Thursday, November 29, 2012
Deputies: Store clerk fears for her life, shoots robbery suspect
Via Daily Timewaster
An overnight robbery attempt in Richland County ended in a shootout with a store clerk Wednesday morning. One person was sent to the hospital.
Deputies with the Richland County Sheriff’s Department say three black males armed with handguns entered the Corner Pantry store at 5413 Forest Drive to commit a robbery. After demanding money and lottery tickets, investigators say the suspects fired several shots in the air.
Deputies say that is when the store clerk, fearing for her life, grabbed her weapon and returned fire. One of the suspects was hit in the upper body and sent to the hospital. Investigators don’t know his condition.
Investigators also believe a second suspect was hit but they are still looking for him in addition to the third suspect.
The store is located near the intersection of Forest Drive and Percival Road.
Good job!
An overnight robbery attempt in Richland County ended in a shootout with a store clerk Wednesday morning. One person was sent to the hospital.
Deputies with the Richland County Sheriff’s Department say three black males armed with handguns entered the Corner Pantry store at 5413 Forest Drive to commit a robbery. After demanding money and lottery tickets, investigators say the suspects fired several shots in the air.
Deputies say that is when the store clerk, fearing for her life, grabbed her weapon and returned fire. One of the suspects was hit in the upper body and sent to the hospital. Investigators don’t know his condition.
Investigators also believe a second suspect was hit but they are still looking for him in addition to the third suspect.
The store is located near the intersection of Forest Drive and Percival Road.
Post-US world born in Phnom Penh
It is symptomatic of the national condition of the United States that the worst humiliation ever suffered by it as a nation, and by a US president personally, passed almost without comment last week. I refer to the November 20 announcement at a summit meeting in Phnom Penh that 15 Asian nations, comprising half the world's population, would form a Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership excluding the United States.
President Barack Obama attended the summit to sell a US-based Trans-Pacific Partnership excluding China. He didn't. The American led-partnership became a party to which no-one came.
Instead, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, plus China, India, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand, will form a club and leave out the United States. As 3 billion Asians become prosperous, interest fades in the prospective contribution of 300 million Americans - especially when those Americans decline to take risks on new technologies. America's great economic strength, namely its capacity to innovate, exists mainly in memory four years after the 2008 economic crisis.
million Americans -
especially when those Americans decline to take
risks on new technologies. America's great
economic strength, namely its capacity to
innovate, exists mainly in memory four years after
the 2008 economic crisis.
Things certainly have changed.
It is symptomatic of the national condition of the United States that the worst humiliation ever suffered by it as a nation, and by a US president personally, passed almost without comment last week. I refer to the November 20 announcement at a summit meeting in Phnom Penh that 15 Asian nations, comprising half the world's population, would form a Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership excluding the United States.
President Barack Obama attended the summit to sell a US-based Trans-Pacific Partnership excluding China. He didn't. The American led-partnership became a party to which no-one came.
Instead, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, plus China, India, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand, will form a club and leave out the United States. As 3 billion Asians become prosperous, interest fades in the prospective contribution of 300 million Americans - especially when those Americans decline to take risks on new technologies. America's great economic strength, namely its capacity to innovate, exists mainly in memory four years after the 2008 economic crisis.
More @ Asia Times
Hipsters On Food Stamps
It's very easy and satisfying to hate these two, and nothing would make me happier than to hit them square in the back with a jack-o-lantern. But I also recognize that I am being told to hate them, so I have to take a step back and find out why it is so important that I hate them. I did. I should have just reached for the pumpkin.
No one but the state and psychiatry can profit from another's misery, and they are the same thing, so let's see why Election Day doesn't matter.
First, the obvious: what's wrong with hipsters on food stamps is that these are college educated people who should be able to get jobs, not live off the state. They're not black, after all. Hell, one of the two in the article is even Asian. "What, like Russian Asian?" No, like Asian Asian. "Whaaaaaaat?"
