Thursday, February 12, 2015
Ted Cruz introduces bill to leave marriage to the states
Via Billy
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) is calling on his colleagues to pass a bill that would make same sex marriage a state issue.
Cruz, along with 11 other Republican senators, re-introduced the State Marriage Defense Act on Tuesday, which aims to allow states to adopt their own definitions of marriage and would block the federal government from applying its own definition of marriage onto states.
“Even though the Supreme Court made clear in United States v.
Windsor that the federal government should defer to state ‘choices
about who may be married,’ the Obama Administration has disregarded
state marriage laws enacted by democratically-elected legislatures to
uphold traditional marriage,” Cruz said in a press release.
He added, “I support traditional marriage and we should reject attempts by the Obama Administration to force same-sex marriage on all 50 states. The State Marriage Defense Act helps safeguard the ability of states to preserve traditional marriage for their citizens.”
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) is calling on his colleagues to pass a bill that would make same sex marriage a state issue.
Cruz, along with 11 other Republican senators, re-introduced the State Marriage Defense Act on Tuesday, which aims to allow states to adopt their own definitions of marriage and would block the federal government from applying its own definition of marriage onto states.
He added, “I support traditional marriage and we should reject attempts by the Obama Administration to force same-sex marriage on all 50 states. The State Marriage Defense Act helps safeguard the ability of states to preserve traditional marriage for their citizens.”
Excellent read: MS State Senate Rumble: Chris McDaniel, Conservatives Expose GOP Establishment’s Common Core Support
Via avordvet
The Republican establishment in Mississippi must wish state Sen. Chris McDaniel was in Washington. Instead, he’s a conservative force in Jackson, and just helped lead the attack against some misleading legislation about Common Core.
The political establishment in Mississippi put forward a piece of legislation through former Senate Education Committee chairman state Sen. Videt Carmichael—a close ally of former Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour’s—that purported to kill Common Core in Mississippi.
“Basically, Common Core is gone if you pass this,” Carmichael said about his bill—according to the Jackson Clarion Ledger—while it was being considered in his old Education Committee, now chaired by state Sen. Gray Tollison.
But all the legislation really does, Mississippi Tea Party president Laura Van Overschelde explains, is create a task force that makes recommendations to the state Board of Education—recommendations that board can, and probably would, ignore.
The Republican establishment in Mississippi must wish state Sen. Chris McDaniel was in Washington. Instead, he’s a conservative force in Jackson, and just helped lead the attack against some misleading legislation about Common Core.
The political establishment in Mississippi put forward a piece of legislation through former Senate Education Committee chairman state Sen. Videt Carmichael—a close ally of former Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour’s—that purported to kill Common Core in Mississippi.
“Basically, Common Core is gone if you pass this,” Carmichael said about his bill—according to the Jackson Clarion Ledger—while it was being considered in his old Education Committee, now chaired by state Sen. Gray Tollison.
But all the legislation really does, Mississippi Tea Party president Laura Van Overschelde explains, is create a task force that makes recommendations to the state Board of Education—recommendations that board can, and probably would, ignore.
More @ Breitbart
U.S. Senator says millions of Americans are 'arming against the government'
Via avordvet
United States Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) has never seen a proposed new infringement on that which shall not be infringed that he hasn't liked, so it should come as no surprise that he is enthusiastically on board with a pair of bills recently introduced in Congress that would impose a five-year prison term for acquiring an 11-round magazine. S.407/H.R. 752, the "Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Device Act of 2015," introduced by Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) and Representative Elizabeth Etsy (D-CT) respectively, would even ban the practice of attaching two of the "acceptable" capacity magazines together:
United States Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) has never seen a proposed new infringement on that which shall not be infringed that he hasn't liked, so it should come as no surprise that he is enthusiastically on board with a pair of bills recently introduced in Congress that would impose a five-year prison term for acquiring an 11-round magazine. S.407/H.R. 752, the "Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Device Act of 2015," introduced by Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) and Representative Elizabeth Etsy (D-CT) respectively, would even ban the practice of attaching two of the "acceptable" capacity magazines together:
More @ Examiner
Did the White House Know Where ISIS Hostages Were Being Held for Months?
Fox News' Chief Intelligence Correspondent Fox News, Catherine Herridge, reported earlier in the week that Obama administration officials were in possession of "very specific intelligence" pertaining to the precise location where ISIS terrorists were holding a group of Western hostages, including since-murdered Americans James Foley, Steven Sotloff and Kayla Mueller. Herridge's sources said the eventual rescue mission was launched seven weeks after the hostages' location was identified, significantly longer than the 30-day delay reported last summer by Tony Harnden. The intelligence gathered had reportedly nailed down the exact building where the kidnapped parties were being held:
More @ Townhall
Army OKs Sex-Change Hormones for "Chelsea" Manning
Chelsea Manning, serving a 35-year in prison for leaking hundreds of thousands of government files, has been approved to receive hormone therapy for transition to a woman at the Army's Fort Leavenworth prison, USA Today reports.
