Thursday, September 15, 2016
SCV Private Bryan Jackson Buck Camp 1769, Peletier, NC September 2016 Meeting
Dan Taylor, Lieutenant Commander, gave a presentation on The War in NC including basic causes and timeline. Destruction of infrastructure such as railroads, towns, factories and homes. Fall of Wilmington, Bentonville and the rest of the Old North State. Reconstruction to the Yankees meant robbery, burning and placing unreasonable taxes on property which caused many to lose their ancestor's homes to Carpetbaggers.
NC: Franklin Graham on ACC's Pullout: 'Profound Hypocrisy'
Via Cousin John
"Our state is being bullied by the NCAA, the ACC, and some of corporate America who are influenced by LGBT activists. Women across this state — do you really want men in your restrooms? Mothers and grandmothers — do you want men going into the locker rooms and dressing rooms with your daughters and granddaughters? What about you, dads and grandfathers?"
Graham added: "This isn't only an important issue of privacy and safety, this is a moral issue. Sexually perverted people want to come into the most private and sensitive area that we have as human beings — the restroom. You are shepherds of the flock. Shepherds protect, speak out, and defend."
Full piece @ Newsmax
The point of inflexion and awakening? Now that Hillary Clinton will never be POTUS, are the scales about to fall from tens of millions of US eyes?
Via Dick
My interest in this matter is spiritual, not political; this is not about an election, it is about the potential for mass spiritual awakening triggered by a recognition of the scale and scope of falsehood being perpetrated in official public discourse; and the potential for many, many people very suddenly (and unexpectedly) to make a decision either to stay inside or to move outside The Matrix of dishonesty and delusion.
But this is a critical time in the history of The West. Either we will decide to continue in the present direction to extinction and self-damnation; or to step off the down-escalator and start climbing back upwards.
Whatever happens in the next few hours or days, and whether or not she gets elected in name; it is now clear that Hillary Clinton will never be President of the United States in any functional sense.
My probable inference is, and has been for a while:
My interest in this matter is spiritual, not political; this is not about an election, it is about the potential for mass spiritual awakening triggered by a recognition of the scale and scope of falsehood being perpetrated in official public discourse; and the potential for many, many people very suddenly (and unexpectedly) to make a decision either to stay inside or to move outside The Matrix of dishonesty and delusion.
But this is a critical time in the history of The West. Either we will decide to continue in the present direction to extinction and self-damnation; or to step off the down-escalator and start climbing back upwards.
Whatever happens in the next few hours or days, and whether or not she gets elected in name; it is now clear that Hillary Clinton will never be President of the United States in any functional sense.
My probable inference is, and has been for a while:
More @ Bruce Charlton's Notions
Those Faded Jackets of Grey

“We had lived in South Carolina less than five years when I was dipped deep in the fiery spirit of Southern patriotism. This was the Confederate reunion of 1903, held in our home town of Columbia. It was but one in a long line of reunions.
In South Carolina they had a way of placing the first in the year 1876 — “the grandest reunion ever held in any State, one of the most sublime spectacles ever witnessed,” “thrilling the hearts” of the people of Columbia. They called it the first, but “there were no invitations, no elaborate programme, no committees of reception, no assignment of quarters, no reduced rates of transportation, no bands of music, no streamers flying.”
Of it they said: “The State was prostrate. The people had with marvelous patience restrained themselves from tearing at the throat of the Radical party. Hampton had been elected governor, and yet the tyrannical party would not yield.” (Wade Hampton and his “red shirts” had just overthrown Reconstruction.) At that moment, the story goes — “It was the supreme moment of the crisis” — there appeared, coming into Columbia from every direction, by all the highways, “men in apparel which had become the most glorious badge of service since the history of the world — those faded jackets of grey.”
They came, it is said, ten thousand of them, converging on Columbia, making their way straight to the headquarters of the Democratic Party. They were resolved, they said, “to make this State one vast cemetery of free men rather than the home of slaves.”
Their voices shouted hoarsely, “Hampton!” “Forth came the great captain who stilled the tumult with a wave of his hand.” He said, “My countrymen, all is well. Go home and be of good cheer. I have been elected governor of South Carolina, and by the eternal God, I will be governor or there shall be none.”