"It's the economy, stupid!" Thanks guy from 1992, but the economy did not tell you to go to college for something you knew in advance would make you unemployable, especially when that unemployable choice cost exactly the same as the employable choice, i.e. too much. Lesson one at the academia should be the importance of separating vocation from avocation, as character actor Fred Thompson and electrical contractor Benjamin Franklin both understood. When I was six I wanted to be in Playboy. Just because it's your dream, doesn't mean you should pursue it.
So what makes them hatable is the seeming choice they have made: they could work, yes at jobs they don't like but hey, that's America; but instead they choose to feel entitled to $200/month from the rest of us salarymen.
However, secondly:
In the John Waters-esque sector of northwest Baltimore -- equal parts kitschy, sketchy, artsy and weird -- Gerry Mak and Sarah Magida sauntered through a small ethnic market stocked with Japanese eggplant, mint chutney and fresh turmeric. After gathering ingredients for that evening's dinner, they walked to the cash register and awaited their moments of truth.Those are two "hipsters", and the punchline is that they pay for their foodie porn with foodie stamps, which sounds like it should be a terrible thing, except it's in, which means they're going to try and tell you how it's a good thing, which they don't, because they can't. It's madness.
It's very easy and satisfying to hate these two, and nothing would make me happier than to hit them square in the back with a jack-o-lantern. But I also recognize that I am being told to hate them, so I have to take a step back and find out why it is so important that I hate them. I did. I should have just reached for the pumpkin.
No one but the state and psychiatry can profit from another's misery, and they are the same thing, so let's see why Election Day doesn't matter.
First, the obvious: what's wrong with hipsters on food stamps is that these are college educated people who should be able to get jobs, not live off the state. They're not black, after all. Hell, one of the two in the article is even Asian. "What, like Russian Asian?" No, like Asian Asian. "Whaaaaaaat?"
"It's the economy, stupid!" Thanks guy from 1992, but the economy did not tell you to go to college for something you knew in advance would make you unemployable, especially when that unemployable choice cost exactly the same as the employable choice, i.e. too much. Lesson one at the academia should be the importance of separating vocation from avocation, as character actor Fred Thompson and electrical contractor Benjamin Franklin both understood. When I was six I wanted to be in Playboy. Just because it's your dream, doesn't mean you should pursue it.
So what makes them hatable is the seeming choice they have made: they could work, yes at jobs they don't like but hey, that's America; but instead they choose to feel entitled to $200/month from the rest of us salarymen.
However, secondly:
More @ The Last Psychiatrist
Legal victory against Obamacare 'mandate'
A federal appeals court has agreed with three U.S. district judges and blocked the enforcement of the Obamacare “mandate” that would have forced a Missouri company to pay for health insurance including abortifacients in violation of the religious beliefs of the owners.
The order from a three-judge panel of the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals is the first from the appellate level among the dozens of cases challenging the Obamacare mandate.
“By granting our motion, the appeals court blocks the implementation of the HHS mandate and clears the way for our lawsuit to continue – a significant victory for our client,” said Francis Manion, senior counsel of the ACLJ. “The order sends a message that the religious beliefs of employers must be respected by the government. We have argued from the beginning that employers like Frank O’Brien must be able to operate their business in a manner consistent with their moral values, not the values of the government. We look forward to this case moving forward and securing the constitutional rights of our client.”
More @ WND
NC Lt. Gov. Home « November 2012 Dan Forest Frightens Bejebbers Out Of Lib Loonie
OhMyGosh..... Lib Loonies are shaking in their Birkenstocks.
Newly-elected NC Lt Governor Dan Forest “HOMESCHOOLS” his children,
admits he is a CHRISTIAN, and has some “faith-based” concerns about
pornography. AND.....
• Dan admits to belonging to several CHRISTIAN (Yikes!) Organizations.... and
• Dan opposes ObamaCare.... and
• Dan supports “conspiracy theories”..... For The Record: So do libs but only THEI
R conspiracy theories are legitimate - i.e. “W ordered 9/11.... and Katrina” ???
