Wednesday, November 21, 2012
by Hans
Over the past several months [in 2010], I’ve watched conservatives awaken, rally to action, and coalesce into groups, only to see them fragment and fight over issues that dissolved their bond.
I’ve searched for insight that would facilitate group aggregation and prevent the cycle of formation / fragmentation. ‘Strength of numbers’ and ‘unity of message’ are necessary to defeat the agenda of the progressives.
What makes us more alike than different? We could define ourselves by what we are not, like the progressives in 2006 and 2008. Their “change” did not tell us what they stood for, however, and we’re pretty certain we don’t like the changes we’ve received post election.
What are the essential threads of philosophy that bind us in common cause? What do we believe and how do we make our belief explicit? Can we state our beliefs so clearly and concisely that they function as a beacon to attract and retain conservative patriots in our cause?
After discussion within our local group, I decided to articulate my personal beliefs, to identify the threads of philosophy that brought me to the group, and hopefully will sustain our bond despite our many differences.
I am alive… human… an individual… and hold beliefs. I presume you are the same. Only if one believes in something can one act purposefully. As you read this, I infer some bond connects us across our disparate life experiences. Only if our group shares an explicit set of beliefs can we act purposefully in a coordinated fashion.
I began with a blank paper titled “I believe…” (I have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the reliability of…) and spent several hours crafting a few declarations:
1. An individual is the fundamental unit of human value, an individual owns himself without precondition, and social structure must respect the sovereignty of each individual.
2. The moral basis necessary for sovereign individuals to prosper together, in social structures, in peace, is completely defined by the “ideal laws for a civil society”:
4. Natural rights derive from 1, 2 and 3. Natural rights exist prior to any establishment of law or government and describe an individual’s liberty, or freedoms, to:
6. Liberty can remain secure only if government is so limited that it cannot infringe upon the natural rights of sovereign individuals or intrude into free exchange in capital markets.
7. These United States should be restored from the encroachment of National government to a limited government as defined in the US Constitution and its first Ten Amendments.
8. Once restoration has been achieved, the US Constitution should be reviewed and edited, to eliminate ambiguities of language and make structural corrections to prevent the re-growth of National government. Attention is required in, but not limited to, the following:
Traditional conservative principles clearly derive from beliefs 1 through 6.
I claim this “property right” as a consequence of belief 4, connected intimately to “rights” described in our Declaration of Independence. The second sentence of our Declaration reads:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
In his recent address to Continental Congress 2009, Michael Badnarik explained the etymology of the adjective “unalienable” which he carefully pronounced “un-a-lien-able”. His pronunciation startled me as I had been taught the word as un-alien-able and it always seemed an odd term.
Mr. Badnarik explained the root of the adjective was not “alien” (differing in nature or character typically to the point of incompatibility) but rather was “lien” from the legal and financial lexicon:
One bond which holds us together must be our belief in the sovereignty of an individual. Another must be our recognition that rights of individuals exist prior to establishment of law and government.
What other beliefs do we share?
Who are we? What holds us together?
Over the past several months [in 2010], I’ve watched conservatives awaken, rally to action, and coalesce into groups, only to see them fragment and fight over issues that dissolved their bond.
I’ve searched for insight that would facilitate group aggregation and prevent the cycle of formation / fragmentation. ‘Strength of numbers’ and ‘unity of message’ are necessary to defeat the agenda of the progressives.
What makes us more alike than different? We could define ourselves by what we are not, like the progressives in 2006 and 2008. Their “change” did not tell us what they stood for, however, and we’re pretty certain we don’t like the changes we’ve received post election.
What are the essential threads of philosophy that bind us in common cause? What do we believe and how do we make our belief explicit? Can we state our beliefs so clearly and concisely that they function as a beacon to attract and retain conservative patriots in our cause?
After discussion within our local group, I decided to articulate my personal beliefs, to identify the threads of philosophy that brought me to the group, and hopefully will sustain our bond despite our many differences.
I am alive… human… an individual… and hold beliefs. I presume you are the same. Only if one believes in something can one act purposefully. As you read this, I infer some bond connects us across our disparate life experiences. Only if our group shares an explicit set of beliefs can we act purposefully in a coordinated fashion.
I began with a blank paper titled “I believe…” (I have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the reliability of…) and spent several hours crafting a few declarations:
1. An individual is the fundamental unit of human value, an individual owns himself without precondition, and social structure must respect the sovereignty of each individual.
2. The moral basis necessary for sovereign individuals to prosper together, in social structures, in peace, is completely defined by the “ideal laws for a civil society”:
- Do not encroach upon others or their property
- Do all that you agreed to do.
4. Natural rights derive from 1, 2 and 3. Natural rights exist prior to any establishment of law or government and describe an individual’s liberty, or freedoms, to:
- Own, develop and dispose of property (products of labor)
- Bear arms for defense of self, family and property
- Establish associations, contracts and self-government
- Assemble, speak and petition to redress encroachments or breaches.
6. Liberty can remain secure only if government is so limited that it cannot infringe upon the natural rights of sovereign individuals or intrude into free exchange in capital markets.
7. These United States should be restored from the encroachment of National government to a limited government as defined in the US Constitution and its first Ten Amendments.
8. Once restoration has been achieved, the US Constitution should be reviewed and edited, to eliminate ambiguities of language and make structural corrections to prevent the re-growth of National government. Attention is required in, but not limited to, the following:
- Explicit definitions for “common good” and “commerce” clause
- Limits on the scope and authority of the Supreme Court
- Establishment of term limits; prohibition of political parties.
Traditional conservative principles clearly derive from beliefs 1 through 6.
- Dignity, freedom, ability and responsibility must be honored…
- Equal rights, justice and opportunity, but with no guarantee of equal outcomes…
- Individuals must be allowed to keep the money they earn…
- The best government is that which governs least…
- The most effective and efficient government is local government… etc.
- Speak about the role of the individual as the fundamental unit of human value; oppose all dogma about the supremacy of society or state.
- Educate individuals about the moral basis for human interaction, and the role of negative rights in formation of productive human relationships.
- Explain how capitalism is the only politico-economic system that is compatible with natural rights and individual liberty.
- Describe the Founders vision to maximize individual Liberty through local governance with limited Federal oversight.
I claim this “property right” as a consequence of belief 4, connected intimately to “rights” described in our Declaration of Independence. The second sentence of our Declaration reads:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
In his recent address to Continental Congress 2009, Michael Badnarik explained the etymology of the adjective “unalienable” which he carefully pronounced “un-a-lien-able”. His pronunciation startled me as I had been taught the word as un-alien-able and it always seemed an odd term.
Mr. Badnarik explained the root of the adjective was not “alien” (differing in nature or character typically to the point of incompatibility) but rather was “lien” from the legal and financial lexicon:
- Lien – a claim to property for the satisfaction of a debt; a right given to another by the owner of property to secure a debt, or one created by law in favor of certain creditors
- Alienable – the character of property that makes it capable of sale or transfer; capable of being taken away
- Unalienable – incapable of sale or transfer; a right which cannot be given to another
One bond which holds us together must be our belief in the sovereignty of an individual. Another must be our recognition that rights of individuals exist prior to establishment of law and government.
What other beliefs do we share?
Who are we? What holds us together?
The Vandals are within the gates. But they are all texting each other.
Random Vaporings on Language
The other night, sitting in the living room and communing with our useless dogs, I asked Vi what book she was reading. It was old, battered, and of many pages.
Lecciones de Lengua Castellano. Lessons in Castillian, meaning Spanish. The American edition. (“America” in Mexico denotes everything from Yellow Knife to Tierra del Fuego, not the United States). The book was Intended, it turned out, for students in high school.
I examined it, astonished. It was a thorough study of grammar, the structure of good writing, and the elements of style in Spanish. The vocabularies were extensive with sections on Arabic, Latin, Greek, and Saxon etymologies. I doubted that any university in the United States had anything so demanding.
