More of everyone's favorite Marxist @ NYT
Friday, December 21, 2012
Next News Network Maiden Broadcast
Via Cousin John
Please tune in to hear liberty voices
A special LIVE studio performance by JORDAN PAGE!
Please tune in to hear liberty voices
Tom Woods, Ernest Hancock, Larry Pratt, Adam Kokesh, John Dennis,
Michael Boldin, Mark Lerner, Tony Stiles, Danny Panzella, Amber Lyon,
Charles Goyette, James Lane, Mike Salvi, Fabian Calvo and Robert Scott
This is the broadcast you do not want to miss.
Date: Saturday, December 22
Time: NOON to MIDNIGHT Central
Meet WND’s 'Man of the Decade'
Via Cousin John
In addition to his primary focus of keeping government within the
confines of the Constitution, Paul’s legacy will prominently feature his
unwavering dedication to audit – and ultimately abolish – the Federal
Reserve in a decades-long effort to restore America’s economy and
monetary system to sound, constitutional principles.
He took no prisoners and abided by no political party dictates while
trying to push America back to the ideas of its Founding Fathers
regarding privacy, responsibility, limited government and freedom.
Paul’s interest in politics developed in 1971, while he was still working as an OBGYN during the Nixon administration, when the United States went off the gold standard.
“It was overall the whole thing about free market economics, individual liberties and the foreign policy … it was my deep conviction that we were [going] in the wrong direction,” he told WND.
Paul’s rise into politics after these revelations was almost an accident.
“I started speaking out just as a candidate, without any expectation of going to Congress. And then I was surprised, the time must have been right, we got attention, and I did wind up in Congress,” he said.
Honoring one of the most inspiring and principled political careers
in contemporary American politics, culminating in an extraordinary
“farewell address” upon his recent announced retirement from the House
of Representatives, WND has named U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, as its
“Man of the Decade.”
Paul’s interest in politics developed in 1971, while he was still working as an OBGYN during the Nixon administration, when the United States went off the gold standard.
“It was overall the whole thing about free market economics, individual liberties and the foreign policy … it was my deep conviction that we were [going] in the wrong direction,” he told WND.
Paul’s rise into politics after these revelations was almost an accident.
“I started speaking out just as a candidate, without any expectation of going to Congress. And then I was surprised, the time must have been right, we got attention, and I did wind up in Congress,” he said.
More @ WND
Sandy Hook massacre: Official story spins out of control
Via comment by jesse bogan on Gun Inconsistencies in Sandy Hook School Mass Shooting
A 20-year-old 'tech geek' named Adam Lanza is supposed to have snapped early last Friday, December 14th, shot dead his mother Nancy Lanza, loaded her car up with her guns and ammo, then driven it across town to his former school, the Sandy Hook Elementary School, shot dead 27 people in two classrooms and an adjoining hallway, then turned one of his guns on himself.
That's how most will now remember the shooting, but is that actually what happened?
All the child victims were first-graders between the ages of 6 and 7. If there's any saving grace to be found in this event, it's that it was all over within minutes. Police were reportedly on the scene "instantaneously" and by then the shooting had ended. Listed among the slain school teachers and administrative staff was the school principal, 47-year-old Dawn Hochsprung. Right here we encounter our first problem:
Worth the read.
The massacre of 20 children and 7 adults at the Sandy Hook elementary
school last Friday was one more in a long line of atrocious mass murders
committed in the USA. By now, four days later, an official version of
events has more or less solidified to explain the chain of events. The
familiar 'lone gunman' narrative has once more stoked the hot-button
issue of gun control and left the general population as clueless as ever
as to why people suddenly 'go postal' and target the most vulnerable
members of society.
On closer inspection, however, there is clearly more to many of these mass shootings than meets the eye. Very often the earliest reports present information that directly contradicts key foundations of the final 'official' analysis of events. Granted, confusion is natural when a story breaks, but some of the initial reports conflict so completely with the lone gunman narrative that I'm going to compile them here and then try to put this tragedy in a more objective context. In his speech at the Sandy Hook Interfaith Prayer Vigil in Newtown, Connecticut on Sunday night, President Obama quoted the following biblical passage:
On closer inspection, however, there is clearly more to many of these mass shootings than meets the eye. Very often the earliest reports present information that directly contradicts key foundations of the final 'official' analysis of events. Granted, confusion is natural when a story breaks, but some of the initial reports conflict so completely with the lone gunman narrative that I'm going to compile them here and then try to put this tragedy in a more objective context. In his speech at the Sandy Hook Interfaith Prayer Vigil in Newtown, Connecticut on Sunday night, President Obama quoted the following biblical passage:
"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."The traumatised Newtown community deserves the facts without the spin. Everyone touched by this brutal event deserves to know what really happened, so let's fix our eyes on what remains unseen...
