Monday, June 9, 2014
Man charged with killing sex offender
Via Jeffery
I done my duty.
A man suspected of killing a registered sex offender in the Berlin community has been charged with murder.
The Cullman County Sheriff's Office identified the victim as Raymond Earl Brooks, 59. The suspect in the case, 41-year-old Jay Maynor of Cullman, is charged with Brooks' murder.
Court documents indicate Maynor is a relative of the child Brooks pleaded guilty to sexually abusing in 2002. Brooks was convicted in an incident involving an 8-year-old girl.
Sheriff Mike Rainey said the first shooting happened at the Berlin Plaza Quick Stop on Highway 278 shortly after 7 p.m. Witnesses told deputies a man drove up on a motorcycle and fired shots at the store's window, Rainey said.
More @ Fox
Goodies from Ol' Remus
Imagine - They want
you to think that we live amidst ever-increasing scarcity, peak energy,
global warming and a bunch of other fake crises. None of these crises
exist anywhere outside of the human brain that is hallucinating them.
Texas Arcane at
Texas Arcane at
Bugout locations -
It’s all a crap shoot. One guy on foot who thought he’d go live off the
land in those mountains getting sick of being cold and wet could plant
himself at the treeline 300 metres from my shack and pick me off with a
308 when I stepped out in the morning.
ready down under, comment at
ready down under, comment at
Unnatural enemy -
The government I live under has been my enemy all my active life. When
it has not been engaged in silencing me it has been engaged in robbing
me. So far as I can recall I have never had any contact with it that was
not an outrage on my dignity and an attack on my security.
H.L. Mencken
H.L. Mencken
Shortly after Dykes on Bikes rumble across the starting line of the Capital Pride parade in Dupont Circle on Saturday, an expected 150,000 spectators should witness something never before seen on an American city street — a U.S. Armed Forces color guard marching alongside rainbow flags in a gay pride parade.
Aaron Davis at washingtonpost.comRemus says - Pointedly humiliating the armed forces is now a career credit in DC
Remus says - Climatologists were either wrong in 1998 or wrong now, or wrong both then and now. Whichever it is, they strongly resemble craven, bottom-feeding, shape-shifting, alarmist opportunists with an ethics deficiency approaching unity and a credibility reliant in its entirety on the memory hole. And "but" nothing, no reasonable self-respecting person wants to hear any more from them.
Thousands of potential FAA
air traffic control trainees, with College Initiative Training degrees
or previous military experience, have been told by the federal agency
they are no longer eligible for job interviews. Instead, the FAA
has decided to accept less qualified applicants, apparently to satisfy
concerns that the agency needs a more diverse workforce, say Ferrugia
and Shelley in this article, FAA changes hiring practices for air traffic controllers ignoring qualified students and vets, at 7 News Denver.
Remus says - They're not "less qualified" applicants, they're unqualified applicants. If there's no point in following the rules, there's no point in having the rules. Ever-lower performance standards are next. They're always next. We'll accept incompetent "quota hire" air traffic controllers as well. Fifty years of Affirmative Action, each outrage more egregious than the one before. It appears there's no bottom, no limit. Sigh. Most probably this is beyond orderly retrieval. Perhaps long ago. There's a catastrophe building, out of sight but we all know it's there. Every day there are more who would rather mourn it than prevent it. For those of us who try, every day gives us another reason to just walk away.
VA hospitals
Former VA surgeon - What is hilarious is, that we all knew, always, and forever, that government-run medical care, as EPITOMIZED by the VA, was the worst in the US. "Never miss a meal for a vet" was the catchphrase. "In the good VA hospitals, they let you die. In the bad ones, they kill you" was the constant refrain. All you ignorant idiots out there, who believe that "government can do it", in medical care are the cause of this. The blood of the dead is on YOUR hands, for being stupid, lazy, foolish, and not getting RID of these government parasites at every opportunity.