Or in Mexico, today. With exceptions, the Mexican schools are dismal. So must they have largely been in 1963, when the book was published. Apparently those schools that were not dismal were rigorous.
I leafed through it with a curious feeling of familiarity. I grew up as a residuum of an earlier America, that of the upper South around the end of the nineteenth century, the Virginia of Southside, of the University of Virginia. Rural, relatively isolated in an age without electronics, it retained much of the culture of Thomas Jefferson. The educated of those days were carefully literate and cared about language. Writing well was considered a mark of civilization.
The cultivated men of the times before 1900, and for that matter the women, wrote well indeed. Read the memoirs of Ulysses Grant, George Armstrong Custer, John Singleton Mosby (who studied Greek and mathematics at the University of Virginal). Their prose is strong, polished without ostentation, always clear and devoid of grammatical slips. Yet these were not scholars but soldiers of the Civil War.
This was the tradition of my father, a mathematician raised in the Prince Edward County of Virginia of the Thirties, and of my grandfather, a professor of mathematics born before 1900. And so I grew up with my English being gently corrected, with relatives reading to me from those marvelous books purportedly for children that combined faultless language with stories that continue to delight adults to day: Winnie the Pooh and The House at Pooh Corner, The Jungle Books, Alice, Tom Sawyer, The Wind in the Willows. (I suppose that they now would be called “dual use.”) The only modern work of similar literary quality of which I am aware is The Lord of the Rings.
My grade schools of the Fifties still taught grammar and required the diagramming of sentences, now regarded with horror as a sort of linguistic water-boarding. We learned tense, mood, voice, subjunctives and parallelism and appositives. Equally important, we learned to listen to the language as well as its content, without which decent writing is nigh impossible.
With us, the written language was primary, the spoken derived from the written. In Spanish, if I know how “ajolote” is spelled, the word is mine. Otherwise it never quite is. Today among the literarily unwashed, the spoken language becomes primary. Note how “iced tea” becomes “ice tea,” ”boxed set” becomes “box set,“ presumably a set of boxes. The people who use these confusions don’t read, perhaps barely can, and do not know how the words are spelled. Participles? Huh? Wha’?
English once had its equivalents of Lecciones de Castellana. There were Fowler’s The King’s English and American English Usage, and of course Strunk and White’s The Elements of Style. These today are as well known to our gilded peasantry as the Gilgamesh Epic.
An attention to meaning existed. We knew that “sensuous” does not mean “sensual,” nor bellicose, belligerent; nor alternate, alternative; nor uninterested, disinterested; nor envious, jealous; nor historic, historical; nor philosophic, philosophical; nor it’s, its.
From The Elements of Style we learned the all-important “Omit needless words”, from Fowler:
Prefer the familiar word to the far-fetched.
Prefer the concrete word to the abstract.
Prefer the single word to the circumlocution.
Prefer the short word to the long.
Prefer the Saxon word to the Romance.
But that was then. Today usage nose-dives from the merely infelicitous to the downright annoying. Note the increasing penetration of language by that form of mispronunciation, once the marker of the lower middle class and below, in which emphasis falls on the first syllable of words. HOtel, INsurance, DEEfense, REEsources, DEEtail. It is the linguistic parallel of a facial tattoo.
And there is noun-speak. “Rainwater run-off flow control barrier system improvement programs.” Aside from the lack of clarity, the endless catenation of substantives is so ugly as to make migraine seem preferable. A satisfying solution would be a chain saw—taken to the author, the words being innocent bystanders.
Why are things that once were the common property of the cultivated now regarded as fossils predating the trilobites? One reason I think is the weakening of the barriers of class. The educated cannot maintain standards of excellence when constantly bathed by television in mangled grammar and illiterate usage.
Then there is a variant of Gresham’s Law that says bad culture drives out good. Stated more carefully, in the absence of barriers of class the values of the drains of society tend to become universal. Thus we have rap music, if such it is, hanging pants encompassing louts, piercings, and functional illiteracy. In a sentence, the vulgar have discovered that it is easier to reject higher standards than to meet them. By sheer numbers they prevail.
The death of good language is part of the larger death of all culture, springing from the same causes: the domination of society by the mob. Note the decline in the sales of books, particularly books of history, the sciences, and literature: the rapid growth in genuine illiteracy, the disappearance of symphony orchestras. We have no poets, a nation of over three hundred million being far inferior to tiny, muddy London in the Seventeenth Century. Classical music is seldom played and never written. Architecture means K Street
Little hope exists of a reversal any time soon, if ever. In 1850 those deficient in schooling knew their deficiencies, and wanted to learn. Today there is an actual preference for ignorance, which is regarded as authentic or democratic and morally superior to knowing anything, which would be elitist. In politics we see a vengeful delight that control of society passes to non-European minorities without interest in any culture but that of the streets. “He is street smart,” or sometimes just “He street smart” conveys approbation that once would have been expressed by “He is a man of taste and discrimination.” Once learning or even the desire for it has been lost, they do not readily return.
The Vandals are within the gates. But they are all texting each other.
A Depression Thanksgiving on the farm
Via Traditions and Skills
This joyous harvest festival has always been a family day celebrated with a big dinner and heart-warming reunions. Ninety-six-year-old farmer Webster Howe’s recollections of his favorite Thanksgiving is a bit poignant, but full of family warmth.
The best Thanksgiving I ever had was when me and Mother was workin’ the farm in southern Missouri, south of Joplin. It was in ’34 or ’35. Our kids had all left home lookin’ for work in California and in Kansas, takin’ all the little ones with them. Draggin’ the grandchildren all over the country, probably to starve, Mother always put it . Those years, there wasn’t no one left on the farm but me, Mother, and John, our youngest son.
In those days, there was want all across this country. Where we was you couldn’t hardly make a thin dime. We milked our string of cows and couldn’t sell the milk, and fed it to the pigs and couldn’t sell the pigs, but Mother and me and John was blessed with food and work. That year we put up more dried and canned stuff, and put down and smoked more meat than we ever done before or since. You’d of thought we was squirrels, puttin’ away nuts for a hard winter. I guess knowin’ about want everywhere and thinkin’ it might come to you and yours makes a person a little scared.
Anyway, it got to be one week before Thanksgivin’ and we didn’t hear nothin’ from any of the kids, not our two youngest families livin’ in southwest Kansas or the two older boys in California. Mother had writ them long letters, tellin’ them she missed them and wonderin’ if any of them was comin’ home for the holiday.
When she didn’t hear, she jest went out one mornin’ and killed two big tom turkeys and dressed them. Then she set about making apple, mince, and pumpkin pies. by evenin’ the bread and baked stuff began to pile up til I asked her who she was cookin’ all that for, me and John? She never even answered me.
I tell you, it got to me. Mother was workin’ hard and lookin’ tired. I was gettin’ bitter at the kids who hadn’t even answered their mother’s letter. John, he put in every bit of extry time he had helpin’ her-when she’d let him. I could see it was botherin’ him too, you know the way she was takin’ on, as if all her cookin’ and wishin’ would bring them other kids home.
Well, it didn’t get no better and by the time we was doing chores the night before Thanksgivin’ me and John was feeling low too. I still had two cows to go, when I heard a car drive up. John left the feedin’ and went out to look. He come runnin’ back and told me to come quick, he’d finish up later.
When I stepped out of the barn, there was my son Ken’s old touring car loaded with women and kids and Jack, my son-in-law, jumpin’ out of it. I jest turned around and went back into the barn. John, he come after me and told me they’d jest come down after me if I didn’t come on up to the house.
At the house there was a lot of laughin’ and talkin’ and everyone was huggin’ Mother and John and me. When we went inside, John, he poured coffee for the grownups and icy cold milk for all the children. Mother and the girls went to the pantry for somethin’ to eat and we could hear them teasin’ and laughin’ about all the stuff she’d made.