~ 2 Corinthians 4:18
A 20-year-old 'tech geek' named Adam Lanza is supposed to have snapped early last Friday, December 14th, shot dead his mother Nancy Lanza, loaded her car up with her guns and ammo, then driven it across town to his former school, the Sandy Hook Elementary School, shot dead 27 people in two classrooms and an adjoining hallway, then turned one of his guns on himself.
That's how most will now remember the shooting, but is that actually what happened?
All the child victims were first-graders between the ages of 6 and 7. If there's any saving grace to be found in this event, it's that it was all over within minutes. Police were reportedly on the scene "instantaneously" and by then the shooting had ended. Listed among the slain school teachers and administrative staff was the school principal, 47-year-old Dawn Hochsprung. Right here we encounter our first problem:
More @ Sott
SC Bill Takes Aim To Arm Public School Employees With Guns
There is some sanity left.
Years ago Texas began arming its teachers. Now more states are
seeing it as a viable, and I might add, rational and logical option to
letting kids and teachers simply be herded up and made victims of in a
place where there is supposed to be learning. Now, my home State of
South Carolina is following that lead with a new bill
that was introduced in the South Carolina House of Representatives
which takes aim at arming public school employees on campuses throughout
the state.
According to the bill, Article 5, Chapter 1, Title 59 of the 1976 Code is amended by adding the following:
More @ Freedom Outpost
GRNC Alert 12-21-12 Winston-Salem Unleashes Anti-Gun "Wish List"
Demands Repeal of HB 650
Expanded Carry in Parks...
Insensitively exploiting the recent evil mass-homicide within a “Gun-Free” Connecticut school, the
Winston-Salem City Council announced a list of requested legislation they want to see from this year’s NC General Assembly. Among these demands is repeal of last
year’s expanded park carry that was passed as HB 650.
Incredibly, the Council responds to murder in a “Gun-Free Zone” by demanding expansion of their dangerous reach within North
Carolina municipalities.
Allen Joines was quoted as saying park carry is “a mixed bag, and it’s
confusing. The legislature pre-empted local
governments’ authority to control local parks. I think they should leave
that up to us.” Compliance with this law is as easy as permitting
law-abiding citizens to carry everywhere. Left up to the Mayor, we would
be unable to defend our families in parks. This type of endangerment
can no
longer be tolerated.
Derwin Montgomery claims, “local governments have a right to regulate
the time and place (arms are carried)”. So according to the
Councilman, a right that “shall not be infringed” upon can be
Perhaps Winston-Salem’s efforts are more-related
to an attempt to avoid responsibility for violating the provisions of HB 650 and the resulting lawsuit pursued GRNC’s partner, Rights Watch International?
Either way, Winston-Salem has earned a reminder from North Carolina gun owners that we will not permit expansion of dangerous
“Gun-Free Zones” in our state, and have no patience for municipalities that violate state law by infringing upon gun
CONTACT THE WINSTON-SALEM CITY COUNCIL and let them know that you don’t appreciate their clear violations of state law and attempt to expand dangerous “Gun-Free Zones” of defenselessness within NC municipalities
Suggested Subject: Don’t make parks
“Gun-Free” murder zones.
Winston-Salem leadership :
am disappointed
that you have decided to violate state law and continue to violate the
rights of law-abiding North Carolina gun owners to defend themselves and
families in your parks. I am also disappointed that you are demanding
that HB 650, last year’s expanded park carry bill, be rescinded. This
important law decreases the area in which citizens are disarmed in our
state. As we have seen with the increase in mass-homicides within
“Gun-Free Zones”, places where citizens are prevented from being able to
effectively defend themselves and their families are the most
dangerous places in our society.
