Two men who were imprisoned at Tuol Sleng, Bou Meng and Chum Mei, and a former guard, Him Huy, were interviewed for this film in 2006, more than 25 years after the tragedy of Democratic Kampuchea.
Tuesday, May 29, 2018
Behind the walls of S-21
Two men who were imprisoned at Tuol Sleng, Bou Meng and Chum Mei, and a former guard, Him Huy, were interviewed for this film in 2006, more than 25 years after the tragedy of Democratic Kampuchea.
Cracks in the Treasury of Virtue
A review of Division and Reunion: America, 1848-1877, by Ludwell H. Johnson, New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1978. 301 pages; and The Secret Six: John Brown and the Abolitionist Movement, by Otto Scott, New York: Times Books, 1979, 375 pages.
It was Flannery O’Connor who remarked, in one of her short essays, that people will believe anything about the South as long as it is strange enough. She was speaking of the obstacles to acquiring a proper understanding of fiction with a Southern setting, but she could just as well have been referring to Southern historical writing. There is probably no subject under the sun that has spawned a greater amount of nonsense.
People who would never dream of passing judgment on contemporary Uganda or Elizabethan poetry without years of study feel no hesitation in passing sweeping judgments on the South. They embody their “knowledge” and conclusions not only in TV epics but in works of serious history.
More @ The Abbeville Institute
George Soros admits Nazi collaboration with no regrets
A 1998 interview by Steve Croft of 60 Minutes of George Soros which Anderson Copper claims never happened.
Pompeii: New find shows man crushed trying to flee eruption
Via The Daily Timewaster

at the Pompeii archaeological site have announced a dramatic new
discovery, the skeleton of a man crushed by an enormous stone while
trying to flee the explosion of Mt. Vesuvius in 79 A.D.
officials on Tuesday released a photograph showing the skeleton
protruding from beneath a large block of stone that may have been a door
jamb that had been "violently thrown by the volcanic cloud."
victim, who was over 30, had his thorax crushed. Archaeologists have
not found the victim's head. Officials said the man suffered an
infection of the tibia, which may have caused walking difficulties,
impeding his escape.
archaeological site's general director, Massimo Osanna, called it "an
exceptional find," that contributes to a better "picture of the history
and civilization of the age."
An Open Letter & Report: Fort Myers, FL
On Monday, May 21, 2018, alongside the Honorable Attorney David McCallister, don in the uniform of the southern soldier, we would make our way to the beautiful City of Ft. Myers, Florida in Lee County. On this night we had come once again to stand before the City Council with members of our Southern family to voice our negative vote to the attempts to move the bust of the Honorable General Robert E. Lee, the namesake of the County.
As I sat there in the Council chambers listening to a bevy of white women who had climbed into bed with the domestic terrorist of the NAACP in voicing their demand that the purported racist bust of the General be removed and the total beat down of the Southern white man; I could not help but think about the gallant ladies of Memorial Associations who worked so hard to raise funds to erect Cenotaphs of our fallen heroes all across the South at a time when there was but inklings of money to be had because carpetbaggers and the hoard army of Lincoln and Grant had plunder the Southern coffers to near depletion as well as the personal wealth of its citizens.
How sad, I thought , but the worse was yet to come that would make the rants of Rawls of St.Augustine look like a picnic with the Pope; " the President of the Ft. Myers NAACP sporting a name (Muwakkil) of the real slave traders ( African Muslims ) who destroyed a thriving civilization in West Africa.
Muwakkil already had gained a reputation for being a liar, as he had falsely accused to the FBI and a willingly to print news media that some member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans had made a threat to take his life for a paltry sum of $500. Something that didn't take long for the FBI to disprove.
Some of the things he had to say about the General: (1) Nothing in history that ever says that General Lee ever helped the United States (the 23 years that General Lee spent in the U.S. military I suppose he spent playing hop scotch); (2) General Lee terrorized Black folks (even the Northern press who were unhappy about the General tendering his resignation from the U.S. military and had written much fake news about him didn't go this far); (3) Lee refused to recognize the Emancipation Proclamation that freed the slaves and captured them and put them back into slavery(not worthy of comment); (4) Lee committed treason something that Lee was not accused of, or tried for by the Federal government, much less convicted of my any court ...ever); (5) Lee suspended the prisoner exchange program (it was Ulyses S. Grant who ordered this program to stop); (6) black units who surrendered to Lee were murdered by the General who refused to accept their surrender ( a charge that was leveled not at Lee but at the Honorable General Nathan Bedford at Ft. Pillow, but one he was exonerated of by the U.S. Congress).
I see no need to continue on with the rant of this man as it continued on for far too long at the discretion of the Mayor and Council who let him tie a rope around his neck with the web of lies he spouted as fact.