Cotf, comment at
VA nurse - Many union hires are to pad the diversity numbers and a work ethic is non-existent in 75% of them. Those who were not diversity hires see the others get away with doing next to nothing and often decide "why bother?". There are some of us who are grateful to have a good job that pays a good deal better than the private facilities and do our best, but we are about 25% of the workforce and we end up doing 75% of the work. Nurses scarcely want to do the dirty work and those whose job is to clean the people and the facility often feel that genuine work is for suckers.
dwk67, comment at
Race and wealth -
Why would race have anything to do with it? Put your mind to what you
want to do and go for that. It’s kind of like religion to me, it’s a
good excuse for not getting there.
Morgan Freeman, to Don Lemon at CNN via Kellan Howell at
Morgan Freeman, to Don Lemon at CNN via Kellan Howell at
1969 Dodge Super Bee 440 Six Pack, 4-Speed
-Finished in OEM F6 Bright Green Metallic with Black interior
- No expense spared restoration completed in 2005
- Believed to be 39,719 miles
- OEM A12 Power House package
- 440 CI Six Pack engine
- 4-speed transmission with OEM Hurst shifter
- M6X Black front bucket seats
- X9 upper door frame black
- 999 special order axle assembly
- 603 special order transmission assembly
- 88 rare stripe delete package
- Rare lightweight lift off hood
- California Black plates, included in sale
- Multiple photo and written documentation with receipts
- Retains the correct OEM wheels with redline tires
- Documented and registered in Chrysler Registry
- Chrysler Registry decoding with certified and stamp documentation
- #15 of 180 in sequence of 1969 1/2 Six Pack Super Bee hardtops registered, 1 of 824 4-speeds, build date on/or around April 8, 1969
More @ MECUM
NATO 'Falling Forward' On The Sword That Is Ukraine
Via comment by Dave on "This is also the face of war"
NATO is Destroying Itself
It is often said that while Russia plays chess, the US plays checkers. In checkers, or English Draughts, the players cannot move backwards. All pieces must move forwards (diagonally – zigzagging) and cannot move backwards until they reach the opponents end of the board. And so it is with the psychopaths running NATO, the British and US governments and the people behind them all; the bankers.
We have today what amounts to a declaration of war from Petro Poroshenko in his Inauguration Speech. After leading Vladimir Putin to believe he was interested in negotiating (i.e. moving backwards or, at least, standing still), he turned around and announced it would be 'forward into the Valley of Death'. Business as usual, in other words, for the psychopaths.
This is not unexpected because it is, indeed, business as usual. The bankers have been pushing this 'forward only' strategy since forever. There is one exception, some might say, to this but it is not really an exception at all; Syria.
NATO is Destroying Itself
It is often said that while Russia plays chess, the US plays checkers. In checkers, or English Draughts, the players cannot move backwards. All pieces must move forwards (diagonally – zigzagging) and cannot move backwards until they reach the opponents end of the board. And so it is with the psychopaths running NATO, the British and US governments and the people behind them all; the bankers.
We have today what amounts to a declaration of war from Petro Poroshenko in his Inauguration Speech. After leading Vladimir Putin to believe he was interested in negotiating (i.e. moving backwards or, at least, standing still), he turned around and announced it would be 'forward into the Valley of Death'. Business as usual, in other words, for the psychopaths.
This is not unexpected because it is, indeed, business as usual. The bankers have been pushing this 'forward only' strategy since forever. There is one exception, some might say, to this but it is not really an exception at all; Syria.
Las Vegas Police Shooters Described As Meth Users And Conspiracy Theorists, Kicked Off Bundy Ranch
The Las Vegas Police have raided the apartment of a young married couple that ambushed and murdered two Las Vegas Metropolitan Police officers yesterday and a woman inside a nearby Walmart before committing suicide.
