Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Border security and the death of socialism
Via Billy
Both of these should matter to every American. Security is about our internal protection and the death of socialism in Venezuela could be a bigger tragedy that spreads beyond its borders.
Shutdown showdown détente
The longest partial government shutdown in our history is over. We are back to the process that needs to be carried out and 15 days from now we will have the next seminal moment.
Some will say that the president caved, others will say that the Speaker of the House and the Democrats won and some will say that the president won. Somewhere betwixt all of the narratives is just reality.

Feb. 15 matters because it is the last day in Washington, D.C., for Congress before they go home. Not only the freshman members, but most members of Congress will have to face their constituents. Yes, some of them may take congressional delegation trips, but their staffs will still be in the district offices. Activists on both sides will activate and advocate. This was a smart move on the administration’s part because whatever happens between the Feb. 5 State of the Union address and Feb. 15 will get back to the local level when Congress goes home.
Both of these should matter to every American. Security is about our internal protection and the death of socialism in Venezuela could be a bigger tragedy that spreads beyond its borders.
Shutdown showdown détente
The longest partial government shutdown in our history is over. We are back to the process that needs to be carried out and 15 days from now we will have the next seminal moment.
Some will say that the president caved, others will say that the Speaker of the House and the Democrats won and some will say that the president won. Somewhere betwixt all of the narratives is just reality.
More @ The Hill
Russian Hooker Who Promised to Spill ‘Trump-Russia’ Secrets Admits She Made Up Claims to Save Her Life
Via Billy
Belarusian escort Anastasia Vashukevich AKA Nastya Rybka was arrested in Thailand last year for conspiracy to provide sexual services to a group.
She was released after serving 9 months behind bars in Thailand and deported to Moscow where she was arrested for prostitution after she offered ‘Russian collusion information’ on Trump to the FBI in exchange for help being bailed out of prison.

Belarusian escort Anastasia Vashukevich AKA Nastya Rybka was arrested in Thailand last year for conspiracy to provide sexual services to a group.
She was released after serving 9 months behind bars in Thailand and deported to Moscow where she was arrested for prostitution after she offered ‘Russian collusion information’ on Trump to the FBI in exchange for help being bailed out of prison.
More @ The Gateway Pundit
Tonight, January 29, at 8 PM Eastern: FREE, live, online Seminar on Albert Taylor Bledsoe's masterful Is Davis a Traitor?
Dear Friend of the Abbeville Institute,
Part of our mission to explore what is true and valuable in the Southern tradition involves educational outreach through seminars and conferences.
To fulfill that goal, we have an exciting opportunity beginning tonight, January 29, at 8 PM Eastern.
Dr. Brion McClanahan will be leading a FREE, live, online Jefferson Seminar on Albert Taylor Bledsoe's masterful Is Davis a Traitor?
This will be conducted in four parts and is open to anyone who wishes to participate. Each session will run approximately 30 minutes and students can ask questions during the live presentation.
If this works well, we plan on producing other FREE, live, online Jefferson seminars on other topics with various Abbeville scholars.
Just follow the YouTube link to view the event. It's that simple.
The other sessions will be:
February 5 at 8 PM Eastern
February 12 at 8 PM Eastern
February 19 at 8 PM Eastern
A link will be provided for each session. You can access the FREE book if you would like to prepare before each session HERE.
We look forward to seeing you tonight and for the next three Tuesdays at 8 PM Eastern.
Donald Livingston
President, Abbeville Institute
p.s. To keep these events free, please consider a donation to the Institute
High School Students Disqualified From Debate After Quoting Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson
A pair of Utah high school seniors lost a debate round because they read quotes from Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro and clinical psychologist Dr. Jordan Peterson, who were deemed “white supremacists” by the judge.
Layton High School senior Michael Moreno and his debate partner, whom The Daily Wire will not name, were participating in a round with a topic relating to immigration. The specific topic of the round was “Resolved: The United States Federal Government should substantially reduce restrictions on legal immigration.” Moreno and his partner were arguing in the negative, meaning they were arguing against the other team’s plan to reduce restrictions on legal immigration.
More @ The Daily Wire
The Delegitimization of the White Male
Via Carl
We know that the white male has been delegitimized. Women’s studies, black studies, Latino studies, and Identity Politics have been demonizing, and teaching hatered of, white males since the 1980s.
But where did these hate-filled special interest groups get their power? The answer is that effete white males handed it to them.
It was white male university administrators who created the anti-white male propaganda degrees called women’s studies and black studies. It is the white males in the Democratic Party who endorse Identity Politics, an ideology that puts responsibility for all the evil in the world on white males.
The latest white male collapse is that of the president of Notre Dame University.

