Tuesday, March 30, 2021

John C. Calhoun: American

 No American is more vilified than John C. Calhoun. A recent biography has labeled him the American “heretic,” and it has become fashionable to blame every political problem in American on this long deceased statesman. Is this true or fair? Calhoun was well respected during his lifetime and served in almost every important position in the United States government. He also had much to say about American politics and the Constitution. Every American on both the left and right could learn from Calhoun. Brion McClanahan defends Calhoun and his legacy in this short video.

More @ The Abbeville Institute

Burma: Hope the money isn't coming from Commies.:(

Via Tuan Hoang
Myanma the people have independently established the army to take the title as KNU _ KIA ❤️ Pray for them 🙏 they are on the front line of birth and death it's time to counterattack!

The Post-Marxist Left’s Race Problem

Via Kenneth


"From a right-wing perspective, the left’s division over race is all very good news. As long as the post-Marxist left ignores the reality of class discrimination, its parties will continue to bleed working class voters to the right."

A recurrent theme in Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States (1980) is how the prospect of a coalition between poor blacks and poor whites has often struck fear in the hearts of the wealthy classes in American history. Not surprisingly, Zinn longed for the emergence of an interracial coalition that, in his view, would bring about a more humane and just America for all. As a traditional Marxist, he equated injustice with class oppression and justice with socialism.

Such an interracial coalition had emerged for a short time in conjunction with the populist movement of the late 19th century. Today, we may be witnessing the emergence of another such alliance—ironically, perhaps, on the populist right—in part because the left has largely abandoned Marxist concerns with class struggle.

In a chapter on the prevalence of racism in pre-revolutionary America, Zinn writes:

More @ Chronicles

Vietnam voices: 'I'll give you $20 for a team going to ’Nam'

Tes Cruz Border Speech

Via Sandy

GRAPHIC VIDEO: NYC Subway Rider (Black) Beats Fellow (Asian) Passenger in Hate Crime

Repost 2013: America the beautiful * Honoring the 35th Anniversary of April 30, 1975 * Celebrating Freedom in America *

 More @ FNC

Hey Democrats


Congratulations to all of you who voted for Biden. You fought hard (that’s debatable) and won (also debatable). With a democrat President, Senate and House. And no one to stand in the way of the progressive agenda. You will soon get everything you hoped for.

When your Social Security and Medicare benefits are cut. So non-citizens can get benefits they never paid for. Remember you asked for it.
When you lose the health care you have because of Medicare for all. Including anyone who crosses the border. Remember you asked for it.
When the border is left open to anyone looking to freeload off the American taxpayers. Remember you asked for it.
When filling your gas tank cuts into grocery budget. Along with groceries and everything else you buy costing more. Because of Biden’s restrictions on the oil industry. Remember you asked for it.
When your daughters cannot complete in school sports or use a public restroom. Because little Johnny thinks he a girl. Remember you asked for it.
When you lose your 2nd amendment Rights. Remember you asked for it.
When you are forced to pay for College for all. Even if you or your children never went to college. Remember you asked for it.
When cities across America turn into Chicago, Baltimore, Portland and San Francisco. Because of “Defund the police Remember you asked for it.
When the federal government takes on trillions in debt to bailout Democrat states and cities suffering from decades of mismanagement and corruption. It will be call pandemic relief or some such thing. Remember you asked for it.
When they expand the size of the Supreme Court and fill those seats with young progressive judges. So their actions will forever be declared legal. Remember you asked for it.
When our military is defunded and countries like Iran, North Korea, Russia and China are less afraid to challenge us. Remember you asked for it.
You have blamed everything that has happened in the last 4 years on President Trump. Who will have you to blame at the end of the next 4?”

Chinatown business owner jumps in to protect tourist after brazen daytime attack in CA (gun)



Australian Journalist: Biden Making World ‘More Dangerous,’ Destroying Military With ‘Wokesters’: "... America's enemies from Beijing to Tehran, are not just laughing, but planning."

Sky News host James Morrow said during a recent broadcast that the world has become a “more dangerous place” under Democratic President Joe Biden, noting that America’s enemies have started to become more aggressive around the world while Biden is focusing on making the U.S. Military “woke.”

“On Friday, Chinese forces committed their largest ever incursion into Taiwanese airspace, as worries grow by the day of a Chinese invasion of the Democratic island republic. Meanwhile, in the Middle East, Iran is on the march with its rebel militias, now attacking Saudi oil fields and building up a stockpile of missiles that has Israeli planners increasingly nervous about a potentially devastating conflict happening sooner rather than later.”

More @ The Daily Wire

Kamala Weirdly Starts Cackling When Discussing Struggling Parents

NINE TIMES on 2020 Election Night on Live TV a Total of Nearly 400,000 Votes Disappeared From President Trump’s Column

Via Billy


System ‘Glitch’ Also Uncovered In Wisconsin – Reversal of Swapped Votes Removes Lead from Joe Biden

We’ve reported on numerous events identified in the 2020 election already which are being referred to as ‘glitches’ by the Democrats.  Tonight we just uncovered another ‘glitch’ in Wisconsin.  When this one is confirmed it will result in a 19,500 vote gain for Trump making the Wisconsin race a total toss-up. There is now a … Continue reading

We’ve located a video showing nine different instances where the vote counts for President Trump were reduced live on TV on Election Night 2020.  We were aware of five or six instances but nine instances is a new total.  

We’d reported on numerous instances where vote counts for President Trump were decreased live on TV on Election Night.  We had identified the following instances previously wherein all cases votes were reduced from President Trump’s tally.  We called these reductions ‘glitches’ and began to believe this was more than reporting issues, it looked to be more a strategy to steal the election:

More @ The Gateway Pundit

"I Had Lost My Beloved Country" Repost 2014