Saturday, November 2, 2019
Thomas F. Bayard, Sr.
Yesterday (October 29) was Thomas F. Bayard, Sr.’s birthday, the next to last member of the great Bayard congressional dynasty from Delaware. His great-grandfather, Richard Bassett, signed the Constitution. His grandfather, James A. Bayard, the elder, served in both the House of Representatives and the Senate and cast the deciding vote for Thomas Jefferson in the 1800 election.
His uncle, Richard H. Bayard, served in the Senate and as charge d’affaires to Belgium. His father, James A. Bayard, the younger, served in the Senate and resigned his seat in 1864 due to his manly opposition to the Lincoln administration but later accepted another appointment in time to cast a negative vote in the Andrew Johnson impeachment trial. Thomas F. Bayard assumed his father’s seat in 1869 and was one of the more vocal opponents of radical reconstruction in the Senate.
His speeches were thorough, pointed, and sagacious. The Southern delegation respected Bayard for good reason. He was one of them, a man who understood the Republican regime to be the antithesis of American political principles. Below is a sampling of his work. Happy birthday Mr. Bayard.
“The ruling party in the North seem like insane men and a large party follow them applauding their excesses no matter how frantic or degrading. What can a statesman or a philosopher do with such people?” 1866
“I do not propose to discuss the condition of the people of these three Southern States so-called. I could not trust myself to do it and run through the dreary, wretched catalogue of wrongs to which they have been subjected.” 1869
“Senators of the Radical Party…the South was down and when she was down you struck her. Your blows were foul blows, and were not given in a fair fight. All Christendom cried shame upon you as you inflicted them….” 1870
“Of all exhibitions of human selfishness, of all short-sighted human selfishness that I have ever known in my life, that which I have witnessed in the past four weeks has exceeded all. What has it been? A mere scramble for different interests rushing down here in the closing weeks of a session, each man anxious and willing to thrust his portion of public burden from his own shoulders, and pointing out the convenient back of some neighbor on whom it might rest.” 1870
“I have never believed…that the Southern States have any chance on God’s earth before the Congress of the United States unless they completely submit themselves to the will of the dominant party.” 1871
“If one tenth of the oppression, extortion and outrage were inflicted upon the people of Massachusetts by their officials…there would be a violent and bloody outbreak against it.” 1871
“What powers under the Constitution can be found to authorize the Congress of the United States to enter the States and take into their hands every domestic institution which is covered by this bill? The school, the house of public entertainment, the means of common carriage, the place of amusement, even Sir, the grave itself is not kept sacred for independent wish….All is to be held in the grasp of Federal power….You are seizing into the hands of the Federal power the entire police control of the States.” 1872
“Legislation by Congress seems day by day to be assuming the form and shape of mere military orders.” 1872
NC: Loss of the Replica HMS Bounty, A Personal Recollection
Via Cousin Colby
Loss of the Bounty, A Personal Recollection Late October 2012: My wife and I carefully monitored Hurricane Sandy as she approached our home on Hatteras Island for some time, as hurricanes typically move slowly. The decision to stay or evacuate is always difficult and involves key factors and some best guessing: How strong is it? Sustained wind speeds? Gusts? Location and predicted track? There is a window between leaving too early or too late, or not being able to leave at all. We were still reeling from the catastrophic damage of Hurricane Irene in August of 2011.
It now appeared that Sandy would only brush the Outer Banks on its way to a devastating impact on New Jersey and beyond, so we stayed as the storm raged past. Although we had damage to our home with 4 feet of sound water in our yard and downstairs, later we realized that we had dodged a bullet.
Eventually Hurricane Sandy caused 110 deaths in New Jersey and $50 billion in damage on the northeast coast.

Loss of the Bounty, A Personal Recollection Late October 2012: My wife and I carefully monitored Hurricane Sandy as she approached our home on Hatteras Island for some time, as hurricanes typically move slowly. The decision to stay or evacuate is always difficult and involves key factors and some best guessing: How strong is it? Sustained wind speeds? Gusts? Location and predicted track? There is a window between leaving too early or too late, or not being able to leave at all. We were still reeling from the catastrophic damage of Hurricane Irene in August of 2011.
