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Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Via comment by Anonymous on Where Have All the Crisis Actors Gone?
Video deleted X 1,000 :) , but at LiveLeak now.
Video deleted X 1,000 :) , but at LiveLeak now.
Remove Lee Circle statue - Take Down Jefferson Davis Memorial - Remove Jefferson Davis Statue & More
Via Jeffery
Cav Med's comment on NBC: “White Americans Are Biggest Terror Threat in...
Shawn Anglim Anglim is calling for the mayor Mitch Landrieu to remove the Jefferson Davis statue on Independence Day. It is a question Mayor Mitch Landrieu and other city leaders are now considering calls for the Jefferson Davis memorial to be taken down.
Kentucky's most powerful Republican politician on Tuesday suggested taking down the statue of Confederate President Jefferson Davis from the state's Capitol.
He questioned "the appropriateness of continuing to have a Jefferson Davis statue in a very prominent place in our state Capitol. Maybe a better place for that," he said, "would be the Kentucky History Museum."
Via Billy
It will only end when the poison filled vipers in power are de-fanged or squashed.
Cav Med's comment on NBC: “White Americans Are Biggest Terror Threat in...
"For those who still don't understand, the time to stop hiding behind
prepping, justifying inaction until a perfect level of training has
been obtained, and waiting until a moment of tactical purity exists is over.
We must acknowledge and accept that our former lives are over. Everything that was comfortable, enjoyable, desirable about that time, it's longevity and safety must now be put down. The infighting, back stabbing and making excuses must be shelved.
If we don't honestly and openly admit it is time to go on the offensive, no one should be surprised how this ISIS/communist attempt to destroy and erase Confederate history, it's descendants, supporters ultimately ends in the defeat of our Republic and Constitutional rule of law.
We must acknowledge and accept that our former lives are over. Everything that was comfortable, enjoyable, desirable about that time, it's longevity and safety must now be put down. The infighting, back stabbing and making excuses must be shelved.
If we don't honestly and openly admit it is time to go on the offensive, no one should be surprised how this ISIS/communist attempt to destroy and erase Confederate history, it's descendants, supporters ultimately ends in the defeat of our Republic and Constitutional rule of law.
Shawn Anglim Anglim is calling for the mayor Mitch Landrieu to remove the Jefferson Davis statue on Independence Day. It is a question Mayor Mitch Landrieu and other city leaders are now considering calls for the Jefferson Davis memorial to be taken down.
Kentucky's most powerful Republican politician on Tuesday suggested taking down the statue of Confederate President Jefferson Davis from the state's Capitol.
He questioned "the appropriateness of continuing to have a Jefferson Davis statue in a very prominent place in our state Capitol. Maybe a better place for that," he said, "would be the Kentucky History Museum."
Via Billy
NC: Bad Bill of the Week: Ending Voter ID Before it Began?
North Carolina is the first state to lose a voter photo ID case and the Republicans in the state legislature were the deciding factor.
Late last week, out of nowhere, Republicans in the state Senate and House passed a bill that effectively gutted North Carolina’s never-implemented voter photo ID legislation.
The Voter Information Verification Act (VIVA), the landmark election reform legislation passed in 2013, included a voter photo ID provision that was to be implemented in 2016.
House Bill 836 is now on its way to Gov. Pat McCrory for his signature.
More @ NCCivitas
NBC: “White Americans Are Biggest Terror Threat in U.S.”
Via Michael Downing
In the wake of the massacre of churchgoers in a black church by Dylan Roof, the event has been capitalized by Obama, his media and the entirety of the Marxist Leftwingtards in America and the Ruling Class Oligarchs in Washington D.C. to push for everything from the removal of the Confederate flag from sale and display, to radicals who have the protection and ear of Obama urging the killing of all white people.
