Friday, July 31, 2015
Don’t let them use the Lady Liberty b.s. anymore! Remove the poem!
Via comment by Anonymous on Factsheet Why Should You Care About Immigration
This is a portion of a comment we received yesterday to our post about the union leaders and other No Borders advocates planning to rally against a local St. Cloud, MN VFW post because the post had the temerity to allow some people to eat dinner there that the Leftists/Progressives didn’t approve of. See that post because there is an update about the big pro-America barbecue planned for the VFW.
The commenter, Will Servant, apparently is ignorant of the history of the Statue of Liberty and how the Emma Lazarus poem got there in the first place.
I’m posting this so you will know how to answer when the No Borders agitators try to shut you up with this babble. From Mr. Servant:

This is a portion of a comment we received yesterday to our post about the union leaders and other No Borders advocates planning to rally against a local St. Cloud, MN VFW post because the post had the temerity to allow some people to eat dinner there that the Leftists/Progressives didn’t approve of. See that post because there is an update about the big pro-America barbecue planned for the VFW.
The commenter, Will Servant, apparently is ignorant of the history of the Statue of Liberty and how the Emma Lazarus poem got there in the first place.
I’m posting this so you will know how to answer when the No Borders agitators try to shut you up with this babble. From Mr. Servant:
More @ Refugee Resettlement Watch
Absolutely Insane: FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force Investigating Confederate Flags at MLK’s Ebenezer Baptist Church
Via comment by Anonymous on Federal judge rules that Virginia may ban Confeder...
I mean … you would think they burned down the church, or vandalized the church by spray painting it with with political slogans. Oh wait, that’s just our monuments, hundreds of which have been vandalized by #BlackLivesMatter supporters, it seems like a new one every day, without the FBI showing the slightest interest in the fact that we are being targeted, much less raising the possibility of hate crime charges.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m not suggesting there is a “double standard” here. There is only The Standard which is anti-White, anti-Southern, and anti-Christian. What is decried as “hate” is completely permissible so long as we the victims of it.
I mean … you would think they burned down the church, or vandalized the church by spray painting it with with political slogans. Oh wait, that’s just our monuments, hundreds of which have been vandalized by #BlackLivesMatter supporters, it seems like a new one every day, without the FBI showing the slightest interest in the fact that we are being targeted, much less raising the possibility of hate crime charges.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m not suggesting there is a “double standard” here. There is only The Standard which is anti-White, anti-Southern, and anti-Christian. What is decried as “hate” is completely permissible so long as we the victims of it.
More with video @ Occidental Dissent
The Real Robert E. Lee
Why is there outrage against the Confederate flag, which flew over slavery for four years, but not the American flag, which flew over slavery for eighty years? I would like to right the multitude of wrongs which have been perpetrated against Lee’s legacy in particular and Confederate history in general. Hopefully, these truths will provide an appreciation of the complexity of the issues, principles, and participants in the “Civil War.”
First, Lee deplored slavery, describing it as a “moral and political evil” in a letter to his wife, Mary Anna. Lee told her that they should give “the final abolition of human slavery…the aid of our prayers and all justifiable means in our power,” praying for “the mild and melting influence of Christianity” over “the storm and tempest of fiery controversy” driving America to disunion.
More @ The Abbeville Institute
Jury finds Police Officer Brett Russell guilty in excessive force case
Via Jeffery
Huntsville Police officer Brett Russell was found guilty of one count of excessive use of force and one count of obstruction of justice Thursday night. The jury deliberated for close to eight hours following three days of testimony.
Russell was transported to the Morgan County Jail. A sentencing will take place in two months. Russell faces a minimum of 10 years in prison and a maximum of 20 years.
More @ WAAY
Huntsville Police officer Brett Russell was found guilty of one count of excessive use of force and one count of obstruction of justice Thursday night. The jury deliberated for close to eight hours following three days of testimony.
Russell was transported to the Morgan County Jail. A sentencing will take place in two months. Russell faces a minimum of 10 years in prison and a maximum of 20 years.
More @ WAAY
The Ulithi Armada
USS North Carolina at Ulithi (Enlarged)
Hey Brock,
In an email from a friend was a reference to the USS North Carolina which I thought you might find interesting.
In 1944 these pictures were not available during the war. The US kept this place unknown to the citizens of the US. This is quite a story.
An Armada of ships and airplanes poised for the invasion of Japan…that never happened…because President Truman authorized the dropping of “A” bombs at Nagasaki and Hiroshima that resulted in the Japanese surrender. Just think of the American lives that would have been lost had this invasion occurred. Be thankful that we had a President with the courage to make the call. Sadly most Americans today know nothing about this and the sacrifices made by those before us. We are not teaching US history in our schools anymore.