I urge you to stop your promotion of
“Gun-Free Zones” in parks, and to embrace the common-sense expansion of freedom created by HB 650.
Here’s the Chart That Supporters of a Federal Assault Weapons Ban Won’t Want to See
Via Don
While anti-gun advocates argue that banning semi-automatic rifles, like the popular AR-15, will help decrease shooting deaths in the U.S., FBI data suggests that the average American is more likely to be killed by “hands, fists” or “feet” than a rifle. The anti-gun crowd has intensified its calls for a federal assault weapons ban following the tragedy in Newtown, Conn. last week.
“Yes, massacres tend to be done with weapons like this. But not most gun murders in the U.S.: a vast majority of gun murders in the U.S. are committed with a handgun,” The Washington Examiner’s Timothy Carney writes.
While anti-gun advocates argue that banning semi-automatic rifles, like the popular AR-15, will help decrease shooting deaths in the U.S., FBI data suggests that the average American is more likely to be killed by “hands, fists” or “feet” than a rifle. The anti-gun crowd has intensified its calls for a federal assault weapons ban following the tragedy in Newtown, Conn. last week.
“Yes, massacres tend to be done with weapons like this. But not most gun murders in the U.S.: a vast majority of gun murders in the U.S. are committed with a handgun,” The Washington Examiner’s Timothy Carney writes.
As you can see in the chart pictured above, the vast majority of murders
in the U.S. are indeed committed with handguns, not rifles. More people
were killed with shotguns (373), knifes/blades (1,704) and “other
weapon[s]” (1,772) more often than they were with rifles in 2010, which
were reportedly used in 358 murders that year.
More @ The Blaze
Emergency Motion Filed: National Archives Caught Altering Hawaii Arrival Records For August 7, 1961
Via Don
WASHINGTON D.C. - The multifaceted litigation that Montgomery Blair Sibley has initiated in an attempt to get to the truth regarding the birth records of Barack Hussein Obama II has both produced fruit and met judicial stonewalling.
Yesterday, Sibley filed an Emergency Second Motion for Order to Release Privacy Act Protected Records. That motion presented photographic evidence to Judge Bates that someone has tampered with the evidence related to Obama’s putative birth in Hawaii on August 4, 1961. Sibley had subpoena from the National Archives the “Arrival Records” for August 1 through August 10, 1961, of all passengers arriving in Honolulu, Hawaii to see if records existed that Obama and his mother arrived in Hawaii during that time frame. What NARA produced were two microfilm spools of the arrival records for July 28 through August 1, 1961 and August 8 through August 12, 1961. As detailed in the Emergency Motion, the original date on the box of “August 7” has been altered by “white-out” and a new date of “August 1” had been written on the box. Proof of that alteration comes from a photograph of the same box taken nine months earlier which reveals the date was originally “August 7”. Thus, indisputably the box has been tampered with – a criminal offense – to hide the fact that the microfilm for the August 2 through August 7, 1961 arrivals is now missing.
Judge Bates continues to ignore Court Rules and stonewall the resolution of Sibley’s pending Motions for a Contempt against: (i) Obama 1st and Obama 2nd, (ii) Harvard Law School, (iii) the Social Security Administration, (iv) the Selective Service System and (v) the State Department.
Sibley said: “To me, Judge Bates is no Judge John Sirica of the same Court who, in 1973, ordered President Nixon to turn over subpoenaed tapes of White House conversations. As all who remember know, when the Supreme Court upheld Judge Sirica’s order in July 1974, Nixon resigned in the face of impeachment and nineteen officials from the Nixon White House were convicted. It is a sad commentary on the state of our so-called judiciary that even when faced with evidence of criminal behavior related to birth records of Obama, Judge Bates refuses to rule in order to shield Obama from the engine of truth which is a judicial proceeding.” -#
Previous reports on Mr. Sibley's case here:
Sibley V. Alexander - Emergency Motion - National Archives Caught Altering Hawaii Arrival Records for 1961...

WASHINGTON D.C. - The multifaceted litigation that Montgomery Blair Sibley has initiated in an attempt to get to the truth regarding the birth records of Barack Hussein Obama II has both produced fruit and met judicial stonewalling.
