.........and this is surprising? :)
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Fighting to Avoid Union Chains
The Great Hall of St George's Hall,
Liverpool. In October 1864, the 'Confederate Bazaar' took place,
organised by the Southern Independence Association and hosted by Charles
Kuhn Prioleau's Liverpudlian wife, Mary, over a period of 5 days
raising £17,000 for the aid of Southern prisoners-of-war.
in England saw the War Between the States as a bid for freedom against
Northern oppression and comparisons were drawn with earlier independence
movements in Greece, Poland and Italy. It was also asserted that the
independence of the South would benefit blacks with eventual
emancipation, “and outdo the hypocritical North by introducing full
Bernhard Thuersam, Chairman
North Carolina War Between the States Sesquicentennial Commission
"Unsurpassed Valor, Courage and Devotion to Liberty"
"The Official Website of the North Carolina WBTS Sesquicentennial"
Fighting to Avoid Union Chains
had in both regions [of Manchester and Liverpool] only the most cursory
appeal [but only] . . . Liverpool tended to hanker after not only
intervention but more active participation in the Southern fight for
freedom, and the city found its own ways of bypassing official sanctions
for such support. The constant breaking of the blockade and the
provisioning of warships for the Confederacy were so effective as tools
of war that the United States felt justified in suing Britain for heavy
failure of the [pro-North] Union and Emancipation Society [in England]
is demonstrated by the prevalence elsewhere of the belief that the South
was fighting for a freedom which would ultimately encompass Negroes
while the North wanted to clap that freedom into Union chains.
was generally seen as a sad instance of a man whose native honesty had
disintegrated into the hypocrisy of the Emancipation Proclamation. He
totally lacked charisma in Lancashire eyes. Defeat [of the South] was
acknowledged as imminent but it was seen as the defeat of a noble and
worthy cause . . . [and many saw] a sad destruction of freedom by the
arrogant use of force.
were sent to Lancashire by the Federal government and private Northern
companies to popularize the idea of emigration and help fill the acute
labor shortage. Enthusiasm for the idea of a new life in a civilized
land . . . was marred by the widespread and sometimes justified fear
that jobs and fares were bait for luring men into the depleted ranks of
the Union army.”
(Support for Secession, Lancashire and the American Civil War, Mary Ellison, University of Chicago Press, 1972, pp. 191-193)
Versailles, from Louis XIII to the French Revolution and afterwards
The Beauty and Waste of Versailles
The palace of Versailles is one of the most recognized landmarks in Western Civilization. Built by Louis XIV, it is a striking artistic and architectural achievement, rivaled only by the marvels of antiquity. Yet, the palace is also a prime example of government waste and corruption and the problems of political and economic centralization.
The French economy crumbled following two expensive wars in the 18th century (The Seven Years War and The American War for Independence), not to mention the constant warfare under Louis XIV, and the bureaucracy of Louis XIV was a snake pit littered with intriguing courtiers and self-interested aristocrats. No one but the “Sun King” could manage it successfully. The court arrogated both power and wealth to the center through its heavy-handed mercantilist programs and dominated the provinces and the French legal system under the model of a unitary state.
During the reign of Louis XVI, Charles Alexander de Calonne proposed a series of reforms which would have transformed the French economy (free trade, hard money, reduced taxes on the 3rd Estate), but the 1st and 2nd Estates rejected it out of self interest. A political safety valve did not exist in France–the Estates General had been suspended in the early 1600s–and the economic and political problems spilled over into Revolution. Pre-revolutionary France offers fine examples for modern society to avoid: debt, waste, continual wars, centralization, corruption, a detached and decadent political class, inflationary monetary policies and central banking. We should heed the warnings.
More @ Liberty Classroom
We have three years to defeat the Communist opposition..........
..........and the only practicable way is to strengthen the Tea Party to take over the Republican Party.