It now appeared that Sandy would only brush the Outer Banks on its way to a devastating impact on New Jersey and beyond, so we stayed as the storm raged past. Although we had damage to our home with 4 feet of sound water in our yard and downstairs, later we realized that we had dodged a bullet.
Eventually Hurricane Sandy caused 110 deaths in New Jersey and $50 billion in damage on the northeast coast.
More @ Island Free Press
Capitalizing on the Slavery Racket
Mike Hudson was an investigative journalist for the now-defunct Niagara Falls Reporter in 2014, and looked deeply into city plans to erect a monument to the largely mythological “underground railroad” of the mid-nineteenth century.
Hudson wrote in August 2014 that: “City Council approved spending $262,000 to dedicate a park and erect a statue to a woman who by all accounts never set foot in Niagara Falls, Harriet Tubman. The city’s actual role in the underground railroad movement is a speculative one. A study conducted by the city’s underground railroad commission in conjunction with Niagara University, was unable to identify a single site in the city with any indisputable connection to the underground railroad . . . Harriet Tubman’s connection to what is now the city of Niagara Falls is tenuous.”
What Hudson’s research revealed is how city and State governments often willfully engage in what is best-termed historical fraud for the purpose of attracting federal grant monies, and above all, tourists. This will not bode well for the latter misled by the inaccurate displays masquerading as “history.” The Great American Political Divide
Capitalizing on the Slavery Racket
Tubman Myth Central to DeSantis’ Plan for Future:
In one media account last week, it was reported that [city planner] Tom DeSantis would “love to have” a sculpture of Harriet Tubman standing outside the city’s new train station and Underground Railroad Interpretive Center, the latter being a monument to a “history” you can’t find in any history book. Why Harriet Tubman?
DeSantis didn’t say. But it doesn’t seem to be a big stretch to honor a history that never took place with a largely mythological figure who made her living telling tall tales about herself to gullible audiences predisposed to believe anything she said. [There] is but one reference anywhere to something allegedly happening in what is now the city of Niagara Falls.
And that one reference comes from “Scenes in the Life of Harriet Tubman,” a brief narrative written by grade school teacher Sarah H. Bradford that is often referred to as Tubman’s “autobiography.”
According to one paragraph in “Scenes of the Life of Harriet Tubman” by children’s book author Sarah Hopkins Bradford, Tubman accompanied a relative on a train that crossed the Suspension Bridge, near where the Whirlpool Bridge stands.
[The] Niagara Falls Reporter, discovered that of the 19 former slaves Tubman may actually have assisted, there is no proof whatsoever that a single one of them went over the old bridge at what is now the site of the Whirlpool Bridge.
Tubman, of course, could not write an autobiography. An illiterate, she couldn’t even write her own name. Bradford, the author of several children’s books, found Tubman virtually homeless in 1868, took pity, and wrote the book to raise money for Tubman’s care and feeding.
When it came out in 1869, “Scene’s in the Life of Harriet Tubman” was a bestseller. The book contains numerous verifiable whoppers, including an assertion that Jefferson Davis was dead, when he was very much alive, and that Tubman had led 300 former slaves to freedom. In fact, the highest number attributed to her by modern researchers is 70 and more sober estimates are 19, mostly relatives.
[Tubman] would be largely forgotten in Niagara Falls today were it not for the efforts of a man named Kevin Cottrell. Cottrell was a State Parks employee who also owned a business called “Motherland Connextions,” that promoted fairytale, sugar-coated stories of the underground railroad here for gullible tourists. He was employed on the condition that he would not sell his tours while being paid by the city to promote underground railroad “history.”
Cottrell repeatedly told daily newspaper and television reporters that Tubman led 300 escaped slaves across the Whirlpool Bridge to freedom in Canada. The reporters didn’t bother to check his tall tale out.”
