Thursday, April 18, 2013
Florida Police Officer Fired for Bringing Trayvon Martin Targets to Shooting Practice
Via The Lonely Libertarian
Damn, wish I had thought of that first.:)
A Florida police sergeant has been
fired after he brought paper targets resembling slain teen Trayvon
Martin to shooting practice, officials said.
WFTV-TV reported
Port Canaveral Police Sgt. Ron King was leading a training practice
April 4 when he brought out two targets resembling Martin — a silhouette
carrying iced tea and Skittles, which the teen was said to be carrying
when he died.
According to the Associated Press, King
asked if anyone wanted to use the targets and was told no and to put
them back in his patrol car. Officials wouldn’t say whether either one
was ultimately used, according to WFTV.
More with video @ The Blaze
AllenWest: ” This is not a threat, it is a promise”
Via Ninety Miles From Liberty
by Allen West via Facebook
I completely understand the Alinsky tactics and have no issue with the insidious and incessant personal attacks by the left against me. However, I am warning you, end your harassment of my wife Angela. The students from Florida Atlantic University who have gone to my wife’s office, stalked her at the FAU Board of Trustee meetings, and sent letters to her company headquarters, end it now.
This is not a threat, it is a promise that if Angela calls and tells me of one more incident, you will face me, the side of me that you do not want to see. My wife Angela is an American citizen and if you believe that you can intimidate her to surrender her freedoms you are mistaken. Those left wing groups and lawyers associated with these individuals supporting their antics, I recommend you disassociate yourself. How dare you animals attack my wife and her professional reputation.
This is your one and only advisory notice.

by Allen West via Facebook
I completely understand the Alinsky tactics and have no issue with the insidious and incessant personal attacks by the left against me. However, I am warning you, end your harassment of my wife Angela. The students from Florida Atlantic University who have gone to my wife’s office, stalked her at the FAU Board of Trustee meetings, and sent letters to her company headquarters, end it now.
This is not a threat, it is a promise that if Angela calls and tells me of one more incident, you will face me, the side of me that you do not want to see. My wife Angela is an American citizen and if you believe that you can intimidate her to surrender her freedoms you are mistaken. Those left wing groups and lawyers associated with these individuals supporting their antics, I recommend you disassociate yourself. How dare you animals attack my wife and her professional reputation.
This is your one and only advisory notice.
How Obama Misread the Politics of Gun Control
Via avordvet
Watching President Obama’s fury after Congress failed to pass any
gun-control legislation was a sign of his political helplessness.
Despite aggressively pushing for expanded background checks, despite
enlisting the victims of recent gun violence to lobby their
representatives, despite getting one of the more conservative senators
to support a watered-down background-check measure, he fell five votes
short of getting anything passed in the Senate, including losing four
members from his own party.
If this doesn’t demonstrate the limitations of the president’s political muscle and the influence of his newly minted Organizing for Action lobbying group, I don’t know what does. Yet, despite the embarrassing setback, Obama nonetheless argued that he still held the upper hand, politically: “If this Congress refuses to listen to the American people and pass commonsense gun legislation, then the real impact is going to have to come from the voters.” That couldn’t misread the political environment heading into 2014 anymore. That’s the audacity of mope.
Put simply, the 2014 Senate elections will be fought predominantly on the very turf that is most inhospitable to gun control–Southern and Mountain West conservative states. It’s no coincidence that three of the four Democrats who opposed the Toomey-Manchin bill are facing difficult reelections in 2014 and presumably are attuned to the sentiments of their constituents. Blame the National Rifle Association for the bill’s failure, but the lobby is feeding into already deeply held opposition to gun regulations and a broader sense of anxiety about the president’s and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s intentions–particularly given the president’s past publicized remark about “bitter” rural voters who “cling to their guns and religion.” It doesn’t take much for the gun-rights crowd, significant in these states, to jump to inaccurate conclusions given that history.
And how do the White House or allied groups plan on punishing gun-control opponents? The notion of challenging the Second Amendment Democrats is as fanciful as it is self-defeating.