Then with both hands full of cookies, the littlest grandchild come out to lean against my chair. She was a purty little redheaded kid. She told me that up in Kansas they didn’t have no cookies like her Grandma made. I looked down at her and seen right away that she was as scrawny as a lamb whose mother didn’t have enough milk to feed it. Mother and Daughter walked out of the pantry about then and seen us. Mother give a knowin’ look at me and then at Daughter.
Daughter has always been the bravest of all my children, but when she looked straight at me, I saw fear in her eyes. Never sheddin’ a tear, not waver in her strong voice, she told us how they’d been broke most of the time in Kansas and they’d sold everything-even most of their clothes-to get the money to come home. Without asking for an ounce of pity, she made me a deal to work out their keep till things picked up-as thought I wouldn’t a taken them in for nothin’.
My boy Ken, he never said nothin’, neither did his wife they jest let Daughter talk. Jack, our son-in-law, never said a word, jest sat there with his head kind of down and his elbows on his knees. Mother seen he was feelin’ shamed for not bein’ able to take care of his own, so she told him how much we was needin’ help and how his comin’ was a real godsend.
The next day was Thanksgivin’ Day. The boys helped me with chores, then we sat awhile in the barn and talked about how we was goin’ to make it. And about how bad it was in Kansas and on up north. The women spent the whole mornin’ puttin’ dinner together. Then about two o’clock we ate.
Sittin’ there at the crowded table, covered with plates and food, the family all spruced up and smilin’, Mothers lookin’ like the Spirit of God had descended on her purty face, put me to mind of my own pa and ma and brothers, and I remembered the old, old prayer my father said at our table.
Well, I’m ninety-six, ninety-seven my next birthday-and since then I said that prayer, maybe fifty times over Thanksgivin’ dinners, but it never give me the joy it did that first time.
This joyous harvest festival has always been a family day celebrated with a big dinner and heart-warming reunions. Ninety-six-year-old farmer Webster Howe’s recollections of his favorite Thanksgiving is a bit poignant, but full of family warmth.
The best Thanksgiving I ever had was when me and Mother was workin’ the farm in southern Missouri, south of Joplin. It was in ’34 or ’35. Our kids had all left home lookin’ for work in California and in Kansas, takin’ all the little ones with them. Draggin’ the grandchildren all over the country, probably to starve, Mother always put it . Those years, there wasn’t no one left on the farm but me, Mother, and John, our youngest son.
In those days, there was want all across this country. Where we was you couldn’t hardly make a thin dime. We milked our string of cows and couldn’t sell the milk, and fed it to the pigs and couldn’t sell the pigs, but Mother and me and John was blessed with food and work. That year we put up more dried and canned stuff, and put down and smoked more meat than we ever done before or since. You’d of thought we was squirrels, puttin’ away nuts for a hard winter. I guess knowin’ about want everywhere and thinkin’ it might come to you and yours makes a person a little scared.
Anyway, it got to be one week before Thanksgivin’ and we didn’t hear nothin’ from any of the kids, not our two youngest families livin’ in southwest Kansas or the two older boys in California. Mother had writ them long letters, tellin’ them she missed them and wonderin’ if any of them was comin’ home for the holiday.
When she didn’t hear, she jest went out one mornin’ and killed two big tom turkeys and dressed them. Then she set about making apple, mince, and pumpkin pies. by evenin’ the bread and baked stuff began to pile up til I asked her who she was cookin’ all that for, me and John? She never even answered me.
I tell you, it got to me. Mother was workin’ hard and lookin’ tired. I was gettin’ bitter at the kids who hadn’t even answered their mother’s letter. John, he put in every bit of extry time he had helpin’ her-when she’d let him. I could see it was botherin’ him too, you know the way she was takin’ on, as if all her cookin’ and wishin’ would bring them other kids home.
Well, it didn’t get no better and by the time we was doing chores the night before Thanksgivin’ me and John was feeling low too. I still had two cows to go, when I heard a car drive up. John left the feedin’ and went out to look. He come runnin’ back and told me to come quick, he’d finish up later.
When I stepped out of the barn, there was my son Ken’s old touring car loaded with women and kids and Jack, my son-in-law, jumpin’ out of it. I jest turned around and went back into the barn. John, he come after me and told me they’d jest come down after me if I didn’t come on up to the house.
At the house there was a lot of laughin’ and talkin’ and everyone was huggin’ Mother and John and me. When we went inside, John, he poured coffee for the grownups and icy cold milk for all the children. Mother and the girls went to the pantry for somethin’ to eat and we could hear them teasin’ and laughin’ about all the stuff she’d made.
Then with both hands full of cookies, the littlest grandchild come out to lean against my chair. She was a purty little redheaded kid. She told me that up in Kansas they didn’t have no cookies like her Grandma made. I looked down at her and seen right away that she was as scrawny as a lamb whose mother didn’t have enough milk to feed it. Mother and Daughter walked out of the pantry about then and seen us. Mother give a knowin’ look at me and then at Daughter.
Daughter has always been the bravest of all my children, but when she looked straight at me, I saw fear in her eyes. Never sheddin’ a tear, not waver in her strong voice, she told us how they’d been broke most of the time in Kansas and they’d sold everything-even most of their clothes-to get the money to come home. Without asking for an ounce of pity, she made me a deal to work out their keep till things picked up-as thought I wouldn’t a taken them in for nothin’.
My boy Ken, he never said nothin’, neither did his wife they jest let Daughter talk. Jack, our son-in-law, never said a word, jest sat there with his head kind of down and his elbows on his knees. Mother seen he was feelin’ shamed for not bein’ able to take care of his own, so she told him how much we was needin’ help and how his comin’ was a real godsend.
The next day was Thanksgivin’ Day. The boys helped me with chores, then we sat awhile in the barn and talked about how we was goin’ to make it. And about how bad it was in Kansas and on up north. The women spent the whole mornin’ puttin’ dinner together. Then about two o’clock we ate.
Sittin’ there at the crowded table, covered with plates and food, the family all spruced up and smilin’, Mothers lookin’ like the Spirit of God had descended on her purty face, put me to mind of my own pa and ma and brothers, and I remembered the old, old prayer my father said at our table.
Well, I’m ninety-six, ninety-seven my next birthday-and since then I said that prayer, maybe fifty times over Thanksgivin’ dinners, but it never give me the joy it did that first time.
The Post-Republic America
A intuitive comment by K.R.
Those that still feel a need
•to be governed by others, or
•to govern others
take 30 paces forward turn and face me. Those that don't form to my right as a firing squad. Now do what must be done.
Now go and live your life as a free person, being prepared every minute of every day to defend yourself against those that would rob you and your family of your life, liberty, or property. The fight is never won once-and-for-all.
•to be governed by others, or
•to govern others
take 30 paces forward turn and face me. Those that don't form to my right as a firing squad. Now do what must be done.
Now go and live your life as a free person, being prepared every minute of every day to defend yourself against those that would rob you and your family of your life, liberty, or property. The fight is never won once-and-for-all.
Everyone will come to the same conclusion at different times, in their
own fashion. Some will be happy and some will be sad, but none can avoid
the awful truth presented to us all without mercy in the last election:
We are living in the post-republic America.
De Tocqueville knew it immediately and it has taken the better part of two centuries to accomplish the hazard he saw in the new American-style of government. Not that it was new to de Tocqueville, at least the understanding of democracy did not escape him, but when he remarked (paraphrased) that America would survive until the people realized they could vote themselves largess from the public treasury, he saw our future.
The last election was the first one I know of where the people dependent on government, or interested in the spoils to be had from electing one individual over another stood up to demand their loot. Be that "free" medicine and medical care, an extension of unemployment benefits (when the election was past and a higher unemployment figure could be tolerated) or just the greed of demanding more money from the wealthy, it is all the same.
