Thursday, June 28, 2018

Supreme Court's Janus decision could change everything for our schools and kids

Image result for Supreme Court Janus decision could change everything for our schools and kids

In 20 to 30 years, we may look back on this week as the turning point when everything changed for America’s teachers and their students. That’s because the Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that individuals who disagree with a union’s political activity will no longer be forced to pay dues to the union.

The 5-4 high court decision in the case of Janus v. AFSCME (American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees) is a landmark victory for the First Amendment rights of 5 million public sector employees in 22 states. In addition, a great opportunity for serious school reform may be a consequence as well.

More @ Fox

Rebel raider disguised in hoop skirt

One of the most famous cross-dressing episodes of the war involved the Confederate officer known as Richard Thomas Zarvona.

Richard Thomas Jr. (his birth name) came from a notable Southern Maryland family. His father had been speaker of the Maryland House of Delegates and president of the Senate. An uncle had been governor. The Thomas estate, Mattapany, had once been the residence of Charles Calvert, the third Lord Baltimore and Lord Proprietor of Maryland. (Mattapany is now the official residence of the commander at Patuxent Naval Air Station.)

Thomas seems to have been born for adventure. He entered West Point at age 16, but his preference for the “martial arts” instead of the civil engineering courses that dominated the curriculum led to his standing near the bottom of the first-year class. He resigned early in his second year.

84% support turning undocumented immigrants over to authorities& NC GOP seeks to remake state Constitution



Gov. Roy Cooper (D) cannot veto the amendments under the state’s constitution.

North Carolina Republicans are advancing an ambitious package of constitutional amendments that would dramatically overhaul the structure of state government and the way residents vote, enraging state Democrats ahead of an election year in which the GOP fears losing its supermajority status.

In a series of votes this week, the Republican-dominated legislature forwarded six proposed amendments to November’s ballot. Each would need majority approval from voters to pass.

The amendments include a measure to require voters to show proper identification when casting a ballot; a proposal to cap state income taxes at 5.5 percent; two others that would limit the governor’s ability to make appointments to vacant judicial seats and state elections boards; a measure to codify the right to hunt and fish; and a proposal to expand victim’s rights, known as Marsy’s Law.

More @ The Hill

Trump up 10 points among Hispanics, 6 points among Republicans and 4 points among Democrats


President Trump’s approval rating has ticked up to 47 percent in the new Harvard CAPS/Harris poll released exclusively to The Hill, a 2 point hike from last month.

More @ The Hill

Liberals’ Hatred Will Inevitably Turn Into Violence

Via John

Liberals’ Hatred Will Inevitably Turn Into Violence

Many of us are predicting that eventually these foam-spitting, psycho liberals are going to embrace violence out of frustration at their inability to recover the power we stripped from them, but we’re already past that point. Just ask Steve Scalise, alive today only because the Bernie bro who tried to massacre a bunch of Republicans, as well as Jeff Flake, did not know how to shoot.

But we Normals do know how to shoot, and that’s significant. Because, as I have grown hoarse from shouting, I see these leftist morons charging headlong down the same slippery slope I was stationed at the bottom of in Kosovo.

More @ Townhall

The Red Hen, The Murder of Southern Hospitality and The Spirit of Destruction

Via Kirk


Imagine. You’ve had a rough week at the office. You’ve had a pressure-packed month that had you traveling halfway across the world for meetings that could decide the fate of millions. Your return has brought no rest. Every day you still have to stand in front of a bunch of people screaming the same questions at you — loaded questions, rude questions, “Let’s see if I can get trending on Twitter” questions. Questions where one wrong word from you can send markets crashing, foreign leaders vexing, to say nothing of sending talking heads into a frenzy. And you have to take this daily barrage with supernatural control and restraint, despite being genetically wired to be a wise-cracker.

Finally, it’s Friday. TGIF! Escape! You head out I-66 with the job and the nation’s Capitol in your rear view mirror. You head south down I-81. Way south. With each mile you lose the stench of the Swamp, the weight of your responsibility, the burden of a boss who works 17 hours a day and rarely on script. Up ahead is a nice dinner with some friends, a couple’s night.

More @ The Stream

Trump to ‘Extremist’ Democrats: ‘We Will Not Tolerate Attacks’ on ‘Courageous’ ICE Agents, Border Patrol

U.S. president Donald Trump greets supporters during a campaign rally at Scheels Arena on June 27, 2018 in Fargo, North Dakota. President Trump held a campaign style 'Make America Great Again' rally in Fargo, North Dakota with thousands in attendance. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

President Trump called out “extremist Democrat politicians” during a rally in Fargo, North Dakota on Wednesday, blasting the recent attacks by open borders activists on Border Patrol and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents.

In his speech to supporters, Trump called the recent doxing of ICE agents — where a database has been created to attack ICE agents at their home addresses — a “shameless attack” that has been perpetuated by Democrats’ recent call for ICE to be abolished.'

Trump said:

 More @  Breitbart

California Supreme Court Upholds ‘Impossible’ Gun Control Law

 Spent casings piled together inside the firing hall at the LAX Firing Range in Inglewood, California on September 7, 2016 where gun enthusiasts can come fire at targets. / AFP / Frederic J. BROWN / TO GO WITH AFP STORY BY VERONIQUE DUPONT-'Gun-toting Democrats bristle at firearms limits in California' …

The Supreme Court of California upheld a micro-stamping requirement for semiautomatic handguns Thursday — even though the technology does not exist to allow manufacturers to comply.

