Monday, May 11, 2020
Any Obama officials involved in Flynn 'unmasking' declassified: Grenell visited the Justice Department last week over the matter.

Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell has declassified a list of former Obama administration officials who were allegedly involved in the so-called “unmasking” of former national security adviser Michael Flynn in his conversations with the former Russian ambassador during the presidential transition, a senior U.S. official tells ABC News.
Grenell, who remains the U.S. ambassador to Germany along with being the acting DNI, visited the Justice Department last week and brought the list with him, according to the official.
More @ ABC
Mixing It Up

Allen Mendenhall interviews John Shelton Reed.
AM: John, I really appreciate this interview. Your latest book is Mixing It Up: A South-Watcher’s Miscellany. I noticed that you dedicated the book to Beverly Jarrett Mills. She was helpful to me over recent years, and I wish I had known her much earlier and far longer. I sense that she and others, like you, represent a school or field that today is hard to find.
JSR: Thanks for asking me to chat. Yes, I dedicated the book to Beverly, “a great Southern bookwoman and my friend.” For over forty years she promoted Southern literary and historical studies, first at the LSU Press and then as director of the University of Missouri Press. She also published six of my books.
More @ The Abbevville Institute
Top 3 Reasons to Doubt the Ahmaud "Just a Jogger" Arbery Narrative.
Via Wirecutter

you know who these two race-hustlers are? If you pay attention, you know
that Black Lives Matter co-founder Shaun King (a.k.a. Talcum X, Martin Luther Cream, or W.E.B. De Fraud) and lawyer Lee Merritt are Morehouse College buddies who have been partners in anti-white, anti-cop agitation for upwards of two decades.
On Tuesday, King posted a leaked video that immediately went viral of “Just a Jogger” Ahmaud Arbery, whose family Merritt represents. Dissatisfied with the results of a Waycross, Georgia, D.A.’s decision
in February not to arrest two armed white men involved in chasing and
fatally shooting Arbery, whom they suspected of burglary, someone in
possession of the clip somehow got it into social media master King’s
hands. King’s post of the purloined video has racked up more than 7
million views, whipping up instant, knee-jerk outrage from LeBron James to Whoopi Goldberg to Joe Biden to some of the same ConInc virtue-signaling simps who threw the Covington boys under the bus.
More @ UNZ
Barbarous Pillaging

In early February, 1865, Captain J.J. Dickison’s 145 Florida cavalrymen struck 400 black and white federal raiders at Station Number Four – forcing them to retreat toward Cedar Keys after a sharp three-hour engagement. The next month a thousand-man Northern invasion force arrived at St. Marks, forcing Floridians to hastily organize a defense force of student cadets from the State Seminary, old men and a few companies of regular troops. The ensuing battle at Natural Bridge, a Southern victory, was practically the closing conflict of the war in Florida. Capt. Dickison was known as Florida’s “Swamp Fox,” earning his name for swift and unexpected strikes against the enemy, as did Francis Marion of earlier fame.
Barbarous Pillaging
More @ Circa 1865
Pelosi, Dems craft $750 billion aid bill for state and local govs; to bail out states run by Democrats which have the worst economies
Via John
Democrat Speaker Nancy Pelosi is drafting a $750 billion coronavirus relief bill to aid struggling state and local governments without consulting Republicans, according to reports.
The aid package that Pelosi is unilaterally concocting would use funds collected from ALL taxpaying Americans — not just Democrats.
The Democrat-controlled House of Representatives has reportedly not discussed the legislation with Republicans in either the House or the GOP-controlled Senate. This makes no sense, because Pelosi needs Republican approval to ultimately pass the bill.

