Saturday, April 30, 2011
The Left’s Deranged Hatred of Allen West
"On the list of things that make progressives gnash their teeth and foam at their mouths, little tops an African-American of the conservative persuasion. Even more horrifying to the Left is one who makes clear: “you’re not going to intimidate me,” as Congressman Allen West (R-FL) said at a Tuesday night town hall meeting where leftists, including former Air America host Nicole Sandler (who was later arrested), tried to disrupt the event. From his successful 2010 congressional campaign through today, Congressman Allen West remains unfazed by such tactics. As a result, the attacks against him by the American Left continue."
Virginia Fires King & Spalding
"We wrote here about King & Spalding's firing the House of Representatives as a client in connection with the Defense of Marriage Act, reportedly after complaints by other clients of the firm. This sad episode illustrates how deeply engrained liberal assumptions and attitudes are inside the establishment. A number of commentators have argued that King & Spalding's withdrawal violated legal ethics rules. I have not studied the matter thoroughly enough to have a professional opinion on that question, but the claim certainly is plausible.
Now King & Spalding is starting to experience blowback: the Attorney General of Virginia has fired the firm from work it has been doing for the state since 2009. Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli sent King & Spalding a blistering letter which apparently was copied to the Washington Examiner:"
War and Profits in the North
“A question settled by violence or in disregard of law must remain unsettled forever.”
-Jefferson Davis (1808 - 1889)
Published as a textbook well before America’s cultural revolution of the 1960’s, John Hicks “The Federal Union” can be trusted as a fairly accurate source of United States history and without today’s Marxist revisionism. Below, he touches on the North’s generous government supply contracts, child labor and general wartime prosperity while its bounty-enriched blue-clad soldiers (including many foreigners) devastated Americans in the South to preserve a territorial Union.
Bernhard Thuersam, Director
Cape Fear Historical Institute
War and Profits in the North:
“When the Civil War broke out the North had not fully recovered from the depression that had followed the panic of 1857, and for a time business interests were more frightened than stimulated by the clash of arms. By the summer of 1862, however, a surge of prosperity had put in its appearance that was to outlast the war.
With millions of men under arms the (Northern) government was a dependable and generous purchaser of every kind of foodstuff, and its equally great need of woolen goods and leather strengthened the market also for raw wool and hides. Probably the sales of the farmers made directly or indirectly to the government more than offset the losses sustained by wartime interference with sales to the South.
[And] with the South out of the Union, a homestead law, so long the goal of believers in free land, was speedily enacted (1862). Thereafter any person who was head of a family, or had arrived at the age of twenty-one years, whether a citizen of the united States or an alien who had declared his intention of becoming a citizen, might take up a quarter section of public land, and, after having lived upon it for five years and improved it, might receive full title to it virtually free of charge.
What came in later years to be called “heavy industries” profited enormously from the war. Purchases of munitions abroad practically ceased after the first year because of the rapidity with which American factories supplied the government’s needs…the government itself went deeply into the business of manufacturing war materials as public opinion would permit.
High tariffs ensured the northern manufacturers against the dangers of foreign competition. A protectionist policy had been demanded by the Republican national platform of 1860, and a higher schedule of tariffs…was placed upon the statute books two days before [James] Buchanan left office. This speedy answer to the prayers of the protectionists was made possible by the withdrawal from Congress of the delegations from the seven seceding States of the lower South, and by the fact that President Buchanan was no longer unmindful of the wishes of the manufacturers of his home State (of Pennsylvania].
The original Morrill Tariff Act was repeatedly revised upward during the war, until by 1864 the average of duties levied on imports had reached forty-seven per cent, the highest thus far in the history of the nation. The significance of this development can scarcely be overemphasized. A policy which the South had persistently blocked in the years preceding the war became an actuality during it, and as subsequent events were to prove, remained as a permanent fixture in American political and economic life.
The profits of war bred a spirit of extravagance and frivolity among the non-combatants of the north that contrasted oddly with the long casualty lists displayed as a regular part of the daily news. Social life reached a dizzying whirl, with more parties and dances, theaters and circuses, minstrel shows and musicales than ever had been known before. According to a statement published by the Springfield Republican in 1864, many of the factories whose profits during the war had been “augmented beyond the wildest dreams of their owners” paid their laborers only from twelve to twenty per cent more than before the war. “There is absolute want in many families, while thousands of young children who should be in school are shut up at work that they may earn something to eke out the scant supplies at home.”
(The Federal Union, A History of the United States to 1865, John D. Hicks, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1948, pp. 660-665)
War and Profits in the North
Big Damn Heroes

If life is a battle, then my inner scars are medals for valor, for swiftness, for courage, for passion. Evil is the dark-haired brother of Good; they walk hand in hand–always.
