Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Nebraska senator compares police to ISIS, says he’d shoot a cop
Via Joe
Mach noted Chambers also has challenged his opponents to hit him in the
mouth, has said we shouldn’t take care of military veterans and espoused
that all whites are racist.
A black Nebraska state senator compared American police to Islamic terrorists and suggested he’d shoot a cop if only he had a weapon.
State Sen. Ernie Chambers said during a legislative hearing on gun bills Friday that you don’t have to go halfway around the world to find an ISIS mentality. It can be found in America because police terrorize blacks every day.
He was referring to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, which has beheaded journalists and brutally executed Westerners and others.
“My ISIS is the police,” Chambers said, adding police can get away with shooting people if they “think” they’re going to do something — like pull a weapon.
“The police are licensed to kill us — children, old people,” he said.
After his comments were reported by Nebraska Watchdog and picked up by national media outlets, several Nebraska officials called on him to apologize and a senator said lawmakers are considering censuring him.
A black Nebraska state senator compared American police to Islamic terrorists and suggested he’d shoot a cop if only he had a weapon.
State Sen. Ernie Chambers said during a legislative hearing on gun bills Friday that you don’t have to go halfway around the world to find an ISIS mentality. It can be found in America because police terrorize blacks every day.
He was referring to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, which has beheaded journalists and brutally executed Westerners and others.
“My ISIS is the police,” Chambers said, adding police can get away with shooting people if they “think” they’re going to do something — like pull a weapon.
“The police are licensed to kill us — children, old people,” he said.
After his comments were reported by Nebraska Watchdog and picked up by national media outlets, several Nebraska officials called on him to apologize and a senator said lawmakers are considering censuring him.
More @ Nebraska Watchdog
Adults Targeted as Federal Government Prepares to Track the Unvaccinated
Via Steven
During the National Vaccine Advisory Committee’s (NVAC) February meeting, American adults were put on notice by Big Brother that non-compliance with federal vaccine recommendations will not be tolerated. Public health officials have unveiled a new plan to launch a massive nationwide vaccination promotion campaign involving private business and non-profit organizations to pressure all adults to comply with the adult vaccination schedule approved by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).1
During the National Vaccine Advisory Committee’s (NVAC) February meeting, American adults were put on notice by Big Brother that non-compliance with federal vaccine recommendations will not be tolerated. Public health officials have unveiled a new plan to launch a massive nationwide vaccination promotion campaign involving private business and non-profit organizations to pressure all adults to comply with the adult vaccination schedule approved by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).1
NC: Lawmaker's proposed legislation would protect/possibly help reinstate all types of rifle ammunition.
Via Michael via NC Renegade
After watching the ATF tuck tail and reverse their decision to ban M855 ammunition, law makers in the U.S. have now decided to take big steps towards protecting ammo from future bans as well.
Out of the great state of NC, Chief Deputy Whip Patrick McHenry has proposed legislation that would protect (and possibly help reinstate) all types of rifle ammunition.
The text of the proposed legislation reads.
After watching the ATF tuck tail and reverse their decision to ban M855 ammunition, law makers in the U.S. have now decided to take big steps towards protecting ammo from future bans as well.
Out of the great state of NC, Chief Deputy Whip Patrick McHenry has proposed legislation that would protect (and possibly help reinstate) all types of rifle ammunition.
The text of the proposed legislation reads.
More @ The Right To Bear
Via Safetalker
The frost in the air comes from the fool crown’s tether.
Those who would dare to bring up a scare
Will bring the disgusted together.
They march to the tune of a different songbird,
The crown didn’t listen and got the wrong words.
These souls understood there’s a much greater Good,
And that’s what the strong should prefer.
They gathered together to forge a new plan,
A country whose power was bestowed on man.
In the heat of the day and with so much to weigh,
One said, “I don’t know if we can.”
The frost in the air comes not from weather.The frost in the air comes from the fool crown’s tether.
Those who would dare to bring up a scare
Will bring the disgusted together.
