Saturday, March 22, 2014
Nice garden
Jeremy Walls
We eat fresh out of our gardens daily during the summer but put up a good deal too. My usual goal for canning is:
100 quarts black eyed peas
100 quarts green beans
50 quarts speckled beans
100 quarts tomatoes
50 quarts spaghetti sauce
100 pints tomato soup
50 jelly jars misc jelly and jam
Then about 100 bags each zucchini, squash,okra, 300-500 ears of corn 5 gallon freezer bags chopped bell peppers 5 gallon bags green tomatoes sliced, maybe 100 or so sandwich baggies of onions and about 200-300 fresh onions hung in the barn.
I also do misc. things like blackberries, vine peaches, blueberries, strawberries, muscadines , figs for pies cobblers & takes me about 3 acres though.
Venice votes to secede from Italy as 89% of the city's residents opt to form a new independent state
Via LH
Venetians have voted overwhelmingly for their own sovereign state in a ‘referendum’ on independence from Italy.
Inspired by Scotland’s separatist ambitions, 89 per cent of the residents of the lagoon city and its surrounding area, opted to break away from Italy in an unofficial ballot.
The proposed ‘Repubblica Veneta’ would include the five million inhabitants of the Veneto region and could later expand to include parts of Lombardy, Trentino and Friuli-Venezia Giulia.
Venetians have voted overwhelmingly for their own sovereign state in a ‘referendum’ on independence from Italy.
Inspired by Scotland’s separatist ambitions, 89 per cent of the residents of the lagoon city and its surrounding area, opted to break away from Italy in an unofficial ballot.
The proposed ‘Repubblica Veneta’ would include the five million inhabitants of the Veneto region and could later expand to include parts of Lombardy, Trentino and Friuli-Venezia Giulia.
More @ Daily Mail
Tuesday, 25 March -- "General Robert F. Hoke at Duplin Roads, March 1865: A Living History"
A Special Event in observance of North Carolina’s War Between the States Sesquicentennial:
“General Robert F. Hoke at Duplin Roads, March 1865: A Living History”
Tuesday, 25 March 2014, 6:30PM, Wallace Women’s Club, 216 NE Railroad Street, Wallace, NC (Admission free)
(A midday performance will be held for history students at Wallace-Rose Hill High School
After his fighting withdrawal from Wilmington on 22 February 1865, General Robert F. Hoke’s veteran 4,500-man division entrenched on the north bank of Rockfish Creek, just below the town of Duplin Roads, present-day Wallace. There his force re-supplied and remained until 5 March when he was ordered to Kinston to oppose an enemy advance toward the railroad center at Goldsboro from New Bern. Duplin merchant and planter Gabriel Boney visits Hoke just before his departure. General Hoke was one of North Carolina’s most accomplished general officers and one of Lee’s most trusted division commanders. He had liberated Plymouth from Northern occupation in April 1864 – and very nearly did the same with New Bern.
Experience this unique conversation between General Hoke and Gabriel Boney as the latter enquires of the campaign to date: from Hoke’s arrival at Fort Fisher in late December when enemy attack threatened, through the Fort Anderson and Forks Roads battles, and culminating with the retreat through Wilmington, encampment at Rockfish Creek, and Hoke’s exchange of nearly 10,000 Northern prisoners in his hands. Hoke and Boney will be visited by Mrs. Eliza Nutt Parsley of Wilmington who is refugeeing in Robeson County and relates the plight of women and children on the homefront. She pleads with Hoke for food, medicine and protection from invading enemy soldiers. Plan to be with us to experience this North Carolina “living history.”
Gen. Hoke of North Carolina is portrayed by veteran living history reenactor Wayne Newnam of Beaufort; Mr. Gabriel Boney is depicted by Bernhard Thuersam of Wilmington, Chairman of the North Carolina War Between the States Sesquicentennial Commission. Kelly Atkins Hinson of Jackson Springs portrays Mrs. Eliza Nutt Parsley of Wilmington. Kelly has appeared often in the character of Anna Morrison Jackson of Charlotte, grieving widow of Gen. Stonewall Jackson.
This living history program is jointly presented by the Cape Fear Historical Institute and the North Carolina War Between the States Sesquicentennial Commission.
For more information, email
1971 Dodge Hemi Challenger R/T 426/425 HP, 4-Speed
Amazing paint considering it's 43 years old.
