Saturday, December 8, 2018
Lawmakers Call For A Second Special Counsel As Evidence of Alleged Crimes Mount in Russia Investigation
Via Billy
President Donald Trump announced Friday that he will nominate William P. Barr for Attorney General but what does this mean when it comes to the insurmountable evidence uncovered by Congressional Committees and the Department of Justice Inspector General regarding the FBI’s handling of the Russia probe into the Trump campaign?
Over the past two years Republican and Democratic lawmakers have waged battles both behind closed doors and in public, which have exposed startling evidence of possible malfeasance within the FBI, as well as mounting concerns regarding conflicts of interest, back channeling of information within the DOJ and possible criminal violations regarding the FBI’s dealings with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.
But with Democrats taking over the House next year, Republicans will be limited in their scope to investigate and will lose their power to subpoena witnesses. The party, will in effect, be at the mercy of Democrats. So where does this leave the Republican’s ongoing investigation into the FBI’s handling of the Russia probe and Hillary Clinton’s use of private servers for government business?
President Donald Trump announced Friday that he will nominate William P. Barr for Attorney General but what does this mean when it comes to the insurmountable evidence uncovered by Congressional Committees and the Department of Justice Inspector General regarding the FBI’s handling of the Russia probe into the Trump campaign?
Over the past two years Republican and Democratic lawmakers have waged battles both behind closed doors and in public, which have exposed startling evidence of possible malfeasance within the FBI, as well as mounting concerns regarding conflicts of interest, back channeling of information within the DOJ and possible criminal violations regarding the FBI’s dealings with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.
But with Democrats taking over the House next year, Republicans will be limited in their scope to investigate and will lose their power to subpoena witnesses. The party, will in effect, be at the mercy of Democrats. So where does this leave the Republican’s ongoing investigation into the FBI’s handling of the Russia probe and Hillary Clinton’s use of private servers for government business?
More @ Sara Carter
Stoop, angels, hither from the skies!
It’s impossible to explain to a Yankee what “tacky” is. They simply have no word for it up north, but my God, do they ever need one. – Pat Conroy
CHARLESTON, S. C., 1867.
Sleep, martyrs of a fallen cause;
Though yet no marble column craves
The pilgrim here to pause.
In seeds of laurel in the earth
The blossom of your fame is blown,
And somewhere, waiting for its birth,
The shaft is in the stone!
Meanwhile, behalf the tardy years
Which keep in trust your storied tombs,
Behold! your sisters bring their tears,
And these memorial blooms.
Small tributes! but your shades will smile
More proudly on these wreaths to-day,
Than when some cannon-moulded pile
Shall overlook this bay.
Stoop, angels, hither from the skies!
There is no holier spot of ground
Than where defeated valor lies,
By mourning beauty crowned!
The best biography on Timrod is Walter Brian Cisco, Henry Timrod: A Biography
See also The Poems of Henry Timrod.
More @ The Abbeville Institute
The Foundation of “Civil Rights” (that you will never get from the “history” books)
After the Confederate States of America succumbed to Yankee/Marxist might in 1865 (the Confederacy never officially surrendered) there arose a mighty clamour for “civil rights” for blacks in the South. Notice that there was no similar clamour for them in the North–only in the South! With the returning remnants of the Confederate army came yet another “army”–the Yankee/Marxist rabble, er, pardon me, I meant the Yankee army of occupation–composed of Northern public education proponents, slick politicians, carpetbagger fortune hunters, and the ever-present Freedmen’s Bureau.
More @ Revised History
Comey’s confession: dossier not verified & Rosenstein most dishonest lawyer in America + Mueller Report: NO EVIDENCE POTUS DID ANYTHING WRONG
Cherokee Slaves
Slaveholding among the Cherokees had greatly increased in the years after 1839, and by 1860 there were nearly 4000 African slaves among 21,000 Cherokee — with 10 percent owning more than one slave. Had the Cherokee sided with the North in 1861, they would have kept their slaves.