They march to the tune of a different songbird,
The crown didn’t listen and got the wrong words.
These souls understood there’s a much greater Good,
And that’s what the strong should prefer.
They gathered together to forge a new plan,
A country whose power was bestowed on man.
In the heat of the day and with so much to weigh,
One said, “I don’t know if we can.”
More @ Appalachian Messenger
“You is kind. You is smart. You is important.”
They say that writing is good for the soul, and my soul needs something good. So, I think it’s time I talked about being one of the Southern white babies raised by a black maid. Sometimes, I forget that I not only grew up during the Civil Rights struggle, I grew up in the middle of it. It wasn’t something that we watched on the news every evening that took place somewhere else in the country – we watched it out the windows of the car, or out the windows of the church, or out the door of our store.
Or even literally in our own front yard. It was right there.
I know from talking with soldiers that their recollections of a particular battle are quite different from historical accounts written afterward. Historical accounts have a tendency to trim the edges in order to make something a better narrative and more digestible, when in fact, the real thing is usually chaotic, fluid, completely indescribable, and very hard to articulate. Things that make perfect sense in your head no longer make any sense at all when they’re spoken or written down.
That’s exactly the way I would describe my experience with the Civil Rights struggle. People outside the South have so many preconceived notions based on their examination of old black-and-white footage and documentaries that they often correct me on my own personal memories.
Reminds me of mine, Bert Mudd.
They say that writing is good for the soul, and my soul needs something good. So, I think it’s time I talked about being one of the Southern white babies raised by a black maid. Sometimes, I forget that I not only grew up during the Civil Rights struggle, I grew up in the middle of it. It wasn’t something that we watched on the news every evening that took place somewhere else in the country – we watched it out the windows of the car, or out the windows of the church, or out the door of our store.
Or even literally in our own front yard. It was right there.
I know from talking with soldiers that their recollections of a particular battle are quite different from historical accounts written afterward. Historical accounts have a tendency to trim the edges in order to make something a better narrative and more digestible, when in fact, the real thing is usually chaotic, fluid, completely indescribable, and very hard to articulate. Things that make perfect sense in your head no longer make any sense at all when they’re spoken or written down.
That’s exactly the way I would describe my experience with the Civil Rights struggle. People outside the South have so many preconceived notions based on their examination of old black-and-white footage and documentaries that they often correct me on my own personal memories.
More @ Abbeville Institute
Texas:Thieves Take $200,000 in money, jewelry, and 45 guns
Via Joe
When Joe Lohmeier returned last weekend from his trip to Mexico, he immediately knew something was amiss. There were leaves and dirt all throughout his Texas home.
“You could tell people had been tracking through,” Lohmeier told KVUE-TV in Austin.
His suspicions were confirmed after heading to a room where he stores his safe, valuables and gun collection.
“The safe was backed in,” Lohmeier told the station. “They had turned it, and I was just in shock to find its diamond blade cut open.”
When Joe Lohmeier returned last weekend from his trip to Mexico, he immediately knew something was amiss. There were leaves and dirt all throughout his Texas home.
“You could tell people had been tracking through,” Lohmeier told KVUE-TV in Austin.
His suspicions were confirmed after heading to a room where he stores his safe, valuables and gun collection.
“The safe was backed in,” Lohmeier told the station. “They had turned it, and I was just in shock to find its diamond blade cut open.”
More @ The Blaze
Scot’s Product Review: Valley Food Storage Meals

The angst of buying the right storage foods made me feel as if I was stuck in a drama, so I turned to Shakespeare and found a suitable quote in The Comedy of Errors: “Unquiet meals make ill digestions.” Although it wasn’t his best play, by a long shot, and the character had more on her mind than food, the thought does have some application to my household.