We know that the white male has been delegitimized. Women’s studies, black studies, Latino studies, and Identity Politics have been demonizing, and teaching hatered of, white males since the 1980s.
But where did these hate-filled special interest groups get their power? The answer is that effete white males handed it to them.
It was white male university administrators who created the anti-white male propaganda degrees called women’s studies and black studies. It is the white males in the Democratic Party who endorse Identity Politics, an ideology that puts responsibility for all the evil in the world on white males.
The latest white male collapse is that of the president of Notre Dame University.
More @ Paul Craig Roberts
Pardoned ranchers who inspired Oregon occupation win back grazing permits: BLM reissues permits to Dwight and Steven Hammond
Via Billy
Now, if they could sue the individual people responsible.

Now, if they could sue the individual people responsible.
Dwight and Steven Hammond’s journey from ranchers to convicted domestic terrorists back to ranchers concluded this week when the federal government reissued permits allowing the father and son to graze cattle again on public land.
A Bureau of Land Management spokesman confirmed Tuesday that the agency had reinstated grazing permits for Hammond Ranches in Harney County, Oregon, who received full pardons from President Trump in July.
The Hammonds were sentenced to five-year mandatory minimum sentences in 2015 under the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act for two prescribed burns that spread to public land, a sentence that stoked outrage in the rural West.
Public Lands Council president Bob Skinner and National Cattlemen’s Beef Association president Kevin Kester called the reinstated permits “the final step in righting the egregious injustices the Hammonds faced.”
More @ The Washington Times
Italian Secret Service: People-smugglers may arrange mass drowning to garner Western sympathy
Via David
According to Italian newspaper Il Giornale, the Italian secret services are warning of the possibility of people-smugglers purposely causing a disaster at sea in order to garner sympathy from the West and resume the flow of migration.
Such a move could be a repeat of other major humanitarian disasters such as a shipwreck which killed around 700 migrants on April 18th, 2015, and led to the commencement of Operation Sophia and an outpouring of support for migrant ferry NGOs operating in the Mediterranean Sea.