• Dan opposes pretty much any bizarre social perversions that form the basis for the “belief system” of uber-lib nutjobs like Rob Schofield (that's him grimacing in the pic) .
• Dan is also “an ARCHITECT” too; which also bothers Schofield a lot for reasons left to our imaginations.
NOTE: I can't wait to meet Lt Governor Dan. Sounds like "my kinda guy".
Schofield describes several of Dan's CHRISTIAN (!!) organizations as “mysterious”. He does stop short of describing Billy Graham as “sinister” and the King James Bible as “a subversive pamphlet” but that’s likely due to column space restrictions.
• Dan admits to belonging to several CHRISTIAN (Yikes!) Organizations.... and
• Dan opposes ObamaCare.... and
• Dan supports “conspiracy theories”..... For The Record: So do libs but only THEI
• Dan opposes pretty much any bizarre social perversions that form the basis for the “belief system” of uber-lib nutjobs like Rob Schofield (that's him grimacing in the pic) .
• Dan is also “an ARCHITECT” too; which also bothers Schofield a lot for reasons left to our imaginations.
NOTE: I can't wait to meet Lt Governor Dan. Sounds like "my kinda guy".
Schofield describes several of Dan's CHRISTIAN (!!) organizations as “mysterious”. He does stop short of describing Billy Graham as “sinister” and the King James Bible as “a subversive pamphlet” but that’s likely due to column space restrictions.
More @ Agent Pierce
Bozell Threatens to Steer Donors Away From GOP If They Vote for Tax Hikes
Bozell founded Media Research Center, a watchdog group which has an annual budget of more than $10 million. He’s chairman of the advocacy group ForAmerica and says he has generated hundreds of millions of dollars for “an alphabet soup of conservative causes,” The Hill reports.
Bozell sent a letter to Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus Wednesday outlining his views.
“Reince, it pains me to say this, but if the Republican Party breaks its word to the American people and goes along with President Obama with tax increases, it will have betrayed conservatives for the final time,” he wrote.
“I will make it my mission to ensure that every conservative donor to the Republican Party that I have worked with for the last three decades — there are many, and they have given tens of millions to Republican causes — gives not one penny more to the Republican Party or any member of Congress that votes for tax increases.”
More @ Newsmax
Northern Rule and Ruin
Letter I just sent to my Representatives
By Don @ L&P
People, this story MUST be kept on the front burner, especially if you have family deployed, if not, then they too could be ignored and allowed to die in some foreign country on an illegal "political" operation.
Imagine your loved one on a rooftop in a hostile country lasing a hostile target for fire support that will never come, lasing the target and repeatedly requesting fire support while Obama, the DoD, the NSA, the NSC, the CIA, and others, watched in real time from two separate drones... They lase the the target until the bad guys see the Americans position and bring mortar and machine-gun fire down on them. All while others watched and denied life saving relief.
I urge you to take action, let your Reps know you are watching them, that you want people held accountable. Then pass on to family and friends, this miscarriage of justice must not be allowed to stand.
Should you wish, take and modify the following letter as needed.
Letter I just sent to my Reps:
You all KNOW what went on with the Benghazi CIA Operations Center, you all KNOW four Americans were murdered by the Obama Administration’s incompetence, you KNOW a massive cover-up is ongoing… YOU KNOW IT!
And by god you had better get off your asses and do something about it, not the B.S. window dressing you have going on right now. Rice is a distraction; But you already KNOW that.
Many people are taking note of this fiasco, including active and “retired” military members. We are DEMANDING action, should you not immediately begin serious investigations then those men’s deaths are also on YOUR hands.
Any involved in this cover-up, and any who continue to hold up these investigations, need serious prison time, including complicit and/or incompetent politicians.