Neighbors interviewed by the Las Vegas Review Journal are painting a picture of a deeply disturbed couple:
More @ Bearing Arms
Heroic Concealed Carrier DID Try To Take Down Cop Killers in Las Vegas
Various law enforcement agencies and military units have memorials to those that have fallen in service to their country.
If we ever build such a memorial to concealed carriers who put their lives at risk to save others, the name of Joseph Robert Wilcox, 31, of Las Vegas deserves to be on that wall.
Wilcox was killed yesterday attempting to take down the deranged couple that had just murdered Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Officers Alyn Beck and Igor Soldo at a nearby Cici’s Pizza location.
Wilcox apparently spotted the husband as he rushed into Walmart, and tried to take him down:
More @ Bearing Arms
NC: Future shock? Sen. Michelle Obama, D-N.C.

Why is the first family buying a home in Asheville, North Carolina? Do they like the weather there more than Hawaii?
At least one well-placed source – and all kinds of scuttlebutt – suggest the latter. Residency in North Carolina is a pre-requisite to the launch of Michelle Obama’s political career.
Specifically, the smart money says, Michelle is likely to seek a Senate seat, the one currently held by Republican Richard Burr, who is retiring in 2016.
Republicans believe Democrats will want to run a high-profile candidate to try to capture the open seat – and who could be higher than someone named Obama?
More @ WND
Sex education: School asks eighth graders ‘how far’ they would go sexually
As a part of a sex education class, eighth graders at Woodland Park Middle School in San Marcos, California were asked to stand under signs that said how far they would be willing to go sexually.
The signs said “smiled at, hugged, kissed, above the waist, below the waist, and all the way,” as reported at the local ABC Affiliate.
The inconceivable “lesson” must have been completely humiliating for the children. If it were not for vigilant parents contacting the local news, this story would have likely never seen the light of day.
The parents said that “their daughter and her classmates were in disbelief because they thought the teacher wanted to know how far they’ve gone sexually.” The school defended the “assignment,” which was taught by “a community clinic and has been used over the past several years” by saying “the activity was to discuss what is appropriate for dating at the middle school level.”
Is this what “clinics” should be teaching?
More @ Liberty Unyielding
How the Taliban got their hands on modern US missiles
In his new book, “Dark Forces: The Truth About What Happened in Benghazi” (Broadside Books), writer Kenneth R. Timmerman explains how the US government’s efforts to arm the Libyan rebels backfired, flooding weapons into Syria, and as he reveals here, Afghanistan:
Miliary records and sources reveal that on July 25, 2012, Taliban fighters in Kunar province successfully targeted a US Army CH-47 helicopter with a new generation Stinger missile.
They thought they had a surefire kill. But instead of bursting into flames, the Chinook just disappeared into the darkness as the American pilot recovered control of the aircraft and brought it to the ground in a hard landing.
The assault team jumped out the open doors and ran clear in case it exploded. Less than 30 seconds later, the Taliban gunner and his comrade erupted into flames as an American gunship overhead locked onto their position and opened fire.
More @ New York Post
Cloward-Piven at the border
Back in the Sixties, Marxists Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven came up with a great strategy for overloading and collapsing democratic welfare states, paving the way for socialist tyranny.
Basically, the idea was to hit the system with a tidal wave of demands it couldn’t refuse, and couldn’t possibly fulfill. The Left would then insist that the moral argument for the system remained intact, so the only way to meet those impossible demands was to scrap every vestige of Constitutional restraint and republican self-government, instituting a totalitarian system that in theory would forcibly restructure society to promote “fairness” and give all those government dependents what they “deserve.” (In practice, of course, what you actually get is an iron-fisted dictatorship that cooks up reports to make itself look good, or simply tells the unhappy citizens to shut up and obey when things deteriorate to the point that no volume of phony reports can paper over the problems – say, when the glorious worker’s paradise of Venezuela runs out of tap water.)
