Friday, December 26, 2014

Announcement: The Complete Obama Timeline

Via LH

Obama family, friends, and close associates

“The Complete Obama Timeline exceeds 10,000 pages and includes more than 65,000 online references. Nowhere will you find a more complete history of Obama’s activities, from his birth to the present. The Timeline is (usually) updated on a daily basis. If it’s in the news and related to Obama, it’s in the Timeline.I scour the Internet, newspapers, magazines, and television reports every day, and then distill all the important stories to a few pages that you can read in just a few minutes. I do the research so that you do not have to. Just click on “The Timeline” tab above, and then click on the current month. Look for the text that is highlighted in yellow – that is the new text that was added the previous evening. … ”

More @  CDR Kerchner

Deconstructing Historical Memory,204,203,200_.jpg

Like Russian Bolsheviks before them, the African National Congress regime in New South Africa renamed established cities and roadways for heroes of the communist revolution. In post-revolution Russia, the Society of Marxist Historians “demanded a review of all existing historical literature, and students of the Institute of Red Professors were formed into brigades preparing assessments of large portions of the existing literature for publication in the press.” This trend continues in New South Africa, and the United States.
Bernhard Thuersam,

Deconstructing Historical Memory

“It may be a trifling issue to deracinated sophisticates, but landmarks in the country’s founding history are slowly being erased, as demonstrated by the ANC’s decision to give an African name to Potchefstroom, a town founded in 1838 by the Vortrekkers. Pretoria is now called Tshwane. Nelspruit, founded by the Nel family (they were not Xhosa), and once the seat of the South African Republic’s government during the first Boer War, has been renamed Mbombela. Polokwane was formerly Pietersburg. Durban’s Moore Road (after Sir John Moore, the hero of the Battle of Corunna, fought in 1808 during the Napoleonic Wars) is Che Guevara Road; Kensington Drive, [now] Fidel Castro Drive.

Perhaps the ultimate in tastelessly hip nomenclature is Yasser Arafat Highway, down which the motorist can careen on the way to the Durban airport.

The Afrikaans tongue, in particular, has come under the ANC’s attack, as the government attempts to compel Afrikaans schools to adopt English. Afrikaans-speaking universities have been labeled as “racist” in the New South Africa, and have been forced to merge with “third-rate black institutions so that campuses may be swamped by blacks demanding instruction in English.”

On the supplanting of the Afrikaans language, Dan Roodt relates: “Not so long ago, and Indian employee at my local branch of the Absa Bank demanded to know if I was a legal resident in South Africa upon hearing me speak a foreign language, Afrikaans.”

The ANC’s attempt to tame and claim South African history mimics the effort by American elites to deconstruct American history and memory, documented by Samuel Huntington in “Who Are We?.” Wishing to purge America of her “sinful European inheritance,” bureaucrats, mediacrats, educrats, assorted policy wonks and intellectuals trashed the concept of America as melting pot.

In its place, they insisted on ensconcing multiculturalism, inherent in which is a denunciation of America’s Western foundation and a glorification of non-Western cultures. This mindset does not permit pedagogues to reject faux Afrocentric faux-history outright. They dare not – not if the goal of education is to be achieved, and that goal is an increase in self esteem among young Africans, in particular.

Other self-styled victim groups, notably natives and women, have had their suppurating historical wounds similarly tended with curricular concessions. Thus, of the 670 stories and articles in “twenty-two readers for grades three and six published in the 1970s and early 1980s . . . none had anything to do with American history since 1780.” The trend, documented by Huntington, accelerated well into the year 2000, when Congress, alarmed by the nation’s historical Alzheimer’s, made an anemic effort to correct decades of deconstruction. It allocated more funds to the Department of Education, which is a lot like letting the proverbial fox guard the historical henhouse.”

(Into the Cannibal’s Pot, Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa, Ilana Mercer, Stairway Press, 2011, pp. 80-81)

Homeowner shoots, kills man demanding to get inside home


A man who repeatedly rang a doorbell and knocked on a front door was fatally shot Friday morning by the homeowner after the two fought in a yard, authorities said Friday.

Before he was shot to death, Spencer Crandall, 31, repeatedly demanded to be let in the house in the 12000 block of Carpenter Lane, said Wise County Sheriff David Walker on Friday.

The homeowner did not know Crandall, Walker said.

More with video @ WFAA

WATCH: 17-year-old girl gets the surprise of a lifetime during traffic stop

 It got me.

After a rough year spent in and out of Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin for a rare, life-threatening condition, a Saukville teenager got a Christmas surprise from her dad. The big surprise wasn’t only the gift — but how he delivered it.

It all started back on November 21st, when Audra Daniloff was pulled over by a Saukville police officer (see complete video below). The officer told her at the time, it was because she rolled through a stop sign. In reality, it was a set-up.

“I got some good news and some bad news for you, okay?” said the officer. “The bad news, first I am giving you two tickets. But they are not the type of tickets you think. One is a plane ticket to New York. The other is a concert ticket for your favorite band.”

More @ Fox 6

On The Way To Utah Beach

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Seventy Years Ago Today: Utah Beach, Normandy

"If you take a look at the man in the front with the Garand in the plastic bag that was my Uncle Steve on the way to Utah Beach. The VFW Magazine had that picture on the front of the magazine for the anniversary. We never knew they were going to put him on there. He was an old man in a recliner and when a family member saw the cover they said "Steve that looks like you" he glanced over for a minute and then said "That is me". The second pic is of the 50 year plate that was issued. My uncle is the soldier on the plate. We have lost all but a few of the greatest generation.