Four Americans were left to die when assets were available to assist them, and I find it disgusting that you continue this charade, do what is right and do it NOW or reap the whirlwind.
CC Saxby Chambliss
CC Johnny Isakson
CC Phil Gingrey
Contact White House:
Contact U.S. Senator:
Contact U.S. Representative:
Read more:
More background on the Benghazi 'Fast and Furious' operation, where weapons and support were being funneled to KNOWN Terrorists:
Benghazi explained: Interview with an "Intelligence Insider"
It was not a diplomatic station. It was a planning and operations center, a logistics hub for weapons and arms being funneled out of Libya.

People, this story MUST be kept on the front burner, especially if you have family deployed, if not, then they too could be ignored and allowed to die in some foreign country on an illegal "political" operation.
Imagine your loved one on a rooftop in a hostile country lasing a hostile target for fire support that will never come, lasing the target and repeatedly requesting fire support while Obama, the DoD, the NSA, the NSC, the CIA, and others, watched in real time from two separate drones... They lase the the target until the bad guys see the Americans position and bring mortar and machine-gun fire down on them. All while others watched and denied life saving relief.
I urge you to take action, let your Reps know you are watching them, that you want people held accountable. Then pass on to family and friends, this miscarriage of justice must not be allowed to stand.
Should you wish, take and modify the following letter as needed.
Letter I just sent to my Reps:
You all KNOW what went on with the Benghazi CIA Operations Center, you all KNOW four Americans were murdered by the Obama Administration’s incompetence, you KNOW a massive cover-up is ongoing… YOU KNOW IT!
And by god you had better get off your asses and do something about it, not the B.S. window dressing you have going on right now. Rice is a distraction; But you already KNOW that.
Many people are taking note of this fiasco, including active and “retired” military members. We are DEMANDING action, should you not immediately begin serious investigations then those men’s deaths are also on YOUR hands.
Any involved in this cover-up, and any who continue to hold up these investigations, need serious prison time, including complicit and/or incompetent politicians.
Four Americans were left to die when assets were available to assist them, and I find it disgusting that you continue this charade, do what is right and do it NOW or reap the whirlwind.
CC Saxby Chambliss
CC Johnny Isakson
CC Phil Gingrey
Contact White House:
Contact U.S. Senator:
Contact U.S. Representative:
Read more: http://alarmandmuster.
More background on the Benghazi 'Fast and Furious' operation, where weapons and support were being funneled to KNOWN Terrorists:
Benghazi explained: Interview with an "Intelligence Insider"
It was not a diplomatic station. It was a planning and operations center, a logistics hub for weapons and arms being funneled out of Libya.
Poll: First time since 20000 majority Says Federal Government Shouldn't Be Responsible for Healthcare
Since most of the data in post-election polling has offered little beyond a parade of ugly news, here's a glimmer of hope from Gallup:
A look at the trendlines:
For the first time in Gallup trends since 2000, a majority of Americans say it is not the federal government's responsibility to make sure all Americans have healthcare coverage. Prior to 2009, a majority always felt the government should ensure healthcare coverage for all, though Americans' views have become more divided in recent years...Republicans, including Republican-leaning independents, are mostly responsible for the drop since 2007 in Americans' support for government ensuring universal health coverage. In 2007, 38% of Republicans thought the government should do so; now, 12% do. Among Democrats and Democratic leaners there has been a much smaller drop, from 81% saying the government should make sure all Americans are covered in 2007 to 71% now.
A look at the trendlines:
More @ Townhall
Silver Bullets
Via Oleg Volk
The Coonan Triple Threat Apocalyptic Kit is designed for the serious hunter and collector. Packaged in a wooden Vampire Stake are Eight .357 Magnum Bullets Jacketed in 99% PURE SILVER. This is the perfect addition to your Coonan Pistol or a Holiday Gift Idea. It's not just a conversation piece, it's a Zombie, Werewolf, or Vampire's worst nightmare.