I mentioned in another review that my wife is a pretty intense food person, who loves gourmet meals and is a serious cook. My ten-year-old son is surprising in liking a large variety of cuisines, but he stubbornly draws the line on things like onions and a number of vegetables. He also insists that each food stay in its place on his plate and not be mixed up. He also inherited my wife’s need for quality on the dinner table. I’m the low brow, and as long as it’s not kimchi, mushrooms, or raw tomatoes, (My goodness, his Momma must not have raised him right) I can probably manage to get it down. I may not enjoy it, but it’s just fuel, right? Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy a good meal, but I can get by without one for a lot longer than anyone else in the house.
More @ Survival
Once in danger of collapse, two historic barns are restored in King William
Via Sister Anne
One of my Grandfather James L. Townsend's Farms and the picture from my teen years.
A few hundred feet off Route 360 on the way to Manquin, a shock of fresh red paint marks the restoration of a county landmark that holds nearly a century of history and a smaller barn that's more than twice as old.
Dilapidated and in need of repair, both Prestley Barn and the Old Virginia Barn were falling into ruin until a December 2013 transaction offered the historic structures a second chance to shine. Emily Townsend, wife of William Guy Townsend, (My uncle) whose family owned the property for about 65 years, answered the call from local preservationist Carroll Lee Walker.
"He called up that day in December and said, 'Ms. Emily, I've got an option to buy Prestley Park,' " she said. "He made my day."
Dilapidated and in need of repair, both Prestley Barn and the Old Virginia Barn were falling into ruin until a December 2013 transaction offered the historic structures a second chance to shine. Emily Townsend, wife of William Guy Townsend, (My uncle) whose family owned the property for about 65 years, answered the call from local preservationist Carroll Lee Walker.
"He called up that day in December and said, 'Ms. Emily, I've got an option to buy Prestley Park,' " she said. "He made my day."
More @ Tidewater Review
This is a small paperback, about my life. Born in 1936, growing up
during WW II on a farm here in Virginia, my time on this earth has been
challenging, exciting and full of wonderful experiences. My college
English (composition) teacher must be turning over in her grave, I was a
"C" student - I have managed to write and communicate in an
uncomplicated way.
The book is $17.50 total, if mailed. My address: W. Guy Townsend 661 Richmond Tapp Hwy Manquin, VA 23106. E-mail: (I enjoyed it.)
The book is $17.50 total, if mailed. My address: W. Guy Townsend 661 Richmond Tapp Hwy Manquin, VA 23106. E-mail: (I enjoyed it.)
1957 Chevrolet Bel Air Convertible Factory Air, Continental Kit
- Only 310 miles since frame-off restoration completed in 2009
- Continental kit
- 283 CI engine
- 4-barrel carburetor
- Automatic transmission
- Factory air conditioning
- Refreshed in Larkspur Blue with Blue top
- Power windows, seats, top and antenna
- Emergency brake flash
- Factory documents
- Wonderbar radio
- Electric clock
- Mirrored twin factory spotlights
- Dual exhaust
- Tissue dispenser
- Original purchase order
- Original request for delivery paperwork
- Original sales contract
- 1st in Class at Palos Verdes Concours d'Elegance
More @ MECUM
NC: The 'No watching porn at work' bill passes committee
Via LH
Who says bipartisanship is dead?
The Eliminating Pornography from Agencies Act, which would prohibit federal employees from accessing pornographic or explicit material on government computers and devices, passed through the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Wednesday.
The sponsor of the bill, Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., made the exciting announcement Wednesday. Meadows introduced the bill Feb. 19 after a similar bill he introduced in the last session of Congress did not pass.
The new bill is an extension of the prior one, which stems from a May 2014 inspector general's report on federal employees watching pornography while at work. The report revealed a top-level employee at the Environmental Protection Agency was viewing as many as six hours of pornography a day in his office on his government computer.
More @ Washington Examiner
Who says bipartisanship is dead?
The Eliminating Pornography from Agencies Act, which would prohibit federal employees from accessing pornographic or explicit material on government computers and devices, passed through the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Wednesday.