Politicians were trampling all over one another to jump on the bandwagon to call for the removal of Confederate flags and statues of Jefferson Davis as insane pundits called for bulldozing Confederate cemeteries and questioned the legitimacy of the Jefferson Memorial due his slaveholdings. I watched in amazement as businesses went full seig heil! in removing any and all items for sale and display that had Confederate symbols on them. I have to wonder aloud if this was simply an opportunist moment to test whether or not the Ruling Class could do the same with Guns as they have with the CSA Battle Flag.
First you demonize. Then you criminalize. Then you exterminate. This is how Genocides are started.
Obama’s Regime with help from his Praetorian Media are furiously pushing the meme that White Americans are the biggest terror threat to the country.
In the wake of the massacre of churchgoers in a black church by Dylan Roof, the event has been capitalized by Obama, his media and the entirety of the Marxist Leftwingtards in America and the Ruling Class Oligarchs in Washington D.C. to push for everything from the removal of the Confederate flag from sale and display, to radicals who have the protection and ear of Obama urging the killing of all white people.
Politicians were trampling all over one another to jump on the bandwagon to call for the removal of Confederate flags and statues of Jefferson Davis as insane pundits called for bulldozing Confederate cemeteries and questioned the legitimacy of the Jefferson Memorial due his slaveholdings. I watched in amazement as businesses went full seig heil! in removing any and all items for sale and display that had Confederate symbols on them. I have to wonder aloud if this was simply an opportunist moment to test whether or not the Ruling Class could do the same with Guns as they have with the CSA Battle Flag.
More @ Sword At The Ready
WashPost: Southern Whites are ‘Monsters’
Jim Webb Stands Up For People Who Memorialize The Confederacy & Cooter Chimes In
Via David
Former Virginia Sen. Jim Webb, a southern Democrat contemplating a run for president, encouraged people on Wednesday to understand the “complicated history of the Civil War” when calling for the removal of the Confederate flag across the country.
is an emotional time and we all need to think through these issues with
a care that recognizes the need for change but also respects the
complicated history of the Civil War,” Webb wrote in a post on Facebook.
Responding to the shooting in Charleston last week, the governors of South Carolina and Alabama have called for the removal of the flag off the capitol grounds.
Former Virginia Sen. Jim Webb, a southern Democrat contemplating a run for president, encouraged people on Wednesday to understand the “complicated history of the Civil War” when calling for the removal of the Confederate flag across the country.
Responding to the shooting in Charleston last week, the governors of South Carolina and Alabama have called for the removal of the flag off the capitol grounds.
to the removal of the Confederate flag in states across the country,
Webb said: “The Confederate Battle Flag has wrongly been used for racist
and other purposes in recent decades. It should not be used in any way
as a political symbol that divides us.”
statement — which could appeal to southerners who view the flag not as a
symbol of hate, but of history and regional pride — is at odds with the
more liberal wing of his party. Hillary Clinton, for example, said Wednesday that she would like to see stores across the country stop selling Confederate flags.
More @ The Daily Caller
Where Have All the Crisis Actors Gone?
Via comment by Sioux on Dash Cam Footage Of Charleston Church Shooting Sus..., the website established to represent the collaboration between the Visionbox professional actors studio and FEMA’s Emergency Management Institute has been dormant since August 2014. This is according to information obtained from Internet Archive on June 15, 2015.
On July 29, 2014 a notice retrieved from Internet Archive for announces:, the website established to represent the collaboration between the Visionbox professional actors studio and FEMA’s Emergency Management Institute has been dormant since August 2014. This is according to information obtained from Internet Archive on June 15, 2015.
On July 29, 2014 a notice retrieved from Internet Archive for announces:
We apologize for the inconvenience, but Crisis Actors is currently undergoing maintenance.
We apologize for the inconvenience, but Crisis Actors is currently undergoing maintenance.
More @ Memory Hole
Bulldoze Confederate Monuments and Graveyards
Via comment by Cav Med on Walmart to stop selling Confederate flag merchandi...
More @ Open Phones
Clear the Shelves of Confederate Stuff to Make Way for Commies
Via Billy
It was only a matter of hours after the controversy over South Carolina’s Confederate flag erupted that major retailers like Walmart, Amazon and eBay announced they would no longer sell Confederate flag merchandise. A spokesman for eBay called it a “contemporary symbol of divisiveness.” And we all know “divisiveness” is the worst.
