The War Lovers keep prattling on about Russia, trying to stir up fear and a warlike spirit. Those Deep State pukes lie, as we have discovered so many times these past few years.
First, Russia does not want a war with us. Period. Putin doesn't want a war with us. They do not want to invade us, and haven't got the means in any case. Russia doesn't want Europe and could not conquer them if they did. Russia has better weapons than tanks and guns. Russia has natural gas, oil, grain, and labor, all of which Europe needs Russia can economically dominate Europe, and they're making a lot of money. Why would they want a war?
Russia has less than half as many people as the US, their Army is about a third of ours, their Navy is way smaller than ours, their Air Force is also smaller than ours.
They have no Carriers, no real amphibious force, and no plan to occupy this country or Europe. They tried all that and went broke. They're not stupid. Russia is no longer a Communist country; under Putin, it has become a believing Christian country. Russian Orthodox, with a large Muslim population. They do NOT welcome shadetree Protestant evangelizers, having experienced not so pleasant episodes with them before. "Normal" Protestant denominations are accepted. Lutherans have their churches and go in peace, left alone by the authorities. But no Joel Osteens, John Hagai, nor Jim Bakkers. They have enough divisions already.
Having said all that, they are still Russia . . . they will NOT be pushed around or bullied. They DO have Nukes and Missiles. They are allied with China but they don't trust the Chinese. They know the Chinese want large swaths of Eastern Russia for themselves. Russia maintains a fair portion of her Army out there, and a Pacific Fleet, just in case. That Fleet sounds more ominous than it really is, it's not that big and they have no large warships.
When I were a'soldierin' we faced 20,000 tanks, just in East Germany alone; there were thirty-one Russian Divisions facing us, with Poles, Germans, Czechs, Hungarians, Bulgarians, Romanians, all on Their side. It was common to understand that the Red Army could reach the Channel in three days, if they chose.
They are no longer those Russians, that Army, or that capable.