All of us struggle to make sense out of what we see around us, and we're frustrated because we can't. For example, what sense does it make for an unknown Illinois senator who has accomplished nothing on a scale larger than a neighborhood get elected President of the United States? Why do labor unions continually support democrats when Obamacare is wrecking their members' benefits, and the immigration bill, if passed, will do nothing but lower wages? Why does the Attorney General of the United States think he can stonewall congress, be charged with contempt, and continue to stonewall?
Why does any congress vote for any bill that will affect 20% of the economy of this country without reading it or knowing its cost? Why does Obama support the elimination of gun ownership when he knows banning guns will not reduce gun crime? Why do most blacks support the Democratic Party and agenda when it is obvious it has locked them into poverty? And the list goes on. You know it already.
Recently I met a researcher from New Zealand, Trevor Loudon, who offers an explanation. In short, it is that communism is behind all of the things that don't make sense.
All of us struggle to make sense out of what we see around us, and we're frustrated because we can't. For example, what sense does it make for an unknown Illinois senator who has accomplished nothing on a scale larger than a neighborhood get elected President of the United States? Why do labor unions continually support democrats when Obamacare is wrecking their members' benefits, and the immigration bill, if passed, will do nothing but lower wages? Why does the Attorney General of the United States think he can stonewall congress, be charged with contempt, and continue to stonewall?
Why does any congress vote for any bill that will affect 20% of the economy of this country without reading it or knowing its cost? Why does Obama support the elimination of gun ownership when he knows banning guns will not reduce gun crime? Why do most blacks support the Democratic Party and agenda when it is obvious it has locked them into poverty? And the list goes on. You know it already.
Recently I met a researcher from New Zealand, Trevor Loudon, who offers an explanation. In short, it is that communism is behind all of the things that don't make sense.
More @ Freedom Outpost
Free Screening of MOLON LABE at 8:00 PM tonight 10/24/2013
The world premiere for MOLON LABE will be Thursday, 24 October 2013.
The full movie will be available below for free from 8:00PM until 12:00
midnight Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) (5:00PM – 9:00PM Pacific Time)
The purpose of the Premiere is to generate discussion of our nation’s
right to “keep and bear” in particular the Militia as discussed in Dr.
Edwin Vieira’s new book, The Sword & Sovereingty.
Tell your family, friends and associates about the Premiere and refer them to this page:
www.Molon.us/premiere. In the meantime, watch the MOLON LABE trailer below, pre-order DVDs or donate to the initial marketing campaign. We hope you enjoy it and we hope you enjoy the movie.
Obamacare “Death Spiral” Warned Could Collapse Global Economy By February
Via Timothy
A stunning Ministry of Finance (MoF) report released today on the global impact of the recently implemented Affordable Care Act (ACA) [otherwise known as Obamacare] in the United States is warning that this new law is now in a “death spiral” which could, by February 2014, collapse the entire world’s economic system as the US Federal Reserve would not be able to bail out its European Union (EU) counterpart central banks as it had done with the over $80 billion in secret loans given to them after the 2007-2008 financial crisis due to this laws “massive failure.”
According to this report, Obamacare was enacted to increase the quality and affordability of US health insurance, lower the uninsured rate by expanding public and private insurance coverage, and reduce the costs of healthcare for individuals and the government in an area which encompasses nearly 20% of the entire American gross domestic product (GDP).
What Obamacare has, instead, accomplished, this report says, is an unprecedented soaring in price of US health insurance, the dumping by American insurance companies of hundreds of thousands of previously insured people, and the skyrocketing of healthcare costs for everyone.

A stunning Ministry of Finance (MoF) report released today on the global impact of the recently implemented Affordable Care Act (ACA) [otherwise known as Obamacare] in the United States is warning that this new law is now in a “death spiral” which could, by February 2014, collapse the entire world’s economic system as the US Federal Reserve would not be able to bail out its European Union (EU) counterpart central banks as it had done with the over $80 billion in secret loans given to them after the 2007-2008 financial crisis due to this laws “massive failure.”