(Tubman Myth Central to DeSantis’ Plans for the Future, Mike Hudson, Niagara Falls Reporter, August 2014, excerpts)
Driving Through Southern Maryland, Part I
The Chesapeake Bay is the heart of Maryland. Except for a couple of remote areas, all of Maryland drains into the Chesapeake or its tributaries. Most of Maryland’s population is little more than an hour’s drive, or less, from the bay. St. Mary’s City, where Maryland was ‘founded,’ is a few miles from the confluence of the Potomac River and Chesapeake Bay, though the first settler was William Claiborne who, in 1631, was living on Kent Island further up the bay.
The first few years after the settlement of Jamestown in 1607 saw explorations by Captain John Smith of much of the Chesapeake Bay area. Smith, in describing the bay, wrote in his journal, “heaven and earth never agreed better to frame a place for man’s habitation.” The Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail, launched in 2007 as the nation’s first water trail, allows the intrepid adventurer to sail or paddle in the wake of Captain Smith. Twelve explorers, in 2007, did just that, in a 28-foot open boat powered only by sail and oar. This expedition, retraced Smith’s 1608 route. It was a program of the Sultana Projects, of Chestertown, Maryland, which is an educational foundation dedicated to the study of the natural and cultural resources of the area. The 3,000 mile water trail explores the Chesapeake (which means’ great shellfish bay’ in Algonquin) and the rivers which feed it.
More @ The Abbeville Institute
NC: 2020 NRA Short-Term Gunsmithing Registration
Via Terry
Montgomery Community College is one of four schools in the nation to offer NRA approved, affiliated short-term gunsmithing courses. Classes are taught by nationally and internationally known gunsmiths and craftsmen who share their expertise in courses from basic to advanced techniques.
Most classes combine a hands-on and lecture format and range from three days to two weeks in length. MCC also offers a two-year associate degree program in Gunsmithing. Discover more about our quality facilities, experienced instructors, and comprehensive curriculum by clicking here.
2020 NRA short-term gunsmithing class schedule will be released Monday, December 2, 2019. Classes are added throughout the semester so check back often.
Montgomery Community College is one of four schools in the nation to offer NRA approved, affiliated short-term gunsmithing courses. Classes are taught by nationally and internationally known gunsmiths and craftsmen who share their expertise in courses from basic to advanced techniques.
Most classes combine a hands-on and lecture format and range from three days to two weeks in length. MCC also offers a two-year associate degree program in Gunsmithing. Discover more about our quality facilities, experienced instructors, and comprehensive curriculum by clicking here.
2020 NRA short-term gunsmithing class schedule will be released Monday, December 2, 2019. Classes are added throughout the semester so check back often.
More @ Montgomery.Edu
Louie Gohmert: Impeachment Push Is Actually More Like ‘Communist Revolution’ Than ‘Civil War’
“I think it is better to characterize it as [a] communist revolution. That’s what they’re about, and whether you want to call it progressivism, socialism, communism, that’s what they’re about, and we’re already seeing … communism’s hatred of religion, and specifically Christianity. It’s a threat to what has always been an American way of life.”
Democrats’ ongoing attempts to nullify the 2016 presidential election via impeachment of President Donald Trump is closer to a “communist revolution” than “civil war,” said Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) while guest-hosting Thursday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight alongside host Rebecca Mansour.
“I was quoted earlier today saying on the House floor something about civil war,” Gohmert said. “Well, it’s not a civil war that Republicans are engaged in. It’s the Democrats, but what is a better description than civil war is actually … a communist revolution.”
More @ Breitbart
WATCH: Trevor Noah To Hillary Clinton: ‘How Did You Kill Jeffrey Epstein?’
(Relevant comments begin around the 6-minute mark).
On Thursday, Comedy Central’s “The Daily Show” host Trevor Noah asked twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton how she managed to kill billionaire registered sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.
“Hillary, I have to ask you a question that has been plaguing me for a while,” started Noah. “How did you kill Jeffery Epstein?”
More @ The Daily Wire
30 seconds of shredding at The San Clemente Pier
Via Nephew Elijah
Micnibbles: 30 seconds of shredding with @not.caden.evans
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