Figured you might like this,
Keep you powder dry,
Take care

Christmas Music Is Still Playing At Beach Boogie & Blues


1971 Dodge Hemi Charger R/T Pilot Car: The First 1971 Hemi Charger Built

Pilot cars are crucial to the introduction of a new model. They are the first cars to come off the assembly line, in service to establishing proper assembly procedures, part fitment and other details prior to commencing full assembly line production. This is achieved by building several versions incorporating various combinations of options and powertrains. In the case of the all-new 1971 Dodge Charger R/T and Super Bee, the process typically involved highly optioned pilot vehicles to test for functionality and materials and to ensure the efficiency of their specialized build procedures.

Because they often revealed production deficiencies – their raison d'être, after all – pilot cars were typically destroyed to avoid liability claims. This 1971 Charger Hemi R/T, however, escaped that fate and wound up on the lot at Mr. Norm’s Grand Spaulding Dodge.

More @ MECUM

Cleburne County named for Irish man who became Confederate general

Via Billy

"Well, Govan, if we must die, let us die like men."
Gen. Patrick R. Cleburne

On Dec. 6, 1866, a new county was carved out of Alabama’s Calhoun, Randolph and Talladega counties and named Cleburne County in honor of a Civil War hero.

“The story of his life should be a movie,” said Janet Baber, the artist who painted Confederate Army Maj. Gen. Patrick R. Cleburne’s portrait, which hangs in the Cleburne County Courthouse. “He was such a role model.”

Cleburne was an Irish immigrant who fought for his adopted country — the Confederacy — in the Civil War. He was so well-loved by his men, they requested their home states honor him. Although he settled in Arkansas, Cleburne commanded three Alabama regiments, the 16th, 33rd and 45th. He was engaged to Mobile resident Susan Tarleton when he died in battle. Alabamians who knew of him through those connections were instrumental in getting the county named after him, said Baber, whose ancestors were among them.

Secret meeting of police chiefs suggests bad omen

Via avordvet

 More protests against the police in NYC.

The recent social turmoil revolving around Ferguson, Mo. and the furor surrounding the execution style murders of two NYC cops have raised some serious questions concerning the social stability of the United States. A secret meeting of police chiefs three years ago suggests a bad omen for the foreseeable future.

Underscoring the grave importance of that meeting three years ago is the fact that racial provocateurs have been planning this social upheaval for years. They were merely looking for the right time and place. A president in the Oval Office and an Attorney General in the Department of Justice (DOJ) to support them seems to be all they needed to hit the streets.

Most astute and informed citizens already knew the country was moving toward social and racial upheaval perhaps as never before in our history. All the signs were there. But proving it beyond all shadow of a doubt was thought to be well nigh impossible.

ISIS Says It Will Conquer Europe Soon, Undertake Religious Cleansing And Kill Ruthlessly

Via David

The radical terror group ISIS has claimed that it is only a matter of time before its fighters conquer Europe.  The claim was made by the spokesman of the outfit to veteran journalist Juergen Todenhoefer, who undertook a risky visit to the the ISIS controlled areas in Mosul of Northern Iraq.

‘Best Xmas party of the year': #BlackLivesMatter Trashes Oakland

Via Billy

Christmas Tree Vandalized (@TheReallyRick / Twitter)

Demonstrators participating in a Christmas Day “Black Lives Matter” protest in Oakland against police smashed store windows, injured a journalist, and vandalized the city’s main Christmas tree in Jack London Square in the latest violence associated with the movement.

 More @ Breitbart

ISIS propaganda replaces major newspapers' top story

Via Joe

Image source: KOAT-TV

Federal authorities are on alert after the website of a local newspaper in Albuquerque, New Mexico, was hacked Wednesday.

The newspaper’s top online story about the 1971 slaying of a state police officer was removed and replaced with pro-Islamic State propaganda in an article titled “CHRISTMAS WILL NEVER BE MERRY ANY LONGER,” KRWG-TV reported. The mystery post reportedly warned residents that their privacy was being invaded.

More @ The Blaze

Topless Feminist Steals Baby Jesus From Vatican Nativity Display

Via Michael

After shoving crosses up their butts last month, the militant feminist group known as FEMEN have staged yet another “protest”. This time, one of their members stormed the Vatican nativity scene on Christmas day and tried to kidnap the baby Jesus.

From the FEMEN webpage:

Rand Paul Hints Nazi Era Actions Set to Take Place Under Obama

Via Joe

If you ever get the feeling that there are some people in government who are trying to send out small, subtle warnings about what’s to come, you’re not alone.

Rand Paul is one of those voices in the darkness who might be giving us a glimpse into the not-so-distant future.

One thing’s absolutely certain. At some point in time, the U.S. as we know it will crumble. The constitutional society we’ve grown to love will completely disintegrate before our eyes. Sadly, it could happen in the next few months, or years… there’s no telling when.

More with @ Survival Joe's

NC: Fallen Marine's Medals Stolen During Break-in At Widow's Home

Via LH

Medals awarded to a U.S. Marine from upstate New York who died after being wounded in Afghanistan have been stolen from his widow's home in North Carolina.

The parents of Christopher Bordoni tell The Ithaca Journal ( ) that the military decorations were among the items stolen from Jessica Bordoni's Wilmington, North Carolina, home during a break-in last Wednesday.

More with pictures @ WNCN

NC: Follow Up: Multiple Shots Fired Into Home of 14 Year Old Who Shot, Killed Home Invader Last Week

Via Harry

Last week we reported the story of a 14 year old boy who shot and killed a home invader that broke into his grandparent’s home.

Now, it looks like someone is looking for revenge. There are reports that multiple shots were fired into the boy’s home on Christmas Eve.