More @ Human Events
Border agency ousts head of internal affairs, will investigate unit
Via Philip
The head of internal affairs for U.S. Customs and Border Protection was removed from his post Monday amid criticism that he failed to investigate hundreds of allegations of abuse and use of force by armed border agents, officials said.
James F. Tomscheck, who has held the post since 2006, is a 30-year veteran of federal law-enforcement agencies. He was given a temporary assignment in another job in Customs and Border Protection, which is the parent agency of the Border Patrol.
FBI Director James B. Comey will assign an FBI agent to replace Tomscheck with orders to be more aggressive at investigating abuse cases, officials said. It is highly unusual for a federal agency to bring in an outsider to run internal affairs.
The head of internal affairs for U.S. Customs and Border Protection was removed from his post Monday amid criticism that he failed to investigate hundreds of allegations of abuse and use of force by armed border agents, officials said.
James F. Tomscheck, who has held the post since 2006, is a 30-year veteran of federal law-enforcement agencies. He was given a temporary assignment in another job in Customs and Border Protection, which is the parent agency of the Border Patrol.
FBI Director James B. Comey will assign an FBI agent to replace Tomscheck with orders to be more aggressive at investigating abuse cases, officials said. It is highly unusual for a federal agency to bring in an outsider to run internal affairs.
More @ LA Times
Turn Any Stick Into an Axe With This Multi-Tool Chopping Blade
Via grossfater_m
I have to say this multi-tool chopping blade could come in very handy in an emergency situation
I have to say this multi-tool chopping blade could come in very handy in an emergency situation
More @ SHTF Prepardness
A pardon for Bowe Bergdahl?
Via avordvet
When Bowe Bergdahl was first released, the administration’s line seemed to be that he had suffered enough as a Taliban prisoner, and thus that the U.S. would not likely punish him as a deserter even if that’s what he turned out to be. But as the deal came in for strong criticism and evidence mounted as to Bergdahl’s betrayal, the line changed.
We were assured by the military that Bergdahl’s conduct would be investigated and, if misconduct were found, he would be subject to the military justice system. In the meantime, we should withhold judgment.
But Bill Otis predicts that, regardless of the facts (which so far point unambiguously to the conclusion that Bergdahl deserted), Bergdahl will never face a military trial because President Obama will pardon him. Bill, who worked on presidential pardons in the last days of the Bush 41 administration, has even drafted a statement to accompany the pardon (see below). It’s written in perfect Obamaese, which should worry those of us who are close to Bill.
When Bowe Bergdahl was first released, the administration’s line seemed to be that he had suffered enough as a Taliban prisoner, and thus that the U.S. would not likely punish him as a deserter even if that’s what he turned out to be. But as the deal came in for strong criticism and evidence mounted as to Bergdahl’s betrayal, the line changed.
We were assured by the military that Bergdahl’s conduct would be investigated and, if misconduct were found, he would be subject to the military justice system. In the meantime, we should withhold judgment.
But Bill Otis predicts that, regardless of the facts (which so far point unambiguously to the conclusion that Bergdahl deserted), Bergdahl will never face a military trial because President Obama will pardon him. Bill, who worked on presidential pardons in the last days of the Bush 41 administration, has even drafted a statement to accompany the pardon (see below). It’s written in perfect Obamaese, which should worry those of us who are close to Bill.
More @ Power Line
General Jack Keane: Pentagon ‘Outraged’ Over Obama’s Bergdahl Victory Lap
Retired four-star Army General Jack Keane claimed that senior military leaders are “outraged” over President Obama’s decision to trumpet the trade of likely Army deserter Bowe Bergdahl for five dangerous Taliban in a Rose Garden celebration last Saturday.
Keane spoke Sunday with Fox News’ Chris Wallace about the political implications of the prisoner transfer, with the general becoming the latest to contradict National Security Advisor Susan Rice’s assertion that the returned Army Sgt. “served with honor and distinction.”
