Friday, January 10, 2020
Soldiers in famous Vietnam photo interviewed for 1st time
Via Wirecutter


By 1st Lt. Daniel Johnson
101st Airborne Division Public Affairs
In April 1968, Associated Press
photographer Art Greenspon took a photograph widely considered to be one
of the most telling photos of the Vietnam War now titled “Help From
Embedded with the soldiers of Co. A, 2nd
Battalion, 327th Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division, Greenspon
caught the moment after an ambush where soldiers from the company moved
casualties to a landing zone to be evacuated. Among other honors, the
image inspired the poster for the Vietnam War movie ‘Platoon’ and graces
the covers books and front pages of newspapers. For 49 years, few have
known the stories of the soldiers whom Greenspon photographed that day,
or their fates.
“Early that morning, Co. A moved forward
on a search and destroy operation,” said retired Col. Tom Sewell, who
was a first lieutenant and platoon leader in Co. A at the time. “As we
were moving forward, the platoon behind us made contact with the enemy;
we held our position in order to care for the other platoon. In the process, we set up an LZ and began withdrawing the injured.”
More @ Mount Juliet News
Sanders, Warren Did Conference Call With Pro-Iran Lobbying Group Day After Iran Attacked US Bases
Via Billy
Democrats immediately attacked President Donald Trump after the killing of IRGC terrorist leader Qasem Soleimani, complaining that he didn’t ask them for approval (he didn’t need to) or that it was going to lead to war.
But one of the other troubling aspects of their responses were seemingly to make statements that not only weren’t supportive of Trump or the U.S. action but were critical as we were being attacked and seemed to parrot propaganda, acting for example as though relations started the moment Trump killed Soleimani and neglecting to mention the prior attacks on U.S. forces and the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad.

Democrats immediately attacked President Donald Trump after the killing of IRGC terrorist leader Qasem Soleimani, complaining that he didn’t ask them for approval (he didn’t need to) or that it was going to lead to war.
But one of the other troubling aspects of their responses were seemingly to make statements that not only weren’t supportive of Trump or the U.S. action but were critical as we were being attacked and seemed to parrot propaganda, acting for example as though relations started the moment Trump killed Soleimani and neglecting to mention the prior attacks on U.S. forces and the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad.
More @ Red State
Saskatchewan NDP = ANTIFA=ARC
Via Cousin Dale "I'm again banned from Facebook for a week, for exposing some
disturbing bullying. I wrote an article on my blog but was banned before
I could post it. Feel free to post it on social media and/or put it on
your blog, it's a humorous read. http://southsasksoutherner.blogspot.com/2020/01/saskatchewan-ndp-antifaarc.html Guess I'll have some extra time for renovations! lol"
Over the few last months I've pondered a question asked to me by a social media justice warrior. A coward that organized an attack against my business online last summer asked me what kind of business owner would make the kind of controversial online comments such as I have? This group of people hadn't done any research into who they were attacking or read any of my articles. The only care and intent was to discredit me, shame me....and attempt to convince the public to boycott my business. There was very clear intent suggesting that a group of people may come from Saskatoon or Regina (or both cities) to "talk" to me. Nothing like a shallow public threat that you might be lynched at your home or business.... This was the second online attack against myself or my business since opening. Shaming tactics and bullying a small business owner has become a standard of society in Canada.
Over the few last months I've pondered a question asked to me by a social media justice warrior. A coward that organized an attack against my business online last summer asked me what kind of business owner would make the kind of controversial online comments such as I have? This group of people hadn't done any research into who they were attacking or read any of my articles. The only care and intent was to discredit me, shame me....and attempt to convince the public to boycott my business. There was very clear intent suggesting that a group of people may come from Saskatoon or Regina (or both cities) to "talk" to me. Nothing like a shallow public threat that you might be lynched at your home or business.... This was the second online attack against myself or my business since opening. Shaming tactics and bullying a small business owner has become a standard of society in Canada.
More @ South Asks Southerner
Texas Governor Abbott Boldly Rejects Additional Refugee Resettlement
Via Billy
Texas Governor Greg Abbott has closed the doors to new refugees in the state of Texas, making him the first governor to refuse new refugees under an executive order signed by President Trump empowering state and local governments with control over refugee resettlement within their jurisdictions.
While other Republican governors have come under fire for allowing refugee resettlement to continue within their states -- at least 18 Republican governors have given their consent -- in a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Abbott writes that Texas has already taken in more than its fair share of refugees while also contending with the "disproportionate migration issues resulting from a broken federal immigration system."