8 rounds with a Pure Silver Jacket in an Ash Vampire Stake.
The Coonan Triple Threat Apocalyptic Kit is designed for the serious hunter and collector. Packaged in a wooden Vampire Stake are Eight .357 Magnum Bullets Jacketed in 99% PURE SILVER. This is the perfect addition to your Coonan Pistol or a Holiday Gift Idea. It's not just a conversation piece, it's a Zombie, Werewolf, or Vampire's worst nightmare.
DSS Notice Regarding Secession Petitions
Via Don
DSS personnel have recently received questions from security personnel at cleared contractors about whether contractors should file adverse information reports pursuant to NISPOM paragraph 1-302 regarding cleared persons who sign petitions to allow a state to withdraw or secede from the United States.
It also appears that erroneous statements have been made to the effect that DSS is directing contractors to treat the signing of such petitions as reportable adverse information.
Please note that DSS has not provided any approved direction or guidance. DSS is not directing any contractor to file adverse information reports regarding persons who have signed secession or withdrawal petitions. This issue is under review and DSS will provide information to contractors when that review is complete.
DSS personnel have recently received questions from security personnel at cleared contractors about whether contractors should file adverse information reports pursuant to NISPOM paragraph 1-302 regarding cleared persons who sign petitions to allow a state to withdraw or secede from the United States.
It also appears that erroneous statements have been made to the effect that DSS is directing contractors to treat the signing of such petitions as reportable adverse information.
Please note that DSS has not provided any approved direction or guidance. DSS is not directing any contractor to file adverse information reports regarding persons who have signed secession or withdrawal petitions. This issue is under review and DSS will provide information to contractors when that review is complete.
All Patriots Are Obligated to Be Armed and Ready
Via Don
According to Stephen Fischer, director of the FBI's National Instant Criminal Background Check System, "NICS experienced its highest number of transactions processed since system inception [in 1998], with 154,873, which is nearly 20 percent over the 129,166 processed on Black Friday 2011." This year's total checks will undoubtedly beat last year's record of 16.4 million.
In fact, the top 10 record gun sales days have occurred since Barack Obama's election in 2008, and gun ownership has skyrocketed over the last four years. According to a worldwide survey conducted the year before Obama's election, though the United States had only 5% of the world's population, Americans owned 50% of the world's guns. Of course, unlike virtually every other nation, Americans are ensured the incontrovertible right to arm themselves.
The current estimate of legally and privately held guns in the U.S. is more than 250 million (the average gun-owning household having three guns).
With that as a backdrop, I was asked this week if Patriots have an obligation to arm themselves -- to be gun owners, and be proficient at the use of arms. I thought at first the question was rhetorical, but after some consideration, I realize that there are millions of grassroots Patriots who are NOT among the 60 million plus2 Patriots who are already law-abiding gun owners.
Apparently, the question needs to be addressed, as the answer may not be as obvious to some folks as it should be. By way of responding to this question, let me first briefly reiterate the historical and enduring case for gun ownership, which is as relevant today and tomorrow as it was at the dawn of our national founding.
There are two foundational tenets of Essential Liberty3 that all American Patriots4 must understand and embrace in order to sustain Liberty and extend it to the next generation.
First, it is "self-evident" that Liberty is an "unalienable right," innately assured as "endowed by our Creator5." In other words, it is not awarded by men or government; it is the birthright of all people.
"The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered as the palladium of the liberties of a republic." --Joseph StoryOn the most recent "Black Friday," the day after Thanksgiving, which has become the biggest commercial sales day of the year, despite the continuing economic decline1, there were record sales in one notable product category: Guns.
According to Stephen Fischer, director of the FBI's National Instant Criminal Background Check System, "NICS experienced its highest number of transactions processed since system inception [in 1998], with 154,873, which is nearly 20 percent over the 129,166 processed on Black Friday 2011." This year's total checks will undoubtedly beat last year's record of 16.4 million.
