Saturday, August 16, 2014
Government Declares War On Its Own People
Via LH
For any who have seen the movie Gods and Generals you may remember one scene right near the beginning of the movie, where Robert E. Lee, played by Robert Duval, stated “This is the first time in history that a president has threatened to invade his own country.” Although it was just a movie, that was a pretty accurate assessment of Lincoln’s intentions should much of the South decide to secede because it did not want to continue to pay 85% of the tariffs for the entire country.
Once the Southern states did secede, a legitimate act and not treason, contrary to what today’s “historians” tell us, Lincoln proceeded to invade the Confederate States in the most brutal manner possible.
In the process of trying to subjugate the Confederate States, the Lincoln administration and its Yankee/Marxist hoards “unofficially” declared war not only on the South but on the North as well. Most Northerners fail to realize this.
For any who have seen the movie Gods and Generals you may remember one scene right near the beginning of the movie, where Robert E. Lee, played by Robert Duval, stated “This is the first time in history that a president has threatened to invade his own country.” Although it was just a movie, that was a pretty accurate assessment of Lincoln’s intentions should much of the South decide to secede because it did not want to continue to pay 85% of the tariffs for the entire country.
Once the Southern states did secede, a legitimate act and not treason, contrary to what today’s “historians” tell us, Lincoln proceeded to invade the Confederate States in the most brutal manner possible.
In the process of trying to subjugate the Confederate States, the Lincoln administration and its Yankee/Marxist hoards “unofficially” declared war not only on the South but on the North as well. Most Northerners fail to realize this.
More @ Revised History
Boko Haram kills almost 1,000 Christians in Gwoza, Nigeria

The death toll from Boko Haram's takeover of the predominantly Christian town of Gwoza is nearly 1,000, not the 100 included in many reports, Nigerian relations expert Adeniyi Ojutiku told Baptist Press.
The Nigerian military abandoned their weapons and fled Gwoza as Boko Haram attacked Wednesday (Aug. 6), burning government buildings, killing residents and taking hostages. Some residents managed to flee to the mountains bordering Cameroon and are without food or water; others made it 85 miles north to Maiduguri, Associated French Press (AFP) and others reported.
News surfaced just today (Aug. 15) of a separate Aug. 10 attack on the remote village of Doron Baga in northeastern Nigeria, where Boko Haram kidnapped dozens of boys and men, leaving women, girls and young children abandoned there.
More @ Townhall
FBI: New Black Panther leader inciting violence in Ferguson
On Wednesday, Fox St. Louis reported that the Federal Bureau of Investigation has warned that a leader of the radical New Black Panther Party is in Ferguson, Mo., advocating violence against police.
"FBI confirmed document that says new black panther leader is in area encouraging violence against cops did indeed come from FBI," tweeted Fox 2 reporter Roche Madden. Earlier in the day, he issued a tweet indicating that he was attempting to get confirmation of the document from the FBI. On Tuesday, he said rocks were being thrown at patrol cars and officers were targeted with death threats.
More @ Examiner
Ferguson teen's rap lyrics link to drug use: Own words suggest motive for 'cigar' robbery
Just minutes before he was shot and killed by a police officer, sparking days of looting and riots in Ferguson, Missouri, 18-year-old Michael Brown was allegedly robbing a convenience store for cigars, which, a WND investigation reveals,
More @ WND
Soros Boosts Bet on Market Collapse to $2 Billion
Billionaire investor George Soros has increased his financial bet that U.S. stocks will collapse to more than $2 billion.
The legendary hedge fund manager has been raising his negative bet on the Standard & Poor's 500 Index since late last year.
The latest 13-F filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission shows that Soros Fund Management increased its position in “puts” on the SPDR S&P 500 exchange-traded fund by a staggering amount in the second quarter from the first.
More @ Newsmax
Did Ukraine Attack Its Own Tanks? White House "Can't Confirm Russian Convoy Was Destroyed By Kiev"
Via comment by Terry on Oh My: Fighting Breaks Out Between Russia and Ukra...
While today's trading session was marked by news which at first blush correlated with what may be the 2014 equivalent of the Archduke Ferdinand shooting, in retrospect the newsflow made painfully little sense. Let's recap:
Stock image
While today's trading session was marked by news which at first blush correlated with what may be the 2014 equivalent of the Archduke Ferdinand shooting, in retrospect the newsflow made painfully little sense. Let's recap:
- Yesterday afternoon, two UK reporters working for the Guardian and Telegraph, supposedly located by the border in east Ukraine, reported that they were "eyewitnesses" as a convoy of military trucks crossed the Russian border into the breakaway Donetsk republic, aka Ukraine. While there have been photos of the military trucks that have accompanied the Russian humantiarian convoy on Russian territory, there has so far been no proof, aside from said eyewitness reports, confirming Russian military vehicles entered or were in Ukraine.
- This morning Ukraine military’s spokesman, Andriy Lysenko, shocked the world when newswires reported that Ukraine forces had attacked an armed convoy from Russia, and "destroyed" a part of it. This was subsequently reiterated by the president of Ukraine himself who said that "the given information was trustworthy and confirmed because the majority of that machines had been eliminated by the Ukrainian artillery at night", and by the secretary-general of NATO, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, who said that the alliance had detected an “incursion” of vehicles from Russia last night, adding that “what we have seen last night is the continuation of what we have seen for some time." Alas, as in the case above, just more verbal reports, with zero actual evidence.
- Shortly thereafter, Russia responded when the Russian defense ministry said that there was no Russian military column that crossed into Eastern Ukraine, and that the above reports are based on "some fantasies."