If this doesn’t demonstrate the limitations of the president’s political muscle and the influence of his newly minted Organizing for Action lobbying group, I don’t know what does. Yet, despite the embarrassing setback, Obama nonetheless argued that he still held the upper hand, politically: “If this Congress refuses to listen to the American people and pass commonsense gun legislation, then the real impact is going to have to come from the voters.” That couldn’t misread the political environment heading into 2014 anymore. That’s the audacity of mope.
Put simply, the 2014 Senate elections will be fought predominantly on the very turf that is most inhospitable to gun control–Southern and Mountain West conservative states. It’s no coincidence that three of the four Democrats who opposed the Toomey-Manchin bill are facing difficult reelections in 2014 and presumably are attuned to the sentiments of their constituents. Blame the National Rifle Association for the bill’s failure, but the lobby is feeding into already deeply held opposition to gun regulations and a broader sense of anxiety about the president’s and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s intentions–particularly given the president’s past publicized remark about “bitter” rural voters who “cling to their guns and religion.” It doesn’t take much for the gun-rights crowd, significant in these states, to jump to inaccurate conclusions given that history.
And how do the White House or allied groups plan on punishing gun-control opponents? The notion of challenging the Second Amendment Democrats is as fanciful as it is self-defeating.
More @ National Journal
GRNC Alert: HB 976 to Repeal Castle Doctrine, Repeal concealed handgun reciprocity, Require you to lock up firearms, Make you a criminal

Has as much chance as an ice cube in hell
In a demonstration that they will never stop
attacking your rights,
North Carolina Representatives Paul Luebke, Pricey
Harrison, Verla Insko and Alma Adams (all GRNC 0-star) yesterday introduced HB 976, a draconian
gun control bill which would:
- Repeal Castle Doctrine;
- Repeal concealed handgun reciprocity;
- Require you to lock up firearms, rending them unavailable for self-defense; and
- Make you a criminal for guns stolen from you and not immediately reported.
HSLDA Action Alert: Support Senator Chuck Grassley and call your two U.S. senators to urge them to stop the Common Core Curriculum
HSLDA strongly opposes the Common Core State Standards Initiative, and the curriculum, tests, and databases that are being created as part of this misguided attempt to nationalize our nation’s education system. You can read our recent article on the Common Core here, and our recent article on national databases here. You can watch a video interview of HSLDA’s Director of Federal Relations discussing the Common Core here.
Thankfully, Senator Chuck Grassley (Iowa) understands the problems with the Common Core, and is urging his fellow senators to oppose the federal government’s funding and support of this nationalized curriculum. He is circulating a letter to senators urging them to sign onto the letter to stop the federal government’s funding of the Common Core.
Please call your two U.S. senators and ask them to sign onto Senator Grassley’s letter to end federal funding for the Common Core. You can reach your senators at the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121, or visit this page to find your senators and to email them. Since the Common Core impacts all parents, there is no need to identify yourself as a homeschooler.
Your message can be as simple as: “Please sign onto Senator Grassley’s letter urging Congress to defund the Common Core Curriculum Standards Initiative. The federal government should not be using tax-payer dollars to pressure the states into adopting educational goals and curriculum which should be decided by local parents, teachers, and schools.”
Here is the text of Senator Grassley’s letter:
We ask that the Fiscal Year 2014 Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Appropriations Bill include language to restore state decision-making and accountability with respect to state academic content standards. The decision about what students should be taught and when it should be taught has enormous consequences for our children. Therefore, parents ought to have a straight line of accountability to those who are making such decisions. State legislatures, which are directly accountable to the citizens of their states, are the appropriate place for those decisions to be made, free from any pressure from the U.S. Department of Education.