The Associated Press summed up the court’s ruling: “The California Supreme Court says state laws cannot be invalidated on the grounds that complying with them is impossible.

The micro-stamping requirement, or “bullet stamping law,” as it is sometimes called, requires that semiautomatic handguns sold in California have a special, one-of-kind marker affixed to their firing pins so a special fingerprint is left on each spent shell casing. The idea is to give law enforcement a means to take shell casings from a crime scene and trace them back to the firearm’s owner.

More imbecility @ Breitbart

Day of Delusion at the Pentagon: Infantry Women, National Security Equals Gender Neutrality, the Army is a Welfare Program and Pregnancies are No Hindrance to Combat Readiness

Via Kirk



As the feminist Kamikaze bears down on the U.S.S. Pentagon, spineless brass sip Mint Juleps on the bridge, adding up their pensions and hoping to abandon ship before the US military is catastrophically killed in the next war.

Which it will be, if nothing changes, mark my words.

Across the military, standards are dropping faster than a Greg Maddux sinker; as lackeys, perfumed princes, feather merchants and cultural Marxist, Obama holdouts do their best to make the US Military the Laughing Stock of the World.

More silliness @ US Defense Watch


Quantrill and his Missouri Partisan Rangers: The politically incorrect truth

Via Mike

Image result for Quantrill and his Missouri Partisan Rangers: The politically incorrect truth
According to former U.S. President Harry S. Truman, a native of Missouri,
“… Quantrill and his men were no more bandits than the men on the other side. I’ve been to reunions of Quantrill’s men two or three times. All they were trying to do was protect their property on the Missouri side of the line…”

There are few better examples of historical distortion in war and its subsequent politics than the demonization of William Clarke Quantrill and his Missouri Partisan Rangers. Nations often demonize their enemies to wage war. In the case of Quantrill, the distortions of war propaganda have persisted and even increased to justify modern political fashions.

Moreover, the ruthless conduct of Union troops in Missouri during the war and continued persecution of Partisans after the war forced many of Quantrill’s men into outlawry from 1865 to 1877. The most famous of which were Frank and Jesse James and Cole and James Younger.Quantrill and other Partisans were depicted as psychopathic killers.

More @ The Tribune

Gowdy to Rosenstein on Russia Probe: 'Finish it the hell up' & Jordan Slams Rosenstein:“We’ve Caught You Hiding Information!”

Image result for Jordan Slams Rosenstein

“We’ve Caught You Hiding Information!

COMPILATION: Democrats, Media Figures Glorify Violence Against Trump Supporters

We need welfare reform now – Here’s why

Via Billy

 In the wake of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy's retirement, announced Wednesday, three big questions loom: Who will President Trump nominate to replace Kennedy?

The rapidly growing economy is proof that we need welfare reform.

Having more job openings than people looking for work is a good problem to have – but it is still a problem.

Earlier this month, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that at the end of April there were 6.7 million job openings in the United States and only 6.3 million people who were unemployed. The reason for this disparity is due to accelerating job creation since President Trump was elected.

Despite the growing economy, workforce participation has remained mostly unchanged (at around 62.7 percent). This is down from as high as 67.3 percent in the late 1990s and early 2000s.

There’s only one right way to close this gap.

More @ Fox

It Is Terrible To Be A Liberal In 2018 – Which Is Awesome!

 Image result for It Is Terrible To Be A Liberal In 2018 – Which Is Awesome

What a letdown – you libs were totally promised that you and your elite cohort would rule forever, unchallenged, over the filthy hordes infesting America’s non-coastal regions, and then all of a sudden those nasty Normals got militant and elected Donald Trump. It’s not fair, damnit! And it just gets worse and worse as things in America, under Trump, get better and better.

This prosperity and this relative peace are the worst things ever. Well, for you liberals. But then that’s all that matters, according to liberals.

More @ Townhall

First Boer Delegation Visits Hungarian Town

Via Nancy

“Tens of thousands of Boers are looking for a new home in the world because of extreme racism, discrimination and untenable public security [in South Africa], and Europe [the EU] is an accomplice [in creating this situation],” he continued.
A “historic moment”—this is how the mayor of the town of Ásotthalom in Hungary, László Toroczkai, has described the first visit of an Afrikaner farmer delegation to his town which arrived there over the past weekend.

“After long preparations, the first Boer delegation from South Africa arrived,” Mayor Toroczkai announced on Facebook.

More @ TNO

The Supreme Court just became a YUGE factor in the 2018 elections

Via Billy

 Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy’s retirement, announced Wednesday, will do more than reshape the high court.
“This is every Democrat candidate’s worst nightmare, as it changes the game on turnout,” GOP pollster Chris Wilson told the Washington Examiner. “It doesn’t just close the enthusiasm gap, it injects rocket fuel into the evangelical base that helped Trump win swing states.”
Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy’s retirement, announced Wednesday, will do more than reshape the high court. It also scrambles the campaign for the November midterm elections.

The 2016 presidential election showed how the Supreme Court can loom large in determining the candidate who voters support and the intensity of that support. Throughout 2016, both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton used the Supreme Court vacancy created by the death of Justice Antonin Scalia to motivate their supporters to vote.

More @ Fox

Facing it Together | Si & Tempy

Via Carl