It took five long years for Chrysler to respond to the Ford Mustang with the E-body Cuda and Challenger, but the wait was worth it to many Mopar fans when they saw the new lineup included the mother of all street engines, the 426/425 HP Hemi V-8. Hemi Challengers were exceedingly rare; this 1971 Hemi Challenger R/T, an original example with complete documented owner history, is one of just 70 built and one of only 49 known extant today. It is one of just six remaining examples factory finished in Black and, remarkably, it is also the only one known to still wear its original factory paint.
More @ MECUM
Bill Gates: Dystopian Philanthropy and Neo-eugenics
Via Sioux

Bill Gates seems like Mr. Softy with his big smile, kind face and gentle
demeanor. And so a lot of people were surprised when he advocated the
use of "death panels" to help US hospitals kill elderly people with
euthanasia measures in order to save money.[1]
The comment, made on July 8, 2010 at the Aspen Ideas Festival, was
based on an 'end justifies the means' type of rationale, wherein money
saved by euthanasia could be used to help pay teacher salaries. While
Dr. Mengele and Dr. Kavorkian would probably be proud of Mr. Gates, the
rest of us should probably try to keep abreast of what he's up to. When
you examine the types of projects Gates is involved in, frankly, it's
From agriculture to vaccines, Gates' activities have earned him
the nickname of Mr. Micro Softkill, along with a Facebook page for the
More @ Templestream
Gunbroker's Top 5 Best Sellers List
Bought one for $160 used in 1977 and sold it for enough to buy a Glock 21 and 30 some years ago. Needless to say, it's worth even more now.
Semi Auto Pistols
- 1 Smith & Wesson M&P
- 2 Sig Sauer 1911
- 3 Colt 1911
- 4 Sig Sauer P238
- 5 Sig Sauer P226
Felony Friday: Kansas Bill Would Make It A Felony To Report False Complaints Of Police Abuse
Via Bill
There is a bill in the Kansas legislature that is a bad cop’s dream. House Bill 2698 would raise cops even higher above the rest of society by requiring anyone filing a complaint against a police officer to first sign a sworn affidavit clearly stating the allegation. If during the ensuing investigation clear evidence shows the claim to be false, then the complainant could face perjury charges.
The wording is so incredibly skewed in favor of law enforcement that it wouldn’t be surprising to find out a retired cop penned the legislation. The devil is in the details of this bill.
There is a provision in the bill that would exempt law enforcement officers from making any oral or written statements regarding a complaint filed against them until they have been made fully aware of all facts related to the allegation, received a copy of the complaint, and all evidence related to the complaint.
There is a bill in the Kansas legislature that is a bad cop’s dream. House Bill 2698 would raise cops even higher above the rest of society by requiring anyone filing a complaint against a police officer to first sign a sworn affidavit clearly stating the allegation. If during the ensuing investigation clear evidence shows the claim to be false, then the complainant could face perjury charges.
The wording is so incredibly skewed in favor of law enforcement that it wouldn’t be surprising to find out a retired cop penned the legislation. The devil is in the details of this bill.
There is a provision in the bill that would exempt law enforcement officers from making any oral or written statements regarding a complaint filed against them until they have been made fully aware of all facts related to the allegation, received a copy of the complaint, and all evidence related to the complaint.
More @ Lions of Liberty
Man who killed two female co-workers by setting them alight 26 years ago hits out at death penalty as he's finally executed
Via Nancy
A Florida man who killed two female co-workers by beating them with a hammer and setting them on fire during a robbery at a fabric store where they worked in 1987 was executed on Thursday.
One witness to the lethal injection blurted out ‘Die!’ as the inmate read his last statement.
Robert L. Henry, 55, was pronounced dead at 6:16 p.m. on Thursday after the chemical injection at the Florida State Prison.
He was convicted of first-degree murder in the November 1987 deaths of Phyllis Harris, 53, and Janet Thermidor, 35, at the Deerfield Beach store. Authorities say about $1,200 was taken in the robbery.
A Florida man who killed two female co-workers by beating them with a hammer and setting them on fire during a robbery at a fabric store where they worked in 1987 was executed on Thursday.
One witness to the lethal injection blurted out ‘Die!’ as the inmate read his last statement.
Robert L. Henry, 55, was pronounced dead at 6:16 p.m. on Thursday after the chemical injection at the Florida State Prison.
He was convicted of first-degree murder in the November 1987 deaths of Phyllis Harris, 53, and Janet Thermidor, 35, at the Deerfield Beach store. Authorities say about $1,200 was taken in the robbery.
More @ Daily Mail
Pro-Russian forces take Belbek base, one of last strongholds in region. Ukrainian military presence in Crimea almost at end.