Social Security was the first abomination to sink into the American psyche and become embedded, largely because it was paid into by those who planned to use its benefits later. Had the government treated these funds more responsibly, it might have actually worked as a sort of national 401K, but they stole the money and spent it on their pet projects and political payoffs and handed us all back an IOU.
The point is that with Social Security's facade of personal investment the socialist agenda wormed its way into the brains of even right-leaning Americans. They feel that they have put money in and expect to get money out. The larger question is lost in the same way, a generation hence, Obamacare for all of its faults and follies will be accepted as a given.
This is why this election marked the post-republic America, because it was the turning point, the ultimate tipping point, the one that the socialists and Marxists had been working toward all these years. Romney lost the election on the mobilization of the takers along with the understanding that he would not reverse any of the key legislation that had vexed so many patriotic and liberty-minded individuals who did not bother to turn out. Combine that with illegal aliens of all races and backgrounds disenfranchising legal voters and the outcome is a perfect fit for the Marxists.
So, here we are: democracy has supplanted the republic at last. The laws are not Constitutional after the warped interpretations of Marxists judges leaning always toward greater government control rather than greater liberty and limited government power. So there is no rule of law consistent with Constitutional limitations, which is a destruction of the republic in itself.
Ours is no longer a system where the citizen chooses to forgo some of his wealth in order to secure stability and proper government, it is a system where the comfort of one citizen in one age is able to secure that comfort from the toil of a citizen in a subsequent age, those yet to be born. Those citizens had no say in the spending and accumulation of debt to be handed to them on their birthday. Yes, we have all inherited some of this burden from previous generations, but not to this magnitude and not to this detriment. The revolving debt of government is now to a weight that the subsequent generations will be crushed by it, enslaved by it, without voice or vote.
The question now is: Where do we go from here?
I have described above the fact that the republic for these specific reasons is dead. We are a democracy now, no matter how the laws are formed or what our pledge of allegiance says. A republic requires that our representatives will act in accordance with the Constitution while serving the majority responsible for their election. In all things, however, a representative cannot act against the Constitution in favor of the masses, which is exactly what we endure today.
Electing presidents who nominate and seat judges who will ignore the Constitution and rule favorably against the Constitution is a violation of the concept of a republic, but perfectly consistent with a democracy.
Where do we go from here? Down.
There is no way to save the republic and rely on the laws at this point, we are past that. There is no way to walk into a court of law and plead innocence by fact of being convicted of an unlawful law, the entire judicial system is merely a means of making legal that which is unlawful. Everyone is in on it, they were trained that way and everyone they work with were trained that way. It is pointless.
Start trying to figure out what you are going to do about it. I am. (and no, I don't mean just writing on this useless blog)
De Tocqueville knew it immediately and it has taken the better part of two centuries to accomplish the hazard he saw in the new American-style of government. Not that it was new to de Tocqueville, at least the understanding of democracy did not escape him, but when he remarked (paraphrased) that America would survive until the people realized they could vote themselves largess from the public treasury, he saw our future.
The last election was the first one I know of where the people dependent on government, or interested in the spoils to be had from electing one individual over another stood up to demand their loot. Be that "free" medicine and medical care, an extension of unemployment benefits (when the election was past and a higher unemployment figure could be tolerated) or just the greed of demanding more money from the wealthy, it is all the same.
Social Security was the first abomination to sink into the American psyche and become embedded, largely because it was paid into by those who planned to use its benefits later. Had the government treated these funds more responsibly, it might have actually worked as a sort of national 401K, but they stole the money and spent it on their pet projects and political payoffs and handed us all back an IOU.
The point is that with Social Security's facade of personal investment the socialist agenda wormed its way into the brains of even right-leaning Americans. They feel that they have put money in and expect to get money out. The larger question is lost in the same way, a generation hence, Obamacare for all of its faults and follies will be accepted as a given.
This is why this election marked the post-republic America, because it was the turning point, the ultimate tipping point, the one that the socialists and Marxists had been working toward all these years. Romney lost the election on the mobilization of the takers along with the understanding that he would not reverse any of the key legislation that had vexed so many patriotic and liberty-minded individuals who did not bother to turn out. Combine that with illegal aliens of all races and backgrounds disenfranchising legal voters and the outcome is a perfect fit for the Marxists.
So, here we are: democracy has supplanted the republic at last. The laws are not Constitutional after the warped interpretations of Marxists judges leaning always toward greater government control rather than greater liberty and limited government power. So there is no rule of law consistent with Constitutional limitations, which is a destruction of the republic in itself.
Ours is no longer a system where the citizen chooses to forgo some of his wealth in order to secure stability and proper government, it is a system where the comfort of one citizen in one age is able to secure that comfort from the toil of a citizen in a subsequent age, those yet to be born. Those citizens had no say in the spending and accumulation of debt to be handed to them on their birthday. Yes, we have all inherited some of this burden from previous generations, but not to this magnitude and not to this detriment. The revolving debt of government is now to a weight that the subsequent generations will be crushed by it, enslaved by it, without voice or vote.
The question now is: Where do we go from here?
I have described above the fact that the republic for these specific reasons is dead. We are a democracy now, no matter how the laws are formed or what our pledge of allegiance says. A republic requires that our representatives will act in accordance with the Constitution while serving the majority responsible for their election. In all things, however, a representative cannot act against the Constitution in favor of the masses, which is exactly what we endure today.
Electing presidents who nominate and seat judges who will ignore the Constitution and rule favorably against the Constitution is a violation of the concept of a republic, but perfectly consistent with a democracy.
Where do we go from here? Down.
There is no way to save the republic and rely on the laws at this point, we are past that. There is no way to walk into a court of law and plead innocence by fact of being convicted of an unlawful law, the entire judicial system is merely a means of making legal that which is unlawful. Everyone is in on it, they were trained that way and everyone they work with were trained that way. It is pointless.
Start trying to figure out what you are going to do about it. I am. (and no, I don't mean just writing on this useless blog)
Texas Schools Now Teaching Boston Tea Party Was Act Of Terrorism….And More
Does anyone remember the video
that began to circulate where a FEMA representative told local police
in Oklahoma that the founding fathers and Christians were terrorists?
If you thought that was the end of such statements, let me awaken you
to the reality that public schools are teaching something very similar
to that in the U.S. occupied State of Texas. They are teaching
students, contrary to their parents wishes, that the Boston Tea Party
was an act of terrorism and that those who did it were terrorists.
This December 16 will mark the 239th anniversary of the Boston Tea Party. The protest has been historically recognized as the event that sparked the Revolutionary War. However, this is how it is being taught via the Texas public school system’s World History/ Social Studies lesson plan (Unit 12: Lesson: 07:
News report: New Act of Terrorism
A local militia, believed to be a terrorist organization, attacked the property of private citizens today at our nation’s busiest port. Although no one was injured in the attack, a large quantity of merchandise, considered to be valuable to its owners and loathsome to the perpetrators, was destroyed. The terrorists, dressed in disguise and apparently intoxicated, were able to escape into the night with the help of local citizens who harbor these fugitives and conceal their identities from the authorities. It is believed that the terrorist attack was a response to the policies enacted by the occupying country’s government. Even stronger policies are anticipated by the local citizens.In fact, much of the curriculum seems to suggest that anyone who opposes or does not agree with what government is doing is somehow labeled a “terrorist.”
After the above story is read, teachers are then instructed on how to manipulate the students thinking.
From the lesson plan:
There can be no doubt that these lessons are geared to tying the historical Boston Tea Party with terrorism and that concept then tied to the current Tea Party movement and thus to terrorism.