Far worse than, say, murdering hundreds of millions of people like Nazis and Communists did. But what do you know? You can still order Nazi and Communist paraphernalia on Amazon and eBay. Want a Che Guevara tank top? Here’s your chance. Need a German WWII Reproduction Luftwaffe Officer’s Cap? It’s just one click away. How about a bust of Joseph Stalin? No one is defending slavery, but which is worse: slavery or mass murder?
It was only a matter of hours after the controversy over South Carolina’s Confederate flag erupted that major retailers like Walmart, Amazon and eBay announced they would no longer sell Confederate flag merchandise. A spokesman for eBay called it a “contemporary symbol of divisiveness.” And we all know “divisiveness” is the worst.
Far worse than, say, murdering hundreds of millions of people like Nazis and Communists did. But what do you know? You can still order Nazi and Communist paraphernalia on Amazon and eBay. Want a Che Guevara tank top? Here’s your chance. Need a German WWII Reproduction Luftwaffe Officer’s Cap? It’s just one click away. How about a bust of Joseph Stalin? No one is defending slavery, but which is worse: slavery or mass murder?
In Defense of the Confederate Flag
Via LH
I am by no means a Southerner, and I don’t feel any particular affinity for the Confederate flag. However, recent events have led me to feel compelled to offer a rather simple defense for this flag, though it doesn’t hold any special meaning for me.
Ever since the Charleston shooting, the PC police have crawled out of the woodwork, and have derided the Southern battle standard as a purely racist symbol, and have demanded that it be removed from every public building in the South. There’s even a Facebook petition now that is calling for a national “burn the Confederate flag day.”
But what exactly are these people railing against? What makes this symbol so repulsive that it needs to be burned? Is it because it was flown by armies that defended a slave holding regime? Or because it was carried by supposed traitors? Or perhaps because it has been proudly displayed by white supremest organizations ever since?
Here’s the problem I have with people who froth at the mouth every time they see someone with this flag. If you’re going to burn the Confederate flag because you think it stands for racism and slavery, I suggest you get started on the American flag shortly thereafter.
I am by no means a Southerner, and I don’t feel any particular affinity for the Confederate flag. However, recent events have led me to feel compelled to offer a rather simple defense for this flag, though it doesn’t hold any special meaning for me.
Ever since the Charleston shooting, the PC police have crawled out of the woodwork, and have derided the Southern battle standard as a purely racist symbol, and have demanded that it be removed from every public building in the South. There’s even a Facebook petition now that is calling for a national “burn the Confederate flag day.”
But what exactly are these people railing against? What makes this symbol so repulsive that it needs to be burned? Is it because it was flown by armies that defended a slave holding regime? Or because it was carried by supposed traitors? Or perhaps because it has been proudly displayed by white supremest organizations ever since?
Here’s the problem I have with people who froth at the mouth every time they see someone with this flag. If you’re going to burn the Confederate flag because you think it stands for racism and slavery, I suggest you get started on the American flag shortly thereafter.
More @ The Daily Sheeple
Bentley orders Confederate battle flag removed from Alabama Capitol
Via Billy "I
deeply regret having ever voted for Gov. Bentley. No vote by the legislature, no
vote by the citizens of Alabama, he just takes it down all on his order. So much
for democracy."
The Confederate painter Conrad Wise Chapman painted the tattered Stainless Banner at Ft. Sumter.
In an unscientific poll conducted by Yellowhammer News Tuesday, 4,707 readers, or more than 70 percent of respondents, indicated that Alabama should continue allowing the Confederate battle flag and other flags of the Confederacy to be flown on state property.
The Confederate Battle Flag is no longer flying on the grounds of the Alabama Capitol on the orders of Gov. Robert Bentley.