While the Common Core State Standards Initiative was initially billed as a voluntary effort between states, federal incentives have clouded the picture. Current federal law makes clear that the U.S. Department of Education may not be involved in setting specific content standards or determining the content of state assessments. Nevertheless, the selection criteria designed by the U.S. Department of Education for the Race to the Top Program provided that for a state to have any chance to compete for funding, it must commit to adopting a “common set of K–12 standards” matching the description of the Common Core. The U.S. Department of Education also made adoption of “college- and career-ready standards” meeting the description of the Common Core a condition to receive a state waiver under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. Race to the Top funds were also used to fund two consortiums to develop assessments aligned to the Common Core and the Department is now in the process of evaluating these assessments.
We ask that you eliminate further interference by the U.S. Department of Education with respect to state decisions on academic content standards by including the following language in the Fiscal Year 2014 Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Appropriations Bill:
Sec. __. (a) Funds appropriated under this Act or any prior Act shall not be used by the Secretary of Education—
(1) to directly develop, implement, or evaluate multi-State or other specified standards (defined in this section as any set of academic content standards common to multiple States, including the Common Core State Standards developed by the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and the Council of Chief State School Officers, or any other specified set or type of academic content standards selected by the Secretary) or assessments aligned with such standards;
(2) to award any grant, contract, or cooperative agreement that requires or specifically authorizes the development, implementation, or evaluation of multi-State or other specified standards, or assessments aligned with such standards;
(3) to condition any award of funds to a State on the adoption of multi-State or other specified standards, or to include, as a component of an application for Federal funds, a requirement or preference related to multi-State or other specified standards; or
(4) to enforce any provision of a waiver issued by such Secretary under section 9401 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 7861) related to the adoption of multi-State or other specified standards.
Thank you for standing with us for liberty.(b) Nothing in subsection (a) shall be construed to limit the discretion of an individual State to use funds provided through a grant, contract, or cooperative agreement for any uses that are authorized under the grant, contract, or cooperative agreement, if the State so chooses.
Sincerely yours,
J. Michael Smith, Esq.
President, HSLDA
FBI Fingers Boston Bombing Suspects: ‘They’re Armed and Extremely Dangerous’
Federal investigators on Thursday identified two men — one wearing a dark hat, the other in a white hat — as suspects in the Boston Marathon bombings that killed three people and injured more than 170 others.
“Somebody out there knows these individuals — as friends, neighbors, co-workers, or family members,” FBI Special Agent in Charge Richard DesLauriers said at a news conference where he asked the public for help. “Though it may be difficult, the nation is counting on those with information to come forward and provide it to us.
“These are the people of interest to the FBI. This is our focus now.”
He added: “They are to be considered armed and extremely dangerous. Do not take any action on your own. If you see these men, contact law enforcement.”
DesLauriers said “Suspect No. 1” was wearing the dark hat and “Suspect No. 2” was wearing the white hat. “They appear to be associated,” he said.
Viewing the images, it appears both suspects were wearing baseball caps; the suspect in the white cap was wearing his turned backwards.
DesLauriers said the second suspect was seen on video placing a backpack at the scene of the second bombing, in front of a local restaurant, named Forum, near the finish line, he said.
That bomb was placed at the site “within minutes” before it exploded, he said.
The two devices were placed on the ground within 100 feet of each other on Monday near the finish line, exploding about 12 seconds apart, starting about 2:50 p.m. The bombings were the highest-profile act of terror in the U.S. since the 2001 attacks on New York City and Washington.
According to DesLauriers, the men were seen on video walking through the Boston Marathon crowd on Boylston Street. After the second bomb was placed, Suspect No. 2 was seen walking west on Boylston Street, he said.
“The quality of the photographs is quite good, but we will continue to work on developing additional images,” he said.
DesLauriers added that the images released on Thursday were “the only ones that the public should view.
More with video @ Newsmax
Chaos engulfs Boston as mainstream media can't get its cover story straight
Via comment by Anonymous on A dark skinned male arrested for Boston bombings
Boston is now in a state of near-chaos over the Boston marathon bombing investigation. Their story keeps changing, too: first there was a "controlled explosion" planned at the Kennedy Library on the same day as the bombing (Boston Globe), but that was later explained away as a "building fire" that had nothing to do with the bombing.
