Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Every Southerner Needs This Magazine

On various occasions I’ve made references to Chronicles Magazine and cited articles printed in it. Remarkably, Chronicles is the only print magazine of stature (it is also online) in America which has represented and aired traditionalist conservative viewpoints, in depth and intelligently, now for forty-four years.
Edited by Dr. Paul Gottfried (Raffensperger Professor of Humanities, Emeritus, Elizabethtown College), the magazine includes some of the finest writers of the Old or Traditionalist conservative persuasion in the Anglosphere. And recently, Chronicles, which has been consistently favorable to the heritage and traditions of the South, has published even more quality essays by and on Southerners. Early this year the magazine inaugurated a series –“Remembering….”—which undertakes to recover the thinking and wisdom of various writers, many of them from the South, who contributed mightily to American history and culture, but who, largely due to the dominance nationally of the anti-Southern Neoconservatives, have been neglected or exiled from the public square.
More @ The Abbeville Institute
Calhoun and Constitutionalism

Union and liberty are not two terms most people associate with John C. Calhoun, a figure often linked exclusively with secession and slavery. But a reading of Liberty Fund’s 1992 Union and Liberty, a single-volume collection of Calhoun’s writings and speeches edited by the late Ross M. Lence, reveals a mind most intently focused on investigating and assessing the origins and tendencies of constitutional government. The only major American statesman to write a theoretical treatise on government and constitutionalism, Calhoun offered a unique and persuasive explanation of consensus-based constitutions as the only way in which liberty could be combined with the governmental power necessary to protect society, allowing for both strong union and liberty.
More @ The Abbeville Institute
Harvard Backs Down: University Says It Will Not Take Coronavirus Aid

Harvard University said it will not take the $8.6 million in aid with was granted as part of the U.S. government’s efforts to cushion the economic impact of the coronavirus lockdown, reversing itself and bending to U.S. President Donald Trump who said Tuesday that the university should not take the money.
“Harvard is going to pay back the money and they shouldn’t be taking it,” Trump said Tuesday at a White House press briefing.
More @ Breitbart
Just Do It! North Carolina Patriots Must Stand Up to Hypocritical Governor
Via Jessica
Upon the widespread dissemination of this article, I am asking business owners to do something very simple. Actually, I am asking them to do two things. First, as soon as you finish reading this article, go open up your business. Second, hang a sign out front that says the following:

By Mike Adams | My Two Cent Check Is Returned |
Upon the widespread dissemination of this article, I am asking business owners to do something very simple. Actually, I am asking them to do two things. First, as soon as you finish reading this article, go open up your business. Second, hang a sign out front that says the following:
More @ Townhall
Georgia Democrat Who Endorsed Trump Resigns From Seat in State Legislature

“Turn the lights off, I have left the plantation. Someone else can occupy that suite.
Georgia Democratic state Rep. Vernon Jones said he is resigning from his seat in the state legislature after he endorsed President Donald Trump’s reelection.
“I’m sick and tired of me and my family being attacked and harassed by the Democrat Party for putting my country before my party. I take pride in being an independent thinker. My first amendment right to freedom of speech is under siege,” Jones, who is African American, said in a statement Wednesday in confirming his resignation, reported CBS46 in Atlanta.
He said that he’ll now “help the Democrat Party get rid of its bigotry against Black people that are independent and conservative.”
More @ The Epoch Times
Southern states largely go it alone in reopening decisions
Via Billy
Governors in 17 states have committed to regional coordination to reopen their economies during the coronavirus outbreak — but none are in the South, where leaders are going it alone, just as they did in imposing restrictions.

Governors in 17 states have committed to regional coordination to reopen their economies during the coronavirus outbreak — but none are in the South, where leaders are going it alone, just as they did in imposing restrictions.
questions about when and how to ease virus-control measures becomes
increasingly politically charged, governors in the Deep South have
resisted any appearance of synchronization, instead driving home their
message that each state must make its own decision.
Gov. Brian Kemp plans to have many of his state’s businesses up and
running again as soon as Friday. Fellow Republican Tennessee Gov. Bill
Lee announced that most businesses will begin resuming operations as
soon as next week.
More @ Dothan Eagle
How Adam Schiff secretly thwarted efforts to bring transparency in Russia probe
Via Billy
But what was hailed as an act of transparency has not been fulfilled 19 months later, even though U.S intelligence has declassified and cleared the transcripts for release.
The answer why lies in the backroom dealings of Adam Schiff, the committee’s top Democrat and its current chairman, according to interviews and memos obtained by Just the News.