Asked by a Birmingham News reporter if his decision was in response to the Charleston shootings, Bentley said, “Yes, partially this is about that. This is the right thing to do. We are facing some major issues in this state regarding the budget and other matters that we need to deal with. This had the potential to become a major distraction as we go forward. I have taxes to raise, we have work to do. And it was my decision that the flag needed to come down.”
Bentley’s decision comes after many leaders across the South have scrambled to voice their opposition to the display of the Confederate battle flag on public property after several pictures of the alleged Charleston shooter posing with the flag surfaced online.
In an unscientific poll conducted by Yellowhammer News Tuesday, 4,707 readers, or more than 70 percent of respondents, indicated that Alabama should continue allowing the Confederate battle flag and other flags of the Confederacy to be flown on state property.
Asked by a Birmingham News reporter if his decision was in response to the Charleston shootings, Bentley said, “Yes, partially this is about that. This is the right thing to do. We are facing some major issues in this state regarding the budget and other matters that we need to deal with. This had the potential to become a major distraction as we go forward. I have taxes to raise, we have work to do. And it was my decision that the flag needed to come down.”
Bentley’s decision comes after many leaders across the South have scrambled to voice their opposition to the display of the Confederate battle flag on public property after several pictures of the alleged Charleston shooter posing with the flag surfaced online.
More @ Yellow Hammer
NC: McCrory wants end to Confederate battle flag on license plates
Via comment by Unreformed 2015 on Should Alabama remove the Confederate Battle Flag ...
“The idea that if the Confederate flag is removed from public view then this type of crime will cease is an insult to Southerners and all Americans,” Bolick wrote.
“The time is right to change this policy due to the recent Supreme Court ruling and the tragedy in Charleston,” said Josh Ellis, the governor’s communications director.
More @ The News & Observer
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"God forbid that the day should ever come when to be true to my constituents is to be hostile to the Union. If, sir, we have reached that hour in the progress of our institutions, it is past the age to which the Union should have lived. If we have got to the point when it is treason to the United States to protect the rights and interests of our constituents, I ask why should they longer be represented here? Why longer remain a part of the Union?
If there is a dominant party in this Union which can deny to us equality, and the rights we derive through the Constitution; if we are no longer the freemen our fathers left us; if we are to be crushed by the power of an unrestrained majority, this is not the Union for which the blood of the Revolution was shed; this is not the Union I was taught from my cradle to revere; this is not the Union in the service of which a large portion of my life has been passed; this is not the Union for which our fathers pledged their property, their lives, and sacred honor.
No, sir, this would be a central Government, raised on the destruction of all the principles of the Constitution, and the first, the highest obligation of every man who has sworn to support that Constitution would be resistance to such usurpation. This is my position."
Jefferson Davis ~ In the Senate of the United States, June 27, 1850, on the CompromiseBill ~ Congressional Globe, p. 995-6
This is what happens when we allow revisionist to fabricate historical accounts without correcting them.
This also happens when you allow a small fraction of citizens to reshape history, and demand the destruction of American Historical icons, symbols regardless of the Heritage or Traditional value it has for others while they themselves elevate their own hatred through their dark history as cause for reason.
Its further propagated by allowing these minority groups to use a small fraction of people as an excuse to create a victimhood status that allows them to certain privileges over the majority of their fellow Natives.
This is further inflamed by Politically correct Whites whose lives are so empty that they need validation, a reason to find their self worth in causes that are almost always based on fabricated information or misinformation.
The results of these protests have time and again proven to be even more destructive and harmful than the one they claim to champion against.
What this will lead to is the further destruction of America, Her Traditions, and rich Heritage and the very Patriotic Americans who allowed this will soon find themselves wondering why their Heritage is also coming under attack as well.
When you bow to these types of intimidation, they escalate not deflate.
And when you enable, encourage and support those actions against fellow Americans, you will as a fact find yourself alone with no one to Champion your cause.
Old Glory Is Next, and the traditions she espouses will come under attack, its just a matter of time and that time is rapidly approaching, and I will not say one damn word to defend Her, as She did not come to our defense.
Our Freedoms should never be compromised, as they were here in South Carolina.
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