The approval for the formerly named Army Pvt. Bradley Manning is a first for the Army, the newspaper notes.
More @ Newsmax
Veterans Today: Dubious sources and fake twists
Via Frank
We are posting this because we sometimes get e-mails or comments linking to has a sizable following, as many fake websites do. VeteransToday routinely re-prints articles from Pravda, a former Soviet owned mouthpiece, and the Iranian PressTV. Both Pravda and PressTV print so much fake news that they can not be taken seriously.
The owner of openly admits that a large portion of the website are fake stories or real stories with fake elements. The worst part about VeteransToday is they use the motto “turn off the fake news.” When questioned about fake articles, Senior Editor Gordon Duff has an outlandish excuse. He says he has to publish fake articles or the government would kill him for his real ones.
There is a growing problem with fake news sites that prey on the right-wing. The most notorious is, which is being run to embarrass conservatives. Someone with a career in conservative media has told this webmaster that received start-up funding from a Soros Group. I am investigating the claim.
Other sites like are “click bait.” They take real stories and add a fake picture or fake element. The purpose of “click bait” sites is to get viral social media sharing and then profit off of advertising. When you share a story on social media, check the source. Do not contribute to the viral sharing of these sites. Tell the person that it is a fake site.
We are posting this because we sometimes get e-mails or comments linking to has a sizable following, as many fake websites do. VeteransToday routinely re-prints articles from Pravda, a former Soviet owned mouthpiece, and the Iranian PressTV. Both Pravda and PressTV print so much fake news that they can not be taken seriously.
The owner of openly admits that a large portion of the website are fake stories or real stories with fake elements. The worst part about VeteransToday is they use the motto “turn off the fake news.” When questioned about fake articles, Senior Editor Gordon Duff has an outlandish excuse. He says he has to publish fake articles or the government would kill him for his real ones.
There is a growing problem with fake news sites that prey on the right-wing. The most notorious is, which is being run to embarrass conservatives. Someone with a career in conservative media has told this webmaster that received start-up funding from a Soros Group. I am investigating the claim.
Other sites like are “click bait.” They take real stories and add a fake picture or fake element. The purpose of “click bait” sites is to get viral social media sharing and then profit off of advertising. When you share a story on social media, check the source. Do not contribute to the viral sharing of these sites. Tell the person that it is a fake site.
More @ Conservative Headlines
BO's Blinding Islamophilia: The REAL National Security Threat
Via Kearney
Islamophile: One who is so enchanted by Islam as to be under the influence of its tenets.
In 2009, I noted that Barack Hussein Obama’s remarkably brief White House bio began with this fallacious assertion: “His story is the American story – values from the heartland, a middle-class upbringing in a strong family…” And you can make up the rest.
Amazingly, his [BIG Lie](] bio page has not been altered since then.
So, in an effort to better understand who Obama really is, and where his religious alliances fall, let’s briefly review.
Islamophile: One who is so enchanted by Islam as to be under the influence of its tenets.
In 2009, I noted that Barack Hussein Obama’s remarkably brief White House bio began with this fallacious assertion: “His story is the American story – values from the heartland, a middle-class upbringing in a strong family…” And you can make up the rest.
Amazingly, his [BIG Lie](] bio page has not been altered since then.
So, in an effort to better understand who Obama really is, and where his religious alliances fall, let’s briefly review.
More @ The Patriot Post
'Breaking Bark': Drug Agents Eye Syrup Makers As Meth Lab
Via Cousin Bill
A Union County, Illinois family got a surprise on a Wednesday morning in February of 2013 as drug agents swarmed their property.
According to KFVS-TV, "I heard the dogs barking. And I knew that meant somebody was outside the house," said Laura Benson. "And I looked out the windows and I seen a truck coming up the driveway fairly fast. And an Anna police car right behind it."
Laura says she couldn't believe her ears when she heard the drug agents say they suspect a meth lab on her property.
A Union County, Illinois family got a surprise on a Wednesday morning in February of 2013 as drug agents swarmed their property.
According to KFVS-TV, "I heard the dogs barking. And I knew that meant somebody was outside the house," said Laura Benson. "And I looked out the windows and I seen a truck coming up the driveway fairly fast. And an Anna police car right behind it."
Laura says she couldn't believe her ears when she heard the drug agents say they suspect a meth lab on her property.
More with video @ CNS News
Intel officials tight-lipped on American militant fighters back in US, admit tracking is difficult
U.S. intelligence officials declined to say Wednesday exactly how many Americans who went overseas to fight with foreign militant groups have returned to U.S. soil to pose a terror threat -- but acknowledged difficulties in identifying them and noted some have likely returned undetected.
“We know what we know, but we understand there is intelligence we don’t have,” Nicholas Rasmussen, the director of the National Counterterrorism Center, testified on Capitol Hill. “But it’s possible there are great numbers.”