In fact, the top 10 record gun sales days have occurred since Barack Obama's election in 2008, and gun ownership has skyrocketed over the last four years. According to a worldwide survey conducted the year before Obama's election, though the United States had only 5% of the world's population, Americans owned 50% of the world's guns. Of course, unlike virtually every other nation, Americans are ensured the incontrovertible right to arm themselves.
The current estimate of legally and privately held guns in the U.S. is more than 250 million (the average gun-owning household having three guns).
With that as a backdrop, I was asked this week if Patriots have an obligation to arm themselves -- to be gun owners, and be proficient at the use of arms. I thought at first the question was rhetorical, but after some consideration, I realize that there are millions of grassroots Patriots who are NOT among the 60 million plus2 Patriots who are already law-abiding gun owners.
Apparently, the question needs to be addressed, as the answer may not be as obvious to some folks as it should be. By way of responding to this question, let me first briefly reiterate the historical and enduring case for gun ownership, which is as relevant today and tomorrow as it was at the dawn of our national founding.
There are two foundational tenets of Essential Liberty3 that all American Patriots4 must understand and embrace in order to sustain Liberty and extend it to the next generation.
First, it is "self-evident" that Liberty is an "unalienable right," innately assured as "endowed by our Creator5." In other words, it is not awarded by men or government; it is the birthright of all people.
More @ The Patriot Post
Via Billy
Awhile back I noted comments by Dr. Fred Schwartz in his book You Can Trust the Communists (to be Communists). Dr. Schwartz noted that many look at Communists or Marxists as nothing more than hypocrites and liars and in so doing they miss the true intent of the Marxist mindset. To the Marxist mentality there is such a thing as Marxist truth and that “truth” is founded on whatever the current Marxist agenda happens to be in any given area. Hence to the Marxist it is completely alright to lie, deceive, steal or to do whatever else furthers the Marxist program. To them all such activities are Marxist truth, and hence, are all moral activities for him, or her. For the Marxist the end really does justify the means, no matter how foul those means may be.
Recently, I took Whittaker Chambers’ book Witness back down off my bookshelf. I had gotten this back in the 1980s sometime, had started to read it and got about half way through it and somehow got sidetracked and never finished it. I am in the process of finishing it now and I had forgotten what fascinating reading it is. Chambers became enamored of Communism when he was twenty four years old and spent the next thirteen years in the Communist apparatus in this country, getting to know all sorts of people that were outright Communists or “fellow-travelers” (people who support Communism but never join the Party).
At some point, it began to dawn on him how totally evil Communism really was and that he had to withdraw himself from its clutches, which he then began to work at. Although he doesn’t really describe it in those terms, it seems that, for him, this was, foremost, a theological decision. He described Communism as a “faith” and he was right. It is. It is a substitute faith for Christianity where the Party takes the place of Jesus Christ and assumes a certain divinity in the Marxist soul.
Awhile back I noted comments by Dr. Fred Schwartz in his book You Can Trust the Communists (to be Communists). Dr. Schwartz noted that many look at Communists or Marxists as nothing more than hypocrites and liars and in so doing they miss the true intent of the Marxist mindset. To the Marxist mentality there is such a thing as Marxist truth and that “truth” is founded on whatever the current Marxist agenda happens to be in any given area. Hence to the Marxist it is completely alright to lie, deceive, steal or to do whatever else furthers the Marxist program. To them all such activities are Marxist truth, and hence, are all moral activities for him, or her. For the Marxist the end really does justify the means, no matter how foul those means may be.
Recently, I took Whittaker Chambers’ book Witness back down off my bookshelf. I had gotten this back in the 1980s sometime, had started to read it and got about half way through it and somehow got sidetracked and never finished it. I am in the process of finishing it now and I had forgotten what fascinating reading it is. Chambers became enamored of Communism when he was twenty four years old and spent the next thirteen years in the Communist apparatus in this country, getting to know all sorts of people that were outright Communists or “fellow-travelers” (people who support Communism but never join the Party).