Yesterday, Sibley filed an Emergency Second Motion for Order to Release Privacy Act Protected Records. That motion presented photographic evidence to Judge Bates that someone has tampered with the evidence related to Obama’s putative birth in Hawaii on August 4, 1961. Sibley had subpoena from the National Archives the “Arrival Records” for August 1 through August 10, 1961, of all passengers arriving in Honolulu, Hawaii to see if records existed that Obama and his mother arrived in Hawaii during that time frame. What NARA produced were two microfilm spools of the arrival records for July 28 through August 1, 1961 and August 8 through August 12, 1961. As detailed in the Emergency Motion, the original date on the box of “August 7” has been altered by “white-out” and a new date of “August 1” had been written on the box. Proof of that alteration comes from a photograph of the same box taken nine months earlier which reveals the date was originally “August 7”. Thus, indisputably the box has been tampered with – a criminal offense – to hide the fact that the microfilm for the August 2 through August 7, 1961 arrivals is now missing.
Judge Bates continues to ignore Court Rules and stonewall the resolution of Sibley’s pending Motions for a Contempt against: (i) Obama 1st and Obama 2nd, (ii) Harvard Law School, (iii) the Social Security Administration, (iv) the Selective Service System and (v) the State Department.
Sibley said: “To me, Judge Bates is no Judge John Sirica of the same Court who, in 1973, ordered President Nixon to turn over subpoenaed tapes of White House conversations. As all who remember know, when the Supreme Court upheld Judge Sirica’s order in July 1974, Nixon resigned in the face of impeachment and nineteen officials from the Nixon White House were convicted. It is a sad commentary on the state of our so-called judiciary that even when faced with evidence of criminal behavior related to birth records of Obama, Judge Bates refuses to rule in order to shield Obama from the engine of truth which is a judicial proceeding.” -#
Previous reports on Mr. Sibley's case here:
Sibley V. Alexander - Emergency Motion - National Archives Caught Altering Hawaii Arrival Records for 1961...
More @ Obama Release Your Records
How gun control laws have consequences for their authors

What happens when some legislator votes for a gun control bill to make it into a law? Adding restriction on gun ownership makes violent crime more frequent. It makes defensive weapons more expensive. And it puts a few people in harm's way, often without any actions by them.
A person doesn't have to know that some minor item in their home has
become illegal by administrative fiat, but a SWAT team would no-knock
the residence anyway, kill his pets and destroy his kids' hearing with
flashbangs. What do you think will happen then?
Most people won't do this. But harm enough families and the small percent who would become numbers distinct from zero. Anyone perishing in the attempts becomes a center of a new epicenter of resistance. At the end, we have a civil war or - much more likely - certain people being handed over for the new Nuremberg trials. Obama administration proved its lack of loyalty to their own already. So think long and hard before voting for gun control - your political masters would set you up as the fall guy as soon as it becomes convenient. You won't rate Secret Service protection to blunt the full force of your compatriots' vented ire.
Marilyn Monroe subway grate photo on view in NYC
I remember Daddy taking me to see this and he thought the grate scene was the best thing he had ever seen.:)
A famous image of Marilyn Monroe with her skirt billowing atop a New York City subway grate is on display in a picture-perfect spot: outside the Times Square subway station.
The supersized version of Sam Shaw's
well-known picture is part of an exhibit. The exhibit also features
eight of Shaw's other Monroe pictures, on view inside the 42nd
Street-Bryant Park station on the B, D, F, M and 7 lines.
The show opened Thursday. It'll be up for a year.
Shaw shot the subway grate photo for the 1955 film "The Seven Year Itch." He took the other pictures in 1957.
More @ Yahoo
Jon Hammar, Marine jailed in Mexico, to be released from prison today
Jon Hammar, the U.S. Marine who has been in a Mexican prison since
August on a dubious weapon charge is being released today, his father
confirmed to
"I haven't seen it in writing yet but Eddie has confirmed it with the court that Jon is being released today," Hammar Sr. said. "The U.S. consulate said they would pick Jon up at the prison and accompany him to the border crossing."
Hammar's family and legal team were headed to the border town of Brownsville, Texas, where they hope to have a joyful reunion sometime today. Hammar, 27, who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, has been stuck in a notorious, drug cartel-controlled prison just 15 miles south of the U.S. border since Aug. 13, after he crossed into Mexico and declared an antique shotgun to Mexican customs officials that was deemed illegal.