Calanthe - Wraeththu
"What is Chivalry? A knight was expected to have not only the strength and skills to face combat in the violent Middle Ages but was also expected to temper this aggressive side of a fighter with a chivalrous side to his nature. There was not an authentic Knights Code of Chivalry as a prescribed document - it was a moral system which went beyond rules of combat and introduced the concept of Chivalrous conduct - qualities such as bravery, courtesy, honor, and gallantry toward women. Documented in 'The Song of Roland' in the Middle Ages Knights period of William the Conqueror who ruled England from 1066, it consisted of these tenents -"
Great American Soldiers on Poor Rations
The text below is taken from Judge D.F. Pugh’s address at the dedication of the Camp Chase Cemetery in 1902. He was at the time Past Department Commander of the GAR of Ohio, and spoke of the valor and dedication of the brave, half-fed and barefooted former adversaries from the American South.
Bernhard Thuersam, Director
Cape Fear Historical Institute
Great American Soldiers on Poor Rations:
“That the Confederate soldiers were gallant, that they were hard fighters, can be proved by every Union soldier who struggled against them in the fiery front of battle.
After the battle of Missionary Ridge I was attracted by the extreme youthful appearance of a dead Tennessee Confederate soldier who belonged to a regiment of Cheatham’s Division, against which we had fought the day before. He was not over fifteen years of age and very slender. He was clothed in a cotton suit and was barefooted – barefooted!—on that cold and wet 24th day of November, 1863.
I examined his haversack. For a day’s rations there were a handful of black beans, a few slices of sorghum, and a half dozen roasted acorns. That was an infinitely poor outfit for marching and fighting, but that Tennessee soldier had made it answer his purpose. The Confederates who, half fed, looked bravely into our faces for many long, agonizing weeks over the ramparts of Vicksburg; the remnants of Lee’s magnificent army, which, fed on raw corn and persimmons, fluttered their heroic rags and interposed their bodies for a year between Grant’s army and Richmond, only a few miles away – all these men were great soldiers. I pity the American who cannot be proud of their valor and endurance.
We can never challenge the fame of those men whose skill and valor made them the idols of the Confederate army. The fame of Lee, Jackson, the Johnston’s, Gordon, Longstreet, the Hills, Hood and Stuart, and many thousands of noncommissioned and private soldiers of the Confederate armies, whose names are not mentioned on historic pages, can never be tarnished by the carping criticisms of the narrow and shallow-minded.”
(Judge Pugh’s Address, Confederate Veteran, July 1902, page 295)
Great American Soldiers on Poor Rations
GOA Alert
The university then proceeded to try to deny Mitchell unemployment compensation by claiming, unsuccessfully, that he was fired for misconduct. A hearing officer found against the University of Kentucky and in favor of Mitchell.
All this, despite the fact that Mitchell had a Kentucky concealed carry permit, believed he had fully complied with Kentucky law governing concealed carry, and therefore cooperated fully with police and university authorities.
And finally, Kentucky Revised Statutes sec. 27.020 seems to prevent a state institution like the University of Kentucky from interfering with the Second Amendment rights of a concealed carry permit holder. That section holds, in part, that “[n]o person or organization, public or private, shall prohibit” a concealed carry permit holder from transporting a firearm in his vehicle in accordance with law.
Confederate Battle Flag better represents state of the union
Verbatim text.
To the Editor: Cumberland Times-News
I have loved the flag of the United States. I have fought under it in combat in World War II and in Vietnam. Later as a research historian, I re-studied United States history. That research has convinced me that “Old Glory” no longer represents how our citizens live and how our government functions.
The South said the same thing in 1861 and decided to create a new flag that symbolized the constitutional democratic republic the Founding Fathers gave them.
The South understood what we are now beginning to learn, that the stars in the “old star-spangled banner” no longer spangle and the stripes no longer represent the original 13 states that ratified the Constitution and swore to defend it.
This new flag the South created is the Battle Flag of the Confederate States of America. That flag depicts stars that “spangle” and shine brightly because they represent sovereign states. These states are not pawns in a despotic, centralized over-reaching federal government.
The Confederate Battle Flag with its 13 sovereign states embedded on a blue and white St. Andrew’s Cross represents much better symbolically the “state of the union” as it was in 1861 and as it should be today.
The Battle Flag is more than a political secular emblem of state. It is a religious emblem as well because it bears the cross of St. Andrew.
When the pagan Roman government ordered the crucifixion of St. Andrew, he asked that he not be crucified as was Jesus. He said he was unworthy to die as his Lord died. The cross on which St. Andrew died was tilted sideways resembling an “X” which is the central figure of the Confederate Battle Flag.
That flag is not a symbol of rebellion, hate and racism as those ignorant obsessive ideologues call it. It is instead a symbol of the South’s love for the Constitution and her courage, bravery and heritage. The Battle Flag reminds me that it is a corrective symbol to help change all that which has one wrong with our once beautiful “city of light on a hill.”
The Cumberland Historic Cemetery Organization will hold a Memorial Service at the Confederate Pollock Cemetery located at the end of River Road in Mexico Farms near the C&O Canal just south of Cumberland. The public is welcome in observance of Confederate History Month. Sat., April 30, 2 p.m.
Chaplain Alister Anderson, U.S. Army (Ret.)
Historian of the Cumberland Historic Cemetery Organization.