Friday, June 21, 2013
Uncovering the Camp Bastion cover-up
Via Terry
All it takes is one crack for a stone wall to start crumbling. Nine months after the deadly 9/14 raid on Camp Bastion in Afghanistan, the families of two fallen Marines may finally get some answers. Real accountability, of course, is another story.
A formal internal investigation into lax security at the base — a British-run NATO compound that adjoins our Marines’ Camp Leatherneck — is now under way. A few members of Congress are putting pressure on the administration for the truth. And a couple of mainstream reporters are digging deeper.
More, please. And faster. Camp Bastion belongs in the bloody scandal lexicon with Benghazi and Fast and Furious. This trio of national security disasters under the Obama administration didn’t just involve run-of-the-mill corruption and cover-ups. It cost American lives.
All it takes is one crack for a stone wall to start crumbling. Nine months after the deadly 9/14 raid on Camp Bastion in Afghanistan, the families of two fallen Marines may finally get some answers. Real accountability, of course, is another story.
A formal internal investigation into lax security at the base — a British-run NATO compound that adjoins our Marines’ Camp Leatherneck — is now under way. A few members of Congress are putting pressure on the administration for the truth. And a couple of mainstream reporters are digging deeper.
More, please. And faster. Camp Bastion belongs in the bloody scandal lexicon with Benghazi and Fast and Furious. This trio of national security disasters under the Obama administration didn’t just involve run-of-the-mill corruption and cover-ups. It cost American lives.
More @ Michelle Malkin
Federal nullification efforts mounting in states
Imagine the scenario: A federal agent attempts to arrest someone for illegally selling a machine gun. Instead, the federal agent is arrested — charged in a state court with the crime of enforcing federal gun laws.
Farfetched? Not as much as you might think.
The scenario would become conceivable if legislation passed by Missouri's Republican-led Legislature is signed into law by Democratic Gov. Jay Nixon.
The Missouri legislation is perhaps the most extreme example of a states' rights movement that has been spreading across the nation. States are increasingly adopting laws that purport to nullify federal laws — setting up intentional legal conflicts, directing local police not to enforce federal laws and, in rare cases, even threatening criminal charges for federal agents who dare to do their jobs.
An Associated Press analysis found that about four-fifths of the states now have enacted local laws that directly reject or ignore federal laws on marijuana use, gun control, health insurance requirements and identification standards for driver's licenses. The recent trend began in Democratic leaning California with a 1996 medical marijuana law and has proliferated lately in Republican strongholds like Kansas, where Gov.
Sam Brownback this spring became the first to sign a measure threatening felony charges against federal agents who enforce certain firearms laws in his state.
More @ SF Gate
More evidence of slain U.S. ambassador's secret activities
Via avordvet
A Libyan weapons dealer from a group hired to provide security to the U.S. mission in Benghazi told Reuters he has helped ship weapons from Benghazi to the rebels fighting in Syria.
The detailed account may provide more circumstantial evidence the U.S. Benghazi mission was secretly involved in procuring and shipping weapons to the Syrian opposition before the deadly attack last September that killed the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans.
According to informed Middle Eastern security officials speaking to
WND on multiple occasions, the Benghazi mission was a planning
headquarters for coordinating aid, including weapons distribution, to
the jihadist-led rebels.
After the fall of Libyan dictator Muammar Gadhafi, the arming efforts shifted focus to aiding the insurgency targeting President Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria.
Two weeks after the Sept. 11, 2012, Benghazi attack, WND broke the story that murdered U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens himself played a central role in arming rebels and recruiting jihadists to fight Assad, according to Egyptian security officials.
A Libyan weapons dealer from a group hired to provide security to the U.S. mission in Benghazi told Reuters he has helped ship weapons from Benghazi to the rebels fighting in Syria.
The detailed account may provide more circumstantial evidence the U.S. Benghazi mission was secretly involved in procuring and shipping weapons to the Syrian opposition before the deadly attack last September that killed the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans.
After the fall of Libyan dictator Muammar Gadhafi, the arming efforts shifted focus to aiding the insurgency targeting President Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria.
Two weeks after the Sept. 11, 2012, Benghazi attack, WND broke the story that murdered U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens himself played a central role in arming rebels and recruiting jihadists to fight Assad, according to Egyptian security officials.