Via Billy
Novofedorovka naval base was also taken over, which saw Ukraine hand over its only submarine to the Russian military.
After the base was taken over, the Ukrainian men gathered, sang the national anthem, then stood at ease.
It is the first time Russia has launched a full on assault on a base in the Crimea and now means only one or two Ukrainian strongholds are left in the region.
Earlier Russian troops surrounded the compound and issued an ultimatum for their opponents to surrender.
Colonel Yuli Mamchur was seen talking with Russian opponents as the deadline set for them to leave the base lapsed. He has now been taken away by Russian forces for questioning.
Earlier this week Ukraine started to withdraw its troops from Crimea to the mainland amid fears Russia plans further military incursions into their territory after militiamen seized three Ukrainian ships.
Shots were fired and stun grenades as the Ukrainian corvette Khmelnitsky was seized in Sevastopol while another ship, the Lutsk, was also surrounded by pro-Russian forces.
St Andrew's Cross
Novofedorovka naval base was also taken over, which saw Ukraine hand over its only submarine to the Russian military.
After the base was taken over, the Ukrainian men gathered, sang the national anthem, then stood at ease.
It is the first time Russia has launched a full on assault on a base in the Crimea and now means only one or two Ukrainian strongholds are left in the region.
Earlier Russian troops surrounded the compound and issued an ultimatum for their opponents to surrender.
Colonel Yuli Mamchur was seen talking with Russian opponents as the deadline set for them to leave the base lapsed. He has now been taken away by Russian forces for questioning.
Earlier this week Ukraine started to withdraw its troops from Crimea to the mainland amid fears Russia plans further military incursions into their territory after militiamen seized three Ukrainian ships.
Shots were fired and stun grenades as the Ukrainian corvette Khmelnitsky was seized in Sevastopol while another ship, the Lutsk, was also surrounded by pro-Russian forces.
More with video and pictures @ Daily Mail
Marching as to War
Sweeping through Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania this week, Joe Biden reassured all three that the United States' commitment to Article Five of the NATO treaty remains "solemn" and "iron clad."
Article Five commits us to war if the territory of any of these tiny Baltic nations is violated by Russia.
From World War II to the end of the Cold War, all three were Soviet republics. All three were on the other side of the Yalta line agreed to by FDR, and on the other side of the NATO red line, the Elbe River in Germany.
No president would have dreamed of waging war with Russia over them. Now, under the new NATO, we must. Joe Biden was affirming war guarantees General Eisenhower would have regarded as insane. Joe Biden was affirming war guarantees General Eisenhower would have regarded as insane.
More @ Townhall
North Carolina Man Attacked By Rogue Shotgun
The shotgun must not have liked this guy’s friend, at all:
A 22-year-old is recovering in the hospital this morning after police say a bullet grazed his head when another man’s shotgun misfired inside a Wilmington home.
Just before 11 p.m. police say the two men, who they say knew each other, were inside the home at 1201 Chestnut Street when it happened. Officers say one of the men was holding a shotgun, which he told police he keeps on him for protection.
That’s when police say the man’s shotgun chamber malfunctioned, firing a shot at the other man. They say the bullet from the gun’s misfire grazed the man’s acquaintance in the side of the head. Police say the 22-year-old victim was then taken to the hospital for the gunshot wound, and is recovering there this morning.Bovine excrement.
More @ Bearing Arms
Hawaii's Gun Restrictions Deemed Unconstitutional
On the heels of two Ninth Circuit Court decisions striking down restrictions on concealed carry permits in California, the same court just put Hawaii on notice that some of its gun restrictions need to be changed as well.
Early in February, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals held that San Diego County's rule requiring residents to show "good cause" before being allowed to obtain a concealed carry permit violates the Second Amendment."The court ruled that the right to keep and bear arms is, in and of itself, a sufficient cause for bearing arms for self-defense. Moreover, it is a sufficient cause both inside and outside of one's domicile," Breitbart reported on February 13.
More @ Breitbart
“If we had a vote of secession here in America on Obama … it would pass by about 80/20”
“They have more democracy in Crimea than we do,” Dr. Savage declared this week after that region voted to join the Russian Federation.
Savage speculated, “If we had a vote of secession here in America on Obama … it would pass by about 80/20,” due to the president’s habit of overriding Congress to impose his will (Free audio).
As for the vice president, Savage slammed Joe Biden for condemning Russia’s “naked aggression” in Ukraine.
“What about the naked aggression of the Obama/Biden ticket?” asked Savage. “What about the destruction of our borders, language and culture, and the naked aggression of flooding the nation with 30 million illegals?”
