Friday, February 26, 2016
Appalachian Messenger February 26, 2016
This week’s edition of the Appalachian Messenger has articles by:
T.L. Davis
Kill One; Terrify Thousands
Matt Bracken
Burning Down The House In 2016
Publius Huldah
Trashing the 12th Amendment with the National Popular Vote
David DeGerolamo
The Allure of Gold
Click here for the February 26, 2016 edition.
NC: March On Lenoir and Rally For the Flag
Via comment by Gary on Eastern NC Confederate Convoy #2
Please come join us in Kinston. We have fought long and hard keep the First National flying as it has since 1992 on Flag day. The county commissioners there are taking it upon them selves to take it down. Now they are attacking our freedom of speech and 1st amendment. Please come join in and help us stand against this issue to help preserve our traditions, heritage and history in the great state of NC.
More @ Facebook

Please come join us in Kinston. We have fought long and hard keep the First National flying as it has since 1992 on Flag day. The county commissioners there are taking it upon them selves to take it down. Now they are attacking our freedom of speech and 1st amendment. Please come join in and help us stand against this issue to help preserve our traditions, heritage and history in the great state of NC.
More @ Facebook
Diversity: A Civilizational Nightmare
A tribulation of following the news is the desperate peddling—it would appall an Amway salesman– of diversity, said to be our strength. Oh? Exactly why it is our strength is never specified. It seems to have brought no benefit beyond crime, rape, and genital mutilation. While the desirability of these advances is beyond dispute, it nonetheless seems to me that diversity has minor drawbacks worthy of consideration.
So, brothels and cisterns, let us look at some of the resplendent marvels of diversity, and the onward march of human betterment and happiness attendant thereunto. What have been the relations between:
More @ Fred On Everything
Bloomberg: Trump Positioned To Win Every State in Super Tuesday: Supports TRUMP OVER SOCIALIST POPE by 3-1 Margin
Via Billy
Another statistical affirmation comes from Bloomberg Analysts (full pdf below) who conducted polling of the “Super Tuesday” states and found Donald Trump leading in every contest, every demographic, and every metric in the multiple races.
Donald Trump isn’t just winning, he’s way ahead of Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz – AND even more substantially Trump beats each of them as individuals in head-to-head matchups. It’s not even close – heck, he’s even more supported than Pope Francis:

Another statistical affirmation comes from Bloomberg Analysts (full pdf below) who conducted polling of the “Super Tuesday” states and found Donald Trump leading in every contest, every demographic, and every metric in the multiple races.
Donald Trump isn’t just winning, he’s way ahead of Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz – AND even more substantially Trump beats each of them as individuals in head-to-head matchups. It’s not even close – heck, he’s even more supported than Pope Francis:
More @ The Last Refuge
Selective ‘History Lesson’ on Militias Ignores Inconvenient Truths
Via Michael
Evidently, per LTC Robert Bateman, Esquire, and a seeming majority of
its readers, Capt. John Parker should have been hanged for treason.
(“The Lexington Minuteman” sculpted by Henry Hudson Kitson.
LTC Robert Bateman presumes to lecture us on the militia and the Constitution, choosing Esquire Magazine as his forum so that, near as I can figure, we can also educate ourselves on the latest fashion tips for men, join in “progressive” attacks on conservatives, and catch up on all-important information about pop star Prince and his surprise concert tour. Bateman’s bottom line: The militia is what the government says it is, and if you join with others to defend against criminal acts of usurpation committed against you by those with government titles, you’re committing treason.
Bateman, some may recall, first came to the attention of many gun rights advocates with a 2013 Esquire piece declaring “It’s Time We Talk about Guns.” Understanding that piece helps us see what he’s up to in his latest screed.
He not only took SCOTUS and Justice Antonin Scalia to task for their Heller decision interpretation of the Second Amendment, but went on to propose citizen disarmament edicts that dispense with false assurances given by some in the gun ban camp that nobody wants to take our guns away.
Bateman does, big time, and makes no bones about it. In a way, he’s done us a service by giving a glimpse of the end game less candid incrementalists are sneaking toward.

The Enemy
LTC Robert Bateman presumes to lecture us on the militia and the Constitution, choosing Esquire Magazine as his forum so that, near as I can figure, we can also educate ourselves on the latest fashion tips for men, join in “progressive” attacks on conservatives, and catch up on all-important information about pop star Prince and his surprise concert tour. Bateman’s bottom line: The militia is what the government says it is, and if you join with others to defend against criminal acts of usurpation committed against you by those with government titles, you’re committing treason.
Bateman, some may recall, first came to the attention of many gun rights advocates with a 2013 Esquire piece declaring “It’s Time We Talk about Guns.” Understanding that piece helps us see what he’s up to in his latest screed.
He not only took SCOTUS and Justice Antonin Scalia to task for their Heller decision interpretation of the Second Amendment, but went on to propose citizen disarmament edicts that dispense with false assurances given by some in the gun ban camp that nobody wants to take our guns away.
Bateman does, big time, and makes no bones about it. In a way, he’s done us a service by giving a glimpse of the end game less candid incrementalists are sneaking toward.
More @ Oath Keepers
The media are misleading the public on Syria
Via Richard
For three years,
violent militants have run Aleppo. Their rule began with a wave of
repression. They posted notices warning residents: “Don’t send your
children to school. If you do, we will get the backpack and you will get
the coffin.” Then they destroyed factories, hoping that unemployed
workers would have no recourse other than to become fighters. They
trucked looted machinery to Turkey and sold it.
This month, people in Aleppo have finally seen glimmers of hope. The Syrian army and its allies have been pushing militants out of the city. Last week they reclaimed the main power plant. Regular electricity may soon be restored. The militants’ hold on the city could be ending.