I remember nothing of the Lost Cause movement before the Confederate reunion of 1903. I may have been drinking it in since the time of my babyhood . . . In 1903 I was verily baptized in its sentiments. In the air we felt a sense of urgency, as though the chance might never come again to honor the old men.
The oratory stressed it: “Ranks of the men who fought beneath the Stars and Bars — the beautiful Southern Cross — are thinner . . .” “Pathos . . . there cannot be many more reunions for these oaks of the Confederacy . . .”
“Not far from taps . . . for the many ties that bind will soon be severed . . . the high tribute is but their honor due.”
(The Making of a Southerner, Katherine Du Pre Lumpkin, UGA Press, 1991, (original 1946), pp. 112-114)
First female soldier in Green Beret training fails to complete the course
Via Billy
The first female soldier to participate in the Army’s initial training for the Green Berets — side by side with men — failed to complete the course, The Washington Times has learned.
The enlisted soldier is the first woman to attend U.S. Army Special Forces Assessment and Selection, the first step toward earning the Special Forces name and the coveted green beret.
Since Defense Secretary Ashton Carter opened all combat jobs to women in December, a number of female troops have applied for direct combat roles from which they had long been banned. No woman has achieved the qualifications to become an Army Ranger or Green Beret, a Navy SEAL, a Marine Corps infantry officer or an Air Force parajumper, among other combat specialties.
The first female soldier to participate in the Army’s initial training for the Green Berets — side by side with men — failed to complete the course, The Washington Times has learned.
The enlisted soldier is the first woman to attend U.S. Army Special Forces Assessment and Selection, the first step toward earning the Special Forces name and the coveted green beret.
Since Defense Secretary Ashton Carter opened all combat jobs to women in December, a number of female troops have applied for direct combat roles from which they had long been banned. No woman has achieved the qualifications to become an Army Ranger or Green Beret, a Navy SEAL, a Marine Corps infantry officer or an Air Force parajumper, among other combat specialties.
More @ The Washington Times
‘Rule 41’ change allows FBI ‘mass surveillance’ if Congress does nothing
Via sauced07
The deadline is December 1. If Congress fails to act, the FBI gains the power to hack and surveil an unlimited number of computers, based on just one warrant from any federal judge. “Rule 41” marks a new line drawn in the cybersecurity-privacy battle.
The US court system has a process through which the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure are amended, and because these decisions are not made by elected officials, they are not supposed to deal with changes in the law or enacting policy.
Changes to Rule 41, however, will remove the limits on how the FBI can obtain search warrants for computer networks. As of now, a federal judge may authorize the feds to install malware to hack computers suspected to be involved in criminal activity. That judge may only issue the warrant when the device is in his or her jurisdiction, though. That barrier is scheduled to be lifted December 1, unless Congress prevents it.
It means it will be legal for the government to “hack anyone,” as Senator Ron Wyden (D-Oregon) puts it in an op-ed article he helped write for Wired magazine Wednesday.
The deadline is December 1. If Congress fails to act, the FBI gains the power to hack and surveil an unlimited number of computers, based on just one warrant from any federal judge. “Rule 41” marks a new line drawn in the cybersecurity-privacy battle.
The US court system has a process through which the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure are amended, and because these decisions are not made by elected officials, they are not supposed to deal with changes in the law or enacting policy.
Changes to Rule 41, however, will remove the limits on how the FBI can obtain search warrants for computer networks. As of now, a federal judge may authorize the feds to install malware to hack computers suspected to be involved in criminal activity. That judge may only issue the warrant when the device is in his or her jurisdiction, though. That barrier is scheduled to be lifted December 1, unless Congress prevents it.
It means it will be legal for the government to “hack anyone,” as Senator Ron Wyden (D-Oregon) puts it in an op-ed article he helped write for Wired magazine Wednesday.
More @ RT
Mexico wants to build a border wall with Central America to keep out illegal immigrants from El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala
Via Billy
It seems Mexico agrees with Donald Trump's plans to build a wall to keep out illegal immigrants - but only on its southern border with Central America.
It seems Mexico agrees with Donald Trump's plans to build a wall to keep out illegal immigrants - but only on its southern border with Central America.