The company producing the lessons is CSCOPE. So just who is CSCOPE? They are an offshoot of the State Board of Education in Texas. They are owned by Texas Education Service Center Curriculum Collaborative (TESCCC). According to CSCOPE’s website:
CSCOPE is the source for an all-in-one approach to a quality curriculum system. CSCOPE is a comprehensive, customizable, user-friendly curriculum management system built on the most current research-based practices in the field.CSCOPE has several sample resources and samples that you can view here.
A reader of FreedomOutpost sent me information on the curriculum and also spoke with me via telephone. She informed me that many parents were denied access to the curriculum by teachers and superintendents. This is in direct violation of Texas State Law. From the Texas Constitution:
Sec. 26.006. ACCESS TO TEACHING MATERIALS. (a) A parent is entitled to:However, it doesn’t end there. CSCOPE also imposes a “gag order” on teachers using the site, which I have been informed they were made to sign a copy without legal counsel.
(1) review all teaching materials, instructional materials, and other teaching aids used in the classroom of the parent’s child;
In addition to the above, note the counter cultural anti-Christian lesson offered by CSCOPE via the
CSCOPE review website:
CSCOPE Lesson: Christianity is a Cult
In addition, they then provide false and misleading historical data pertaining to Islam, such as the following screenshot:
Also, the curriculum seems to be not only anti-Christian, but also pro-Islam as demonstrated in this Power Point presentation.
There is also Population Dynamics, along with Population Demography curriculum that is taught to the students. While population dynamics and even demography may be helpful to some, the question that should arise is, “Why is this being taught in public school?” The answer comes from a very presumptive source, the United Nations.
In their International Commission To consider Zero Population Resolution they address “High School Ambassadors” and cite the following:
As the world approaches a population of seven billion people, Secretary General Ban Kimoon would like you to participate on an international roundtable to discuss the issues associated with this growth. The outcome of this roundtable will be a report educating people of your age, around the world, about the impact of the current growth projections on specific countries throughout the world and possible measures that could lessen those impacts.
To be prepared for the roundtable, you will need to understand the basics of population dynamics and factors that impact populations. Specifically, you should focus on the following:
• Biotic and abiotic factors that limit population growth
• The relationship between carrying capacity and population growth
• Calculating birth and death rates as well as identifying exponential and logistical growth patterns
You will need to demonstrate your understanding of population dynamics, utilizing appropriate technology, and incorporate this in your final report to the UN Roundtable by applying it to a specific developed and developing country. Your report should include the following:
• Demographic data for each country including birth, death, and fertility rates
represented visually
• Description of the type of population growth being experienced and the key social,
biological, political, and economic factors impacting that growth
• A position whether to support or oppose the pending resolution that the world must
achieve zero population growth by the year 2060
o Support your position using trends and predictions based on your research.
• Alternative measures to limit impact of growthMy friends if you live in Texas you had better wake up and either stand up against the state run schools or get your children out of there. This not only applies in Texas, but in all states. Consider homeschooling your kids. They will gain the best knowledge of all things from you, not to mention you will have the greatest amount of time to input your values, principles and morals instead of having to counter what the statists are teaching your kids.
Obama’s Labor Board Pushes Manufacturing Jobs Overseas
If you are wondering why American manufacturing jobs are going overseas and not coming back, look no further than President Obama’s National Labor Relations Board. The NLRB recently told a U.S. Court of Appeals that employers’ concerns that a multiplicity of small bargaining units will cripple their operations are “irrelevant” under U.S. labor law.
The Board’s position was put forward by Acting General Counsel Lafe Solomon in a disturbing brief to the Fourth Circuit. It was filed to defend the Obama Board’s highly controversial decision, Specialty Healthcare, which jettisoned 76 years of Board law. The decision authorized unions in all industries over which the Board has jurisdiction to represent bargaining units of as few as two or more employees doing the same job in the same location. Why do unions want these small units? Because, among other things, they are easier to organize.
The Board’s decision threatens an undue proliferation of bargaining units, which Congress, state labor boards and other nations have warned about for years.
The Board Has Always Resisted “Undue Proliferation”
Since its inception in 1936, the NLRB has recognized that an undue proliferation of bargaining units causes unnecessary work stoppages and is inconsistent with the long-term goals of collective bargaining. Therefore, the Board has favored larger units and sought to avoid a multiplicity of smaller units. During Senate debate in 1974 on extending the Board’s jurisdiction to cover non-profit health care institutions, committee Chairman Senator Harrison A. Williams (D-NJ), no stranger to Board law, recognized this fact. He applauded the NLRB and said that as a rule it has “generally tended to avoid the unnecessary proliferation of bargaining units.”
The Board’s efforts in this regard were also clear in 1989 when it proposed adopting a rule that would make a single facility unit presumptively appropriate. In its Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, the NLRB said that the employees’ desire for a single facility unit (as opposed to the employer’s desire for a multi-facility unit) “might be outweighed by concerns over disproportionate, unjustified costs and undue proliferation of units.”
Congress Has Expressly Warned The Board About Undue Proliferation
More @ Townhall
I Am Your Confederate Ancestor

By Trooper Jim DeArman, CSA
CO. B, 37th Texas Calvary(Terrell's)
I am your Confederate ancestor.
Remember me?
When our country needed me,
I answered the call.
Do not forget me!
I was willing and did give up everything,
Sacrificed all, for country and you.
I faced deprivation, starvation,
faced the winter in tattered uniforms,
marched for miles with no shoes.
In Northern POW camps,
ill treatment was the norm,
intentionally withheld medical treatment,festering wounds,
allowed to freeze in the winter, and forced to endure sickness,
with hopes we would die.
I proudly fought under our flag,
for the constitutional republic we desired.
I rallied and faced an army that most of the time,
outnumbered us and was better equipped.
I gave my all and did my best,no sacrifice was to great.
No duty to small.
It was for you I did this,Without expecting any reward.
I suffered horrible wounds,and watched the angle of death,
cut vast lines of men down.
I bled for you,soaking the earth,I died for you.
Our families heeded the call,
they suffered under the boot of the Union army,
sacrificing farms, homes, possessions,
years of hardships we endured.
Will our self-sacrifices and heroic deeds,
be forgotten and perish from your memory?
My blood consecrated the ground of our country.
I gave my life for our people and it's land.
I died a heroic death for our independence,
on the battlefields of Shiloh, Chickamauga, Gettysburg.
Behold our bodies laid out in long lines,
the indignity of buried like garbage in mass trenches.
Our faces changed, death reflected in our eyes,
we breathe not, forevermore.
Behold, our mothers, wives, family,
heads bowed down,
silently grieving us who will never return.
Some buried forever in Yankee soil.
Our friends choked with tears.
The burden of losing us, having to bury us, to entomb us.
We did not betray you!
Our muskets still by our side,
ammo pouches empty,
We fought till the last man.
Just as our blood spilled out step by step,
We did all we could, every last man, never to rise.
Only when you forget us, do we truly die.
Only when you turn your back on us, are we truly gone.
Stand up for us!
Fight for us now!
For we carried your name, till death closed our eyes.
Do not let our sacrifice, die with us, our memory!
Raise the flag we fought for, wave it proudly from on high!
Are you ashamed of us, or to weak of heart to carry on?
The banner has been passed to you,
do not let it fall or falter,
the battle is now yours.
Remember me, I did not shirk my duty,
remember me, our bodies laid out in long lines,
But I can arise and live again,
But only through you!
Eileen Parker Zoellner
CO. B, 37th Texas Calvary(Terrell's)
I am your Confederate ancestor.
Remember me?
When our country needed me,
I answered the call.
Do not forget me!
I was willing and did give up everything,
Sacrificed all, for country and you.
I faced deprivation, starvation,
faced the winter in tattered uniforms,
marched for miles with no shoes.
In Northern POW camps,
ill treatment was the norm,
intentionally withheld medical treatment,festering wounds,
allowed to freeze in the winter, and forced to endure sickness,
with hopes we would die.
