"Now scientists have begun to examine how the city affects the brain, and the results are chastening. Just being in an urban environment, they have found, impairs our basic mental processes. After spending a few minutes on a crowded city street, the brain is less able to hold things in memory, and suffers from reduced self-control. While it's long been recognized that city life is exhausting -- that's why Picasso left Paris -- this new research suggests that cities actually dull our thinking, sometimes dramatically so."
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
How The City Hurts Your Brain
"Now scientists have begun to examine how the city affects the brain, and the results are chastening. Just being in an urban environment, they have found, impairs our basic mental processes. After spending a few minutes on a crowded city street, the brain is less able to hold things in memory, and suffers from reduced self-control. While it's long been recognized that city life is exhausting -- that's why Picasso left Paris -- this new research suggests that cities actually dull our thinking, sometimes dramatically so."
New Aurora Pictures: First Big Show Of 2011
"A streak of auroral light mimics the curve of an illuminated bridge near Sommarøya in northern Norway on January 7."
"Buy A Gun" Google Inquiries Hit All Time High
Alan Lomax Archives
"The recent web debut of the Alan Lomax Archives channel is a treasure trove for musicians and listeners of all types of American vernacular music. The clips all were filmed between 1978 and 1985, mostly in North Carolina, Mississippi, Texas, and Louisiana. The material reflects Mr. Lomax's fervent desire to record local music varietals before the onslaught of mainstream media homogenization. Many of the clips were from a TV production "American Patchwork" that eventually aired on PBS in 1991.
The most well known musician in the series is R.L. Burnside. Here he's playing a scorching electric tune solo in front of a barb wire fence. It just gets better after that. The material of course ranges far and wide with sacred harp, gut bucket blues, NOLA brass, folk ballads, all in abundance.
Most of the musicians likely never made a recording afterward, but due to Lomax's calling, their songs have been preserved. This channel eventually leads to the even deeper collection at Cultural Equity. Clearly the material is staggeringly unique. Take some time this cold winter to bask in the warmth of some hot blues."=========
Reminds me of playing pool listening to Leadbelly at EHS.
Police Killings = Predictable Consequences
There isn't an organized "war on cops" anymore than there is an actual "war on criminals" being waged by the police. This is simply the natural reaction to the police unilaterally deciding to militarize their police operations and allow their officers to preemptively shoot people who aren't shooting at them. It doesn't take a whole lot of well-covered incidents where police shoot unarmed and even handcuffed men for criminals to realize that they are in a no quarter situation whenever they find themselves facing arrest.
Hussein's State Of The Union Speech
“My fellow Americans, my presidency has sucked. Big time. My stint as your leader has been worse than the Matrix Revolution, and you know how awful that Keanu Reeves movie was. To the American public, I’m sorry. The job of being President has been above my experience. I had no idea what I was supposed to be doing, and I still don’t. I’ve screwed over so many generations of Americans with the debt I’ve been racking up. So for the good of the country and because I’m tired of Michelle forcing me to eat organic arugula from the White House garden, tonight I am resigning. Take care America, and please don’t ever say that Jimmy Carter was a better President than I was, because that would really sting.”
Family Research Council
"Tonight, the President will do what he does best. Talk. But unfortunately for this White House, presidencies are defined by what you do, not what you say. And in Barack Obama's case, there seems to be plenty of disparity between the two. The same man who stood at the podium last year and said that he's "interested in protecting our economy" went on to pile up more debt than 40 Presidents combined. "I'm proposing specific steps to pay for the $1 trillion that it took to rescue the economy last year," he promised--only to add another $2.5 trillion more to it with health care. The commander-in-chief who asked us to "reject the false choice between protecting our people and upholding our values," couldn't do it himself, overturning a military policy on homosexuality that will neither protect our people nor their values. "Abroad," Mr. Obama said, "America's greatest source of strength has always been our ideals." In 2010, those "ideals" included global abortion and same-sex partner perks. Forgive us for taking the State of the Union with a brick of salt. Like Fox's Andrea Tantaros, we aren't fooled. "Obama can... extend a hand to Republicans through rhetoric... [But] with the other hand he can wave on the czars and cabinet secretaries to lurch leftward and take care of his liberal friends."
A lot of tonight's speech will probably feel familiar, since the President is said to be focusing on job creation, deficit reduction (stop me if you've heard this before), investments in "infrastructure," and civility. Voters, on the other hand, can take pleasure in the fact that after four years of looking at Nancy Pelosi, tonight's camera shot will feature new Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), who will provide the President's backdrop--not only for this speech, but for the important year ahead.