"The court ruled on the motion that excluded the evidence on the charge because of a violation of his constitutional rights under Mexican law which resulted in the charge being dropped," Hammar Sr. said.
More @ Fox
How Israel secures it's schools
After hearing of the recent school tragedy in the US, one Israeli 11
year old asked his mother, "Where was the guard?" When he heard that
there are no armed guards at US schools he asked, "So who protects the
In the wake of the horrific tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School DoubleTapper discusses how Israel secures it's schools and prevents mass shootings and terrorist attacks.
In the wake of the horrific tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School DoubleTapper discusses how Israel secures it's schools and prevents mass shootings and terrorist attacks.
The end of the world
Society crumbled and everything that stood for a strong state stopped to exist. New alliances were forged, old cities ruined. Hoards of mercenaries who lost their employer shrouded the land in terror…“
This is not section from some some science fiction post apocalyptic novel, or movie. It is taken from a book of medieval history where the author speaks about years after the fall of Roman empire.
One very strong empire crumbled, and suddenly chaos was in motion. The dark ages followed. Reason why empire falls is not important. How it looks when it falls is interesting.
Even more interesting is that there are not too many descriptions how it looked. Lots of years from that period are just „lost“ in historians books. Lost years. Chaos.
Do we think that if today society falls that we gonna be better than people hundreds years before. I have seen something similar in my time and I am not so optimistic.
Asteroid hitting the earth, “death planet” Nibiru, magnetic pole shifting, aliens… what is gonna happen tommorow?
Before I write more about what I believe will cause collapse of society, Jay has assembled what scientists believe will cause end of the world and humankind.
More @ SHTF School
An Appeal to Women and Minority Gun Owners
Hello Everyone,
I am a parent of four children ten years old and under. And even though I am a writer by trade, somehow I don't have any words to describe how the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary school has made me feel. Most us are probably like that, especially parents. But at the same time, the media and the politicians are using those raw emotions to make this terrible tragedy about guns. This letter is entitled "An Appeal to Women and Minority Gun Owners" because guns are not solely the realm of white males. Women shooters have been the largest growing sector in the gun world for several years running now. Yet politically, it is women who are being manipulated the most in this crisis. Ethnic minority gun ownership, especially in our inner cities, is what our success in the 2nd Amendment fight has been about for over ten years, and the media and the politicians are trying to strip that success away. Raw emotions in America are being played right now, and you have the choice to play along or stand for what you really believe in. Congress is out for Christmas, and you can bet every politician on both sides of the aisle has his or her finger in the wind. We have one chance to change the direction it is blowing, and that chance is our Law Abiding Gun Owner petition.
Please sign it.
If you are a woman and a gun owner, please have the courage to stand up in your Facebook circle and ask your friends to sign our Law Abiding Gun Owners petition. Likewise if you are a Black, Hispanic, Asian or other minority gun owner. We have come so close to liberating the inner cities from crime using the tool of law abiding gun ownership and all of that success is about to be stripped away. Hand wringing and crying "what can we do" isn't going increase safety in America. Law abiding gun ownership will increase safety. Every place that gun control has been loosened, face to face crime has gone down, and significantly. Every place that gun control has been strengthened, face to face crime has gone up. There is a very good book on this called More Guns Less Crime, by John Lott, and it available at Amazon and in electronic bookstores for your tablet.
Chicago alone has logged nearly 500 homicides this year, many of them children. If you click through to the article, look at the names and the ages. This is the city in America with the most gun control. Of course, if you look at the list, very few of the victims were white, and this is true of every major inner city in America. Rarely is there a mention of this in the mainstream media, yet the blood wasn't even dry in Connecticut before the anti-gun petition hit the website, and every single media outlet in America posted a link to it. Why doesn't the "race sensitive" mainstream media care about all those people in Chicago, and Detroit, and Philadelphia, and Washington DC, and Cleveland, and ...? I think you get the point.
We are being played by the media, and "the fix is in". Neither Fox News nor The Drudge Report have picked up our Law Abiding Gun Owner petition at as a story, and we currently have over 50,000 signatures, twice the threshold that requires President Obama to respond. The anti-gun petition has just under 200,000 signatures, so if you do the math, GunsAmerica, one website, has generated 1/4 as many signatures as the entire mainstream media who have all linked to the anti-gun petition. Law abiding gun owners in America number in the several tens of millions, and none of them have ever even thought to murder a child, yet we are for the most part silent. The result is that we are going to be most likely overrun by nonsensical gun laws when The US and state congresses come back into session.