Democrat Speaker Nancy Pelosi is drafting a $750 billion coronavirus relief bill to aid struggling state and local governments without consulting Republicans, according to reports.
The aid package that Pelosi is unilaterally concocting would use funds collected from ALL taxpaying Americans — not just Democrats.
The Democrat-controlled House of Representatives has reportedly not discussed the legislation with Republicans in either the House or the GOP-controlled Senate. This makes no sense, because Pelosi needs Republican approval to ultimately pass the bill.
More @ Biz Pac Review
South Korea Rise in Coronavirus Cases Linked to Gay Nightclubs

South Korea experienced
a considerable uptick in cases of the Chinese coronavirus this weekend
linked to the re-opening of the nightclub district in the capital of
Seoul, the majority of which are believed to have come from
establishments catering to the LGBT community.
More @ Breitbart
Carnival Cruise Lines Flooded with Bookings for Return to Service in August

Carnival Cruise Lines was inundated with bookings
after announcing it would return to the high seas starting in August,
following in the wake of months of being on Chinese coronavirus
More @ Breitbart
Russia removes memorial to Katyn Massacre in new attack on historical truth
Via Kirk
A Levada Centre poll in March 2019 showed a record level of approval for Stalin. 71% of Russians said that they have a positive attitude to his role in their country’s history, with just over half the population saying that they view a dictator responsible for the death of millions “with respect”.
On the eve of the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II, Russian officials, acting on an order from the prosecutor's office, have removed plaques commemorating victims of the Terror and Polish officers executed by the NKVD in 1940, while the Soviet Union was still collaborating with Nazi Germany. This may have been a regional initiative, but it is very much in line with Russia’s aggressive attempts under President Vladimir Putin to blur or rewrite the darkest pages of Soviet history.
Two memorial plaques, erected in 1991, were removed from the former NKVD building in Tver on 7 May. One read: “In memory of the tortured. In the 1930s-1950s this was the Central NKVD – MGB for the Kalinin oblast and its internal prison”, the second: “In remembrance of the Poles from the Ostashkov Camp, murdered by the NKVD in Kalinin. As a warning to the world”
A Levada Centre poll in March 2019 showed a record level of approval for Stalin. 71% of Russians said that they have a positive attitude to his role in their country’s history, with just over half the population saying that they view a dictator responsible for the death of millions “with respect”.
On the eve of the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II, Russian officials, acting on an order from the prosecutor's office, have removed plaques commemorating victims of the Terror and Polish officers executed by the NKVD in 1940, while the Soviet Union was still collaborating with Nazi Germany. This may have been a regional initiative, but it is very much in line with Russia’s aggressive attempts under President Vladimir Putin to blur or rewrite the darkest pages of Soviet history.
Two memorial plaques, erected in 1991, were removed from the former NKVD building in Tver on 7 May. One read: “In memory of the tortured. In the 1930s-1950s this was the Central NKVD – MGB for the Kalinin oblast and its internal prison”, the second: “In remembrance of the Poles from the Ostashkov Camp, murdered by the NKVD in Kalinin. As a warning to the world”
.More @ KHGB
The Ballad of Percy Flowers
Via Cousin John
Joshua Percy Flowers (1903 – 1982)[1] began purchasing land in the early years of the Great Depression to farm cotton and tobacco, and it produced crops until the 1970s. He was an American businessman, philanthropist, noted fox hunter and "North Carolina's number one" producer of illegal alcohol in the mid twentieth century.[2]It Is Much Worse Than You Are Being Told & America Has Become A Powder Keg That Is Ready To Explode
For a long time I warned that our economic bubble would burst and that we would plunge into a nightmarish economic collapse. Now it has happened, and it turns out that fear of COVID-19 was the “black swan event” that triggered the collapse. The ironic thing is that COVID-19 is not even close to the worst thing that is going to happen to us. But it was more than enough to topple our incredibly fragile economic system, and now tens of millions of Americans are deeply suffering. On Friday, the April jobs report was released, and it was the worst jobs report in U.S. history by a very, very wide margin. According to the official numbers, 20.5 million Americans lost their jobs during the month, and the unemployment rate shot up to 14.7 percent. During the last recession, the unemployment rate peaked at about 10 percent, and we have already left that number in the dust. The figures that we are seeing now are truly, truly horrifying, and what is even more frightening is that they aren’t even that accurate.
More @ The Most Important News
America Has Become A Powder Keg That Is Ready To Explode
White House Trade Adviser: ‘The Chinese Communist Party’ Crashed America’s Economy In 60 Days