Although these two aren't officially a part of the State of the Union seating revolution, plenty of other members are using the bipartisan buddy system to show America that they can play nice. Breaking a longstanding tradition, odd couples like Sens. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) are sitting together, along with pairs like Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Tom Udall (D-N.M.) and other twosomes. "More important than the appearance of sitting together is what we do together," Sen. Mitch McConnell told reporters. Let's hope the bulk of that cooperation is focused on bringing the family back to its place of prominence--not just in a speech, but in all of American policy"
Chomsky: November's Republican Takeover Of Congress 'A Death Knell For The Species'
One could understand progressive-minded people calling the 2010 Republican wave the end of the world, but who would take them literally?
MIT professor of linguistics Noam Chomsky warned the end is near. MIT professor of linguistics Noam Chomsky warned the end is near. In an interview with the Nation magazine and On The Earth Productions earlier this month, Chomsky, known for his distinct left-of-center philosophy, commented on the emotion in the electorate. In an interview with the Nation magazine and On The Earth Productions earlier this month, Chomsky, known for his distinct left-of-center philosophy, commented on the emotion in the electorate.
“There's other factors like the anger, and the fear and hostility in the country about everything carries over to this,” Chomsky said. "There's other factors like the anger, and the fear and hostility in the country about everything carries over to this," Chomsky said. “So if you look at polls, everyone hates Congress. "So if you look at polls, everyone hates Congress. They hate the Democrats. They hate the Democrats. They hate the Republicans even more. They hate the Republicans even more. They hate big business. They hate big business. They hate banks and they distrust scientists. They hate banks and they distrust scientists. So why should we believe what these pointy-head elitist are telling? So why should we believe what these pointy-head elitist are telling? We don't trust anything else. We don't trust anything else. We don't trust them.” We don't trust them. "
He explained those feelings led to November's election results, and would have serious repercussions for civilization. He explained those feelings led to November's election results, and would have serious repercussions for civilization.
"Once Chomsky opined That the Khmer Rouge 'Saved' Cambodia with the Killing Fields ."
Kerry And His Mystical Khmer Dau (Rouge)
The Khmer Dau {Rouge} were responsible for 1 to 3 million deaths depending on the estimator. (1.7 million would be one-fifth of the population) Go to the Tuol Sleng Museum in Phnom Penh. You won't go back.
First Lieutenant James L. Stone
Medal Of Honor: James L. Stone
Rank: First Lieutenant
Organization: U.S. Army
Company: Company E
Division: 8th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division
Born: 27 December 1922, Pine Bluff, Ark.
Departed: No
Entered Service At: Houston, Tex.
Date of Issue: 10/20/1953
Place / Date: Near Sokkogae, Korea, 21 and 22 November 1951
1st Lt. Stone, distinguished himself by conspicuous gallantry and indomitable courage above and beyond the call of duty in action against the enemy. When his platoon, holding a vital outpost position, was attacked by overwhelming Chinese forces, 1st Lt. Stone stood erect and exposed to the terrific enemy fire calmly directed his men in the defense. A defensive flame-thrower failing to function, he personally moved to its location, further exposing himself, and personally repaired the weapon.
Throughout a second attack, 1st Lt. Stone; though painfully wounded, personally carried the only remaining light machine gun from place to place in the position in order to bring fire upon the Chinese advancing from 2 directions. Throughout he continued to encourage and direct his depleted platoon in its hopeless defense. Although again wounded, he continued the fight with his carbine, still exposing himself as an example to his men.
When this final overwhelming assault swept over the platoon's position his voice could still be heard faintly urging his men to carry on, until he lost consciousness. Only because of this officer's driving spirit and heroic action was the platoon emboldened to make its brave but hopeless last ditch stand.
Greatest Moments In Liberal History
--James Madison, Federalist No. 14, 1787
"The disconnect seen above is only going to intensify as the middle classes of the developed economies are gutted and systemic shocks (price spikes, shortages, failures, etc.) proliferate"
Secrets Of Communism - Mass Murder
"People with suspicious minds -- me -- would wonder if there were any connection between Bernard O'Bama's State of the Onion address tomorrow and a new high for the move in the Dow today. Am I hinting that the Nice Government Men, who (we all know) are above reproach, would manipulate the stock market or the economy for base political reasons? Yes, I suppose I am, since they've been doing that for the last 77 years or longer."
See below for what out "AMERICAN" collectivists have in mind. Don't doubt for a moment that they would do it, if they could get away with it. BT