At some point, it began to dawn on him how totally evil Communism really was and that he had to withdraw himself from its clutches, which he then began to work at. Although he doesn’t really describe it in those terms, it seems that, for him, this was, foremost, a theological decision. He described Communism as a “faith” and he was right. It is. It is a substitute faith for Christianity where the Party takes the place of Jesus Christ and assumes a certain divinity in the Marxist soul.
More @ Revised History
Constructing and Finding Hiding Places
Via midnightrider
I am a law enforcement officer by trade. The area I work, as more and more areas often do nowadays, has an unfortunate problem with Meth. Most often, Meth is carried in 1.5”x1.5” plastic baggies that are usually folded up. As you can imagine, people get awfully desperate when trying to hide them. As you can also imagine, a large portion of my time is spent trying to find them. If you imagine something about the size of a postage stamp or SD card that will give you a pretty good idea of the size we are dealing with. I also have investigated countless burglary calls, so have seen firsthand not only the patterns that thieves follow when searching for loot, but the patterns people follow when hiding things.
I also happen to be a prepper, so in addition to needing to find stuff in my job, I understand the need for discreet storage in my personal life. I will approach this article from two ways: First, I’ll go over some of the more imaginative places I’ve seen things hidden, and hopefully share some tips and tricks that will open up more storage/hiding places for you. Second, I’ll go over some steps and methods to help you find things if you are the one looking. The better you get at finding things, the better you get at hiding them. Whether it’s hiding something quickly on your person or finding something on someone you are searching, or creating a long term cache, I hope this helps open up some new avenues to you.
Part 1- Hiding things-
I am a law enforcement officer by trade. The area I work, as more and more areas often do nowadays, has an unfortunate problem with Meth. Most often, Meth is carried in 1.5”x1.5” plastic baggies that are usually folded up. As you can imagine, people get awfully desperate when trying to hide them. As you can also imagine, a large portion of my time is spent trying to find them. If you imagine something about the size of a postage stamp or SD card that will give you a pretty good idea of the size we are dealing with. I also have investigated countless burglary calls, so have seen firsthand not only the patterns that thieves follow when searching for loot, but the patterns people follow when hiding things.
I also happen to be a prepper, so in addition to needing to find stuff in my job, I understand the need for discreet storage in my personal life. I will approach this article from two ways: First, I’ll go over some of the more imaginative places I’ve seen things hidden, and hopefully share some tips and tricks that will open up more storage/hiding places for you. Second, I’ll go over some steps and methods to help you find things if you are the one looking. The better you get at finding things, the better you get at hiding them. Whether it’s hiding something quickly on your person or finding something on someone you are searching, or creating a long term cache, I hope this helps open up some new avenues to you.
Part 1- Hiding things-
More @ Survival
Inflation Estimate
Over the last seventy years, average annual inflation seems to hover around 5%. Late 1970s through 1980 inflation was relatively high, and we may be returning to that state now.
Do The Socialists Own You?
A large sharp thorn in the leftist, radical, health care proposals
brought to us by Obama’s friends is the question of who owns you? This
thorn stuck me in every square inch of my body as I read excerpts from HR3200 and also the section of the Stimulus Bill that handed over our rights to unelected Czars.
The arrogant assumptions made in the health care legislation are simply
that bureaucrats in the Federal Government know better than you do
about what is good for you, and that they have the right to force you
into their socialist traps.
The first clue we had was Jeremiah Wright, who mentored Obama for twenty years. The message of Wright’s church was Black Liberation Theology, a theme of irrational hate towards white people and the United States. The mainstream media played that down as if the issue was just white people being ‘racist’ again by complaining about that. But here we are now and Black Liberation Theology is being slammed down America’s throat. How? By the Obama administration making sure that every single criticism against them is deemed ‘racist.’ The Obama administration is in the process of dividing America racially as much as any historical act of slavery ever did. This time, the ruse is so clever that it is a black man in charge of the Federal Government who is enslaving people. At this point I am picturing the glee of Obama and his henchmen at the prospects of actually getting away with enslaving all of Americans for their own power mad agenda.