Then there's CNN reporting a suspect has been arrested, after which the network was blasted by the FBI for fabricating news. CNN has since retracted its arrest claim.
Today, the Boston federal courthouse was suddenly evacuated over a "code red" bomb threat, causing chaos to reign over planned press conferences and announcements by the FBI.
In addition, the Boston police department claims there was no drill taking place on the day of the bombings, yet we have an interview with a credible eyewitness who describes in great detail the "drills" that were announced over loudspeakers.
The media has also reported there were no additional explosive devices found, yet this recording of police audio sharply contradicts that, revealing the apparent existence of other explosive devices.
Boston is now in a state of near-chaos over the Boston marathon bombing investigation. Their story keeps changing, too: first there was a "controlled explosion" planned at the Kennedy Library on the same day as the bombing (Boston Globe), but that was later explained away as a "building fire" that had nothing to do with the bombing.
Then there's CNN reporting a suspect has been arrested, after which the network was blasted by the FBI for fabricating news. CNN has since retracted its arrest claim.
Today, the Boston federal courthouse was suddenly evacuated over a "code red" bomb threat, causing chaos to reign over planned press conferences and announcements by the FBI.
CNN deeply engaged in total news fabrication
As part of its total fabrication of fake news surrounding the Boston marathon bombings, CNN has proclaimed an episode of "Family Guy" to somehow be a "hoax" even when the episode actually exists. According to CNN, Paul Joseph Watson's highlighting of two scenes from the same episode of the Family Guy cartoon -- which depicted cell-phone bomb detonations and a character winning the Boston marathon by murdering other runners -- is somehow equivalent to a "hoax."In addition, the Boston police department claims there was no drill taking place on the day of the bombings, yet we have an interview with a credible eyewitness who describes in great detail the "drills" that were announced over loudspeakers.
The media has also reported there were no additional explosive devices found, yet this recording of police audio sharply contradicts that, revealing the apparent existence of other explosive devices.
Media refuses to acknowledge existence of private military contractors on the scene
But the real story -- and perhaps the biggest story of all -- has been blown wide open, first by researchers at 4chan.org, and then covered by Anthony Gucciardi, Paul Joseph Watson and Alex Jones. It reveals that there were private military contractors with backpacks operating at the scene.
More @ Natural News
Training with the Ghost
Via Terry
As I have mentioned before, it seems to me that there are two very distinct type of "Preppers" - those who want to buy all of the cool gear and talk about prepping, and those who want to get their hands dirty and REALLY prepare. Sir Knight and I want to stand firmly in the latter classification. And so, in that vein, numerous members of our little clan spent the weekend training with John Mosby, "The Ghost", AKA xxxxx xxxxxxxx
John Mosby has what he calls a "Combat Rifle". This was a three day event, held in xxxxxxxxx, Idaho, commonly known as xxxx xxxxxxxx,
which included everything from dry fire drills and trigger controls to a
live fire exercise in the dark. We mentioned this class in "10 Things to do Until the Revolution", and we knew we had to give it a try.
As I have mentioned before, it seems to me that there are two very distinct type of "Preppers" - those who want to buy all of the cool gear and talk about prepping, and those who want to get their hands dirty and REALLY prepare. Sir Knight and I want to stand firmly in the latter classification. And so, in that vein, numerous members of our little clan spent the weekend training with John Mosby, "The Ghost", AKA xxxxx xxxxxxxx
More @ Paratus Familia
Obamacare Could Mean $3K Incentive to Hire Immigrants ew

Passage of the new bipartisan immigration reform bill could mean a $3,000 per year incentive for employers who choose a newly legal immigrant over a U.S. citizen.
The bill unveiled Wednesday says people who are granted provisional legal status will be treated the same as people “not lawfully present” under Obamacare guidelines, Investor's Business Daily reports.