I proudly fought under our flag,
for the constitutional republic we desired.
I rallied and faced an army that most of the time,
outnumbered us and was better equipped.
I gave my all and did my best,no sacrifice was to great.
No duty to small.
It was for you I did this,Without expecting any reward.
I suffered horrible wounds,and watched the angle of death,
cut vast lines of men down.
I bled for you,soaking the earth,I died for you.
Our families heeded the call,
they suffered under the boot of the Union army,
sacrificing farms, homes, possessions,
years of hardships we endured.
Will our self-sacrifices and heroic deeds,
be forgotten and perish from your memory?
My blood consecrated the ground of our country.
I gave my life for our people and it's land.
I died a heroic death for our independence,
on the battlefields of Shiloh, Chickamauga, Gettysburg.
Behold our bodies laid out in long lines,
the indignity of buried like garbage in mass trenches.
Our faces changed, death reflected in our eyes,
we breathe not, forevermore.
Behold, our mothers, wives, family,
heads bowed down,
silently grieving us who will never return.
Some buried forever in Yankee soil.
Our friends choked with tears.
The burden of losing us, having to bury us, to entomb us.
We did not betray you!
Our muskets still by our side,
ammo pouches empty,
We fought till the last man.
Just as our blood spilled out step by step,
We did all we could, every last man, never to rise.
Only when you forget us, do we truly die.
Only when you turn your back on us, are we truly gone.
Stand up for us!
Fight for us now!
For we carried your name, till death closed our eyes.
Do not let our sacrifice, die with us, our memory!
Raise the flag we fought for, wave it proudly from on high!
Are you ashamed of us, or to weak of heart to carry on?
The banner has been passed to you,
do not let it fall or falter,
the battle is now yours.
Remember me, I did not shirk my duty,
remember me, our bodies laid out in long lines,
But I can arise and live again,
But only through you!
Eileen Parker Zoellner
Southern Gray by A J Timmons
Attached is the cover page of some sheet music
my great grandfather wrote.
Andrew. J. (1847-1931) didn't serve that I know of (too young) but brothers William (1843-1911), James K. P (1841-1914) & Thomas J.(1845-1933) did. All in A Co 9th Tn Cav Bn from Maury County, TN
--Terry (Timmons)
Andrew. J. (1847-1931) didn't serve that I know of (too young) but brothers William (1843-1911), James K. P (1841-1914) & Thomas J.(1845-1933) did. All in A Co 9th Tn Cav Bn from Maury County, TN
I don't know when he wrote this. If you or anyone
you know would like a color copy of the original that is the same size as the
original folded like sheet music, I will send you one. FedEx Office was able to
make large two sided color copies that were the same size as the original laid
out flat.
A. J. was apparently called "Jack" based on a genealogy notebook my grandfather put together. The notebook was all handwritten in pencil. G Grandfather died in 1931 at 84. Grandfather Horace Hamilton Sr. died in 1958 at 80.
A. J. was apparently called "Jack" based on a genealogy notebook my grandfather put together. The notebook was all handwritten in pencil. G Grandfather died in 1931 at 84. Grandfather Horace Hamilton Sr. died in 1958 at 80.
--Terry (Timmons)
The six contradictions of socialism in the USA
Via Cordite in the Morning
- America is capitalist and greedy - yet half of the population is subsidized.
- Half of the population is subsidized - yet they think they are victims.
- They think they are victims - yet their representatives run the government.
- Their representatives run the government - yet the poor keep getting poorer.
- The poor keep getting poorer - yet they have things that people in other countries only dream about.
- They have things that people in other countries only dream about - yet they want America to be more like those other countries.
Some regimes have murdered 10,000,000 or more people. This is more than the death toll of World War I. Three regimes have even murdered more than 20,000,000, itself more than the combat dead of World War II. No one can absorb these numbers; they are intellectually and morally indigestible. Beyond belief. By far, the media and literature on genocide and mass murder have devoted most attention to the Holocaust.
But even those publicizing this particular evil seem unaware of the total murdered by Hitler and his henchmen-about 21,000,000. Moreover, aside from the Holocaust, there seems to be little general knowledge that there were even greater megamurderers. The purpose of this theme page, then, is to reference what is available on this site that deals with these truly evil regimes. I hope that thereby more attention will be devoted to them, that we learn from their bloodletting, and that their mountain of victims will be remembered and memorialized.
More @ Charleston Voice
Cas Wallin: How Long, How Long (Hesitation Blues) (1982)
Cas Wallin at the home of his sister-in-law, Dellie Chandler Norton, in the Burton Cove, Sodom Laurel, Madison County, North Carolina. Shot by Alan Lomax and crew, September 1982.
Why there are no Red Cross shelters in New York City
Via commander_zero
The relief organization isn't permitted to set up shelters in New York City, thanks to a snarl of bureaucracy and red tape. Meanwhile, 20,000 residents remain displaced after Sandy's devastation.
In the immediate aftermath of the storm, the Red Cross held several
emergency training sessions for shelter volunteers (I attended a
November 2 session), telling classes that they needed to plan for a
three-day stint away from home and be able to lift heavy loads.
But that shelter operation never came to pass, and volunteers were told that the Red Cross would not be needing shelter workers. In the meantime, images of New York City's many devastated neighborhoods filled nightly newscasts; and the housing situation for many New Yorkers grew increasingly dire. The city has estimated that between 20,000 and 40,000 residents could be homeless or forced to live in unheated homes with no running water or power. The conditions are particularly deplorable in the high rises that dot the landscape near the waterfront in Brooklyn and Queens. About 5,200 Staten Islanders have applied for FEMA housing, but according to the New York Post only 24 or so have been placed.
Criticism has rained down on the Red Cross for not providing places for this mass of displaced people to live, but it seems that the aid organization is not permitted to set up shelters in the city due to a snarl of red tape.
The relief organization isn't permitted to set up shelters in New York City, thanks to a snarl of bureaucracy and red tape. Meanwhile, 20,000 residents remain displaced after Sandy's devastation.

What has been conspicuously absent from the areas of New York City
hardest hit by Superstorm Sandy are shelters set up by the American Red
Cross, an organization that as part of its mission statement provides
shelter in times of disaster.
The organization states in its shelter operations manual: "When large
groups of people are temporarily displaced from their homes, the
American Red Cross responds by opening and operating shelters."
But that shelter operation never came to pass, and volunteers were told that the Red Cross would not be needing shelter workers. In the meantime, images of New York City's many devastated neighborhoods filled nightly newscasts; and the housing situation for many New Yorkers grew increasingly dire. The city has estimated that between 20,000 and 40,000 residents could be homeless or forced to live in unheated homes with no running water or power. The conditions are particularly deplorable in the high rises that dot the landscape near the waterfront in Brooklyn and Queens. About 5,200 Staten Islanders have applied for FEMA housing, but according to the New York Post only 24 or so have been placed.
Criticism has rained down on the Red Cross for not providing places for this mass of displaced people to live, but it seems that the aid organization is not permitted to set up shelters in the city due to a snarl of red tape.
More @ CNN
‘Outrage’ over fed EBT push for aliens
Local lawmakers are fuming over an Obama administration policy promoting welfare and EBT benefits for immigrants, with a “welcome” package and promotional website that encourage new arrivals to take advantage of the nation’s generous government largesse.
“I think it’s a complete outrage that we’re encouraging people coming here to get on public assistance,” said state Rep. Shaunna O’Connell, a Taunton Republican who has fought for EBT reform. “We should be encouraging people to be self-sufficient. These programs are rampant with fraud and abuse.”
The fight over welfare for recent immigrants is unfolding in Washington, where a group of GOP senators has sent a letter to U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary Thomas Vilsack demanding answers as to why food stamps and other welfare benefits are being promoted to new immigrants. The agency’s Welcome website includes a comprehensive handbook directing immigrants on how to obtain food stamps, Medicare, disability and other taxpayer-funded aid.