More @ Zero Hedge
Count for Yourself How Many Seconds It Takes SWAT Team to Shatter House’s Window, Glass Door After Knocking and Announcing Search Warrant
Carrying Concealed In The ‘Busybody Culture’
One of the first things any competent carry instructor teaches his or her students is conflict avoidance
This is (or should be) a basic way of life for all of us who carry firearms for self-defense. Someone with a short temper, a belligerent attitude, or, for lack of a better description, a chip on their shoulder, should seriously consider whether or not they should be carrying a gun.
Not only are such people more likely to get into serious trouble, they can make things more difficult for the rest of us, when their actions lead to greater restrictions on our rights. Thankfully, most of us do go out of our way to avoid confrontations.
More @ Personal Liberty
Ethnic Cleansing in America Circa 1862
strategy of subduing Americans in the South who desired political
independence and a more perfect Union included setting stark starvation
and destruction loose upon the land to convince them otherwise. Before
beginning his Meridian, Mississippi campaign in early 1864, he wrote his
wife, “We will take all provisions, and God help the starving
Bernhard Thuersam, Chairman
North Carolina War Between the States Sesquicentennial Commission
"Unsurpassed Valor, Courage and Devotion to Liberty"
"The Official Website of the North Carolina WBTS Sesquicentennial"
Ethnic Cleansing in America Circa 1862
“Copied from the “Washington Evening Star”:
States Commissioner A.J. Williams, of Cleveland, Ohio, a member of the
Loyal Legion, recently gave out for publication the following letter
written by Gen. Sherman to his brother, Senator John Sherman, in 1862.
Memphis, Tenn., Aug. 13, 1862
My Dear Brother,
. . . At last I got here and found the city contributing gold, arms,
powder, salt and everything the enemy wanted. It was a smart trick on
their part thus to give up Memphis that the desire of gain to our
Northern merchants should supply them with the things needed in war. I
have one man under sentence of death for smuggling arms across the
lines, and hope Mr. Lincoln will approve it.
the mercenary spirit of our people is too much and my orders are
reversed and I am ordered to encourage the trade in cotton, and all
orders prohibiting gold, silver and notes to be paid for it are annulled
by orders from Washington. But what are the lives of our soldiers to
the profits of the merchants?
a whole year of bungling, the country has at last discovered that we
want more men. Now 1,300,000 men are required when 700,000 was deemed
absurd before.
course I will approve the confiscation act, and would be willing to
revolutionize the government so as to amend that Article of the
Constitution which forbids the forfeiture of land to the heirs. My full
belief is, we must colonize the country de novo, beginning with
Kentucky and Tennessee, and should remove 4,000,000 of our people at
once south of the Ohio River, taking the farms and plantations of the
I deplore the war as much as ever, but if the thing has to be done, let the means be adequate.
expect to overrun such a country or subdue such a people in one, two or
five years. It is the task of half a century. We must colonize and
settle as we go South . . . enemies must be killed or transported to
some other country.
Your affectionate brother, W.T. Sherman”
Sherman’s Colonization Scheme, His Comment on Men and Measures in
August 1862, Confederate Veteran, November 1896, pg. 37)
Oh My: Fighting Breaks Out Between Russia and Ukraine?
Another day, another crisis the current administration must contend with:
Ukrainian artillery destroyed a "significant" part of a Russian armoured column that crossed into Ukraine during the night, President Petro Poroshenko told British Prime Minister David Cameron on Friday, according to the presidential website.
Separately, a Ukrainian military spokesman said Ukrainian forces had tracked the Russian armoured column as soon as it crossed onto Ukrainian soil.
"Appropriate actions were undertaken and a part of it no longer exists," military spokesman Andriy Lysenko told journalists.
Poroshenko's website said he and Cameron had discussed the situation by telephone following British news reports that a Russian armoured column had entered Ukrainian territory.
"The president said that this information was reliable and confirmed because a significant part of this equipment had been destroyed in the night by Ukrainian artillery," it said.This, of course, is Ukraine’s interpretation of events. Russia, on the other hand, denied that a dispute of any kind even happened along the border:
More @ Townhall
NC: An Inside Look at How Democrats Rig the Election Game
Via WiscoDave
Elections matter. President Obama proves it every day as he willfully seeks to wreck our nation. But this is very evident elsewhere, too. The 2010 elections reversed decades of Democrat majority control in state houses. Since then, GOP governors and legislatures all over the country have been restoring sanity to state government. Most Americans don’t know this of course, because the media won’t tell you.
One good example is North Carolina.
Elections matter. President Obama proves it every day as he willfully seeks to wreck our nation. But this is very evident elsewhere, too. The 2010 elections reversed decades of Democrat majority control in state houses. Since then, GOP governors and legislatures all over the country have been restoring sanity to state government. Most Americans don’t know this of course, because the media won’t tell you.
One good example is North Carolina.
More with video @ Accuracy In Media
'The Purge' threat circulating social media
Via Charlie
The Purge' is a movie set in the future where for 12 hours, all criminal activity including murder is legal. While the scenario is complete fiction, concern from parents about a social media post is very real.
On Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, you can see a "purge" date has been set for Jacksonville.
"They say that it's going to be Aug. 31," said gang interventionist Ivan Brown.
The Purge' is a movie set in the future where for 12 hours, all criminal activity including murder is legal. While the scenario is complete fiction, concern from parents about a social media post is very real.
On Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, you can see a "purge" date has been set for Jacksonville.
"They say that it's going to be Aug. 31," said gang interventionist Ivan Brown.
More with video @ WTEV
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