The sponsor of the bill, Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., made the exciting announcement Wednesday. Meadows introduced the bill Feb. 19 after a similar bill he introduced in the last session of Congress did not pass.
The new bill is an extension of the prior one, which stems from a May 2014 inspector general's report on federal employees watching pornography while at work. The report revealed a top-level employee at the Environmental Protection Agency was viewing as many as six hours of pornography a day in his office on his government computer.
More @ Washington Examiner
Somali Muslims Swarm School, Force Lockdown After Somali Posts ISIS-Supportive Picture
Via Jeffery
Over a hundred alien Somali Muslims, imported into the U.S., courtesy of non-discriminatory refugee policies, swarmed St. Cloud Technical High School on Friday in a rage.
Shockingly, a fight broke out between Somali Muslim students on Friday, two days after a student posted a
social media image of a wheelchair-bound girl whom posters claimed to
be affiliated with the Islamic State (ISIS). A student is reportedly
being “disciplined” for the photo–meaning he or she will be given a
reprimand and will be allowed to roam society freely without restriction
or inhibition after inciting jihad against America.
More @ Breitbart
Ohio cop with illegal full-auto rifle gets community service, probation
Via Jeffery "Talk about a double standard"
Initially charged with crimes that could have brought him up to 65 years in federal prison, former Ohio sheriff’s Maj. Eric Spicer, found guilty in December of illegal possession of a machine gun, will get 5 years probation.
Late of the Greene County Sheriff’s office, Spicer, 45, was charged last April with using falsified documents to illegally obtain a machine gun from a New York firearms dealer. In all, the U.S. Attorney’s office brought seven charges against the former law enforcement officer, of which a jury in U.S. District Court in December agreed that two should stick.
Initially charged with crimes that could have brought him up to 65 years in federal prison, former Ohio sheriff’s Maj. Eric Spicer, found guilty in December of illegal possession of a machine gun, will get 5 years probation.
Late of the Greene County Sheriff’s office, Spicer, 45, was charged last April with using falsified documents to illegally obtain a machine gun from a New York firearms dealer. In all, the U.S. Attorney’s office brought seven charges against the former law enforcement officer, of which a jury in U.S. District Court in December agreed that two should stick.
More @ GUNS
Expanding military training activities in Cooper Creek Georgia
Via avordvet
I have long been accustomed to seeing soldiers and signs of their activity in the vicinity of Camp Merrill, the Ranger training base in the Etowah watershed, and as far away as Hickory Flat in the Noontootla watershed. They even use the Appalachian Trail. But until this year, to my knowledge, they have never operated as far away from the camp as Cooper Creek.
Back in June, Georgia ForestWatch District Leader David Govus came across two soldiers on foot and one in a pickup truck near Bryant Creek, a tributary of Cooper Creek. Talking with them, he learned that they were scouting out potential helicopter landing zones in the area because, as the sergeant said “the colonel wants to step out.”

I have long been accustomed to seeing soldiers and signs of their activity in the vicinity of Camp Merrill, the Ranger training base in the Etowah watershed, and as far away as Hickory Flat in the Noontootla watershed. They even use the Appalachian Trail. But until this year, to my knowledge, they have never operated as far away from the camp as Cooper Creek.
Back in June, Georgia ForestWatch District Leader David Govus came across two soldiers on foot and one in a pickup truck near Bryant Creek, a tributary of Cooper Creek. Talking with them, he learned that they were scouting out potential helicopter landing zones in the area because, as the sergeant said “the colonel wants to step out.”
More @ Free Republic
Cornell's Assistant Dean of Students is seen opening door to ISIS training camps on campus
Via LH

Just when I thought I had seen everything James O’Keefe proves me wrong.
More with video @ Fellowship of the Mind
Bowe Bergdahl Charged With Desertion, Lawyer Says
Via LH
American soldier and former Taliban captive Bowe Bergdahl has been charged with desertion over his disappearance from an Afghan outpost in 2009, Bergdahl's attorney told ABC News today.
