But, for us, we must go forth, like Colonel Mosby’s raiders—the “Gray
Ghost”—to harass and bedevil the Enemy, with all the hardships that
means, with conviction and commitment, knowing that our hope is in God.
In the end evil must fall.
During the past couple of months, from shortly after the presidential
election until now, seven installments in the MY CORNER series have
been picked up and (re)published, and while most of these dealt
specifically with the election, an emphasis on the South and the vicious
attacks upon it were never far from my thoughts.
To forthrightly and openly defend Southern, especially Confederate
heritage these days marks one as a highly visible target in our “woke”
society. Already I have been doxxed, once very seriously. The Daily Tar Heel,
over at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, has attacked
me for my writings defending Southern traditions and symbols. The old,
discredited canards put out by Morris Dees and his Southern Poverty Law
Center (e.g., that I am a racist, Neo-Confederate, etc.) continue to pop
up from time-to-time. I am now more or less used to the “hate calls”
and anonymous messages (many of which have come from Chapel
Hill/Carrboro or “the Peoples Socialist Republic of Durham, NC”) which
occasionally show up on my answering machine.
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