Gun control itself, as we have noted many times in the past, was always founded in racism. If you balk at this concept, please read this heavily footnoted article by Clayton Cramer on the subject. Since the dawn of the firearm itself, those in power have attempted to keep guns from those with no power. The same is true of inner city minorities today. Cheap guns, in the hands of law abiding Americans in the inner cities will drastically reduce the face to face crime rate. That means murders, rapes, robberies, all the crimes that end up with a dead person on the ground. What have the politicians repeatedly attempted to stop? Cheap guns, and legal ownership of guns in the inner cities. You tell me if that sounds racist to you?
We were standing at the dawn of a new era of 2nd Amendment freedom two weeks ago. The Heller and McDonald decisions had many state legislatures on the run from restrictive gun control. Gun control was political taboo in the 2012 elections, and you couldn't turn on the television without finding a show that portrayed the safe enjoyment of firearms and personal security in a positive light. The anti-gunners and the anti-gun politicians have been wringing their hands at the prospect that law abiding gun ownership could become commonplace and mainstream. They need a permanent victim class to further their agenda, and this is located in the mostly in our inner cities, who were just on the verge of getting guns. Their hand wringing media cronies were waiting for a chance to turn the tide, and that is what they have done since the tragedy on December 14th at Sandy Hook Elementary.
Nobody can "put aside" raw emotion right now, and it would be stupid to ask. But I will ask how do you feel being played by the media that is clearly tapping into that emotion to push a pre-established agenda? Do you feel like you will be vilified on Facebook if you post a link to our Whitehouse petition? Most likely you will be, and there is nothing that GunsAmerica or anyone can do about that.
PLEASE AT LEAST SIGN THE PETITION YOURSELF. Ask yourself what is true, and what kind of America you want.
If you are one of the hundreds of thousands who have clicked out from our prior emails and the website link to the petition and not signed it, please reconsider. Even if you are the most hardcore conservative, and you want nothing less than to give the Democrat political machine your email address, consider what is at stake. Every signature on the petition counts, and we need to break 100,000. At the end of the day, will it kill you to give the President of the United States a little bit of respect and ask for his help? He is just a man after all, and he probably want to make what is genuinely the right decision for the future of our country.
You are one of just over 700,000 people who subscribe to the GunsAmerica's Magazine & Blog. We try to give you all the best editorial in the gun and shooting world, and there are well over 100,000 of you out there who read almost everything we send. When it comes to this petition, the only pro-gun petition competing with the big anti-gun petition, we are alone out here it seems. Almost no popular bloggers and only a few Youtubers and Facebookers have picked up the petition and asked people to sign it. Heaven forbid we give The President of the United States a good reason to stand by us and get the gun nuts on his side for a change. That would upset the balance of politics, and who wants that, right?
Please forward this to your friends and ask them individually to sign the petition. It would be nice to see other than white male sounding names on it, and so far that is nearly all we have. Please remember, for those of you with friend circles who have vilified the NRA and other white male run gun entities, the Heller case originated in Washington DC. The McDonald case was Chicago. It wasn't legal gun ownership by white males that we all celebrated when we won those cases. The NRA, the 2nd Amendment Foundation, Gun Owners of America, NSSF and all of the other 2nd Amendment organizations have been fighting for those without guns, those who have become permanent victims. These are the residents of our inner cities, and is mostly made up of ethnic minorities. It has long been said, "God created man, but Sam Colt made them equal." If you are not an equal, or you feel for those who are not equals, please sign our petition to President Barack Obama today.
Paul Helinski
Owner, GunsAmerica
Where America Buys and Sells Guns
Quotes from the Un-Civil War
An excellent book.
The Battle for Historical Truth
Mike Scruggs
There are more books written about the U.S. “Civil War” than any other subject with the exception of Christianity and the Bible. In the foreword of my book, The Un-Civil War: Shattering the Historical Myths, published in 2011, I noted that despite the hunger of Americans to know about the Civil War, it is the least understood war in American history in terms of its political causes and ethical conduct. The second least understood war in American history is the Vietnam War, which I also published a book about in 2009, entitled Lessons from the Vietnam War, Truths the Media Never Told You. The history of both wars suffers from ideological distortion by the media, but the history of the Civil War and the Reconstruction era of 1865 to 1877 also suffers from continued ideological distortion by government propaganda to justify the war.