According to this report, Obamacare was enacted to increase the quality and affordability of US health insurance, lower the uninsured rate by expanding public and private insurance coverage, and reduce the costs of healthcare for individuals and the government in an area which encompasses nearly 20% of the entire American gross domestic product (GDP).
What Obamacare has, instead, accomplished, this report says, is an unprecedented soaring in price of US health insurance, the dumping by American insurance companies of hundreds of thousands of previously insured people, and the skyrocketing of healthcare costs for everyone.
More @ EU
DC Police Raid Man’s Home, Hold Children at Gunpoint – Find 1 Shotgun Shell & 1 Spent Casing
Not sure how we missed this when it actually happened earlier this summer, but apparently the trial in this case is about to get underway.
Kudos to Emily Miller at the Washington Times for bringing this to the attention of the public.
Mark Witaschek lives in Washington DC. He is a financial advisor, considered successful in his career and has no prior criminal record.
At the urging of his ex-wife, police conducted two raids on Witaschek’s home to look for illegal guns.
During one raid, 30 SWAT officers entered the home, broke down interior doors with a battering ram, pulled Witaschek’s teenage son naked from the shower at gunpoint and ransacked the home.
More @ Guns Save Lives
HSLDA: Elect a Homeschool Dad and Constitutional Hero as Virginia's governor

Ken Cuccinelli
Generation Joshua
Dear Friends,
One of the hardest things to endure in American politics is when a good, honorable, courageous person is defeated, and you know you had the ability to prevent it.
We know it happens, but our hearts scream that it should not be this way.
Right now Generation Joshua is trying to deploy a ground game to Virginia that could change the course of the governor’s election. But it hinges on if we can raise enough funds to pay for it.
As simple as it sounds, a campaign runs on its stomach. It needs food, housing, and transportation (kind of like teenagers). As a simple truth in American politics, Generation Joshua is the best conservative ground operation in the United States, and it is the result of the hard work of tens of thousands of homeschool families dedicated to investing in the leadership of our nation.
People just like you.
We have 400 homeschoolers ready to deploy into Virginia. The only thing holding back the deployment is funds. We need to raise $100,000 in the next five days. I have no doubt that sounds like a huge number, but there are millions of homeschoolers in America, and we should be able assemble enough resources to help a champion of homeschool freedom, limited government, and strong family values get elected.
There are no limits on how much you can contribute, though it is not tax deductible. I am asking you to consider investing in not only the Virginia election but also the hands-on education we want to provide these students (and their parents) in how to successfully campaign in American politics.
Thank you for your support.
Joel Grewe
Director of HSLDA’s Generation Joshua
540.338.8606 (fax)
1969 Dodge Super Bee 440 Six Pack, 4-Speed
- 1969 1/2 Dodge Super Bee 440 Six Pack
- Stripe delete/Bumble Bee only
- Fiberglass lift-off hood, dull finish
- September 2000 stamp embossed Chrysler Registry document
- April 2000 stamp embossed decoded fender tag document
- December 2003 husband bought what would be his last project car
- December 2004 body-off restoration begun
- Delivered July 2005
- 2005-2006 just a few summer cruises at the beginning of his long illness
- 2010 and 2012 two last rides
- Always garaged with cover and trickle charger
Obama's Credibility Is Melting. Here and abroad, Obama's partners are concluding they cannot trust him. X2
© Images.com/Corbis
From the moment he emerged in the public eye with his 2004 speech at the Democratic Convention and through his astonishing defeat of the Clintons in 2008, Barack Obama's calling card has been credibility. He speaks, and enough of the world believes to keep his presidency afloat. Or used to.
All of a sudden, from Washington to Riyadh, Barack Obama's credibility is melting.
Amid the predictable collapse the past week of HealthCare.gov's too-complex technology, not enough notice was given to Sen. Marco Rubio's statement that the chances for success on immigration reform are about dead. Why? Because, said Sen. Rubio, there is "a lack of trust" in the president's commitments.