Bergdahl was freed after five years in Taliban captivity in a
controversial deal last year in which the U.S. agreed to release five
mid- to high-level Taliban figures from detention in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. As part of the deal, the Taliban five were relocated to Qatar.
More with video@ ABC
Russian Tu-22 bomber scares NATO air defenses flying at supersonic speed over the Baltic Sea for the first time
Via Iver
As usual, the aircraft were flying with no FPL, no transponder, in international airspace. But, unlike all the previous events the leading Tu-22M bomber was flying at supersonic speed!
As a consequence of the high-speed of the Russian planes, the Italian Air Force Eurofighter Typhoon jets, providing BAP (Baltic Air Patrol) duties from Siauliau airbase, Lithuania, had to perform a supersonic run to intercept and escort the Tu-22s and accompanying Su-27s.
The latest close encounter between NATO and Russian planes over the Baltic Sea was different.
Early morning on Mar. 24, NATO and Swedish QRA (Quick Reaction Alert) interceptors were scrambled to identify and shadow a formation of two Russian Air Force Tu-22M Backfire bombers escorted by two Su-27 Flanker aircraft.As usual, the aircraft were flying with no FPL, no transponder, in international airspace. But, unlike all the previous events the leading Tu-22M bomber was flying at supersonic speed!
As a consequence of the high-speed of the Russian planes, the Italian Air Force Eurofighter Typhoon jets, providing BAP (Baltic Air Patrol) duties from Siauliau airbase, Lithuania, had to perform a supersonic run to intercept and escort the Tu-22s and accompanying Su-27s.
More @ The Aviationist
National Investigation Reveals Alarming Number of Attacks on U.S. Power Grid
Via Joe
When it comes to the nation’s power grid, there’s a lot at stake, and enemies know it because they’ve attacked electric utilities hundreds of times within the past several years.
An investigation by USAToday and more than 10 of its community newspapers and television stations across the country found that between 2011 and 2014 alone, there were 362 reported physical and cyberattacks by electric utilities that resulted in partial power outages or disturbances.
When it comes to the nation’s power grid, there’s a lot at stake, and enemies know it because they’ve attacked electric utilities hundreds of times within the past several years.
An investigation by USAToday and more than 10 of its community newspapers and television stations across the country found that between 2011 and 2014 alone, there were 362 reported physical and cyberattacks by electric utilities that resulted in partial power outages or disturbances.
More with videos @ The Blaze
My license plates, my free speech: Another view
Via Carl
A case before the Supreme Court has again brought the issue of the Confederate battle flag onto the public radar screen. At issue is whether a state-issued specialty license plate is an expression by the state government or by the individual who purchases it, and therefore protected by the First Amendment.
Many legal experts believe the court will uphold the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling in favor of the Texas Sons of Confederate Veterans to allow a specialty license plate that honors the heritage of those tens of millions of Americans whose ancestors fought for the Southern cause 150 years ago.
As long as the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles is in the business of specialty license plates for non-profit organizations, it is also in the business of state-supported "bumper stickers."
Discriminating against an honored heritage group such as the Sons of Confederate Veterans is an obvious infringement on the right of free speech, the most basic of the guarantees that anchor our great Bill of Rights.
Jones is a former two-term Democratic congressman from Georgia. He is
perhaps best known for his portrayal of Cooter on "The Dukes of
Hazzard." He serves as the volunteer national spokesman for The Sons of
Confederate Veterans.(Photo: Molly Riley, AP)
A case before the Supreme Court has again brought the issue of the Confederate battle flag onto the public radar screen. At issue is whether a state-issued specialty license plate is an expression by the state government or by the individual who purchases it, and therefore protected by the First Amendment.
Many legal experts believe the court will uphold the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling in favor of the Texas Sons of Confederate Veterans to allow a specialty license plate that honors the heritage of those tens of millions of Americans whose ancestors fought for the Southern cause 150 years ago.
As long as the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles is in the business of specialty license plates for non-profit organizations, it is also in the business of state-supported "bumper stickers."