The government and progressive media narrative of the Civil War focuses on one issue—slavery, turning the war into a morality play about freeing Southern slaves. No knowledgeable and politically uncorrupt scholar can endorse such a politicized and distorted simplification of history. Yet that is the prevailing and oft repeated public understanding of the “cause” of the war. Slavery was an important secondary issue, but it was not primarily driven by a moral rejection of the institution by most Northern political leaders or their constituents.
Slavery is an institution that limits human freedom and productivity and is fraught with the potential for human abuse. It also presents extreme dangers to the peace, stability, and social well being of any society. However, the conditions and abuses of slavery in the South were greatly exaggerated by Northern media and political leaders to justify Northern aggression and tyranny throughout the war, during Reconstruction, and still today. Under the strong influence of Christian teachings in the South, slavery was much more benign than generally believed today, perhaps the most benign in human history. Extensive research by Fogel and Engerman in 1974 and the Slave Narratives, compiling interviews with former slaves by the Roosevelt Administration from 1936 to 1938, indicates that Southern slaves had significantly better nutrition, housing, and medical care than Northern industrial workers. Physical abuse was uncommon and unlawful. Over 80 percent of the former slaves interviewed by Roosevelt Administration employed scholars had a favorable opinion of their former masters.
But my favorite way to make points is to use quotes by significant historical participants and knowledgeable scholars. Quotes make history more real and help people sort out truth from misinformation and disinformation.
Woodrow Wilson, the most scholarly of U.S. presidents, in his History of the American People, offered this explanation of how slavery came to receive such exaggerated emphasis as a cause of the Civil War:
“It was necessary to put the South at a moral disadvantage by transforming the contest from a war waged against states fighting for their independence into a war waged against states fighting for the maintenance and extension of slavery.”
Here are some additional quotes from varied sources:
“The Northern onslaught upon slavery is no more than a piece of specious humbug designed to conceal its desire for economic control of the Southern states.”
—Charles Dickens, 1862, British author.
“The contest is really for empire on the side of the North, and for independence on that of the South, and in this respect we recognize an exact analogy between the North and the Government of George III, and the South and the Thirteen Revolted Provinces. “
—London Times, November 7, 1861.
“Every man should endeavor to understand the meaning of subjugation before it is too late…It means the history of this heroic struggle will be written by the enemy; that our youth will be trained by Northern schoolteachers; will learn from Northern school books their version of the war; will be impressed by the influences of history and education to regard our gallant dead as traitors, and our maimed veterans as fit objects of derision…It is said slavery is all we are fighting for, and if we give it up, we give up all. Even if this were true, which we deny, slavery is not all our enemies are fighting for. It is merely the pretense to establish sectional superiority and a more centralized form of government, and to deprive us of our rights and liberties.”
—Maj. General Patrick R. Cleburne, CSA, January 1864.
“As for the South, it is enough to say that perhaps eighty percent of her armies were neither slave-holders, nor had the remotest interest in the institution. No other proof, however, is needed than the undeniable fact that at any period of the war from its beginning to near its close, the South could have saved slavery by simply laying down its arms and returning to the Union.”—Confederate Lt. General John B. Gordon, later a distinguished Governor and U.S. Senator from Georgia.
“If you bring these [Confederate] leaders to trial, it will condemn the North, for by the Constitution secession is not rebellion. Lincoln wanted [Confederate President] Davis to escape, and he was right. His capture was a mistake. His trial will be a greater one.
—Salmon P. Chase, Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, July 1867.
After two years in prison, Confederate President Jefferson Davis was released without trial.
“They (the South) know that it is their import trade that draws from the [Southern] people’s pockets sixty or seventy millions of dollars [$1.5 to $1.7 billion in 2012 dollars] per annum, in the shape of duties, to be expended mainly in the North, and in the protection and encouragement of Northern interests. These are the reasons why these people do not wish the South to secede from the union.” New Orleans Daily Crescent, 1861.
