Friday, December 21, 2012

Why You Don’t Need To Get Too Worried About Gun Control In Under 100 Words

Via Angry Mike

 We shall see.



In order to pass any new gun control laws, every Democrat would have to vote for it and 17 Republicans in the House would have to cave. Any Republican in the House who caves on gun control might as well switch parties at the same time because his career in the GOP is over. Therefore, they’re not going to pass any gun control bills in the next two years.


  1. I tend to agree with this. But that doesn't rule out Obama trying his hand at executive orders of various kinds.

    1. Yes and right now I would guess that it would be narrowly defeated in the House and the more time that goes by, the better for us.

  2. This is assuming that these asshats will continue to operate within the law. don't have a great track record of that.