When my time came to address the Council, I would tell them that as I had sat there listening to this NAACP President, at first I would ascertain that here was a man that just didn't know history. However, that conclusion was wrong; he had lied and was pure and simple ... a liar.
And after what I had seen the past weekend at St. Augustine , and earlier at Bradenton, Tampa, and Lakeland, has led me to believe that these domestic terrorist who now have descended upon my homeland have come with another agenda as they weaponize our monuments to eliminate the police, to eliminate President Trump and anything they don't agree with as they use race to foment hate.
I would tell the Council that I could spend the total 3 minutes they had allotted defending General Lee, however it was not necessary because they knew how great a man he was. I would leave them with the message that the General's body servant Rev. Mack Lee left to his people. (Rev. Mack had educated himself from the funds left to him by the General, started the first Credit Union in America for the purpose of helping the now so called freed Africans, started churches in both the North and South). "Get yourselves educated, buy some land, keep your faith in our Lord and Master Jesus Christ, and beyond all else, put your trust only in the Southern White man."
I would conclude that Lee should be remembered not merely as Lee the soldier, or even as Lee the educator, but also as Lee the man...the man of honor, the great gentleman, good and decent human being who others, even his enemies knew could be trusted without reservation. His life was gentle, and the elements so mixed in nature might stand up and say; "this was a man"! God bless you!
Your brother,
A Member of Save Southern Heritage Florida
U.S. Consumer Confidence Rises in May, Current Conditions Hit 17-Year High
Consumer confidence rose in May after a modest decline in April, according to the Conference Board’s Consumer Confidence Index.
The monthly consumer confidence index rose to 128, up from 125.6 in April, the Conference Board said Tuesday.Consumer views of current economic conditions increased to a 17-year high, indicating that the economy is likely growing at a faster pace in the second quarter than it did in the first three months of 2018.
Expectations for the future also increased, although less dramatically. This suggests that the economy is unlikely to gain further momentum in the second half of the year, according to Lynn Franco, the director of Economic Indicators at the Conference Board.
“Overall, confidence levels remain at historically strong levels and should continue to support solid consumer spending in the near-term,” Franco said.
Views of the labor market were mixed. The share of consumers saying that jobs are “plentiful” rose to 42.4 percent from 38.2 percent a month earlier. The share saying jobs are “hard to get” also increased, from 15.5 to 15.8 percent.
The outlook for labor was similar. The share expecting more jobs in the months ahead increased to 19.7 percent from 18.6 percent, while the share expecting fewer jobs also increased, rising to 13.9 percent from 13.2 percent.
Via Billy
Let me begin on a personal note. I am a 56-year-old, third-generation, African American Washingtonian who is a graduate of the D.C. public schools and who happens also to be a great admirer of Robert E. Lee's.
Today, Lee, who surrendered his troops to Gen. Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Court House 134 years ago, is under attack by people -- black and white -- who have incorrectly characterized him as a traitorous, slaveholding racist. He was recently besieged in Richmond by those opposed to having his portrait displayed prominently in a new park.
My first visit to Lee's former home, now Arlington National Cemetery, came when I was 12 years old, and it had a profound and lasting effect on me. Since then I have visited the cemetery hundreds of times searching for grave sites and conducting study tours for the Smithsonian Institution and various other groups interested in learning more about Lee and his family as well as many others buried at Arlington.
Lee's life story is in some ways the story of early America.
Let me begin on a personal note. I am a 56-year-old, third-generation, African American Washingtonian who is a graduate of the D.C. public schools and who happens also to be a great admirer of Robert E. Lee's.
Today, Lee, who surrendered his troops to Gen. Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Court House 134 years ago, is under attack by people -- black and white -- who have incorrectly characterized him as a traitorous, slaveholding racist. He was recently besieged in Richmond by those opposed to having his portrait displayed prominently in a new park.
My first visit to Lee's former home, now Arlington National Cemetery, came when I was 12 years old, and it had a profound and lasting effect on me. Since then I have visited the cemetery hundreds of times searching for grave sites and conducting study tours for the Smithsonian Institution and various other groups interested in learning more about Lee and his family as well as many others buried at Arlington.
Lee's life story is in some ways the story of early America.
More @ VA UDC
Never Trump Rep. Mark Sanford Flailing Heading into Primary with Pro-Trump Challenger
Sanford is paying the price for his intransigence against the Republican Party and against the president, as Arrington surges ahead in his June 12 primary. Another Republican House member not sufficiently in line with the president’s agenda, Rep. Robert Pittenger (R-NC), has already lost a primary to pro-Trump challenger Dr. Mark Harris, and Sanford is feeling the same heat Pittenger did in his race ahead of June 12.