“The principle for which we contend is bound to reassert itself, though it may be at another time and in another form.”—President Jefferson Davis, CSA.
NRA’s Wayne LaPierre: Put “armed police officers in every school.”
Thank you for not caving, Sir.
“The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun,” NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre said at a news conference in Washington. LaPierre also called on Congress to act immediately “to appropriate whatever is necessary to put armed police officers in every school in this nation.”
LaPierre’s words are likely to set off a national debate over two starkly different views about curbing gun violence. On one side stand those like the NRA head, who believe that arming more citizens is the answer; on the other, gun-control advocates pressing for tighter restrictions on firearms.
LaPierre was interrupted twice during his remarks by gun-control protesters; one held up a sign that read: “NRA Killing Our Kids.”
“Politicians pass laws for gun-free school zones, they issue press releases bragging about them … in doing so they tell every insane killer in America that schools are the safest place to inflict maximum mayhem with minimum risk,” said LaPierre, head of the nation’s largest gun rights group.
The remarks came after a week of near-silence from the NRA following the mass shooting last Friday in Newtown, Conn., where a gunman killed 20 children and six adults at an elementary school. The group’s social media accounts went dark, and it issued just one public statement, saying its members were “shocked, saddened and heartbroken by the news of the horrific and senseless murders.”
LaPierre said that if the Newtown school had armed officers on site, lives might have been spared.
“Will you at least admit it is possible that 26 little kids — that 26 innocent lives might have been spared that day?” he asked.
LaPierre announced that the NRA will develop a “model national schools shield emergency response program” that will be led by former Arkansas congressman Asa Hutchinson, who served as head of the Drug Enforcement Administration under President George W. Bush.
“From armed security to building design and access control, to information technology, to student and teacher training, this multifaceted program will be developed by the very best experts in the field,” LaPierre said of the effort.
More @ WP
Boehner Is Now Less Popular Than Pelosi
You really had to work hard to accomplish this, Dorkhead.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters now view Boehner unfavorably, while 50% feel that way about Pelosi. Just 31% have a favorable opinion of the Ohio congressman, compared to 37% who look favorably on the San Francisco Democrat.
55% Favor Assault Weapons Ban, But 62% Oppose Complete Gun Ban
Blithering idiots who will eagerly be led to the trains and there won't be nary a tear shed here.
Most Americans favor taking semi-automatic and assault-type weapons off
the market but also are wary of a society in which only the government
has guns. Very few would opt for a neighborhood where they couldn’t own a
gun. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that
55% of American Adults think there should be a ban on the purchase of
semi-automatic and assault-type weapons. Thirty-six percent (36%)
disagree and oppose such a ban. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
Transgender Teen Arrested for Planning Shooting, Bombing at AZ High School
Via Angry Mike
A 16-year old at Red Mountain High School in Mesa Arizona has been arrested for planning to murder her classmates and take her own life. Canadian authorities notified the police after being alerted to threats she made on a Canadian trangender youtube channel, and when the Mesa police questioned her about it today, she admitted her plans to take her parents’ guns and kill students at her high school.
The video below has the local news reporter also mention that her neighbors and family thought part of the angst she was dealing with had to do with sexual identity issues:
A 16-year old at Red Mountain High School in Mesa Arizona has been arrested for planning to murder her classmates and take her own life. Canadian authorities notified the police after being alerted to threats she made on a Canadian trangender youtube channel, and when the Mesa police questioned her about it today, she admitted her plans to take her parents’ guns and kill students at her high school.
The video below has the local news reporter also mention that her neighbors and family thought part of the angst she was dealing with had to do with sexual identity issues:
More @ Sooper Mexican
Why You Don’t Need To Get Too Worried About Gun Control In Under 100 Words
Via Angry Mike
In order to pass any new gun control laws, every Democrat would have to vote for it and 17 Republicans in the House would have to cave. Any Republican in the House who caves on gun control might as well switch parties at the same time because his career in the GOP is over. Therefore, they’re not going to pass any gun control bills in the next two years.
We shall see.
In order to pass any new gun control laws, every Democrat would have to vote for it and 17 Republicans in the House would have to cave. Any Republican in the House who caves on gun control might as well switch parties at the same time because his career in the GOP is over. Therefore, they’re not going to pass any gun control bills in the next two years.
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