“The fact that a citizen volunteers — becomes a soldier, becomes a paratrooper, goes to combat as a result of that, has an unblemished record, is a very good soldier — and then deserts his post, that trumps all previous behavior,” he explained. “So that is a distinction in itself, and he has to be held accountable for that.”
More with video @ The Daily Caller
Rand Paul: Swap 5 Dems for Marine Held in Mexico: ‘I’m Thinking John Kerry, Hillary …”
Addressing the GOP convention in Fort Worth, Texas Friday, Paul said a delegate he had been chatting to had said, “There is one guy who is kind of deserving we ought to try to get home, and that’s the Marine who accidentally carried his guns into Mexico.”
“So here’s what I’m thinking: Mr. President, you love to trade people.”
“Why don’t we set up a trade? But this time, instead of five Taliban, how about five Democrats?” Paul said to laughter and applause. “I’m thinking John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi – couldn’t we send them to Mexico?”
More with video @ CNS News
& the newest goofball statement: Susan Rice's latest: 'Our leadership is unmatched'
Savage Axis II XP, Big Bang for a Few Bucks
Let’s say you’ve just gotten a call from a friend who wants to go hunting with you. Tomorrow. He wants to go tomorrow, but he doesn’t have a rifle. You know you’ll be able to put him on a deer, or a hog, or whatever it is he wants to hunt, but you don’t have extra rifles lying about, set up and ready to go. What would you suggest?
There’s a lot to presume about the hypothetical above. Let’s pretend the friend knows his ass from his elbow and is aware of basic firearms safety and function. There’s a big-box retailer right around the corner. We can assume he or she can legally buy a gun, and can get a license (and that you will be hunting, not poaching). This friend needs a gun, one in a common caliber, and an optic (preferably one that’s already attached and sighted in). What he need is a rifle that’s turnkey, ready to go out of the box.
You need a Savage Axis II, the complete package.
More @ Guns America
S.Africa's black empowerment 'killing babies'
Via Nancy
South Africa's policy of race-based affirmative action is "killing babies" and must be scrapped, the country's Institute of Race Relations said Friday.
South Africa's policy of race-based affirmative action is "killing babies" and must be scrapped, the country's Institute of Race Relations said Friday.
The institute,
which spoke out against racial discrimination under apartheid, said
black empowerment policies had seen unqualified people appointed to
positions where their incompetence hit poor and vulnerable communities.
More @ Yahoo
Doofus Kerry: 'Baloney' to Think Released Taliban Will Kill More Americans
Secretary of State John Kerry says it's "a lot of baloney" to suggest the five Taliban prisoners released in exchange for Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl will return to battle and kill Americans.
Still, he tells CNN, if they try they'll likely be killed themselves.
More @ Newsmax
Shooters in Metro ambush that left five dead spoke of white supremacy and a desire to kill police
Via comment by Jeffery on 2 police officers, 3 others dead in Las Vegas shoo...
Two Las Vegas police officers were killed Sunday in what appears to be a politically motivated ambush in a pizza restaurant that spilled over to a nearby Wal-Mart, where the two shooters committed suicide after killing a woman in the store.
Details are sketchy, but Metropolitan Police Department sources close to the investigation say the shooters shouted that “this is the start of a revolution” before opening fire on the officers, and draped their bodies with cloth showing a Revolutionary War-era flag. Investigators have also found paraphernalia associated with white supremacists.
Family man: Alyn Beck (left) pictured last year with his wife and two children
Two Las Vegas police officers were killed Sunday in what appears to be a politically motivated ambush in a pizza restaurant that spilled over to a nearby Wal-Mart, where the two shooters committed suicide after killing a woman in the store.
Details are sketchy, but Metropolitan Police Department sources close to the investigation say the shooters shouted that “this is the start of a revolution” before opening fire on the officers, and draped their bodies with cloth showing a Revolutionary War-era flag. Investigators have also found paraphernalia associated with white supremacists.
More @ R J
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