Mexicans are calling
for the border wall to keep out Guatemalans, Salvadorans and Hondurans
fleeing violence in their own countries.
complain 'hordes' of immigrants pass through on their way to the United
States -who are then simply deported back to Mexico rather than their
home countries by the US.
American migrants are left stuck in border cities with Mexican officials
unable to afford to send them back to their own countries, according to
an article by one of the largest newspapers in the border state of
Tamaulipas, El Mañana, titled: 'Yes to the Border Wall … but in Mexico's
More @ Daily Mail
HSBC case blows lid off Clintons' offshore empire: Panama Papers suggest ties to massive money-laundering scheme
Via Billy
The arrest of the head of global foreign exchange cash trading at HSBC bank may shed new light on suspicions the Clinton Foundation has been involved in illegal offshore money-laundering operations on a massive scale.
The investigation into HSBC currency trader Mark Johnson and
associate Stuart Scott for their alleged role in a “conspiracy to rig
currency benchmarks” by front-running customer orders has escalated to
the point where the Department of Justice is threatening to tear up a 2012 agreement to fine HSBC a historic $1.9 billion for money-laundering violations in lieu of criminal prosecutions.
At issue is whether or not HSBC has honored the 2012 deferred-prosecution agreement in which the bank agreed to establish internal review procedures to catch and punish potentially criminal activities by employees.
The arrest of the head of global foreign exchange cash trading at HSBC bank may shed new light on suspicions the Clinton Foundation has been involved in illegal offshore money-laundering operations on a massive scale.
At issue is whether or not HSBC has honored the 2012 deferred-prosecution agreement in which the bank agreed to establish internal review procedures to catch and punish potentially criminal activities by employees.
More @ WND
NC: Small crowd as usual for Hillary
Via Billy
Small crowd. Half are Storm Chasers aka #HackingHillaryNado at
Hillary Clinton Rally in Greensboro, NC

I Am A Syrian Living in Syria: “It was Never a Revolution nor a Civil War. The Terrorists are sent by your Government”
Via Nancy
Two years ago, “Majd” wrote these words on a Facebook posting:
“ I am Syrian… living in Syria in the
middle of everything. We have seen horrors. It was never a revolution
nor a civil war. The terrorists are sent by your goverment. They are al
Qaeda Jabhat al Nusra Wahhabi Salafists Talibans etc and the extremist
jihadists sent by the West, the Saudis, Qatar and Turkey. Your Obama and
whoever is behind him or above him are supporting al Qaeda and leading a
proxy war on my country.
We thought you are against al Qaeda and now you support them.
The majority here loves Assad. He has
never committed a crime against his own people… The chemical attack was
staged by the terrorists helped by the USA and the UK, etc. Everyone
knows that here.
American soldiers and people should
not be supporting barbarian al Qaeda terrorists who are killing
Christians, Muslims in my country and everyone.
More @ Global Research
What Is the FBI Hiding? By Andrew P. Napolitano
Via Billy
Earlier this week, Republican leaders in both houses of Congress took the FBI to task for its failure to be transparent. In the House, it was apparently necessary to serve a subpoena on an FBI agent to obtain what members of Congress want to see, and in the Senate, the chairman of the Judiciary Committee accused the FBI itself of lawbreaking.
Here is the back story.
Ever since FBI Director James Comey announced on July 5 he was recommending that the Department of Justice not seek charges against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as a result of her failure to safeguard state secrets during her time in office, many in Congress have had a nagging feeling that this was a political, not a legal, decision. The publicly known evidence of Mrs. Clinton’s recklessness and willful failure to safeguard secrets was overwhelming. The evidence of her lying under oath about whether she returned all her work-related emails that she had taken from the State Department was profound and incontrovertible.
And then we learned that people who worked for Mrs. Clinton were instructed to destroy several of her mobile devices and to remove permanently the stored emails on one of her servers. All this was done after these items had been subpoenaed by two committees of the House of Representatives.
Yet the FBI — which knew of the post-subpoena destruction of evidence and which acknowledged that Mrs. Clinton failed to return thousands of her work-related emails as she had been ordered by a federal judge to do, notwithstanding at least three of her assertions to the contrary while under oath — chose to overlook the evidence of not only espionage but also obstruction of justice, tampering with evidence, perjury and misleading Congress.