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has closed the doors to new refugees in the state of Texas, making him the first governor to refuse new refugees under an executive order signed by President Trump empowering state and local governments with control over refugee resettlement within their jurisdictions.
While other Republican governors have come under fire for allowing refugee resettlement to continue within their states -- at least 18 Republican governors have given their consent -- in a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Abbott writes that Texas has already taken in more than its fair share of refugees while also contending with the "disproportionate migration issues resulting from a broken federal immigration system."
More @ Townhall
Iraqi PM Asks US to Withdraw Troops: Pompeo Refuses and Asks Iraq to Pay More for US to Stay

According to NBC News, Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi called Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Thursday to ask him “to send a delegation to Iraq to put a mechanism [in place] for implementing the Iraqi parliament decision to safely withdraw troops from Iraq…Iraq is keen to keep the best relations with its neighbors and friends within the international community, and to protect foreign representations and interests and all those present on Iraqi soil.”
Although both the U.S. and Iran have taken steps toward de-escalation, Abdul-Mahdi still intends to act on the resolution.
More @ Red State
Black America Before LBJ: How the Welfare State Inadvertently Helped Ruin Black Communities

“We waged a war on poverty and poverty won.”
The dust has settled and the evidence is in: The 1960s Great Society and War on Poverty programs of President Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ) have been a colossal and giant failure. One might make the argument that social welfare programs are the moral path for a modern government. They cannot, however, make the argument that these are in any way effective at alleviating poverty.
In fact, there is evidence that such aggressive programs might make generational poverty worse. While the notion of a “culture of dependence” is a bit of a cliché in conservative circles, there is evidence that this is indeed the case – that, consciously or not, the welfare state creates a culture where people receive benefits rather than seeking gainful employment or business ownership.
This is not a moral or even a value judgment against the people engaged in such a culture. Again, the claim is not that people “choose to be on welfare,” but simply that social welfare programs incentivize poverty, which has an impact on communities that has nothing to do with individual intent.
More @ Ammo.com
Take New York’s Common Sense Gun-Control Quiz

Kudos to Rod Watson of “The Buffalo News” for pointing out just how crazy Emperor Cuomo and his minions in the Legislature are when it comes to guns.
Watson drafted, this week, a rather poignant quiz that highlights the harsh realities of gun control that politicians and activists either outright ignore or refuse to address in any meaningful way.
He calls it the “New York State Common Sense Gun Quiz,” and adds at the end, “Depending on how you did on the quiz, you could be someone who truly has common sense – or you could be a New York State official.”
Here’s the quiz:
More @ Guns America
William Mayo Pippen Home in Tarboro is Sold. (my great grandfather)
Via Cousin Colby

Above enlarges
Columbia/Swiss/Negro (My G Uncle, G & GG Grandfathers)
3. 1877. "In the meantime the fact that the
Negroes constituted such a great majority gave indications that radical
domination might continue. Especially this was true in regard to town
administration. This field of activity offered a greater opportunity in
exercising tact and ingenuity than that of county or state politics.
To meet this political emergency arose William Mayo Pippen.(
my great grandfather) He traveled to New York City after the War in his
Confederate uniform as that was all he possessed, asked a friend of his
father's if he would lend him money to start a mercantile shop in
Tarboro, which he did, and was so successful that he built the *William Mayo Pippen House beside the library in 1870 while acquiring numerous other lots.)
He conceived a plan by which the whites could control town affairs in
The old citizens will recall that prior to1875, there were no
wards or districts in the town of Tarboro; in fact, no such provision
had been anticipated in the town charter. (1760) A census of the city
showed that the Negroes had the majority and invariably elected all
three commissioners. Mr.Pippen appeared
before the State Legislature and succeeded in having the charter
amended, dividing the town into three wards. The first and second wards
contained the majority of whites in the central part of town, while the
third ward included the suburbs, where the Negroes lived. This placed
the Negroes in a position to carry only one ward, and the whites the
remaining two wards, and Negro domination collapsed."
The Culture War Comes to the Old Dominion