More @ Boston Herald
PETA: Handle Hunting Magazines Like Porn--Keep Away from Kids
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is encouraging national retailer Hudson News to put hunting magazines where children can’t see them -- because, “Like other forms of casual or thrill violence, hunting spawns a dangerous desensitization to the suffering of others.”
In a recent blog post, PETA wrote: “If children aren't mature enough to see nude human bodies, are they really mature enough to see people killing for ‘fun’?
PETA has written to the CEO of Hudson News, Joseph DiDomizio, to request that his retail outlets handle hunting magazines the same way they would handle pornography or any other material that is inappropriate for kids: Store them out of reach and view of minors and allow only adults over the age of 18 to purchase them.
“If looking at pornography could encourage kids to become sexually active, as some child advocates suggest, what could looking at magazines that portray killing as exciting and rewarding do to them? We know that many of the school shooters who killed their classmates first hunted animals.”
More @ CNS News
DoubleTap Ammunition – two bullets, one trigger pull
Doubletap was started by Mike McNett, President and CEO, in his Salt Lake City garage in 2002. Since then, Doubletap has developed a reputation for powerful, reliable and accurate ammunition. Iain Harrison spoke with Mike McNett about some of their new ammunition for 2012 and especially their Equalizer line. The Equalizer is made of a jacketed hollow point loaded over the top of a lead ball. DoubleTap has a new meaning with this type of self defense ammo.
Video @ DRTV
.357 LCR at 4:50. Their load appears to have less kick than the Speer 158GR GD HPLE I use in mine.
.357 LCR at 4:50. Their load appears to have less kick than the Speer 158GR GD HPLE I use in mine.
Vogue editor André Leon Talley: Allen West’s ‘Coon Minstrely Theatre’ an ‘embarrassment to blacks’
Via Stu
André Leon Talley is the former American editor-at-large for Vogue magazine and a current contributing editor. When we last checked in with Talley, he was calling for progressives to boycott a Clint Eastwood film. Today he slithered further into the progressive gutter and joined the other foul-mouthed libs who attacked Rep. Allen West in racial terms when he conceded his House race.
Talley took to Twitter to tell his 128,000 followers that West, a decorated combat veteran, is the “dumbest man walking around America” and an “embarrassment to Blacks.” No, wait, actually he called West an “embarassment to Blacks.” That’s right, he spelled “embarrassment” wrong while calling someone else dumb.
But he wasn’t done. The repulsive Talley also tweeted that West’s mother must be “ashamed” of his “Coon Minstrely Theatre.”
Time and again, this is how conservative minorities are treated when they stray from the Left’s ideological plantation. March in lockstep with the liberals or else!
If West parroted the Left’s talking points and promoted crushing liberal policies that cripple all Americans, Talley would celebrate him as an American hero. Instead, he brands West as a race-traitor and insists race and politics should dictate politics.
Typical and despicable.
Allen West, you the dumbest man walking around America today. You ugly inside, your soul is tarnished. You are an embarassment to Blacks.
André Leon Talley is the former American editor-at-large for Vogue magazine and a current contributing editor. When we last checked in with Talley, he was calling for progressives to boycott a Clint Eastwood film. Today he slithered further into the progressive gutter and joined the other foul-mouthed libs who attacked Rep. Allen West in racial terms when he conceded his House race.
Talley took to Twitter to tell his 128,000 followers that West, a decorated combat veteran, is the “dumbest man walking around America” and an “embarrassment to Blacks.” No, wait, actually he called West an “embarassment to Blacks.” That’s right, he spelled “embarrassment” wrong while calling someone else dumb.
But he wasn’t done. The repulsive Talley also tweeted that West’s mother must be “ashamed” of his “Coon Minstrely Theatre.”
Coon Minstrely Theatre! If your mother is with you, she must be ashamed of you. You barks were / are sad Allen West!
If West parroted the Left’s talking points and promoted crushing liberal policies that cripple all Americans, Talley would celebrate him as an American hero. Instead, he brands West as a race-traitor and insists race and politics should dictate politics.
Typical and despicable.
Douche bag being douchie
Via Stu

Meet Lindsey Stone, a self-proclaimed douchebag. See that picture? She thinks it’s hilarious because she’s being her douche bag self. Of course, she’s at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers, and she thinks that doing what she’s doing is like smoking under a “No Smoking” sign.

Of course, the reason that you think this is funny is because popular culture tells you that the more outrageous you are, the more popular you’ll be. I believe your generation calls it “pushing the envelope” or something. Congratulations, Lindsey, you found the outer edge of the envelope, outside the limits of what we as a civilized society will accept.
Of course, Lindsey’s friends told her that she was wrong, but she left the picture up on her Facebook thingie – right through Veterans’ Day, so she wasn’t chastised quite enough to make her feel any measure of shame for her behavior.
Thanks to JP for the link.
Edit by NSOM:
Pending a follow up from Jonn, do not post home contact information for anyone you think may be Stone. It may not actually be her, innocent third parties may live there and just because YOU’RE mentally stable doesn’t mean the next person to read her home address is too. Her workplace and work number are fine, home addresses are not.
As far as anyone one can tell this is the original source, HOWEVER, it is a right leaning MILBLOG and the MSM can't be giving credit to them.
Meet Lindsey Stone, a self-proclaimed douchebag. See that picture? She thinks it’s hilarious because she’s being her douche bag self. Of course, she’s at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers, and she thinks that doing what she’s doing is like smoking under a “No Smoking” sign.
This is just us, being the douchebags that we are, challenging authority in generalWhose authority, Lindsey? The folks enforcing the “Silence & Respect” are soldiers. The Tomb is property of the Army, more accurately, the soldiers who are interred there. Of course, the sign is just supposed to remind you of your own proper conduct, the proper conduct you were not taught by your parents, apparently. There is no authority to challenge, really, well, except your upbringing, which by the looks of things is lacking.
Of course, the reason that you think this is funny is because popular culture tells you that the more outrageous you are, the more popular you’ll be. I believe your generation calls it “pushing the envelope” or something. Congratulations, Lindsey, you found the outer edge of the envelope, outside the limits of what we as a civilized society will accept.
Of course, Lindsey’s friends told her that she was wrong, but she left the picture up on her Facebook thingie – right through Veterans’ Day, so she wasn’t chastised quite enough to make her feel any measure of shame for her behavior.
Thanks to JP for the link.
Edit by NSOM:
Pending a follow up from Jonn, do not post home contact information for anyone you think may be Stone. It may not actually be her, innocent third parties may live there and just because YOU’RE mentally stable doesn’t mean the next person to read her home address is too. Her workplace and work number are fine, home addresses are not.
Action Items for Veterans, All
Today we are proud to launch a new petition giving a voice to our veterans to oppose the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). This treaty would subject American domestic policy to the standards and scrutiny of the United Nations and grant the federal government authority over American families of children with disabilities.
Already many veterans organizations have spoken up in favor of U.S. ratification of this dangerous treaty. This petition will allow our soldiers to communicate to the Senate that in this instance these organizations do not speak for them.
“A vote to accede to the CRPD would constitute an insult to the men and women who have suffered permanent injury and disability in the struggle to preserve personal liberty and American self-government,” the petition asserts. “We have shed our blood to preserve these vital principles of freedom; this treaty poses a serious threat to both.”
You can read the entire petition here, and if you are a veteran we invite you to sign it.
If you are not a veteran, please pass this along to every freedom-loving, family-supporting veteran you know. (In my experience, that’s pretty much all of them.)
