is yes. J. David Goodman writes in a piece published Monday that speculating about the electoral possibilities of a second Trump is “not only a parlor game — it’s a matter of finding the right opportunity for the right Trump.”

Lo and behold, that opportunity might be opening up in New York. Rep. Peter King, a longtime fixture in New York politics, is stepping down from his Long Island seat after a quarter-century in Congress.

More @ WJ

A Warning From South Africa

Via  Wes

Calls for monuments to be removed, calls intimating that the flag, national anthem and even names of places be changed is not a surprise to me.  You may ask why?  Well this is the exact same strategy that has been carried out over the last several years in South Africa.  Province names, city and town names, airport names and yes, the flag and national anthem had to change.  
Random Thoughts from An Immigrant

I was blessed with the opportunity to settle in the US about 15 years ago.  The road to permanent residency and citizenship was fraught with frustration and financial costs.  That typed, I thank God each day for bringing me here and I also thank Him for my citizenship, The Constitution and the friends that have been placed in my path.

I would like to get a few frustrations off my chest.

I was born and raised in South Africa, a wonderful country with countless natural resources, friendly and hospitable people, stunning wildlife and breathtaking scenery.  Growing up, I saw the twilight years of the Apartheid era and that was indeed a dark time in the country’s history.  I was one of countless whites who voted for change and with Mandela’s release and the ANC taking power in 1991, there was a feeling of hope and excitement that this new chapter in the country’s history would have the people working together to build on what was a solid infrastructure.

More @ NC Renegade

Rep. Adam Schiff Planning More Impeachment Hearings After Dems, Media (+ NYT) Complain He Didn’t Make His Case

WASHINGTON, DC - NOVEMBER 13: Democratic Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Adam Schiff speaks to charge d'Affaires at the US embassy in Ukraine Bill Taylor and Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasia George Kent during the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence hearing on the impeachment inquiry into US President Donald J. Trump, on Capitol Hill November 13, 2019 in Washington, DC. In the first public impeachment hearings in more than two decades, House Democrats are trying to build a case that President Donald Trump committed extortion, bribery or coercion by trying to enlist Ukraine to investigate his political rival in exchange for military aide and a White House meeting that Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky sought with Trump.

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) says he’s planning a new round of impeachment hearings amid claims from Democrats and the media that House Democrats did not make their case for impeachment.

Over the weekend, The Daily Wire reported that vulnerable Democrats — and even left-leaning media stalwart, The New York Times — were questioning whether Democratic leadership should move forward on an impeachment vote, given that the House Intelligence Committee, led by Schiff, failed to do much more than establish circumstantial evidence of a possible quid pro quo agreement between the president and Ukrainian officials.

Sex-Ed Program Teaches Six-Year-Olds How To ‘Self-Stimulate.’ This Is Why Sex-Ed Should Be Abolished.

 children raising their hands in a classroom

A new sex-ed curriculum recently instituted in some classrooms in the United Kingdom is one of the most blatant examples of institutionalized child sex abuse that we’ve seen in the West. As the Daily Mail reports, the All About Me program being unveiled in over 240 schools across the country would give very young children “rules” for “touching yourself.” The Mail offers details about these rules:

Thanksgiving: The Forgotten History of America's Thanksgiving and What It Commemorates


Thanksgiving is the oldest national holiday in the United States. However, it’s observation is not a continuous presence in American history. While the celebration of Thanksgiving predates even the founding of the nation, it was proclaimed by George Washington, then ignored by Thomas Jefferson. From then on, it was sporadically observed until Abraham Lincoln, who once again introduced a National Day of Prayer and Thanksgiving to the United States.

More @ Ammo.com

“I Have Initiated the Destruction of the Republic!”

13:44:42, to FBI Employee 1: “I mean, I never really liked the Republic anyway.”
13:44:52, to FBI Employee 2: “I mean, I never really liked the Republic anyway.”
14:01:52, to FBI Employee 3: “As I have initiated the destruction of the republic…. Would you be so kind as to have a coffee with me this afternoon?

Washington, the Cesspool of the World, Will Never Rat on Itself

 Image result for Washington, the Cesspool of the World, Will Never Rat on Itself

Former US Attorney Joe diGenova predicts that US Justice (sic) Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report on the Obama regime’s FISA court violations and US Attorney John Durham’s criminal investigation of the Russiagate hoax perpetrated by the CIA, FBI, Democratic National Committee, and presstitute media will be “very bad for people in the Obama administration. . . . it’s going to be devastating . . . it’s going to ruin careers.”

For the sake of accountable government, I hope that Mr. diGenova is right. But I have my doubts.

Bloomberg Campaign Manager Breaks Bad News to Democrats: 'Trump Is Winning'

Via Billy

This is one election analysis Democrats don’t want to hear.

The campaign manager for billionaire and former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, the latest contender to enter the crowded field for the Democratic presidential nomination, told CNN in an interview Monday that coastal liberals might not realize it, but the man in the Oval Office is on a path to winning another term.

More @ WJ

The Resistance Digs Their Hole Deeper


The CIA, the FBI, the State Department have all been players in the coup to overthrow Mr. Trump and the news media played along the whole way. They doubled, tripled, and quadrupled down on their dishonest narrative and now they are trapped in it. They are desperate to evade responsibility for all this. Many people think they will succeed. Many people want to believe the story that Russia hacked the 2016 election to help Mr. Trump defeat Hillary. The story is not true. The perps are finally being found out. They are willing to bring the country down rather than face the consequences.

“No, you don’t understand. It was the Russians, I tell you, the Russians!” And so, with a holiday recess for Adam Schiff’s impeachment soap opera, and news that DOJ Inspector General Horowitz will unload in early December, the media vassals of the Deep State are giving you their own turkey gristle to chew on: “The Russians did it! Yes, really, they did! Believe us!”

Perhaps The New York Times has hooked up to a direct line of Burisma’s product as they flood the darkened arena with eerie blue gaslight. Friday, they featured a story — Russia Inquiry Review Is Said to Criticize F.B.I. but Rebuff Claims of Biased Acts — geared to make readers think that the entire FBI FISA warrant hair-ball came down to one lowly lawyer chump named Kevin Clinesmith messing with an email. Later, Times reporter Adam Goldman, posted this (above) howler on Twitter.

More @ Kunstler

"It would have been just as easy to show up and burn this place to the ground. They better listen to us."

Image result for It would have been just as easy to show up and burn this place to the ground. They better listen to us.

This is the peaceful part. Politicians - ignore it at your own peril.

Overheard - "It would have been just as easy to show up and burn this place to the ground. They better listen to us."

I'm sure he was serious - it was said quietly with determination. And all the grim faces around him nodded in agreement.

--Red in OleVirginny

Trump Says He Stands With Hong Kong Protesters; US, China in ‘Final Throes’ of Trade Deal

President Donald Trump steps out of the Oval Office before posing for photographs with Conan, the U.S. military K9 that assisted in the raid that killed ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, on the Rose Garden colonnade at the White House Nov. 25, 2019 in Washington. (Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

President Donald Trump said on Nov. 26 that the United States and China are close to finalizing a phase one trade agreement.

“We are in the final throes of a very important deal, I guess you could say one of the most important deals in trade ever,” Trump told reporters at the White House on Nov. 26.