Here we arrive at George Luther Stearns, another of John Brown’s
Secret Six supporters.
Mr. Stearns was an industrialist and a merchant. As such, he was pretty
well fixed financially. However, it had not always been so. Stearns’
early life had not been easy and he had been in a position where he had
to work to support his family, starting at age 15.
Stearns was involved very early on with the Emigrant Aid Society,
helping to get anti-slavery settlers into Kansas. Wikipedia noted that
“Stearns was one of the
Secret Six who aided Brown in
Kansas, and financially supported him until Brown’s execution after the
ill-fated raid on Harpers Ferry.
Stearns physically owned the pikes and
200 Sharps rifles brought to Harpers Ferry by Brown and his followers.
Following Brown’s arrest, Stearns briefly fled to Canada but returned to
Medford (Mass.) after Brown’s death…”