More @ WND
Vietnam War photos reveal the moment U.S. troops unleashed hell on Viet Cong sniper in hills above an Army camp
Via WiscoDave
A Vietnam War veteran has released incredible night-time photographs he took of American troops opening fire on a Viet Cong sniper who had been firing on a U.S. Army camp.
For more than four decades, photographer James Speed Hensinger kept these incredible photographs to himself, not releasing them to the public until now.
Hensinger was just a 22-year-old paratrooper with the 173rd Airborne Brigade in April 1970 when a Viet Cong sniper began spraying automatic rifle fire on Hensinger's base in Phu Tai, near the coastal city of Da Nang.
A Vietnam War veteran has released incredible night-time photographs he took of American troops opening fire on a Viet Cong sniper who had been firing on a U.S. Army camp.
For more than four decades, photographer James Speed Hensinger kept these incredible photographs to himself, not releasing them to the public until now.
Hensinger was just a 22-year-old paratrooper with the 173rd Airborne Brigade in April 1970 when a Viet Cong sniper began spraying automatic rifle fire on Hensinger's base in Phu Tai, near the coastal city of Da Nang.
More @ The Mail
Official: water complaints could be 'act of terrorism'
Via WiscoDave
“We take water quality very seriously. Very, very seriously,” said Sherwin Smith, deputy director of TDEC’s Division of Water Resources, according to audio recorded by attendees. “But you need to make sure that when you make water quality complaints you have a basis, because federally, if there’s no water quality issues, that can be considered under Homeland Security an act of terrorism.”
“Can you say that again, please?” an audience member can be heard asking on the audio.
Smith went on in the recording to repeat the claim almost verbatim.
Mt. Pleasant community says state is attempting to silence its complaints
A Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation deputy director warned a group of Maury County residents that unfounded complaints about water quality could be considered an “act of terrorism.”“We take water quality very seriously. Very, very seriously,” said Sherwin Smith, deputy director of TDEC’s Division of Water Resources, according to audio recorded by attendees. “But you need to make sure that when you make water quality complaints you have a basis, because federally, if there’s no water quality issues, that can be considered under Homeland Security an act of terrorism.”
“Can you say that again, please?” an audience member can be heard asking on the audio.
Smith went on in the recording to repeat the claim almost verbatim.
More @ The Tennessan
‘Offensive to Muslims’: Dem congressman calls on FBI to take down photos of terrorists
Always-unfiltered Rep. Jim McDermott penned a letter to FBI Director Robert Mueller Wednesday claiming a Joint Terrorism Task Force ‘Faces of Global Terrorism’ ad is racist.
McDermott, a Democrat from Washington state, voiced his “deep concern” about the ad, which shows mug shots of international terrorists, and asked the FBI chief to “reconsider publicizing” it.
According to McDermott, the “ad featuring sixteen photos of wanted terrorists is not only offensive to Muslims and ethnic minorities, but it encourages racial and religious profiling.”
McDermott continued, “Representing terrorists, however, from only one ethnic or religious group, promotes stereotypes and ignores other forms of extremism. The FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorists List includes individuals of other races and associated with other religions and causes, but their faces are missing from this campaign.
”McDermott’s point is that two of the people on the FBI’s thirty-two person ‘Most Wanted Terrorists List’ do not have connections to Islam.
More @ The Daily Caller
Putin: Iraqi chemical weapons produced for Syrian rebels
Russian President Vladimir Putin said chemical laboratories in Iraq are producing chemical weapons for the terrorists in Syria, confirming a detailed report by Far News Agency (FNA) last month which said former Ba'ath regime officials are involved in the production and procurement of such weapons to the Syrian terrorists.
"We know that Opposition Fighters were detained on Turkish territory with chemical weapons," Mr. Putin told a press conference in Lough Erne, Northern Ireland after meeting the leaders of the industrialized nations in a G8 Summit.
"We have information out of Iraq that a laboratory was discovered there for the production of chemical weapons by the opposition. All this evidence needs to be studied most seriously," he continued.
Putin questioned the credibility of allegations by the US, UK and France that Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad's forces had used chemical weapons, and attributed equivalent horrors to the forces supported by the West.
More @ Scott
Ghosts of Waco
Via avordvet
Could they end the reign of Obama?