Earlier this week, Republican leaders in both houses of Congress took the FBI to task for its failure to be transparent. In the House, it was apparently necessary to serve a subpoena on an FBI agent to obtain what members of Congress want to see, and in the Senate, the chairman of the Judiciary Committee accused the FBI itself of lawbreaking.
Here is the back story.
Ever since FBI Director James Comey announced on July 5 he was recommending that the Department of Justice not seek charges against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as a result of her failure to safeguard state secrets during her time in office, many in Congress have had a nagging feeling that this was a political, not a legal, decision. The publicly known evidence of Mrs. Clinton’s recklessness and willful failure to safeguard secrets was overwhelming. The evidence of her lying under oath about whether she returned all her work-related emails that she had taken from the State Department was profound and incontrovertible.
And then we learned that people who worked for Mrs. Clinton were instructed to destroy several of her mobile devices and to remove permanently the stored emails on one of her servers. All this was done after these items had been subpoenaed by two committees of the House of Representatives.
Yet the FBI — which knew of the post-subpoena destruction of evidence and which acknowledged that Mrs. Clinton failed to return thousands of her work-related emails as she had been ordered by a federal judge to do, notwithstanding at least three of her assertions to the contrary while under oath — chose to overlook the evidence of not only espionage but also obstruction of justice, tampering with evidence, perjury and misleading Congress.
More @ The Washington Times
Commission Recommends Removal Of 2 Confederate Monuments In Baltimore
Via Billy
After spending months researching and reviewing Baltimore’s
Confederate monuments, a special commission appointed by Mayor Stephanie
Rawlings-Blake has recommended removing two of them.
The seven members of the commission — four from the city’s Commission for Historical and Architectural Preservation (CHAP) and three from the Public Arts Commission — studied and evaluated four sculptures:
The seven members of the commission — four from the city’s Commission for Historical and Architectural Preservation (CHAP) and three from the Public Arts Commission — studied and evaluated four sculptures:
More @ CBS
Hillary’s Poll Numbers Just TANKED In One Of America’s Most Liberal Cities
Via Billy
Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s poll numbers dropped dramatically in the Democratic stronghold of Washington, D.C., according to a Google Consumer Surveys poll published Thursday.
Clinton still led Republican nominee Donald Trump by 6 points, at 38 to 32 percent, but her lead fell dramatically in a poll released in the first Thursday of September, where Clinton led by 25 points, earning 48 percent compared to 22 percent for Trump.
Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s poll numbers dropped dramatically in the Democratic stronghold of Washington, D.C., according to a Google Consumer Surveys poll published Thursday.
Clinton still led Republican nominee Donald Trump by 6 points, at 38 to 32 percent, but her lead fell dramatically in a poll released in the first Thursday of September, where Clinton led by 25 points, earning 48 percent compared to 22 percent for Trump.
More @ The Daily Caller
DNC Leaks Email: Hillary Clinton Took Credit for the Arab Spring Sh*tShow
Via Billy
The Arab Spring were a series of Middle Eastern protest movements supported by the Obama regime that resulted in the replacement of pro-American governments with the Muslim Brotherhood thugs, anti-American Islamists, failed states and ISIS enclaves.
The impetus behind the Arab Spring was never really a desire for self-rule as we understand it, but rather a desire for Islamic rule. Each country that fell during the faux-organic Arab Spring protest movement shared a trait in common: aside from being brutal dictatorships, they were also secular governments.
The Arab Spring were a series of Middle Eastern protest movements supported by the Obama regime that resulted in the replacement of pro-American governments with the Muslim Brotherhood thugs, anti-American Islamists, failed states and ISIS enclaves.
The impetus behind the Arab Spring was never really a desire for self-rule as we understand it, but rather a desire for Islamic rule. Each country that fell during the faux-organic Arab Spring protest movement shared a trait in common: aside from being brutal dictatorships, they were also secular governments.
More @ The Gateway Pundit
'Do you realise what you've done?' Putin addresses UNGA 2015 (FULL SPEECH)
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