through mud in sub-zero temperatures, digging the earth with their bare
hands and heaving huge rocks with the most primitive of tools, these
horrifying photos have revealed life inside Joseph Stalin's gulag
prisons, where people were worked to death in Soviet labour camps
through the mid-1900s.
This year marks 100 years since the 1917 Russian Revolution,
which led to Vladimir Lenin taking control of the Soviet Union. When
Lenin died in 1924, Stalin rose to power and became the state's
authoritarian leader.
1929 and the year of Stalin's death in 1953, 18million men and women
were transported to Soviet slave labour camps in Siberia and other
outposts of the Red empire - many of them never to return.
President Trump again accused the media of making up sources and
fabricating stories and said he uses social media to combat the “very
dishonest and unfair ‘press.’”
“I use Social Media not because I like to, but because it is the only
way to fight a VERY dishonest and unfair ‘press,’ now often referred to
as Fake News Media. Phony and non-existent ‘sources’ are being used
more often than ever. Many stories & reports a pure fiction!” Trump
tweeted Saturday.
In November Steve Bannon told me Mueller would continue his witch hunt
and drop something big before the 2018 elections to help Democrats. It looks like Steve Bannon was right.
all of the end-of-year reviews, the most surprising (and most
disappointing) realization for many is what’s missing from the list: the
charging of Donald Trump.
Indeed, much like Mark Twain, President Trump
could claim reports of his impending indictment have been much
exaggerated. Even before he took the oath of office, commentators
predicted indictment or impeachment as the inevitable end for the 45th
president. While 2018 (and special counsel Robert Mueller)
could still bring new evidence or allegations, a review of the “clear”
crimes articulated over the year have produced little in terms of actual
For all the squabbling that social media platforms
are notorious for, their relevance to the media landscape plays an
important role in times of protest.
This was evident with Black Lives
Matter, among other movements. It’s been evident for the past three days
in Iran, where thousands have taken to streets and public squares
calling for an end to the hardline conservative regime of Ayatollah Ali
The question that needs to be asked right now is why
traditional mainstream media outlets – grandstanding over their
importance in this new, bold era of fact-checking and truth-telling –
have largely ignored a blossoming revolution.
Former Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke took a swing at the
media on Saturday in response to reports about a past FBI investigation
that looked into his emails.
“BREAKING NEWS! When LYING LIB MEDIA makes up FAKE NEWS to smear me,
the ANTIDOTE is go right at them,” the ex-Sheriff tweeted. “Punch them
in the nose & MAKE THEM TASTE THEIR OWN BLOOD. Nothing gets a bully
like LYING LIB MEDIA’S attention better than to give them a taste of
their own blood #neverbackdown”
Michel J. Miklaszewski died peacefully in
Naples, FL, on October 3, 2017. Michel was born in Roubaix, France on
November 21, 1942, and moved to the Charleston area with his family in
1955. He graduated from Berkeley High School and attended The Citadel
and the Belmont Abbey.
He is survived by his mother, Paulette
Miklaszewski; siblings, Jeannette Seneca (Russell); Brigitte
Miklaszewski; Etienne Miklaszewski (Sandra), and Jacqueline Whelan
(Stephen); his daughter, Lisa Lopez; and granddaughter, Lilyan Taylor,
both of Charlotte, NC; many nieces and nephews and an extended family in
He was predeceased by his wife, Joan Miklaszewski, and his
father, Joseph Miklaszewski. Michel was a memorable man, the life of
every gathering, always with a funny story to tell and passionate about
sailing, jazz and traveling. He will be missed by his family and
friends. Services are private. Donations may be made to Avow Hospice
Care, 1095 Whippoorwill Lane, Naples, FL 34015. Visit our guestbook at
Published in Charleston Post &Courier on Oct. 7, 2017
It goes way, way back. Check out the Tower
of Babel in the Book of Genesis in the Old Testament. Man wanted to
reach to Heaven by his own efforts, to be God, as it were. If you
read the Genesis account you see that he didn't quite make it. However,
that has not stopped his efforts in that direction for centuries and
they continue to this day.
The Caesars controlled the Roman Empire,
which was all of southern Europe, the eastern Mediterranean area, and
much of North Africa; the known world at that time. Caesar (depending on
which one) was a benevolent dictator. You could have whatever religious
beliefs you wanted to--as long as you recognized Caesar as Lord. The
Christians wouldn't, couldn't, do that, hence Caesar would not have
total control--and that was where their problems began. For them, Jesus
the Christ was Lord, not Caesar. When Caesar tried to force the issue, and a lot of Christians died, it was the beginning of the end for Rome.