Bernhard Thuersam, The Great American Political Divide
Cherokee Slaves
“The institution of black slavery among the Cherokees had a major impact on their economic growth after 1839 as well as on the emerging division between full-bloods and mixed bloods. It also dealt a fatal blow to Cherokee sovereignty after 1861, forcing the nation to choose between siding with the Union or the Confederacy.
While Indian tradition had for centuries allowed a form of slavery for captured enemies, the southeastern Indians never had much economic use for Indian captives. Probably as many captives were adopted into the tribe of their captors as were enslaved, and more were simply killed in rituals of tribal vengeance.
Prior to 1794 the cheap labor of Africans had been of small use to a people whose chief income came from skill in hunting furs and hides and whose agricultural needs were easily provided by the communally cultivated farms tended by women, children and old men. From 1794 to 1822, the federal government gave the men plows, hoes and seeds . . . [Those] who could afford it found that owning slaves provided many advantages, especially in a free-market, profit-oriented economy.
[A new] creation myth developed among the southeastern Indians after 1790 that explained that when the Great Spirit first created red, white and black people, he had given bows and arrows to the red man, paper and pens to the white man, and hoes and axes to the black man. This myth legitimized the servant role for blacks in southeastern Indian culture; it smoothed the transition for Indian males from warriors to slave masters. Being true to Cherokee ethnic values was the paramount issue; they never viewed Africans as their brothers.
After removal to the West, Cherokees who owned slaves found it far easier to resettle than those who had no slaves. Slave labor built their new homes, cleared their land, fenced their gardens and pastures, cultivated their fields, planted and gathered their crops, and tended their herds of cattle, horses and sheep.”
(After the Trail of Tears: The Cherokee Struggle for Sovereignty, 1839-1880, William McLoughlin, UNC Press, 1993, excerpts pp. 121-125)
The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States Taxpayers by State

A continually growing population of illegal aliens, along with the federal government’s ineffective efforts to secure our borders, present significant national security and public safety threats to the United States. They also have a severely negative impact on the nation’s taxpayers at the local, state, and national levels. Illegal immigration costs Americans billions of dollars each year. Illegal aliens are net consumers of taxpayer-funded services and the limited taxes paid by some segments of the illegal alien population are, in no way, significant enough to offset the growing financial burdens imposed on U.S. taxpayers by massive numbers of uninvited guests. This study examines the fiscal impact of illegal aliens as reflected in both federal and state budgets.
More with state by state map @ FAIR
CRIMINAL ACT: Democrat Ocasio-Cortez Broke 42 US Code § 1983 By Threatening Donald Trump Jr. with Retaliation Over Snarky Meme
Via Billy
On Friday Donald Trump Jr. mocked dimwitted Socialist Alexandrea Ocasio-Cortez on Instagram with a popular meme that is going around social media.
Ocasio-Cortez: Why are you so afraid of a socialist economy?
President Trump: Because Americans want to walk their dogs, not eat them.
More @ The Gateway Pundit
South Korean Lawmaker Blasted For Saying ‘Koreans Prefer Vietnamese Women’
Via Lê Bá Dzũng
A South Korean official from the ruling Democratic Party of Korea
recently made some remarks many have found to be demeaning against
Vietnamese women.
Rep. Lee Hae-chan was meeting with a high-level Vietnamese delegation led by Deputy Prime Minister Trinh Dinh Dung on Monday when he uttered the allegedly inappropriate comments.
“A lot of Korean men marry Vietnamese women because they prefer them over women of other countries,” Lee was quoted as saying when he met the Vietnamese officials at his office.
I don't see anything demeaning in the statement, just a fact.
Rep. Lee Hae-chan was meeting with a high-level Vietnamese delegation led by Deputy Prime Minister Trinh Dinh Dung on Monday when he uttered the allegedly inappropriate comments.
“A lot of Korean men marry Vietnamese women because they prefer them over women of other countries,” Lee was quoted as saying when he met the Vietnamese officials at his office.
More @ Next Sharp
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