General Petition Also Available
If you or a family member lives with a disability, hopefully you have already signed the petition to oppose CRPD ratification here. If you are a veteran, we urge you to sign the petition above.But many of you who are neither still want to go on record opposing this dangerous treaty. By popular demand, we have set up a petition for you here. And if you have signed the other petition(s), you can sign this one as well; it is for every American concerned for our sovereignty and parental rights.
Our friends at Patriot Voices have a similar petition here. We encourage you to sign theirs, as well.
Support Parental Rights While You Shop
For many of us,
“shopping season” starts in the next few days. Through GoodShop, you can
donate funds to without impacting your own bottom
line. Just launch your online shopping through GoodShop, and they will donate money to our cause. Simply click here to reach our unique GoodShop start page, then click the GoodShop button to get started. You
can shop at all of your favorite online retailers at the same prices
you otherwise would, and a percentage of your purchases will be given
back to support our organization.
Thank You
Finally, whether
you sign the petition(s), pass them along, help us with GoodShop, or
continue to support the parental rights cause in other ways, we thank
you for an exciting if challenging year in the quest to preserve
parental rights. All that we have been able to accomplish is through
your support: giving*, participating, and spreading the word.As families across our nation pause to give thanks this weekend, we at are grateful that our family includes you!
Michael Ramey
Director of Communications & Research
Jefferson Davis' 1861 & 1862 Thanksgiving Proclamations
To the People of the Confederate States:
WHEREAS, it hath pleased Almighty God, the Sovereign Disposer of events, to protect and defend us hitherto in our conflicts with our enemies as to be unto them a shield.
And whereas, with grateful thanks we recognize His hand and acknowledge that not unto us, but unto Him, belongeth the victory, and in humble dependence upon His almighty strength, and trusting in the justness of our purpose, we appeal to Him that He may set at naught the efforts of our enemies, and humble them to confusion and shame.
Now therefore, I, Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States, in view of impending conflict, do hereby set apart Friday, the 15th day of November, as a day of national humiliation and prayer, and do hereby invite the reverend clergy and the people of these Confederate States to repair on that day to their homes and usual places of public worship, and to implore blessing of Almighty God upon our people, that he may give us victory over our enemies, preserve our homes and altars from pollution, and secure to us the restoration of peace and prosperity.
Given under hand and seal of the Confederate States at Richmond, this the 31st day of October, year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty one.
By the President, JEFFERSON DAVIS
THANKSGIVING DAY 1862 for victory in battle
To the People of the Confederate States:
Once more upon the plains of Manassas have our armies been blessed by the Lord of Hosts with a triumph over our enemies. It is my privilege to invite you once more to His footstool, not now in the garb of fasting and sorrow, but with joy and gladness, to render thanks for the great mercies received at His hand.
A few months since, and our enemies poured forth their invading legions upon our soil. They laid waste our fields, polluted our altars and violated the sanctity of our homes. Around our capital they gathered their forces, and with boastful threats, claimed it as already their prize.
The brave troops which rallied to its defense have extinguished these vain hopes, and, under the guidance of the same almighty hand, have scattered our enemies and driven them back in dismay.
Uniting these defeated forces and the various armies which had been ravaging our coasts with the army of invasion in Northern Virginia, our enemies have renewed their attempt to subjugate us at the very place where their first effort was defeated, and the vengeance of retributive justice has overtaken the entire host in a second and complete overthrow.
To this signal success accorded to our arms in the East has been graciously added another equally brilliant in the West. On the very day on which our forces were led to victory on the Plains of Manassas, in Virginia, the same Almighty arm assisted us to overcome our enemies at Richmond, in Kentucky. Thus, at one and the same time, have two great hostile armies been stricken down, and the wicked designs of their armies been set at naught.
In such circumstances, it is meet and right that, as a people, we should bow down in adoring thankfulness to that gracious God who has been our bulwark and defense, and to offer unto him the tribute of thanksgiving and praise. In his hand is the issue of all events, and to him should we, in an especial manner, ascribe the honor of this great deliverance.
Now, therefore, I, Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States, do issue this, my proclamation, setting apart Thursday, the 18th day of September inst., as a day of prayer and thanksgiving to Almighty God for the great mercies vouchsafed to our people, and more especially for the triumph of our arms at Richmond and Manassas; and I do hereby invite the people of the Confederate States to meet on that day at their respective places of public worship, and to unite in rendering thanks and praise to God for these great mercies, and to implore Him to conduct our country safely through the perils which surround us, to the final attainment of the blessings of peace and security.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Confederate States, at Richmond, this fourth day of September, A.D.1862.
What Does Ron Paul Read?
In Ron Paul's latest best-seller, Liberty Defined: 50 Essential Issues That Affect Our Freedom, he offers us his thoughts on a series of controversial topics, from Abortion to Zionism. His purpose is to inspire serious, critical, and independent thinking. Here are the books he cites for further study. Read 1, 2, or more:
Anderson, Terry. Free Market Environmentalism
Belfield, Richard. The Assassination Business: A History of State-Sponsored Murder
Burleigh, Anne Husted. Education in a Free Society
Caplan, Bryan. The Myth of the Rational Voter
Carter, Jimmy. Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid
Chodorov, Frank. The Income Tax: The Root of All Evil
Denson, John. A Century of War
___ Reassessing the Presidency:The Rise of the Executive State and the Decline of Freedom
Epstein, Richard. Forbidden Grounds: The Case Against Employment Discrimination
___ Takings: Private Property and the Power of Eminent Domain
Faddis, Charles S. Beyond Repair: The Decline and Fall of the CIA
Fisher, Louis. Presidential War Power
Fridson, Martin. Unwarranted Intrusions: The Case Against Government Interventions in the Marketplace
Flynn, John T. As We Go Marching
___ The Roosevelt Myth
Grant, James. Money of the Mind
Higgs, Robert. Crisis and Leviathan: Critical Episodes in the Growth of American Government
___ Depression, War and Cold War: Studies in Political Economy
Hoppe, Hans-Hermann. Democracy: The God That Failed
Horner, Christopher. The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming
King, Martin Luther, Jr. The Autobiography of Martin Luther King
La Boétie, Etienne de. The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude
Larson, Edward J. The Creation-Evolution Debate: Historical Perspectives
Lott, John. More Guns, Less Crime
Mann, Vivian. Convivencia: Jews, Muslims, and Christians in Medieval Spain
Mises, Ludwig Von. Human Action: The Scholars Edition
___ The Theory of Money and Credit
___ Omnipotent Government
___ Nation, State and Economy
___ Theory and History
Morley, Felix. Freedom and Federalism
Napolitano, Andrew. The Constitution in Exile: How the Federal Government Has Seized Power by Rewriting the Supreme Law of the Land
Paterson, Isabel. The God of the Machine
Paul, Ron. Mises and Austrian Economics: A Personal View
___ A Foreign Policy of Freedom
Petro, Sylvester. The Labor Policy of a Free Society
Rockwell, Llewellyn H., Jr. The Left, the Right, and the State
Rothbard, Murray. An Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought
___ For a New Liberty
___ Education: Free and Compulsory
Saenz-Baillos, Angel. A History of the Hebrew Language
Savage, Charlie. Takeover: The Return of the Imperial Presidency and the Subversion of American Democracy
Schoeck, Helmut. Envy: A Theory of Social Behavior
Slezkine, Yuri. The Jewish Century
Sowell, Thomas. Race and Culture
Thompson, C. Bradley. Neoconservatism: An Obituary for an Idea
Thornton, Mark. The Economics of Prohibition
Thoreau, Henry David, Civil Disobedience
Weiner, Tim. Legacy of Ashes: The History of the CIA
West, E. G. Education and the State: A Study in Political Economy
Woods, Thomas. Meltdown: A Free-Market Look at Why the Stock Market Collapsed, the Economy Tanked and Government Bailouts Will Make Thing Worse
___ Nullification: How to Resist Tyranny in the 21st Century
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