How Adam Schiff secretly thwarted efforts to bring transparency in Russia probe
In late September 2018 with a mid-year election approaching, the often bitterly divided House Intelligence Committee forged a rare bipartisan moment: Its Republican and Democratic members voted to make public the transcripts of 53 witnesses in the Russia collusion investigation.But what was hailed as an act of transparency has not been fulfilled 19 months later, even though U.S intelligence has declassified and cleared the transcripts for release.
The answer why lies in the backroom dealings of Adam Schiff, the committee’s top Democrat and its current chairman, according to interviews and memos obtained by Just the News.
More @ Just The News
AG Barr: ‘We’re Getting To The Point Where We Are Killing The Patient & DOJ may side with citizens who sue states over 'onerous' coronavirus restrictions

Attorney General William Barr warned that extended lockdowns are becoming more damaging to the United States than the coronavirus.
Barr appeared on conservative host Hugh Hewitt’s radio show on Tuesday. The Justice Department head said that while strict government action may have been justified to slow the coronavirus, the overbearing regulations are risking doing more harm than good.
More @ The Daily Wire
DOJ may side with citizens who sue states over 'onerous' coronavirus restrictions
New York state instructs paramedics not to revive cardiac patients & CA has Point System To Decide Who Survives
Via Billy
New York state just issued a drastic new guideline urging emergency services workers not to bother trying to revive anyone without a pulse when they get to a scene, amid an overload of coronavirus patients.
While paramedics were previously told to spend up to 20 minutes trying to revive people found in cardiac arrest, the change is “necessary during the COVID-19 response to protect the health and safety of EMS providers by limiting their exposure, conserve resources, and ensure optimal use of equipment to save the greatest number of lives,’’ according to a state Health Department memo issued last week.
New York state just issued a drastic new guideline urging emergency services workers not to bother trying to revive anyone without a pulse when they get to a scene, amid an overload of coronavirus patients.
While paramedics were previously told to spend up to 20 minutes trying to revive people found in cardiac arrest, the change is “necessary during the COVID-19 response to protect the health and safety of EMS providers by limiting their exposure, conserve resources, and ensure optimal use of equipment to save the greatest number of lives,’’ according to a state Health Department memo issued last week.
More @ New York Post
"Reopen Carteret County now. Reopen NC now."
Via Jessica Hult
30 days is complete, since our governor began closing businesses across North Carolina and deciding which businesses are essential or otherwise. My own Carteret County has suffered 2 Covid-19 related deaths since the self-isolation period began. While those 2 deaths are tragic and heartbreaking- they are hardly enough to warrant a continuation of self-isolation. Small businesses across the country are being hit extremely hard, including my own.
My business is boarding and training dogs. No one is traveling; therefore, we have no boarding clients. Our training is a hands-on activity. No one is training. We have no money coming in at all. We reluctantly applied for the EDIL and the PPP loans….. all we’ve heard are crickets. We have kept our 3 onsite employees employed and paid during these past 30 days. We have kept the 8 dogs abandoned with us fed and clean. We have been able to do this by draining our life savings. My husband is almost 60, I am almost 50. We cannot do this any longer- you will find our faces in the bread lines soon. I speak for hundreds, if not thousands, of business owners stuck in similar situations as we currently find ourselves.
We do NOT want any government help; we NEED for our state and our nation to get back to work.
Every single one of us understands we are going to have to alter how we do business. Every single one of us understands there is now a new “normal”. We are not criminals. We are not infants in need of nanny government. We understand the risks. We are committed to doing business in a safe manner that lessens the risk for those around us. Please- those who are truly immunocompromised should really stay home, those who are truly terrified should also stay home. Those who are asking for the shutdown to continue have really no understanding of what they are asking….or if they do understand, they are completely unaware of exactly how dangerous this economic situation will become. Our great Republic is the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave; not land of the lockdown and home of the fearful.
Reopen Carteret County now. Reopen NC now.
2 Timothy 1:7 For God did not give us a spirit of fear; but a Spirit of Power, and of Love, and a Sound Mind.
Jessica Hult
Donnie's wife
Owner/operator K9 NC Training, Inc dba Hadnot Creek Kennel
300 Hadnot Farm Rd, Swansboro, NC 28584
IWLA White Oak River Chapter past President
NC-WRC Hunter's Ed Instructor
252-342-0591 -c
252-393-8952 -h"