This means that provisionally legal immigrants will not be eligible for Obamacare tax credits or required to pay a tax penalty for failing to get health insurance – and employers won't be fined for not providing them with affordable health coverage.
Employers who don't offer insurance face fines based on full-time staffing levels, regardless of whether the workers are immigrants or U.S. citizens. However, employers who offer insurance can face fines if the coverage costs workers more than 9.5 percent of their pay. If the insurance is too costly, the worker will become eligible for Obamacare.
More @ Newsmax
Issa Tells CIA: Plan for Massive Benghazi Probe
Escalating his investigation of the deadly terrorist attack on the
U.S. Consulate in Benghazi last year, Rep. Darrell Issa warned CIA and
other government officials Wednesday to lawyer-up in preparation for a
massive probe.
The California Republican who chairs the House Oversight and
Government Reform Committee sent letters Wednesday suggesting that some
witnesses lawyer up before being called to testify, The Hill reported.
He also suggested that some witnesses should be prepared for
retaliation from their employer, depending on their responses.
“Some witnesses may be required to retain personal counsel to
represent them before the committee and in the event the agency
subsequently retaliates against them for cooperating with the
committee’s investigation,” the California Republican who chairs the
House Oversight and Government Reform Committee said in separate letters
to the CIA, State Department, and Pentagon.
More @ Newsmax
CISPA vote means companies can't promise to protect privacy
Via Bill
Rep. Pete Sessions, a Texas Republican shown in this photo from last year, told his colleagues the privacy amendments weren't in "the spirit" of protecting the United States from cyberattacks.
Google, Facebook, Twitter, and other Internet companies and e-mail providers will be prohibited from making legally binding promises to protect your privacy, thanks to a vote this afternoon in the U.S. House of Representatives.
By a 5-8 vote, the House Rules committee rejected a bipartisan fix to the CISPA data-sharing bill that would have ensured companies' privacy promises -- including their terms of use and privacy policies -- remained valid and legally enforceable in the future.
The vote came after Rep. Pete Sessions, a Texas Republican who's the committee's influential chairman, urged his colleagues to vote against the amendment (PDF). All of the committee's eight GOP members voted against the amendment, and all the Democrats supported it. (See CNET's CISPA FAQ.)
It also came hours after a formal veto threat from the Obama administration, citing privacy and other concerns about CISPA. A House floor debate is scheduled to begin tomorrow, which now will not include a vote on the amendment.
"We're disappointed that such a commonsense reform won't even get a vote," Will Adams, a spokesman for Rep. Justin Amash, a Michigan Republican who co-sponsored the amendment, told CNET this evening. "When Americans sign up for service with their phone company or their Internet provider they should be entitled to the privacy protections that the companies promise them. Giving companies legal cover to break their contracts with consumers is bad policy and a disservice to the American people."
Google, Facebook, Twitter, and other Internet companies and e-mail providers will be prohibited from making legally binding promises to protect your privacy, thanks to a vote this afternoon in the U.S. House of Representatives.
By a 5-8 vote, the House Rules committee rejected a bipartisan fix to the CISPA data-sharing bill that would have ensured companies' privacy promises -- including their terms of use and privacy policies -- remained valid and legally enforceable in the future.
The vote came after Rep. Pete Sessions, a Texas Republican who's the committee's influential chairman, urged his colleagues to vote against the amendment (PDF). All of the committee's eight GOP members voted against the amendment, and all the Democrats supported it. (See CNET's CISPA FAQ.)
It also came hours after a formal veto threat from the Obama administration, citing privacy and other concerns about CISPA. A House floor debate is scheduled to begin tomorrow, which now will not include a vote on the amendment.
"We're disappointed that such a commonsense reform won't even get a vote," Will Adams, a spokesman for Rep. Justin Amash, a Michigan Republican who co-sponsored the amendment, told CNET this evening. "When Americans sign up for service with their phone company or their Internet provider they should be entitled to the privacy protections that the companies promise them. Giving companies legal cover to break their contracts with consumers is bad policy and a disservice to the American people."
More @ CNET
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