Could the tragic events of Waco in 1993 bring down the president and the Democratic machine after 20 years? Mike McNulty, producer of the Emmy Award winning, Academy Award nominated documentary “Waco: Rules of Engagement” and its follow-up films, “Waco, A New Revelation” and “The FLIR Project,” believes it could. McNulty says that the close ties between the Waco atrocity and members of the Obama administration – including Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder and powerful congressional Democrats – could unravel the administration and the entire Washington Democratic power structure.
McNulty insists that Hillary Clinton in particular was deeply
involved in the Waco debacle and in the multiple cover-ups that
followed, and that criminal prosecutions could be brought against her
and others. “There’s no statute of limitations on murder,” says McNulty.
Revelations involving cover-up could bring down Obama machine
Could they end the reign of Obama?
Could the tragic events of Waco in 1993 bring down the president and the Democratic machine after 20 years? Mike McNulty, producer of the Emmy Award winning, Academy Award nominated documentary “Waco: Rules of Engagement” and its follow-up films, “Waco, A New Revelation” and “The FLIR Project,” believes it could. McNulty says that the close ties between the Waco atrocity and members of the Obama administration – including Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder and powerful congressional Democrats – could unravel the administration and the entire Washington Democratic power structure.
More @ WND
Senators Hoeven and Corker Wave the White Flag of Surrender: Gun owners must oppose their sell-out amendment
Senators John Hoeven (R-ND) and Bob Corker (R-TN) have made
anti-gun New York Senator Chuck Schumer a very happy man. They are
frantically working to give Schumer the 70 votes he needs to send his
amnesty bill to the House with momentum.
And, if that bill were to be signed into law, it would add
8.4 million anti-gun voters to the rolls, and make gun registration,
bans, and confiscation inevitable within 20 years.
Here’s where we stand:
Schumer’s original slimy deal was supposed to be this: We
will add 8.4 million anti-gun Democratic voters to the rolls, but, in
exchange, we will secure the border. It would supposedly do this by
more fence and more federal agents.
Now the partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has come
back with its numbers: On the one hand, 8 million (mostly anti-gun)
illegal immigrants would be eligible for citizenship. And these are the
figures from the liberal CBO!
On the other hand, said the CBO, illegal immigration would
remain largely unaffected by the bill’s fencing and agents, going down a
paltry 25%.
It was pretty apparent that Senate Republican negotiators had lost their shirts, even if you trust the liberal CBO.
So Hoeven and Corker began to negotiate over a path to pass
Schumer’s anti-gun bill with a super-majority. A little more fence. A
few more agents. A more Orwellian E-Verify system. But the big issue
was whether to hold up citizenship for the 8.4 million anti-gun voters
until illegal immigration had demonstrably been reduced by 90%. Schumer
& Co. adamantly refused to agree to this.
Why? If Schumer had any expectation that the Obama
administration was going to tighten the border, why would he be so
averse to guaranteeing that result?
It was obvious to everyone that Schumer didn’t expect the
border to ever be secure, and that was the reason he wasn’t willing to
condition his 8.4 million anti-gun voters on quantifiable border
So what did Corker and Hoeven do? They agreed to turn the
90% border security REQUIREMENT into a 90% border security non-binding
It should have told them something that every liberal analyst
in town has been deliriously happy over the Hoeven-Corker sell-out.
ACTION: Click here to contact your U.S. Senators. Tell them to oppose the Hoeven-Corker sell-out.
Zimmerman's all white, all female jury
Exclusive: Jack Cashill sees prosecutor becoming the next Mike 'Duke Lacrosse' Nifong In a case filled with anomalies, chalk up one more: Unless one of the six chosen jurors is booted from the case, George Zimmerman will have an all female jury.
And if the Hispanic Zimmerman is considered white – he would not be on trial if he were not – his jury is all white as well. In any case, there are no blacks among the six jurors or four alternates.
More @ WND
Poll: Americans approve of drafting women for combat
But expert's warning? Females 'do not have an equal opportunity to survive'
The poll done by CapitalSoup.com and Mason-Dixon Polling and Research said 59 percent of Americans “believe women should be included in a draft, compared to only 38 percent who think they should not.”