"This notion that they're going to get in a room and negotiate a deal with the president on immigration," Sen. Rubio said Sunday on Fox News, "is much more difficult to do" after the shutdown negotiations of the past three weeks.
Sen. Rubio said he and other reform participants, such as Idaho's Rep. Raul Labrador, are afraid that if they cut an immigration deal with the White House—say, offering a path to citizenship in return for strong enforcement of any new law—Mr. Obama will desert them by reneging on the enforcement.
More @ WSJ
JERUSALEM – It’s not only Saudi Arabia. Now major U.S. allies Turkey and Qatar are discussing developing closer relations with Russia at the expense of America, according to informed Middle Eastern security officials.
In a shocking development, the security officials further said Qatar and Turkey are leading secret talks to study the possibility of renewing relations with foes Syria and Iran in response to President Obama opening dialogue with Tehran over its nuclear program.
Qatar and Turkey, along with Saudi Arabia, were deeply involved in supporting the insurgency targeting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s regime. Those countries are said to be some of the biggest opponents of Iran’s alleged nuclear-weapons aspirations.
According to the security officials speaking to WND, Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia are disappointed with Obama’s outreach to Iran and what they view as a U.S. failure to act militarily in Syria.
“They view America has losing major credibility,” said one official.
In a shocking development, the security officials further said Qatar and Turkey are leading secret talks to study the possibility of renewing relations with foes Syria and Iran in response to President Obama opening dialogue with Tehran over its nuclear program.
Qatar and Turkey, along with Saudi Arabia, were deeply involved in supporting the insurgency targeting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s regime. Those countries are said to be some of the biggest opponents of Iran’s alleged nuclear-weapons aspirations.
According to the security officials speaking to WND, Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia are disappointed with Obama’s outreach to Iran and what they view as a U.S. failure to act militarily in Syria.
“They view America has losing major credibility,” said one official.
More @ WND
Obama wants Marines to wear ‘girly’ hats
A change to the Marine Corps’ uniform hats could take the hard-nosed Leathernecks from the Halls of Montezuma to the shops of Christopher Street.
Thanks to a plan by President Obama to create a “unisex” look for the Corps, officials are on the verge of swapping out the Marines’ iconic caps – known as “covers” — with a new version that some have derided as so “girly” that they would make the French blush.
More @ New York Post
Issa Confirms: Drafting Bill to Grant Legal Status to Some Illegal Aliens
A spokesman for House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) confirmed to Breitbart News on Wednesday that the chairman is currently drafting legislation that would grant legal status to at least some of America’s 11 million illegal immigrants.
“Congressman Issa is currently working on a proposal that would offer temporary status for some qualifying aliens already present,” Frederick Hill, Issa’s spokesman, wrote in an email.
More @ Breitbart
Sebelius: I'm Not Signing Up for Obamacare
In an interview with CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta Tuesday night, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said she won't be enrolling in the problem-plagued health insurance system that she was charged to implement.
"I have created an account on the site. I have not tried signing up, because I have insurance," she told Gupta.
But Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) says government officials like Sebelius should be required to live under the same laws they impose on everyone else.
More with video @ CNS News
Pizza delivery driver shoots and kills armed robber trying to steal cash
When James Wethers heard three gunshots around 11:00 p.m. Monday night, he looked outside and saw a frantic pizza delivery driver and a man face down on the driveway across the street from his home on Gaylord in Redford Township.
Redford Police say the pizza delivery driver opened fire as he was being robbed by 20-year-old Tajuan Boyd.
More @ ABC
The Great Unbundling
But to what end? Why is this unbundling so important?
More @ Home Free America
Va. mom charged after firing gun into air to scare off daughter’s attackers
Via III Percent Patriots
A Woodbridge woman was arrested after she shot a handgun into the air to scare off a group of boys who were attacking her daughter.