Some great pictures of the US Naval armada deployed for invasion of Japan below. Keep this for posterity. There will never be another assemblage of naval ships like this again. As an aside, in 1962 my ship (USS Kretchmer DER 329) visited La Caruna Spain where the Spanish armada assembled for the attack on Britain.
The staging area for the invasion of Japan was at an atoll called Ulithi. Check out the carriers on "Murderer's Row."
With warm regards,
Ray McKee
Toombs County, GA
Record of Obama and his administration's three hundred and forty-first week in office
Via avordvet
News and Notes: The amount of cash Iran will receive as result of Iran Deal exceeds the amount of foreign aid the U.S. has given Israel over past 35 yrs.
News and Notes: The amount of cash Iran will receive as result of Iran Deal exceeds the amount of foreign aid the U.S. has given Israel over past 35 yrs.
Video/Audio of the moment: At
least Neville Chamberlain got a copy of what he signed
Federal judge rules that Virginia may ban Confederate license plates
Via Billy
A federal judge ruled Friday that Virginia can stop issuing specialty license plates that show the Confederate flag, following a recent Supreme Court decision that said such a ban does not violate the 1st Amendment.
U.S. District Judge Jackson Kiser said he will issue a written order to address whether the nearly 1,700 Confederate license plates currently in use in Virginia may be recalled by the state.

A federal judge ruled Friday that Virginia can stop issuing specialty license plates that show the Confederate flag, following a recent Supreme Court decision that said such a ban does not violate the 1st Amendment.
U.S. District Judge Jackson Kiser said he will issue a written order to address whether the nearly 1,700 Confederate license plates currently in use in Virginia may be recalled by the state.
More @ The Washington Post
Virginia man arrested for breach of peace during Confederate flag rally
Via Billy
A Virginia man surrendered to authorities this week after he was accused of trying to incite violence during dueling rallies at the State House on July 18.
Loughman, 24, attended the State House Confederate flag protests with
the intent to instill violence and hate among the other attendees with
the ultimate goal of enticing riots to break out, Richland County
Sheriff Leon Lott said.
A Virginia man surrendered to authorities this week after he was accused of trying to incite violence during dueling rallies at the State House on July 18.
More with video @ Fox
Factsheet Why Should You Care About Immigration
Via Mike

While the official unemployment rate in June 2015 was relatively low at 5.3%, the federal government uses a broader measurement known as the U-6 to more accurately gauge unemployment. The June U-6 unemployment figure was 10.5%, accounting for 16.4 million people who are unemployed, have been forced to take part-time work, or have recently given up searching for a job entirely.
There are almost 94 million people in the United States of working age who are “not in the labor force.” This is an historic high. These people are not counted as officially “unemployed,” which is how politicians can claim that the economy has “recovered.”
More @ FAIR
'Völkisch' families settle in villages, German media calls them 'Nazis': "It's a confession of failure that one third of this country is still white"
Via Carl
The documentary was taken from MDR, a German TV station. It was released 2 days ago.
Interpret it as you will. The original report was over 8 minutes, I edited the most relevant parts together. In particular, I have left out parts of a pensioner couple (self proclaimed socialists), who have been confirmed by various sources, including their neighbors, for deliberately making up stories to defame these families whom she hates for ideological reasons (they're 'Nazis'). Nobody except them rebelled against the settlers so far, as they are clearly no danger to anyone. They have provided no proof of the ridiculous claims, a few of them were Hitler salutes, spitting on them and telling them to "Fuck off, Antifa Scum", which sounds more like something coming from an insecure Skinhead rather than a loving father of 4 children.
In my opinion the report is drastically exaggerated: Neither is the movement is as big as they make it out to be nor are any of these settlers a danger for anyone. Quite the contrary: They are peaceful, mind their own business and actually help the surrounding communities, which the report must "shamefully" admit.
According to the report, the real danger of the Völkisch settlers is that they are decent neighbors, craftsmen, self sustaining, helpful and have plenty of German children.
Apparently this acting is just a facade - their true motive is supposedly "racism, antisemitism and Nazism."
The Amadeu-Antonio fund is well known for faking statistics and making up stories to fit their narrative. These quotes are from their spokeswoman, Anetta Kahane:
"In Eastern Germany are not enough people, who are visible minorities, for example blacks"
"If I make a wish, it would be a second turning point, infrastructural, emotional, cultural"
"It's a confession of failure that one third of this country is still white"
The documentary was taken from MDR, a German TV station. It was released 2 days ago.
Interpret it as you will. The original report was over 8 minutes, I edited the most relevant parts together. In particular, I have left out parts of a pensioner couple (self proclaimed socialists), who have been confirmed by various sources, including their neighbors, for deliberately making up stories to defame these families whom she hates for ideological reasons (they're 'Nazis'). Nobody except them rebelled against the settlers so far, as they are clearly no danger to anyone. They have provided no proof of the ridiculous claims, a few of them were Hitler salutes, spitting on them and telling them to "Fuck off, Antifa Scum", which sounds more like something coming from an insecure Skinhead rather than a loving father of 4 children.