Rep. Mark Sanford (R-SC) is limping into his primary on June 12 against State Rep. Katie Arrington, as Sanford’s repeated public rebukes of President Donald Trump on behalf of the Never Trump movement take center stage in this battle for the ages on the campaign trail in the first in the South presidential primary state.
Sanford, who ran to CNN to refuse to endorse President Trump’s re-election in April alongside the staunch Never Trumper, retiring Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ), and others, is by all accounts struggling heading into the primary just over a couple weeks from now.
More @ Breitbart
Goodies from Ol' Remus
Petrus van Schendel, Market by Candlelight, 1865
& many more at the link
The dark and dangerous times following a catastrophic collapse are often imagined as violence without direction or purpose, save momentary advantage and survival. For most it serves well as a working assumption when norms, violated more than observed, cease to be norms. But like anything else, chaos comes in grades and flavors. There is survival value in knowing what they've been in the past.
Roaming refugees. These are the locusts that swarm after a collapse, able to strip a community by weight of numbers. Typically hungry, desperate, leaderless and abandoned by leadership material, they're drifters and opportunists. Small communities are overrun and looted in the manner of a flash mob. Bug-in preppers are the bon bons of preference for the more capable among them. Well sited survival communities are unlikely to be in the path of roaming refugees.
Gangs. Existing gangs are specialists dependent on a functioning urban environment. Once the cities and suburbs are stripped, "street smarts" are useless and they become parasites without a host. Surviving famine and scarcity takes a different set of skills, and the learning curve is steep. Ethnocentric gangs are most likely to remain intact, but most likely to attack each other. Pointlessly aggressive and impatient by nature, they're a more dangerous subset of roaming refugees. The more ambitious gangs are marauders in the making. A survival community should overestimate their capabilities.
Marauders. In war, marauders are bands of military adventurers that strike at unexpected targets from an unexpected direction in unexpected ways. Unlike commandos deployed against high value targets, the marauder has a general mandate best described as "extreme cost effectiveness". Seasoned marauders are inventive, patient, and have an almost otherworldly ability to sniff out opportunity. The safer a survival community believes itself to be, the more vulnerable it is to marauders.
Partisans. At the outset these will be existing militia, typically modelled as light infantry except without recourse to heavy weapons support, self-armed and trained primarily as skirmishers. Their first task is likely to be defending their home community from roaming refugees and gangs. As the emergency devolves other partisans will arise, some as patriotic resistance outfits, some as mercenaries for war lords with territorial ambitions, some warranting response in kind and some qualifying as candidates for an alliance. Partisans see a survival community as a source of supplies and recruits, either theirs or their enemy's.
Government and quasi-government. Drastic downsizing will pressure fiefdoms with overlapping authority to battle for supremacy. Even within government no one will be sure who is king and who is not king. Subjugating and exploiting the productive territories that sustain them will be government's only real job. The classic morphing of government will accelerate—every bureaucracy wants to be a police force, every police force wants to be an army. Martial law is a given, there will be no civil liberties. A survival community careless enough to draw their attention will have some hard times ahead.
The quote for this week comes via Ace atAce of Spades:
My daughter is looking for a summer job. She’s a millennial so she’s hoping to find part-time work as a CEO.
— brian kiley (@kileynoodles)
"One of the three orders signed on Friday limits the amount of official time federal employees can spend on union duties to no more than 25 percent. It also requires the federal government to start charging union members rent for using space in federal buildings, to stop paying employees for the cost of lobbying the federal government, and to more aggressively negotiate union contracts".
Roseanne Barr and the new political correctness
Who knew that making a professional vulgarian and an infamous kook a face of your political movement could be so risky?
There will be many millions of pixels wasted in the name of debating whether ABC was right or wrong to terminate Roseanne Barr’s eponymous sitcom after the comedian likened a former White House official of black ancestry to an ape.
If you feel obliged to have an opinion on that subject your view is likely shaped by your politics and is therefore something of a foregone conclusion. The same goes for your estimation of her show in the first place.
So powerful is the draw of political tribalism that people are now increasingly able to turn their tastes on a dime in order to conform with what is politically correct.
More @ Fox
Archie Bunker on England
Via comment by Quartermain on Trans People Urged to Become Priests in Church of ... "Oh my, Archie Bunker was right....... and Rob Reiner is still a meathead."
Hungary Focuses on Demographics, Birth Rates
Via Billy
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán says that demographics and birth rates are top priorities for his new administration.
In an interview on Hungarian public radio, PM Orbán detailed plans to foster a pro-family culture that will enable Magyars to reproduce at a level that guarantees their existence deep into the future - an idea that is anathema across the West, where birth rates in most countries have fallen below sustainable levels and native populations are being replaced by floods of migrants.
"My first priority is something we’re all aware of, something we all know - yet something that, during our everyday struggles, we rarely concern ourselves with, because its long-term nature means that it doesn’t dominate people’s thinking," Orbán said. "This is the societal phenomenon called demography."