“The poll uses the phrase ‘participating in combat,’ as if that experience is no more difficult than ‘participating’ in a social event,” warned Elaine Donnelly, of the Center for Military Readiness.
Her group is an independent and nonpartisan public policy group that promotes high standards and sound priorities for making military personnel policies. It takes the lead in defending elements of military culture that are essential for morale and readiness.
“The word ‘included’ also suggests a voluntary option, instead of a mandatory order,” she said.
More @ WND
Boehner: Obama climate proposal 'absolutely crazy'
President Obama's soon-to-be-revealed second-term climate change proposal is “absolutely crazy,” Speaker John Boehner said Thursday.
The Ohio Republican was incredulous when asked to react to reports that the White House plans to regulate carbon emissions from power plants as part of its climate change strategy.
“I think this is absolutely crazy,” Boehner said at his weekly press conference. “Why would you want to increase the cost of energy and kill more American jobs at a time when American people are asking, 'Where are the jobs.' "
More @ The Hill
Grandma organizes ‘Glock Block’ to shoot neighborhood criminals
Fed-up by the rise of crime in her neighborhood in Milwaukie, Oregon, 65-year-old, Coy Tolonen has decided to put matters into her own hands — using a Glock handgun.
The grandmother of three has organized a neighborhood “Glock Block,” a group of pistol-packing elderly neighbors seeking to deter crime, KOIN 6 News in Oregon reported.
Tolonen decided to start the group when her home was broken into last Thursday, she fears, by the same man who had stolen a bronze statue from her backyard earlier that day.
“It just made my blood run cold because our grandkids are playing here a lot, and one of them could have been snatched just as easily as the statue,” she told ABCNews.com.
More @ The Daily Caller
VIDEO: Syrian 'rebels' behead man, execute 2 women
Libyan expatriate sources proven to be credible have posted a gruesome video on YouTube showing a group of Syrian “rebels” brutally beheading a man and shooting two women and tossing their bodies down a hole in the ground.
The Libyan expatriates forwarded the video to WND to make bolster their claim that the “rebel forces” about to be armed by the Obama administration are made up of radical Islamic terrorist groups with international ties to al-Qaida.
Viewers are warned that the video is so horrific that it could be psychologically disturbing.
More @ WND
Corker-Hoeven Amendment Won't Fix Gang of 8 Bill; Call your Senators TODAY
every piece of major legislation has that one amendment that can help
decide the fate of the bill. The Corker-Hoeven amendment announced
yesterday is the amendment that could help determine the fate of the Schumer-Rubio-Obama amnesty bill, S.744.
We must do all we can to defeat this amendment!
does the Corker-Hoeven amendment do? Not much. It reinforces several
points that are already in the underlying bill. The only significant
change is a requirement to hire an additional 20,000 border patrol
agents. Fence-sitting Senators think they can stop illegal immigration
and secure the border by throwing money at the problem.
Even with the Corker-Hoeven amendment, S.744 would still:
- Grant legal status and work permits to 11 million illegal aliens before any enforcement kicks in
- Increase unemployment and reduce wages for American workers, according to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office
- Only reduce illegal immigration by 25% (CBO), setting the stage for amnesty #9
- Weaken existing law by requiring an electronic entry/exit system at air and sea ports (current law requires a biometric entry/exit system at ALL PORTS of entry)
- Issue 33 million new green cards in the first decade
also learned that the amendment's lead sponsors -- Senators Corker and
Hoeven -- received significant help from Gang members Chuck Schumer and
Bob Menendez in drafting the proposal. Clearly, this is a last ditch effort by the Gang of Eight to pass a bad piece of legislation that was on the road to failure!
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Calling is simple! You can use the toll-free number below that will connect you to the Capitol Switchboard. When the staffer answers, tell him/her that the Corker-Hoeven amendment does nothing to change the framework of the bill -- amnesty first, enforcement maybe later. You can also use a few of the bullet points from above.
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Again, this amendment will ensure that amnesty for 11 million illegal aliens comes first. But a recent CNN poll
found that 62% of Americans want border security FIRST before dealing
with any other immigration issues. Supporters of the Corker-Hoeven
amendment and the Gang of Eight are turing their backs on the American
people to help rescue a bill that was sure to fail.
We've already swung the momentum once, and we can do it again!
Please call today!
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