Saturday, July 13, 2019

Nathan Bedford Forrest: Birthday Post


US Army Air Corps Brigadier General. He was the first American General Officer killed in combat against the Nazis during World War II. His plane was shot down over the Baltic Sea while participating in a B-17 bomber raid on Kiel, Germany. 

(His family was presented his Distinguished Flying Cross, which he was awarded posthumously for staying at the controls of his B-17 bomber while his crew bailed out.[2] The plane exploded before Forrest could bail out. By the time the Seenotdienst (the German air-sea rescue) arrived, only one of the crew was still alive in the water.) 

A 1928 graduate of West Point, he served as Second Air Force Chief of Staff prior to transfer to the U.S. Eighth Air Force in England. His body was recovered and buried by the Germans, after washing up at a seaplane base, in a small cemetery in Wier, Germany. He was the great-grandson of Confederate Lt. General Nathan Bedford Forrest. In 1949, his body was returned from Germany and reburied in Arlington at the request of his wife, Frances Brassler Forrest Martin. 

This essay was published as a new introduction for Lytle’s Bedford Forrest and His Critter Company and is published here in honor of Forrest’s birthday, July 13.

This is a young man’s book. To have anything more to say about a book you did fifty odd years ago brings you hard up against the matter of time. The young author shows a familiar visage, as enigmatic as the portrait of a great-grandfather “struck” in his youth, gazing into the close air of the parlor. You know you are kin, but that youth belongs to the ancestors. Therefore to redo or revise in any real sense would mean to make another book. Fifty years can change more than the use and control of language. The world may go on for a thousand years and, outwardly at least, be always the same.

Then something appears out of nowhere, so sudden does it seem, and a shattering takes place; as for example when the stirrup was introduced into Russia by the Sarmations riding out of Siberia. They stopped with the conquest of Russia, but the stirrup did not stop there. The Goths took it into Rome.

It ended the stalemate between the mounted archers of Parthia and the Roman legion. It had its long history in Europe. It came to an end as an instrument of military power about a hundred years ago in Alabama.

Bozell: ‘There Are More Prostitutes’ in US Than CNN Viewers

Via Billy

 Image result for Bozell: ‘There Are More Prostitutes’ in US Than CNN Viewers
& more honest to boot. I count them as some of my best friends in my spry75 years. :)

There’s no denying that CNN has an out-sized influence in the cable news landscape.

Even the network’s slogan attests to it: “This is CNN,” it intones, every word pronounced distinctly and with resonance, as if the announcer were describing a Fabergé egg or a Picasso.

Well, in fairness, there aren’t many Fabergé eggs or Picassos, and there aren’t too many viewers of CNN to go around, either.

In fact, as Brent Bozell — president of the conservative Media Resource Center — pointed out recently, there are more prostitutes in America than there are CNN viewers.

And of course, he noted, it’s largely because of the network’s inveterate hatred of Donald Trump.

More @ WJ

Rumors Swirling that One of Epstein’s Underage Prostitutes Has Provided Damaging Information on Epstein’s Friends and Accomplices

Via Billy

Image result for Rumors Swirling that One of Epstein’s Underage Prostitutes Has Provided Damaging Information on Epstein’s Friends and Accomplices


The Internet is on fire!  Rumors are swirling that a girl who was once an underage prostitute for Jeffrey Epstein is now a government informant who is outing Epstein’s sick friends and accomplices.  Yes, this includes Bill Clinton.


(In the cover picture above, a young Rachel Chandler is reportedly on one of Jeffrey Epstein’s flights with former President Bill Clinton.)

 Image result for Rumors Swirling that One of Epstein’s Underage Prostitutes Has Provided Damaging Information on Epstein’s Friends and Accomplices

Wilderness Survival Skill

Via Judy Le

How to build bamboo swimming pool and amazing water slide for bamboo villa by using simple and available material in the jungle

He must be from the South :)

Via Cong Pham

Image may contain: 2 people, people standing

Dabney’s Warning for the New South

Robert Lewis Dabney (1820–1898) defended the South both during and after the War Between the States. During the war, this professor of theology left his work at Union Theological Seminary to serve as chaplain for the Confederacy in 1861 and then as chief of staff to General Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson in 1862.

After the war, Dabney made it one of his chief tasks to defend the South politically and morally through his writings. He memorialized one of the greatest men produced by the Old South in his biography of Stonewall Jackson. Dabney’s wife and Jackson’s wife were cousins, and following the death of the great general on May 10, 1863, Mrs. Jackson asked Dabney to write a biography of her late husband. Dabney finished the work in 1866, entitled Life and Campaigns of Lieut. Gen. Thomas J. “Stonewall” Jackson.

The Boat Shoe Beat: Petty Crimes in a Free Dixie

Via John 

It’s well known that we just can’t have nice things anymore, well known among the Dissident Right, anyway. From drunk Bolivians plowing into you on a Friday night to a junkie annihilating a Girl Scout troop as they were cleaning up trash on the side of the road, Weimerica really stinks. From national inhumane suffering, such as the opioid epidemic and the prevalence of tractor rap, to contaminated ice cream, things are getting much worse. These are crimes against humanity and crimes against the soul. Everything must be taken away from you by modernity. You can’t have anything, including Arizona Sweet Tea or Blue Bell Ice Cream.

"Folks, The End is clearly now in sight."

Not to be outdone by the USA, the French also have an illegal migrant problem:

Marauding African Immigrants storm the *The Pantheon in France, demanding "Papers and Freedom for all" *The very heart of the (former) "French Republic"

Folks, The End is clearly now in sight.


Ben Carson: Outdated Regulations Block Innovation in Affordable Housing

Via Billy

 Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson answers questions from the press after delivering remarks at the Innovative Housing Showcase on the National Mall in Washington on June 1, 2019. (Samira Bouaou/The Epoch Times)

Housing Secretary Ben Carson said obsolete regulations are blocking many Americans from getting a home.

Affordable housing remains an issue, especially for young people, who generally used to get their first home by their late 20s. Now, the majority of first-time buyers wait into their 30s, according to the 2018 National Association of Realtors survey.

While innovations in housing should have allowed people to get a more affordable home, in many cases the innovations can’t be used because of red tape, Carson told Epoch Times senior editor Jan Jekielek in an interview on “American Thought Leaders.”

Torn Screen Door

Co-cheòl performing Torn Screen Door (written by David Francey) Recorded live at The Courthouse Theatre, SMB, Arts Academy, Federation University Australia on the 5th September 2015 by Diploma/ Advanced Diploma of Live Production students Many thanks to everyone involved in the Live on Lydiard program for doing such an amazing job, and to the Arts Academy at Federation University for creating such opportunities for both students and artists.


"Torn Screen Door" by David Francey

FTC Approves About $5 Billion Fine for Facebook Over Privacy Violations

Via Billy

 Attendees walk past a Facebook logo during Facebook Inc's F8 developers conference in San Jose, Calif., on April 30, 2019. (Stephen Lam/File Photo via Reuters)

The FTC has voted to approve a fine of about $5 billion for Facebook over privacy violations, the Wall Street Journal reported July 12. The report cited an unnamed person familiar with the matter.

 More @ The Epoch Times

Angels of Vietnam

Via Long Ngo