Won by the biggest landslide for a seating head of state since Germany re-elected Adolf Hitler in 1936.
Pro-family culture a central pillar of 21st-century Christian civilization
In an interview on Hungarian public radio, PM Orbán detailed plans to foster a pro-family culture that will enable Magyars to reproduce at a level that guarantees their existence deep into the future - an idea that is anathema across the West, where birth rates in most countries have fallen below sustainable levels and native populations are being replaced by floods of migrants.
"My first priority is something we’re all aware of, something we all know - yet something that, during our everyday struggles, we rarely concern ourselves with, because its long-term nature means that it doesn’t dominate people’s thinking," Orbán said. "This is the societal phenomenon called demography."
More @ News Wars
Lombardo Lied: New Vegas Shooting Documents Reveal Three Women Found In Stephen Paddock’s Room

Recent documents released regarding the the October 1, 2017 Las Vegas Shooting are beginning to shed light on more discrepancies and abnormalities surrounding the official timeline and narrative of the tragedy as originally stated by Sheriff Joe Lombardo and Special Agent Aaron Rouse of the Las Vegas FBI , including documentation that three women were found in the alleged shooter's room.
The most recent batch of documents that were released include witness reports, dispatch logs, and officer reports that recount the events that took place that night and further reveal that Paddock was not alone in his room as was was first stated by Sheriff Lombardo.
Page 26 of the dispatch logs that were released by LVMPD details the moments wh
en the alleged shooter, Stephen Paddock, was located by a security detail at the Mandalay Bay.
en the alleged shooter, Stephen Paddock, was located by a security detail at the Mandalay Bay.
More @ Laura Loomer
Milo: On Orbanis and Trump

British author and political commentator Milo Yiannopoulos gave a number of interviews to Hungary’s pro-government media on Friday and Saturday.
Yiannopoulos told that Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbanis quite like Donald Trump, and it must be part of the Hungarian character to reject external dictates. He said he doesn’t miss the protests against him, which by the way only prove his views on the left side’s intolerance right. He called it encouraging that there’s no organised, militant far-left in Hungary. Yiannopoulos added that he’d be glad if Orban lead a “cultural crusade”, and “the fight that was lead for Constantinople, restarted in Budapest”.
“Hungary is a strong bastion between the East and the West, protecting freedom, freedom of speech and the right of people to live how they want”, Yiannopoulos told Echo TV. He added that Communists mask themselves as feminists and LGBT activists, wanting to control people’s behaviour, instead of the economy. Yiannopoulos also praised Hungary’s family policies.
More @ Hungary Journal
German MP Writes Letter to Tommy Robinson Offering to Fly to UK So He Can Sign Asylum Paperwork in Prison
A member of the German Parliament has offered Tommy Robinson asylum in Germany following his arrest for livestreaming outside the trial of a child grooming gang.
More @ The Gateway Pundit
The Confederacy's gift to the nation
Via Billy
Memorial Day is done and gone, and millions of Americans probably still don't know what it's supposed to be all about, beyond a picnic with hot dogs and six-packs in the park.
In Washington, it's an occasion to add an extra day to the weekend for the noble and overworked bureaucracy. But the origins of Memorial Day have important things to teach, some of them dangerously politically incorrect.
Memorial Day began as a Confederate holiday.

Memorial Day is done and gone, and millions of Americans probably still don't know what it's supposed to be all about, beyond a picnic with hot dogs and six-packs in the park.
In Washington, it's an occasion to add an extra day to the weekend for the noble and overworked bureaucracy. But the origins of Memorial Day have important things to teach, some of them dangerously politically incorrect.
Memorial Day began as a Confederate holiday.
More @ Jewish World Review
Israelis Gathering Outside UK Embassy To Protest Against The Arrest Of Tommy Robinson
Via Red Pill Jew
Happening now: People are gathering outside the British Embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel to protest against the illegal arrest of Tommy Robinson.
Tommy Robinson has been arrested and jailed for reporting on Muslim grooming gangs. A job that he chooses to do with no regard for his own safety, informing the public of all the wrongs committed in the name of Allah. Fighting against adversity and reporting on issues that the mainstream media are too afraid to speak of.
This is the Death of Free Speech in the UK.

Happening now: People are gathering outside the British Embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel to protest against the illegal arrest of Tommy Robinson.
Tommy Robinson has been arrested and jailed for reporting on Muslim grooming gangs. A job that he chooses to do with no regard for his own safety, informing the public of all the wrongs committed in the name of Allah. Fighting against adversity and reporting on issues that the mainstream media are too afraid to speak of.
This is the Death of Free Speech in the UK.
More @ Free Speech Time
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