In my opinion the report is drastically exaggerated: Neither is the movement is as big as they make it out to be nor are any of these settlers a danger for anyone. Quite the contrary: They are peaceful, mind their own business and actually help the surrounding communities, which the report must "shamefully" admit.
According to the report, the real danger of the Völkisch settlers is that they are decent neighbors, craftsmen, self sustaining, helpful and have plenty of German children.
Apparently this acting is just a facade - their true motive is supposedly "racism, antisemitism and Nazism."
The Amadeu-Antonio fund is well known for faking statistics and making up stories to fit their narrative. These quotes are from their spokeswoman, Anetta Kahane:
"In Eastern Germany are not enough people, who are visible minorities, for example blacks"
"If I make a wish, it would be a second turning point, infrastructural, emotional, cultural"
"It's a confession of failure that one third of this country is still white"
Alabama Councilman Arrested After Threatening Barbershop With Confederate Flag Outside Business
Via Bob
Earlier this month Anniston, Alabama Council member David Reddick stopped by Ford`s Barbershop on Leatherwood Road on the western outskirt of Anniston and demanded owner Milton Ford take down the Confederate Battle flag outside his shop.
Of course, owner Ford refused. That’s when Reddick started threatening the owner with what he would do to him for flying the Confederate flag at his own business and on his own property.
Reddick was later arrested.
My FOX AL reported:
Earlier this month Anniston, Alabama Council member David Reddick stopped by Ford`s Barbershop on Leatherwood Road on the western outskirt of Anniston and demanded owner Milton Ford take down the Confederate Battle flag outside his shop.
Of course, owner Ford refused. That’s when Reddick started threatening the owner with what he would do to him for flying the Confederate flag at his own business and on his own property.
Reddick was later arrested.
My FOX AL reported:
More @ The Gateway Pundit
DNC Chair STUMPED – Can’t Explain Difference Between Democrat Party and Socialism
Via sauced07
Things got very awkward today when Chris Matthews asked DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz what the difference was between the modern Democratic Party and Socialism.
Things got very awkward today when Chris Matthews asked DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz what the difference was between the modern Democratic Party and Socialism.
More @ The Gateway Pundit
Guest Commentary: Every story has at least two sides: The Confederate Battle Flag and more
Via Bill
I’m sure most of you have heard the phrase “To the victor goes the spoils.” But did you ever consider that the victor also gets to write the history books?
Has anyone ever done some REAL reading, other than that which is considered to be approved in our government indoctrination centers? Excuse me, I meant to say public schools and most colleges.
I have seen some pros and cons on the flag controversy in this paper and others of late. Most are pretty narrow-minded with a sprinkling of better informed rebuttals.
I am going to suggest some reading that could make you sit up and say, “I never thought of it that way, hmmmmm.” Do you dare open your mind to the other fellow’s point of view?

I’m sure most of you have heard the phrase “To the victor goes the spoils.” But did you ever consider that the victor also gets to write the history books?
Has anyone ever done some REAL reading, other than that which is considered to be approved in our government indoctrination centers? Excuse me, I meant to say public schools and most colleges.
I have seen some pros and cons on the flag controversy in this paper and others of late. Most are pretty narrow-minded with a sprinkling of better informed rebuttals.
I am going to suggest some reading that could make you sit up and say, “I never thought of it that way, hmmmmm.” Do you dare open your mind to the other fellow’s point of view?
More @ The Ramona Sentinel
Army faces recruit deficit, may miss '15 goal
Via comment by Shane on Army calls armed citizens at recruiting centers a ...
The Army is nearly 14% short of the recruits it will need to fill its ranks, marking the first time in six years — and only the third in the last 20 — that it may fall short of its recruiting goal for the year.
The Army's top officer for recruiting, Maj. Gen. Jeffrey Snow, acknowledged in an interview with USA TODAY on Thursday the difficulties in attracting young men and women to the active-duty Army in an improving economy and the greater effort his recruiters are taking to find new soldiers.
"It is a challenging mission, and we're not going to get around that," Snow said. "And there are indications that the economy is going to continue to improve. "
Can't imagine anyone with a brain joining these days.
The Army is nearly 14% short of the recruits it will need to fill its ranks, marking the first time in six years — and only the third in the last 20 — that it may fall short of its recruiting goal for the year.
The Army's top officer for recruiting, Maj. Gen. Jeffrey Snow, acknowledged in an interview with USA TODAY on Thursday the difficulties in attracting young men and women to the active-duty Army in an improving economy and the greater effort his recruiters are taking to find new soldiers.
"It is a challenging mission, and we're not going to get around that," Snow said. "And there are indications that the economy is going to continue to improve. "
More @ USA Today
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