Discriminating against an honored heritage group such as the Sons of Confederate Veterans is an obvious infringement on the right of free speech, the most basic of the guarantees that anchor our great Bill of Rights.
More @ USA Today
Texas 'Cop Watcher' bill under fire from legal experts, law enforcement groups
Via Iver
A Texas lawmaker's proposal to establish a 25-foot "buffer zone" around police engaged in keeping the peace is drawing fire from both legal experts and law enforcement groups, but for different reasons.
Dallas-area House representative Jason Villalba introduced HB 2918, which would make it a misdemeanor to photograph police within 25 feet -- raising serious concerns that the bill, if passed, would violate the First Amendment and prevent individuals from holding police accountable. For Texans legally carrying a firearm, the buffer zone required would be 100 feet under Villalba's proposal.
Villalba reportedly said police approached him about creating the legislation, which would apply to everyone -- including journalists. Villalba has since said he'd revise the bill -- changing the buffer zone to 15 feet -- but legal experts as well as law enforcement groups say it is problematic.
A Texas lawmaker's proposal to establish a 25-foot "buffer zone" around police engaged in keeping the peace is drawing fire from both legal experts and law enforcement groups, but for different reasons.
Dallas-area House representative Jason Villalba introduced HB 2918, which would make it a misdemeanor to photograph police within 25 feet -- raising serious concerns that the bill, if passed, would violate the First Amendment and prevent individuals from holding police accountable. For Texans legally carrying a firearm, the buffer zone required would be 100 feet under Villalba's proposal.
Villalba reportedly said police approached him about creating the legislation, which would apply to everyone -- including journalists. Villalba has since said he'd revise the bill -- changing the buffer zone to 15 feet -- but legal experts as well as law enforcement groups say it is problematic.
More @ Fox
Insane: Head of US Episcopal Church says ‘climate denial’ is immoral
Via Joe
Commies have even invaded the churches.

Commies have even invaded the churches.
Questioning warmism is immoral, says head of US Episcopal Church. See you in hell....
More @ Twitter
ON TO RICHMOND! The Sesquicentennial in the Capital of the Confederacy
"The Civil War Centennial Center, in
downtown Richmond, is your orientation point for visits to Virginia's
wealth of Civil War Sites."
The city and Commonwealth were flooded with tourists and War Between the States enthusiasts, and their pocketbooks, as we commemorated the Centennial with educational programs, re-enactments, balls and battlefield tours.
Fast forward 50 years...and the focus has shifted almost entirely to commemorating slavery/emancipation... a statue of the tyrant Lincoln greets visitors to the American Civil War Museum, the home of what once was the Museum of the Confederacy...Sesquicentennial billboards around the city feature Richmond burning and Yankee spies/traitors...and the Confederate soldier has been all but forgotten in the Capital of the Confederacy's PC "commemoration", which adopted for its official slogan the Yankee battle cry..."ON TO RICHMOND".
Any wonder why the Sesquicentennial has been a HUGE "disappointment"?
More @ The Virginia Flaggers
American protesters storm Mexican consulate demanding bonanza of goodies
Via comment by Anonymous on Judicial Watch: Homeland Security Releases 165,900...
While demonstrating in opposition to Obama’s executive immigration
program, the angry protesters entered the Mexican Consulate to deliver a
complaint letter to the Mexican consul assigned to that Californian
facility. Quite simply, the protesters voiced their demand that the
Mexican government give these American citizens the same benefits
bonanza from Mexico that are provided to Mexicans who are illegally residing in the U.S.

n a news story that was totally ignored by the major news outlets,
and even most minor media outfits, 25 men and women who were protesting
President Barack Obama’s executive action "immigration program" took to
the streets of the Californian city of San Bernardino. The group of
demonstrators, many of whom were affiliated with groups such as the Minuteman Project, targeted San Bernardino's Mexican consulate which is located across the street from City Hall.
More @ Examiner
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