According to Italian newspaper Il Giornale, the Italian secret services are warning of the possibility of people-smugglers purposely causing a disaster at sea in order to garner sympathy from the West and resume the flow of migration.
Such a move could be a repeat of other major humanitarian disasters such as a shipwreck which killed around 700 migrants on April 18th, 2015, and led to the commencement of Operation Sophia and an outpouring of support for migrant ferry NGOs operating in the Mediterranean Sea.
More @ VOE
The Stunning Importance of What Devin Nunes Said Yesterday – Rosenstein Made President Trump Mueller’s Target…
Via Papa
Devin Nunes dropped a bombshell yesterday in an interview with Maria Bartiromo. Many people are overlooking the implications of his speculation; and, more importantly how Nunes statement answers just about every contradictory question people have carried.
Why Rosenstein introduced Mueller to President Trump the day before he was appointed as Special Counsel?
Why Mueller/Rosenstein are hiding the investigative origination letter?
Why President Trump has NOT been able to declassify documents? and
Why President Trump is, and will always be, hamstrung by the Mueller investigation?
Devin Nunes dropped a bombshell yesterday in an interview with Maria Bartiromo. Many people are overlooking the implications of his speculation; and, more importantly how Nunes statement answers just about every contradictory question people have carried.
Why Rosenstein introduced Mueller to President Trump the day before he was appointed as Special Counsel?
Why Mueller/Rosenstein are hiding the investigative origination letter?
Why President Trump has NOT been able to declassify documents? and
Why President Trump is, and will always be, hamstrung by the Mueller investigation?
More @ The Last Refuge
What’s the difference between democratic socialism and communism? Usually, five to 10 years.
Via Billy
Seriously, though, this question comes up a lot in the age of Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Many younger people seem to think democratic socialism means all the liberty and prosperity we enjoy today, plus a bunch of free stuff. Indoctrinated young people are led to believe that the only changes in their lives under socialism would be the addition of free college, free health care, lots of public housing, guaranteed pensions, and generous welfare programs. Sweden, Germany, and Norway are the oft-cited examples of the benefits of a welfare state.
More @ The Epoch Times
Budget-Friendly, American-Made AK from Century Arms – SHOT Show 2019

The USA-made VSKA SR sports a quality barrel and trigger.
Century Arms new VSKA SR is an American-made AK, and you’ll appreciate the details that make this gun a little better than most AKs. You’ll like the price, too.
Chrome-Moly 4150 Steel Barrel
The barrel is Chrome-moly 4150 steel and is made in the USA. Amazingly, samples of these guns were tested by firing 12,000 rounds of 7.62x39mm ammo through them and they reported zero trunnion failures and the headspace remained within SAAMI specs for 7.62 ammo on every gun tested. That’s pretty cool, and a testament to the quality of steel used to make this gun.
The Southern Critique of Centralization

A criticism of centralization presupposes that decentralization is a good thing. But why is that? The answer is complex and requires viewing what was happened in 1776 from a trans Atlantic perspective. The Declaration of Independence is merely the American version of a conflict that had been going on in Europe since at least the 17th century between the emerging centralized modern state and a revived interest in the classical republican tradition which goes back to the ancient Greeks.
More @ The Abbeville Institute
Notes on a Curious People: The Maya and Their Doings

This is a greatly updated version of a column of some years back on an unusual and intriguing people. Maya civilization was not 1850 Vienna, but neither was it the primitive horror lovingly imagined by the ill-mannered and barely informed of the web.
Inasmuch America has a large population of Latin Americans, it seems to me that people, or some people, might want to know about them, and what they are, and where they came from. Most Latinos of the south are either a mixture of Spanish and Indian, or sometimes pure Indian. We have some idea of the Spaniards. They were European. But what were the Indians? What is their contribution to the great numbers of–whether you like it or not–new Americans? In particular, what are their blood lines? Are they, as insisted by web louts hostile to Mexicans, of very low IQ–83–and has their Asian blond enstupidated the Spanish? Were they horrendously primitive?
More @ Fred On Everything
“How Can Anyone With a Conscience Let That Continue?” Leading Newspaper in Blue State New Mexico Calls on Dems to Compromise With Trump and Support Border Wall

The leading newspaper in New Mexico, the Albuquerque Journal, published a house editorial on Sunday urging the state’s Congressional delegation–comprised completely of Democrats–to compromise with President Trump and support his bid for a border wall. The Journal detailed the deadly situation on the state’s border with Mexico, asking Democrats, “How can anyone with a conscience let that continue?":
More @ The Gateway Pundit
Israeli Scientists Find Cure For Cancer, Report Says
Via Billy

For all the Israel-haters out there, they’d better hope that that Israelis are forgiving if they are stricken with cancer, because if a new report out of Israel turns out to be true, scientists in the Jewish state have discovered a cure. And not just a cure for certain forms of cancer, but a complete cure for the deadly disease.
More @ The Daily Wire
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