The obvious irony is that black people are buying into slavery. And they are buying it because it is a black bringing it on. Do they see it as some kind of ‘pay back’ for some fictional offense that has not taken place since the 1940′s? Does this generation of blacks have a clue about how they are losing their rights to Obama’s tyranny along with the rest of us? Or are they just blinded by the idea that because Obama is half black that he must be on their side? I’m sorry to report this, but no, he isn’t. He is on his own side, period. He is doing what greases his bank account, inflates his ego, and gives him power. If you are black, why can’t you see that? If you are black you are going to be more marginalized by Obama, but this time all of us are marginalized, whatever color. Do blacks enjoy marginalization as long as whites are marginalized along with them?? Is that the rationale?
My family and I have never participated in any kind of racist activity against black people. Yet, I see that Obama’s plans include punishing me, along with every other citizen in the country, by enslaving us to his socialist agenda.
This is a test, America. Either you believe in freedom for all of us, or you don’t. Can you imagine how happy we would all be if Obama were in the business of protecting rights for all of us instead of usurping power from us, taking away rights from all of us, and tearing the Constitution to shreds? It is then that blacks in America could truly celebrate this man. Instead, Obama has chosen to enslave us all. A very sad turn of events, indeed.
'Please spare my little girl': How Mexico's fearless female mayor sacrificed herself to save her daughter's life as she was abducted by drug gang, tortured and executed
An believably brave lady, I salute you and may you rest in peace.
Maria Santos Gorrostieta had been stabbed, beaten and burned
She defied Mexico's powerful drug gangs, who twice tried to gun her down
She was kidnapped in broad daylight in front of her terrified daughter
The former mayor leaves behind three children
They described how she begged for her child to be left alone and then appeared to get into her abductors’ car willingly.
Gorrostieta’s body – stabbed, burned, battered and bound at wrist and ankle – would finally be found eight days on dumped by a roadside in San Juan Tararameo, Cuitzeo Township.
Gorrostieta was elected as mayor of Tiquicheo, a rural district in Michoacan, west of Mexico City, in 2008.
She defied Mexico's powerful drug gangs, who twice tried to gun her down
She was kidnapped in broad daylight in front of her terrified daughter
The former mayor leaves behind three children
The woman mayor who was kidnapped and
murdered by a Mexican drug gang pleaded with her attackers for her
young daughter’s life, it emerged today.
Santos Gorrostieta, who had already survived two assassination
attempts, was driving the child to school at around 8.30am when she was
ambushed by a car in the city of Morelia.
36-year-old was hauled from her vehicle and physically assaulted as
horrified witnesses watched, according to newspaper El Universal.
They described how she begged for her child to be left alone and then appeared to get into her abductors’ car willingly.
The little girl was left wailing as her mother was driven away on Monday November 12.
For the next week, her frantic family waited by the phone for a ransom call that never came.
Gorrostieta’s body – stabbed, burned, battered and bound at wrist and ankle – would finally be found eight days on dumped by a roadside in San Juan Tararameo, Cuitzeo Township.
She left behind her daughter and two sons as well as her second husband Nereo Delgado Patinoran.
Hailed as a heroine of the 21st century, her death has prompted much soul-searching in a country ravaged by violence.
decision to withdraw her security team in November last year – and her
police escort in January – has come under particular scrutiny.
Gorrostieta was elected as mayor of Tiquicheo, a rural district in Michoacan, west of Mexico City, in 2008.
immediately, she received threats. The first assassination attempt came
in October 2009 when the car she was travelling in with her first
husband Jose Sanchez came under fire from gunmen in the town of El
Limone. The attack claimed his life but Gorrostieta lived.
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