Via Cousin John

What: Lee & Jackson Banquet
When: 6:00 pm on February 12, 2022
Where: King’s Restaurant on US 70 east in Kinston, NC
Why: To celebrate the birthdays of Generals Robert E. Lee and
Jonathan Stonewall Jackson
Who: Anyone who cherishes the memory of these two Southern
The Goldsboro Rifles, the Dr. B. T. Person and the Smithfield
Light Infantry Camps are hosting a Lee and Jackson Banquet.
Please come and help us celebrate the birthdays of these two
great men and Confederate leaders. It is General Lee’s 215 th and
General Jackson’s 198 th birthday.
We are proud to have as our speaker for this year’s banquet,
another of our favorites, Mike Parker. Mike is a member of the
CSS Neuse Camp 1427 of the Sons of Confederate Veterans.
Three of his great-great grandfathers served the Confederacy
during the War Between the States. He enjoys serving as a tour
guide on the CSS Neuse II, a full-size replica of the original CSS
Neuse. He serves as secretary of the CSS Neuse Foundation,
caretakers of the Neuse II. He has had a thirst for history all his
life and has done extensive research on many of its subjects. His
topic this year will be the first seventeen years in the life of
General Stonewall Jackson, “Before Stonewall”. It promises to be
very interesting and given Mike’s talent for delivery, there is no
The meal, served family style, will consist of King’s barbecue,
fried chicken, Brunswick stew, slaw, potatoes, tea and
If you would like to be a part of this special celebration,
please send your check made out to Allen Aycock.
$32.00/couple--$16.00/single to:
Allen G. Aycock, Sr.
1128 Aycock Dairy Farm Road
Fremont, NC 27830
Please send it to Allen by February 5 th , 2022 so we can give the
restaurant a head count in time for them to prepare for us. In
the past, quite a few have waited to pay at the door. When you
do that, we cannot give the restaurant an accurate head count,
so, please, send your check to Allen. It really helps us as we
want to have enough food and seating for everyone. Thanks for
your co-operation.
Please feel free to pass this along to ANYONE that you think
might like to attend. You do not have to belong to the SCV to be
a part of this celebration. It is open to all General Lee and
General Jackson admirers.
As usual we will be having a silent auction to raise money for
the upkeep of the General Joseph E. Johnston Monument on the
Bentonville battlefield. We encourage you to bring items for the
auction. Who knows, someone else may bring just what you
have been looking for and you might bring what he or she has
been looking for. Items do not have to be War Between the
States theme items, just any items you would like to
donate to help us care for the monument.
For questions, you may email me at tobaccodog@gmail or call
For questions, you may email me at tobaccodog@gmail or call
me at 919-222-8441.
Please forgive me if you get multiples of this invitation. I am
using several sources for addresses.
Hope to see you
John Pippin