More @ WND
Issa tells Holder to give him information about Lois Lerner’s private DOJ interview
Fat chance on the Attorney-in-Falsehood giving it up.
House Oversight and Government Reform chairman Rep. Darrell Issa has called on Attorney General Eric Holder to provide information about the interview ex-IRS official Lois Lerner gave to the Department of Justice (DOJ) about her role in the IRS targeting scandal.
Issa and Oversight member Rep. Jim Jordan sent a letter to Holder, obtained by The Daily Caller, requesting “All documents and communications referring or relating to the scope, timing, and scheduling of the DOJ’s interview of Lois Lerner” and “All documents and communications between or among the DOJ, or other federal law enforcement agencies, and Lois Lerner or her counsel referring or relating to immunity for Ms. Lerner.”
Issa and Jordan also asked Holder whether Lerner tried to invoke her Fifth Amendment rights during the interview with DOJ attorneys, and whether she refused to answer any questions.
More @ The Daily Caller
Thugs Sentenced for Punching Man in the Face Who Later Died
Via Nancy
Joseph Doherty, 31, of Lowedges Road, Sheffield, and Rueben
Ingleton, 32, of Fox Hill Crescent, Sheffield, attacked Tony Sharman,
49, on 5 September 2012.
Mr Sharman had pulled over to make a phone call when he was assaulted. He died a month later.
Doherty was jailed for eight years and Ingleton for 10 years at Sheffield Crown Court.
Mr Sharman had pulled into Frith Close, Sheffield, when he was punched in the face by Doherty and Ingleton, the court was told.
He had managed to reach a nearby property to summon help.
Two men who denied assaulting a motorist have been jailed for grievous bodily harm.
Mr Sharman had pulled over to make a phone call when he was assaulted. He died a month later.
Doherty was jailed for eight years and Ingleton for 10 years at Sheffield Crown Court.
Mr Sharman had pulled into Frith Close, Sheffield, when he was punched in the face by Doherty and Ingleton, the court was told.
He had managed to reach a nearby property to summon help.
More @ BBC
An American patriot has died: Dr. David A. Yeagley (1951-2014)
Via Susan
One week ago today, America lost one of its most devoted patriots.
He was a native son of this land in a way which most of us could never be. Nonetheless, he despised the term “Native American”, instead preferring one ordained by the Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution: “American Indian”.
Indeed, those two words describe Dr. David A. Yeagley to a tee. The great-great-grandson of Comanche dignitary Bad Eagle, Dr. Yeagley lived his life with one foot firmly, and proudly, planted in the past, another in the present, and both eyes focused on the future.
Most well known for outspoken rightist political commentary, Dr. Yeagley’s career was far more varied than some know. The San Diego Jewish World dubbed him “an American Indian Leonardo da Vinci” in an article about his Holocaust-related classical music compositions.
Dr. Yeagley also found prominence as an author of fiction and nonfiction literature, totaling eight published books which touched on subjects ranging from Iran’s displaced Pahlavi dynasty to Christian theology. Not one to leave stones unturned, he became involved with the film industry and made history as our nation’s first American Indian motion picture composer.
None of this even begins to touch on his work as a humanities and literature professor or, of all things, portrait painter.
He was a native son of this land in a way which most of us could never be. Nonetheless, he despised the term “Native American”, instead preferring one ordained by the Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution: “American Indian”.
Indeed, those two words describe Dr. David A. Yeagley to a tee. The great-great-grandson of Comanche dignitary Bad Eagle, Dr. Yeagley lived his life with one foot firmly, and proudly, planted in the past, another in the present, and both eyes focused on the future.
Most well known for outspoken rightist political commentary, Dr. Yeagley’s career was far more varied than some know. The San Diego Jewish World dubbed him “an American Indian Leonardo da Vinci” in an article about his Holocaust-related classical music compositions.
Dr. Yeagley also found prominence as an author of fiction and nonfiction literature, totaling eight published books which touched on subjects ranging from Iran’s displaced Pahlavi dynasty to Christian theology. Not one to leave stones unturned, he became involved with the film industry and made history as our nation’s first American Indian motion picture composer.
None of this even begins to touch on his work as a humanities and literature professor or, of all things, portrait painter.
More @ CDN
22 Southern Pictures 1905 -1942
November 1908. High Shoals, North Carolina. "St. Johns Mission School.
'Not supported by the Mill company, but we are always on good terms with
them,' said the Sister in charge. Supported by the Episcopal Church.
Average attendance 15."
More @ NamSouth
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