Lakisha Gaither, 35, said she fired a single round into the sky from her legally owned gun Saturday night after a boy punched her daughter in the face during a dispute near their home "I just wanted this group of guys to disperse,” Ms. Gaither said. “I didn’t know what they were going to do. I wanted him to stop hitting my child.
The shooting occurred at 9:20 p.m. in the 13600 block of Cridercrest Place. After confronting a teenage girl and her mother in the neighborhood over a prior disagreement, Ms. Gaither and her 15-year-old daughter, Brianna Stewart, began walking home. A group of about 10 boys approached them in the parking lot of their apartment complex. One boy began to swear and insult Ms. Gaither and her daughter, who stood up to the boy.
“The two were face to face,” Ms. Gaither said. “He grabs her shirt, she goes to push him off her.”
A Woodbridge woman was arrested after she shot a handgun into the air to scare off a group of boys who were attacking her daughter.
Lakisha Gaither, 35, said she fired a single round into the sky from her legally owned gun Saturday night after a boy punched her daughter in the face during a dispute near their home "I just wanted this group of guys to disperse,” Ms. Gaither said. “I didn’t know what they were going to do. I wanted him to stop hitting my child.
The shooting occurred at 9:20 p.m. in the 13600 block of Cridercrest Place. After confronting a teenage girl and her mother in the neighborhood over a prior disagreement, Ms. Gaither and her 15-year-old daughter, Brianna Stewart, began walking home. A group of about 10 boys approached them in the parking lot of their apartment complex. One boy began to swear and insult Ms. Gaither and her daughter, who stood up to the boy.
“The two were face to face,” Ms. Gaither said. “He grabs her shirt, she goes to push him off her.”
More @ The Washington Times
The Egotist
The Obama Administration is either utterly indifferent to the ideas of the Republicans, or determined not to allow objective assessment of its failures into the hands of its adversaries, or both:
The Obama Administration is either utterly indifferent to the ideas of the Republicans, or determined not to allow objective assessment of its failures into the hands of its adversaries, or both:
Mike Hash, who directs the Office of Health reform at the Department of Health and Human Services, will brief House Democrats Wednesday about implementation of the Affordable Care Act.
The closed-door session, which will start at 8:50 a.m., marks the first time the administration will have briefed members of Congress on the online enrollment system since its troubled rollout on Oct. 1....
House Speaker John Boehner's (R-Ohio) office is crying foul that House Republicans aren't included in the briefing. It is asking that the same briefing be provided to the GOP.Imagine the reactions from the press were a Republican Administration to treat its Democrat adversaries in the same fashion. Quoth Sara Noble at the Independent Sentinel:
John Boehner and Republicans in Congress are being punished by a dictatorial President with a get-even mentality and will be kept out of the loop as a result. They will not be given information about the website problems.
We have never had a president like this who completely ignores the opposition party and half the people in the nation....
Mr. Obama will only deal with the Democrats in Congress and he barely deals with them.Mind you, Obama doesn't much like it when the shoe is on the other foot:
There was an unimaginable scene as the president strolled into a meeting of other leaders, only to find there literally was not a seat for him at the table. He quickly said he would "sit by my friend Lula," Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.
Reporters summoned to a quick photo op of the session witnessed an unusually chaotic scene for a diplomatic setting.
Mr. Obama was heard raising his voice as he asked, "Mr. Premier, are you ready to see me? Are you ready?"
The question was aimed at Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao.
There was an uncharacteristic edge to Mr. Obama's voice as he addressed the Chinese leader....
When Mr. Obama arrived for that meeting, he found the Chinese leader conferring with his counterparts from Brazil, India and South Africa.
A senior official denied that the president and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton crashed the meeting. The official explained Mr. Obama merely showed up at the appointed time to confer with Wen and found the other leaders there too.
Top Obama aides learned of the meeting only moments before the president arrived.It appears that the other potentates at that meeting actively wished to exclude Obama, but he would have none of it:
More @ Liberty's Torch
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