For us in this country, it goes back to the British Empire.
Most people think of E.F. Schumacher
today (to the extent that they think of him at all) as some sort of
vaguely leftist harbinger of the environmentalist movement. His most
famous work, Small Is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered,
is often reduced to “Buddhist Economics,” the title of one of the
essays collected therein. Though it is true that Schumacher developed
an interest in Buddhism during a stint as an economic consultant in
Burma in 1955, his fascination with Catholicism ran much deeper, and
after 15 years of intellectual and spiritual study, he entered the
Catholic Church in 1971, two years before he published Small Is Beautiful.
For those familiar with the Church’s social teaching, the concept of
subsidiarity, and the distributism of G.K. Chesterton, Hilaire Belloc,
and Fr. Vincent McNabb, Schumacher’s work is as Catholic as Catholic can
be, even if he never identified it as such. And there’s no reason why
he should have: Subsidiarity is a doctrine developed from natural law,
not from revelation, which means that all men can arrive at its truth,
regardless of their faith (or lack thereof) in Christ.
Oddly enough, though, one of the reasons Schumacher is usually
dismissed by American conservatives is that those
conservatives—including many (indeed most) Christian conservatives in
the United States—have taken their stand with the universalizing forces
of modernity, otherwise known as liberalism.
Commander Stone asked me to write you and address a serious matter facing our brothers in Tennessee. By extension of our common heritage, it also affects us.
As many of you are probably aware by now, last night, the city council of Memphis, Tennessee voted unanimously to remove the memorials to Nathan Bedford Forrest and Jefferson Davis in a city park. They did so to thwart state law, which similar in ways to ours, prohibits the removal of such objects barring certain circumstances, on public property. To maintain compliance with the law, the city council sold the parcels of land to a non-profit for a pittance, run by a member of the same council, so that they memorials were technically on private land and not public. Under this scheme, the memorials were removed by heavy equipment under the cover of darkness and with full police protection.
You should note two things about this event other than the obvious desecration of our heroes:
(1) By all accounts, the bodies of General Forrest and his wife still lie in the grave beneath his memorial. That was my first concern and I scoured the news yesterday and today to try and figure out if the bodies were previously removed and if not, what plans the city had to handle the remains with proper dignity. Regardless, it is clear that despite the fact that human remains are involved, the city and the savages supporting the removal of General Forrest's legacy know no decency or end to their crusade against us and our ancestors. The point is, occurrences like this should not shock you anymore. This is the new normal. First it was just courthouse paintings and flags. Then it was equestrian statues in big cities. Now it is actual grave sites. Even with laws in place to protect our memorials, they are still being removed. The question is: "where will they stop in their war against our heritage?" The answer is: "They won't stop." They are literally digging us up now. You need to understand that.
(2) This method of selling the land to sympathetic parties in backroom deals will be employed across the nation and probably in North Carolina to remove memorials honoring Confederates and other heroes from our history. I sincerely hope that it will not become a widely adopted strategy by the left, however, it is genius in its level of evil and extortion. Even if such transactions are not lawful, like that in Memphis where a conflict of interest is clearly problematic, it puts the onus on parties like the SCV to bring suit and incur the cost of pursuing justice. With our limited resources and potential lack of standing in unsympathetic judicial forums, we will quickly be drained of money and the ability to fight.
I don't have a solution for this problem. General Forrest's protectors in Tennessee did everything they could and they won fair and square. The statue was to remain in the park in accordance with state law. However, when the left did not like the result, they changed the rules. Now, not only is General Forrest gone but a memorial to Jeff Davis is gone as well. We went from victory to double defeat overnight.
Obviously, the Tennessee Division and IHQ will be fighting this removal, however, the damage is done and it is uncertain that the statues, already sitting in an undisclosed location, will ever be restored. These are low times for us and they may get worse. It is more important now than ever to stay the course, attend your camp meetings, participate at the Division level, and make the NCSCV a stronger brotherhood. We can only depend on ourselves and it is up to us to ensure that our heritage survives this second period of reconstruction. We have to stick together.
When it's all said and done, the only thing that truly matters is God's will. Let us have faith that he will not allow the forces of evil against us, who promote a godless and despotic existence, to triumph in the end.