Since 1969, "Virginia Is for Lovers" has been the tourism and travel slogan of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Advertising Age called it "one of the most iconic ad campaigns in the past 50 years."
But the Virginia of 2020 seems to be another country than the friendly commonwealth to which this writer moved four decades ago.
Charlottesville, home to Thomas Jefferson's University of Virginia, has become famous as the site of a 2017 Klan-Nazi clash with antifa over the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee from a municipal park. During the clash, protester Heather Heyer was run over and killed.
Since 1969, "Virginia Is for Lovers" has been the tourism and travel slogan of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Advertising Age called it "one of the most iconic ad campaigns in the past 50 years."
But the Virginia of 2020 seems to be another country than the friendly commonwealth to which this writer moved four decades ago.
Charlottesville, home to Thomas Jefferson's University of Virginia, has become famous as the site of a 2017 Klan-Nazi clash with antifa over the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee from a municipal park. During the clash, protester Heather Heyer was run over and killed.
More @ Creators
"Mexico is the greatest threat to the US and not Iran per Ann Coulter and Colonel MacGregor."
Via Reborn
Nor any child rapes, Medicare frauds, heroin dealing or general anti-social behavior making life in America such a pleasure these days.
Even the 9/11 report could tie Iran to the attacks only on the thin reed of several hijackers passing through Iran on their way to the U.S. — where our customs officials welcomed all 19 of them with open arms.
Thirteen of the 19 terrorists had been given Florida drivers’ licenses. If we’re going back to 9/11, maybe Trump should consider dropping a drone on Jeb Bush.

While listening to news reports of what a monstrous threat Iran is, I’ve been wracking my brain to think of a single terrorist attack in this country committed by an Iranian. If there is one, now would be a good time to mention it! But I can’t find any.Mexican heroin killed at least 14,000 Americans last year. Mexican fentanyl and methamphetamine killed about 10,000 to 14,000. Hispanic drunk drivers -- Mexicans or other Hispanics given safe passage to the U.S. through Mexico -- kill about 3,000 Americans every year.
Nor any child rapes, Medicare frauds, heroin dealing or general anti-social behavior making life in America such a pleasure these days.
Even the 9/11 report could tie Iran to the attacks only on the thin reed of several hijackers passing through Iran on their way to the U.S. — where our customs officials welcomed all 19 of them with open arms.
Thirteen of the 19 terrorists had been given Florida drivers’ licenses. If we’re going back to 9/11, maybe Trump should consider dropping a drone on Jeb Bush.
More @ What Did You Say?
Princeville to get $39.6 million for levee project
Via Thomas R Maahs
The U.S. Army Corp of Engineers announced Thursday that Princeville will receive $39.6 million for a flood mitigation levee project that has long been needed.
Congressman G.K. Butterfield along with senators Richard Burr and Senator Thom Tillis made the announcement in press releases. Specifically, the funding will be used to better mitigate flood risks by increasing the elevations of highways and installing levees around the Tar River.
Princeville has suffered extensive flooding from Hurricane Floyd, Hurricane Matthew and Hurricane Florence.

The U.S. Army Corp of Engineers announced Thursday that Princeville will receive $39.6 million for a flood mitigation levee project that has long been needed.
Congressman G.K. Butterfield along with senators Richard Burr and Senator Thom Tillis made the announcement in press releases. Specifically, the funding will be used to better mitigate flood risks by increasing the elevations of highways and installing levees around the Tar River.
Princeville has suffered extensive flooding from Hurricane Floyd, Hurricane Matthew and Hurricane Florence.
More @ WRAL
Franchesca's Homemade Jewelry

Support your local artist!🌻🌊🌞
All original work right outta #emeraldislenc 🔮✨
Feel free to message about pricing!
Owner: @frannichole
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