Coverage of
the Syrian war will be remembered as one of the most shameful episodes
in the history of the American press. Reporting about carnage in the
ancient city of Aleppo is the latest reason why.
This month, people in Aleppo have finally seen glimmers of hope. The Syrian army and its allies have been pushing militants out of the city. Last week they reclaimed the main power plant. Regular electricity may soon be restored. The militants’ hold on the city could be ending.
More @ Boston Globe
Obama Set to Settle Score against Oregon Sheriff Outspoken on the Second Amendment
Via Cousin John
In the latest development involving the Burns-OR Standoff case, the
Oregon Department of Public Safety Standards and Training is asking the
state Department of Justice to investigate Grant County Sheriff Glenn
Palmer after receiving numerous complaints from the public and others,
including dispatchers and the John Day police chief. The Department has
released eight separate complaints, including ones from a 911 manager
and the John Day police chief, alleging misconduct by Palmer, and
raising alarm concerning Palmer's association with leaders of the refuge
The Department of Justice has been asked to investigate the case, and the licensing agency has warned Palmer that if violations of police standards are found, he could face revocation of his police certification.
According to a one-sided article published by Oregon Live on Thursday, February 18, Palmer has drawn criticism for his association with the armed militants who took over the wildlife refuge and his meeting with some of the occupation leaders:
The Department of Justice has been asked to investigate the case, and the licensing agency has warned Palmer that if violations of police standards are found, he could face revocation of his police certification.
According to a one-sided article published by Oregon Live on Thursday, February 18, Palmer has drawn criticism for his association with the armed militants who took over the wildlife refuge and his meeting with some of the occupation leaders:
More @ Black Listed News
Marine attacked, left for dead in DC
Via Billy
Not one but two Marines were brutally attacked on February 12 in two unrelated incidents.
One attack happened at a McDonald's when two teenagers assaulted and robbed a veteran Marine.
A second Marine, 35-year-old Michael Schroeder, was left for dead after a being attacked in Northwest D.C. that same day, according to his family.
Temperatures had dropped down to the teens in weather reports. Lying in the cold, dragged between two cars, face-down, head bashed-in and cash missing is how Schroeder’s family says police found him in the Glover Park neighborhood. Thankfully a dad and son driving by in a taxi saw Schroeder and called the authorities.
Not one but two Marines were brutally attacked on February 12 in two unrelated incidents.
One attack happened at a McDonald's when two teenagers assaulted and robbed a veteran Marine.
A second Marine, 35-year-old Michael Schroeder, was left for dead after a being attacked in Northwest D.C. that same day, according to his family.
Temperatures had dropped down to the teens in weather reports. Lying in the cold, dragged between two cars, face-down, head bashed-in and cash missing is how Schroeder’s family says police found him in the Glover Park neighborhood. Thankfully a dad and son driving by in a taxi saw Schroeder and called the authorities.
More @ WUSA
Burns Chronicles No 11 What are the III%?

First, we must understand the significance of the oft-used
expression, “III%” or “3%”. It is intended to suggest the percentage of
the population who fought against the British during the Revolutionary
War. Now, keep in mind what you just read. They fought in the
Revolutionary War, whether they were militia, or Continental Army; They
Why would I bring this up? Well, a number of comments have come to me regarding my article, “Civil Defiance or Submission?” Many have suggested that they are III%er, and their duty is strictly defensive.
In a discussion with one of them, I asked if he was III%. He boldly told me that he was. Then I asked him if he was ready to fight, to do something. He said that his job as III% was strictly defensive. I asked him what he intended to defend. He told me that he was going to defend his bug-out location, his family, and his team.
My next comment was that his first stand would also be his last stand. When they come to get him, and they will eventually find him, he will fight and die, defending, or he will end up in the gray-bar hotel, for a long time.
There is little doubt that the first of the III%ers were militia. It was months before the Continental Army was formed, but the war had begun. People fought, and people died, on both sides, so the first few thousand were none other than Militia.
So, the first eighty-some men where under arms were, perhaps, defensive. Under Captain Parker, the Lexington Militia were gathered on the Green, though they were lined up along a side road that led to Woburn, the same route John Hancock and Sam Adams had taken when they left Lexington, once alerted by the alarm riders. The road to Concord was not obstructed, in the least. It was merely the presence of armed colonists, which led to the events that have now become a part of our heritage.
As the British continued to march toward Concord, word spread rapidly to the nearby towns, villages, and counties of western Massachusetts.
More @ Outpost Of Freedom
Canadian Muslim Girl Goes on Mass Stabbing Spree – 8 Injured=> Authorities Baffled on Motive Behind Attack
Via Billy
A 14 year-old Canadian girl went on a stabbing spree this week at Dunbarton High School in Pickering, Ontario.
Eight students were hurt in the attack.
Ambulances sit in front of Dunbarton High School following a multiple stabbing at the Pickering, Ont., high school on Feb. 23.
Police accused 14-year-old girl Zahra Vaid of the crime.
A 14 year-old Canadian girl went on a stabbing spree this week at Dunbarton High School in Pickering, Ontario.
Eight students were hurt in the attack.
Ambulances sit in front of Dunbarton High School following a multiple stabbing at the Pickering, Ont., high school on Feb. 23.
Police accused 14-year-old girl Zahra Vaid of the crime.
More @ The Gateway Pundit
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