I've been asked to share my letter - I've used my letter for all the county commissioners, plus our legislators, and the governor...and also now the sheriff. BTW- I received a big thank you from the Sheriff staff who sent my correspondence on to Asa. Feel free to borrow anything in here that might be applicable to your situation in writing your own letters. Also- feel free to contact me for anything. I'll be in Raleigh again next week."I am writing today as owner/operator of an Eastern NC business, deemed essential, open since 1984. We, our family and our onsite employees, agreed to self-isolate for 30 days due to Covid-19. We did NOT agree to turning North Carolina into a tyrannical police state where self-isolation is repeatedly referred to as a more sinister “lockdown”.
30 days is complete, since our governor began closing businesses across North Carolina and deciding which businesses are essential or otherwise. My own Carteret County has suffered 2 Covid-19 related deaths since the self-isolation period began. While those 2 deaths are tragic and heartbreaking- they are hardly enough to warrant a continuation of self-isolation. Small businesses across the country are being hit extremely hard, including my own.
My business is boarding and training dogs. No one is traveling; therefore, we have no boarding clients. Our training is a hands-on activity. No one is training. We have no money coming in at all. We reluctantly applied for the EDIL and the PPP loans….. all we’ve heard are crickets. We have kept our 3 onsite employees employed and paid during these past 30 days. We have kept the 8 dogs abandoned with us fed and clean. We have been able to do this by draining our life savings. My husband is almost 60, I am almost 50. We cannot do this any longer- you will find our faces in the bread lines soon. I speak for hundreds, if not thousands, of business owners stuck in similar situations as we currently find ourselves.
We do NOT want any government help; we NEED for our state and our nation to get back to work.
Every single one of us understands we are going to have to alter how we do business. Every single one of us understands there is now a new “normal”. We are not criminals. We are not infants in need of nanny government. We understand the risks. We are committed to doing business in a safe manner that lessens the risk for those around us. Please- those who are truly immunocompromised should really stay home, those who are truly terrified should also stay home. Those who are asking for the shutdown to continue have really no understanding of what they are asking….or if they do understand, they are completely unaware of exactly how dangerous this economic situation will become. Our great Republic is the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave; not land of the lockdown and home of the fearful.
Reopen Carteret County now. Reopen NC now.
2 Timothy 1:7 For God did not give us a spirit of fear; but a Spirit of Power, and of Love, and a Sound Mind.
Jessica Hult
Donnie's wife
Owner/operator K9 NC Training, Inc dba Hadnot Creek Kennel
300 Hadnot Farm Rd, Swansboro, NC 28584
IWLA White Oak River Chapter past President
NC-WRC Hunter's Ed Instructor
252-342-0591 -c
252-393-8952 -h"
Harvard Rejects Trump’s Demand That It Give Back Stimulus Money Despite Being Wealthiest College In the World
Via Billy
Harvard is the world’s wealthiest university with an endowment fund that ranges into the billions. $40 billion to be more precise. If anyone needs stimulus money, it’s not the Scrooge McDuck of schools.
the Ivy League college took $8.6 million of the stimulus money meant to
keep schools afloat during the pandemic according to Fox Business:

Harvard is the world’s wealthiest university with an endowment fund that ranges into the billions. $40 billion to be more precise. If anyone needs stimulus money, it’s not the Scrooge McDuck of schools.
Via Red State
VA Chief: Hydroxychloroquine Has Been Working Against COVID-19
Via Billy
The anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine has been working in COVID-19 patients, Secretary of Veterans Affairs Robert Wilkie said on Wednesday.
Wilkie’s comments come after a study looking at the effects of the
drug in 368 patients in Veterans Health Administration hospitals found no evidence the drug is effective against COVID-19, a new disease caused by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus.

The anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine has been working in COVID-19 patients, Secretary of Veterans Affairs Robert Wilkie said on Wednesday.
More @ The Epoch Times
"I need someone in the media to pick this story up"
Via David

~~Jake Hiles
I have done as much
digging as I can do, but I am getting dead ends and literal roadblocks
that someone with press credentials would not get. If this is true, this
story would be national news.Virginia Governor Ralph Northam
issued a stay at home order for Virginians where only necessary travel
was allowed. Dare county in North Carolina is under a "residents only"
ban where only residents who have proof of North Carolinian residence
are being admitted onto the Outer Banks and Roanoke Island. Ralph
Northam is the Governor of Virginia. He and his family are not North
Carolina residents. Numerous residents of Dare County are reporting that
Virginia Governor Ralph Northam is illegally flying into First Flight
Airport at the Wright Memorial Airport in Kill Devil Hills on a private
airplane, where he then has drivers meet himself and his family to go to
their vacation home at 90 Ballast Point Road in the Pirates Cove
neighborhood of Manteo.
The significance of this is that in doing this, not only is Governor Northam violating the North Carolina and the Dare County order to that Dare County is residents only, but Northam is violating his own stay at home order for Virginians. Northam is abandoning his duties in Richmond during a time of emergency so that he can travel unnecessarily to spend his time in leisure at his families vacation home in the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Virginians like myself are threatened with arrest for violating the Governor's orders, but apparently those strict orders that are supposedly to protect us, do not apply to Governor Northam and his family. While Virginians are locked down in their homes, many are not allowed to work, and none are allowed to travel out of leisure, Governor Northam and his family are doing exactly what he has used his authority to tell Virginians that they cannot do.
I have spoke with numerous people in Dare County who have seen or heard that Northam is going to and from his vacation home on a regular basis. When questions are being asked of those who could answer questions- the local sheriff in Dare County, the security guards at the Pirates Cove gated community, First Flight Airport, etc - EVERYONE becomes suspiciously quiet and off the record says they are sure Northam is there but on the record do not want their name tied to it, and refuse to provide proof- like security guards log from the gated community or like flight logs from the airport.
Here is a photo of Northam's vacation home at 90 Ballast Point Road with vehicles present yesterday (Monday April 20), where Northam is supposedly inside with his family.
Please help me get to the bottom of this, share to the public, and forward to any media you may know. If Northam is violating these orders, he should be held to the same criminal charges which any other person who violated these orders would be held.
Edit: Added a video from this morning at Northams vacation home where yesterday there were two vehicles, today there is only one vehicle, a Ford Excursion with license plate Virginia tag "VMI OB1".
5pm 4/21 update- the white ford excursion virginia tag "VMI OB1" that was on video this morning at northams vacation house at 90 ballast point road in pirates cove, is now gone. See the link above.
The significance of this is that in doing this, not only is Governor Northam violating the North Carolina and the Dare County order to that Dare County is residents only, but Northam is violating his own stay at home order for Virginians. Northam is abandoning his duties in Richmond during a time of emergency so that he can travel unnecessarily to spend his time in leisure at his families vacation home in the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Virginians like myself are threatened with arrest for violating the Governor's orders, but apparently those strict orders that are supposedly to protect us, do not apply to Governor Northam and his family. While Virginians are locked down in their homes, many are not allowed to work, and none are allowed to travel out of leisure, Governor Northam and his family are doing exactly what he has used his authority to tell Virginians that they cannot do.
I have spoke with numerous people in Dare County who have seen or heard that Northam is going to and from his vacation home on a regular basis. When questions are being asked of those who could answer questions- the local sheriff in Dare County, the security guards at the Pirates Cove gated community, First Flight Airport, etc - EVERYONE becomes suspiciously quiet and off the record says they are sure Northam is there but on the record do not want their name tied to it, and refuse to provide proof- like security guards log from the gated community or like flight logs from the airport.
Here is a photo of Northam's vacation home at 90 Ballast Point Road with vehicles present yesterday (Monday April 20), where Northam is supposedly inside with his family.
Please help me get to the bottom of this, share to the public, and forward to any media you may know. If Northam is violating these orders, he should be held to the same criminal charges which any other person who violated these orders would be held.
Edit: Added a video from this morning at Northams vacation home where yesterday there were two vehicles, today there is only one vehicle, a Ford Excursion with license plate Virginia tag "VMI OB1".
5pm 4/21 update- the white ford excursion virginia tag "VMI OB1" that was on video this morning at northams vacation house at 90 ballast point road in pirates cove, is now gone. See the link above.
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