Deo vindice,
Jake Sullivan Heritage Officer North Carolina Division Sons of Confederate Veterans
New York Times best-selling author and populist
conservative columnist Ann Coulter says President Trump should not begin
to consider amnesty for illegal aliens “until there’s a wall and hell
freezes over.”
In a post on Friday, Coulter responded to a tweet by President Trump in which he reiterated that
he would only be willing to sign off on an amnesty beginning with
nearly 800,000 illegal aliens if his list of pro-American immigration principles were enacted simultaneously.
Those principles include full funding for the construction of a
border wall — which has been stalled in the prototype stage — as well as
an end to “chain migration,” which makes up more than 70 percent of all
legal immigration as it allows newly naturalized immigrants to bring an
unlimited number of foreign relatives to the U.S. with them.
Additionally, Trump says in exchange for DACA amnesty, he wants to
see an immediate end to the Diversity Visa Lottery program, whereby
50,000 visas are randomly given out all over the world every year to
foreign nationals who do not have to meet a rigorous set of skills or
Deportations of illegal aliens living across the United States
in the interior of the country increased 37 percent after President
Trump signed his Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United StatesExecutive Order five days after being inaugurated.
A year-end Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) report
reveals how effective Trump’s pro-enforcement executive order has been
throughout the first year of his presidency thus far, with deportations
of illegal aliens living in the U.S. — and not those caught at the
border — peaking at more than 61,000 between January 20 to September 30,
Compare that figure to the number of illegal aliens living in the
interior of the country who were deported in that same time frame under
former President Obama, when less than 45,000 illegal aliens were
Overall, Trump’s ICE agency in the full Fiscal Year of 2017 deported
226,119 illegal aliens, including those caught at the southern border
and those arrested and deported from the interior of the U.S. This is a
slight decrease from the Fiscal Year 2016 deportations, when more than
240,000 illegal aliens were deported, but ICE officials say this is
entirely because of the record decline in border-crossings under Trump.
Your earlier clip with Mr. Comey talking about intent is a fraud.
There’s no requirement for proving intent under that particular
citation I gave you a moment ago. Intent is irrelevant. The fact that
the loss or the mishandling of the national defense information occurred
– that’s the crime.
Farrell went on to state –
Frankly, these documents conform the foundation for an indictment of Comey and [Peter] Strzok, the investigator who is at the center of this entire nightmare of a security problem.
I've spent some time in the last couple of days, after a lot of fighting
with the Department of Justice, to get the background on the dossier,
and here's what I can tell your viewers: I'm very disturbed about what
the Department of Justice did with this dossier, and we need a special
counsel to look into that, because that's not in Mueller's charter. And
what I saw, and what I've gathered in the last couple of days, bothers
me a lot, and I'd like somebody outside DOJ to look into how this
dossier was handled and what they did with it.
And the one thing I can say, every prosecutor has a duty to the court to
disclose things that are relevant to the request. So any time a
document is used to go to court, for legal reasons, I think the
Department of Justice owes it to the court to be up-and-up about exactly
what this document is about, who paid for it, who's involved, what
their motives might be. And I can just say this: After having looked at
the history of the dossier, and how it was used by the Department of
Justice, I'm really very concerned, and this cannot be the new normal.
of the questions I get asked the most from Russians and foreigners
alike is whether I enjoy living here, or whether I am disappointed. My
answer is that it fell within my “range of expectations”. I like to
think that this is a function of my perception of Russia prior to 2017
having been reasonably accurate, and considering I was blogging as “Da Russophile”
on Russia matters until 2014, that’s pretty much an accolade. In my
experience, the typical response of visiting foreigners and expats to
life in Russia is one of pleasant surprise, no wonder since Russia might
as well be “Equatorial Guinea with hackers” so far as the Western media
today is concerned. However, I banally didn’t have anything to be
particularly surprised about, pleasantly or otherwise.
There is an old adage that “what is done in darkness will come to
light.” City officials in Memphis who concocted a secret scheme to
“sell” a couple of public parks for $1000 each in order to evade state
law prohibiting removal of statues and monuments without proper approval
may soon learn the truth of that saying. As soon as they “sold” the
parks, two monuments to Nathan Bedford Forrest and Jefferson Davis were
quickly removed by the “new private owners” in the dark of night.
More facts are coming to light, and it is increasingly clear that the
scam was carefully orchestrated by the Mayor and local political
activists to skirt the clear intent of the law. If it was such a good
idea, why was it done secretly and without public input and debate?