President Trump built the most powerful and beautiful economy in the world in three years.”
White House trade adviser Peter Navarro told Fox News host Maria Bartiromo on Sunday that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) essentially ruined America’s economy in just two months with their handling of the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan.
“We know that patient zero in China was about mid-November. It was in Wuhan. We know that ground zero had the P-4 weapons lab, where the virus likely came from. For the next two months, we know that China hid the virus from the world behind the shield of the World Health Organization,” Navarro said. “And, as they did that, they sent gleaming passenger jets from China, not into the rest of China from Wuhan, but to places like New York and Milan, seeding the world with what would become a pandemic.”
More @ The Daily Wire
"What is overthrowing a government by illegal means? A coup … and it’s also treason.”

In a Sunday interview on New York AM 970 radio’s “The Cats Roundtable,” Rudy Giuliani, personal legal counsel for President Donald Trump, weighed in on the Department of Justice’s decision to drop charges against former National Security Adviser Ret. Gen. Michael Flynn after new evidence came to light showing FBI agents attempted to entrap Flynn into lying to them.
Giuliani said former CIA Director John Brennan, along with former FBI Director James Comey, orchestrated the Deep State’s attempt to take down Trump, which he described as “as close to treason as you can get.”
More @ Breitbart
The Manson Murders: Helter Skelter and the Master of Chaos Part I and II

It’s really not all that surprising to find a single diseased mind that is capable of some pretty outlandish behavior. I once met a guy on a psych rotation who had murdered his mom and then spent two days driving around with her in the car. He got caught when he took her chilly corpse with him through the drive-through at McDonald’s. Sometimes folks just aren’t wired correctly.
More @ Guns America

The MP40 revolutionized the way the world made military weapons.
The Manson Family Murders: Helter Skelter, Part 2
Flynn and the Anatomy of a Political Narrative: Obama officials and FBI collaborated to invent the ‘Russian collusion’ narrative

The FBI coordinated very closely with the Obama White House on the investigation of Michael Flynn, while the Obama Justice Department was asleep at the switch. That is among the most revealing takeaways from Thursday’s decision by Attorney General Bill Barr to pull the plug on the prosecution of Flynn, who fleetingly served as President Trump’s first National Security Advisor. Flynn had been seeking to withdraw his guilty plea to a false-statements charge brought in late 2017 by Special Counsel Robert Mueller.
While working on the Trump transition team in December 2016, Flynn spoke with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak, in conversations that were intercepted by our government (because Russian-government operatives, such as Kislyak, are routinely monitored by the FBI and other U.S. intelligence agencies). Among the topics Flynn and Kislyak discussed was the imposition of sanctions against Russia, which President Obama had just announced.
More @ NRO
Obama and his top officials. Lying through their teeth.
Via David
the dirt in the media but deny the lies under oath. Examples;

Obama on
CBS, 60 Minutes. January 25, 2017.
proud of the fact that we are the first administration in modern history that
hasn’t had a major scandal in the White House.”
Pause for
cynical laughter.
Obama officials have said frequently on TV against President Trump, and later
under oath with a potential charge of perjury if caught lying, are divided by
the proverbial country mile.
More @ The View From Israel
Flynn Attorney Sidney Powell: Flynn Set Up ‘Was Orchestrated’ By Top Officials In Meeting With Obama
Sidney Powell, attorney for former national security adviser Michael Flynn, told Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo on Sunday that the trap that FBI officials allegedly set up for Flynn was “orchestrated and set up” by former top officials in the Obama administration, and that it happened at the White House in a meeting with then-President Barack Obama.
Attorney General William Barr said last week that the FBI agents laid out a “perjury trap for General Flynn” during their interview with him on January 24, 2017. The Department of Justice tossed its case against Flynn last week because, as Barr put it, “there was not a legitimate counterintelligence investigation going on.”
More @ The Daily Wire
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