My Memories Of James Brown By (Brock Townsend) |
Sunday, October 31, 2021
Waterford, Ireland Exposes Covid Vaccine as a Fraud
Via Billy
A recent study in Israel found that vaccinated people were 13 times as likely to be infected – and 7 times as likely to be hospitalized
The British government is warning that people who receive the vaccines appear to have a less complete immune response to Sars-Cov-2 after infection.
Maybe even more concerning, scientists now have found evidence the vaccines may produce worrisome longer-term changes in the immune system.
What do you call a city where 99.7 percent of adults over the age of 18 (as registered in the last census) are fully vaccinated but now fighting one of the highest Covid-19 infection rate in their nation? You call it Waterford, Ireland.
Waterford City’s south electoral area has a 14-day incidence rate of 1,486 cases per 100,000 of the population, three times the national average which stands at 493 infections per 100,000 people.
More @ The Gateway Pundit
Virginia Democrats File Lawsuit Against U.S. Postal Service Over Delivery Delay of Absentee Ballots
Virginia’s Democrat Party sued the Post Office last week in Richmond’s Federal District Court saying the handling of absentee ballots may deprive thousands of their right to vote. Democrats bemoan the possible impact on the outcome of Tuesday’s extremely tight race to elect Virginia’s next Governor.
Faced with the prospect of losing the top job in a state that has been trending bluer with each election cycle, Democrats appear to be laying the groundwork for potential legal recourse to dispute a Republican win. In shades reminiscent of former United States President Donald Trump, Democrats allege that up to 300,000 mail-in ballots may be impacted by a slow-down in mail handling. Unlike Trump, however, they are not waiting until after the election to file legal action claiming election irregularities.
More @ RTM
Wisconsin audit findings: 44,272 individuals voted without proof of ID. The margin of victory in on 20,000
Wisconsin audit findings:
— Christina Bobb (@christina_bobb) October 22, 2021
44,272 individuals voted without proof of ID. The margin of victory in on 20,000
One Wisconsin representative is calling for decertification of the 2020 presidential election.
Back in July, Wisconsin Representative Tim Ramthun called for a full forensic audit.
Had he not advocated for this audit, Wisconsin’s rampant absentee ballot abuse would likely remain hidden.
Rep. Ramthun made a statement discussing the results of the Legislative Audit Bureau report on Thursday.
More@ WLT
71 out of 75 Districts in Uttar Pradesh, India – Its Most Populated State – Reported No Covid-19 Cases in 24 Hours After Implementing Ivermectin Protocol.
The Undeniable Ivermectin Miracle in India’s 240m Populated Largest State, Uttar Pradesh – Horowitz via @newsrescue
— Econnol (@econnol) October 22, 2021
School Board Member Escorts Young Kids on Field Trip to Gay Bar, Community Furious When Pics Emerge

Public schools attempting to indoctrinate children with woke ideologies have been a problem for years. But Broward County, Florida, is reportedly taking things to a whole new level of crudity.I was SO honored to be invited to chaperone @WiltonManorsES’s field trip to the incredible Rosie’s! The students and I had a fun walk over and learned a lot about our community! A huge thank you to @RosiesBnG for hosting this special field trip every year!
— School Board Member Sarah Leonardi (@bcpsleonardi) October 27, 2021
On Wednesday, Broward County school board member Sarah Leonardi
tweeted pictures of a field trip she took Wilton Manors Elementary
students on. The problem was the destination of the field trip was a gay
More @ Flag & Cross
Tucker Carlson Criticized by Conservatives for ‘False Flag’ Insinuations Regarding Jan 6
Via Billy
“False flags have happened in this country,” an unidentified female speaker is heard to say in the clip aired on Carlson’s Fox News show Wednesday night, “one of which may have been January 6.”
While Tucker Carlson may very well be on top of the conservative news world at the moment, that doesn’t mean that he’s wholly immune to criticism, as evidenced by his latest controversy.
Carlson, in teasing a new exposé on the events of January 6th, mentioned that possibility that the event was a “false flag” attack.
More @ Flag & Cross