More @ Fox
Marathon talks produce Ukraine peace deal; cease-fire Sunday
In the rebel stronghold of Donetsk, residents who have seen their city pounded daily by artillery since late May were skeptical of the deal.
"We will see whether there will be a cease-fire or not," Tatyana Griedzheva said. "You have seen it with your own eyes, the kind of cease-fire that we have already had."
Being broken in 5, 4 ,...........................
Guns would fall silent, heavy weapons would pull back from the front
and Ukraine would trade broad autonomy for the east to get back control
of its Russian border by the end of 2015 under a peace deal hammered out
Thursday in all-night negotiations between Russia, Ukraine, France and
Russian President Vladimir Putin told reporters that the agreement envisages a cease-fire beginning Sunday (2200 GMT (5 p.m. EST) Saturday) as well as a special status for Ukraine's separatist regions and provisions to address border concerns and humanitarian issues.
More @ Townhall
‘Shut The Damn Thing Down’
Via Bill
Speaking at the American Spectator Gala in Washington D.C. last night, Sen. Rand Paul delighted the crowd with a strong anti-government speech.
He began with a defense of the government shutdown in 2013, pointing out that many Americans in “fly-over country” didn’t really care, and only a third of government was shut down at the time.
Paul blamed Obama for shutting down national parks and national monuments to raise public concern, praising World War II veterans for ignoring the barriers placed in front of their monument in Washington D.C.
“I tell people who don’t understand America, don’t understand that we need to shut the damn thing down, I tell people the image you need to remember is when the World War II veterans got off their bus, took their wire cutters, cut the barricades, and threw them on the lawn,” he said.

Speaking at the American Spectator Gala in Washington D.C. last night, Sen. Rand Paul delighted the crowd with a strong anti-government speech.
He began with a defense of the government shutdown in 2013, pointing out that many Americans in “fly-over country” didn’t really care, and only a third of government was shut down at the time.
Paul blamed Obama for shutting down national parks and national monuments to raise public concern, praising World War II veterans for ignoring the barriers placed in front of their monument in Washington D.C.
“I tell people who don’t understand America, don’t understand that we need to shut the damn thing down, I tell people the image you need to remember is when the World War II veterans got off their bus, took their wire cutters, cut the barricades, and threw them on the lawn,” he said.
More @ Breitbart
Did Obama really say: ‘I will stand with the Muslims?’
Via Michael
Via Joe
Do words matter? I think they do. I think we all need to take a man at his word. Barack Obama’s words from his own life story are under debate, yet should be of interest to all of us. Many conservatives attribute these words to Obama from his autobiography, “I will stand with the Muslims.”
Those were not his exact words. But his actions indicate it is exactly what he meant.
Many defenders of Obama say that is too simplistic of an interpretation and the words have been taken out of context. The reference came in a paragraph where Obama discussed prejudice against different races and religions. He made it clear that it’s unfair for people to jump to conclusions and tar all members of one race or religion with the deeds of one small group of people. Defenders of Obama believe he promised only to defend Muslims against that kind of prejudice. They interpret his words to mean he promised to defend Muslims against the kind of unfair internment faced by Japanese-Americans during World War II.
Via Joe
Do words matter? I think they do. I think we all need to take a man at his word. Barack Obama’s words from his own life story are under debate, yet should be of interest to all of us. Many conservatives attribute these words to Obama from his autobiography, “I will stand with the Muslims.”
Those were not his exact words. But his actions indicate it is exactly what he meant.
Many defenders of Obama say that is too simplistic of an interpretation and the words have been taken out of context. The reference came in a paragraph where Obama discussed prejudice against different races and religions. He made it clear that it’s unfair for people to jump to conclusions and tar all members of one race or religion with the deeds of one small group of people. Defenders of Obama believe he promised only to defend Muslims against that kind of prejudice. They interpret his words to mean he promised to defend Muslims against the kind of unfair internment faced by Japanese-Americans during World War II.
More @ Personal Liberty
Misunderstood Merrill
In 1962, a film starring Jeff Chandler brought a new hero into the American pantheon: Brgadier General (later MG) Frank D. Merrill, leader of the eponymous Merrill’s Marauders. Theater-goers watched Chandler and a cast of TV actors defeat the Japs heroically in the low-budget movie, and then Chandler’s character, beloved by his men, collapses of a heart attack. The movie was a huge success, in part because it was Chandler’s last — the 42-year-old wasn’t faking pain on the set, he was acting with an injured back, and then he had the sour luck to die during what should have been routine back surgery after the film wrapped.
As often is the case with movies, the connection with reality is a bit thin. Merill’s Marauders did do some amazing things, as a long-range penetration unit modeled on Orde Wingate’s Chindits; but Merrill’s own connection with the unit was tenuous and intermittent, despite his being the nominal commander.
The guy who trained the volunteers? It wasn’t Merrill.
The guy who led the unit in combat, through its bleakest days? That wasn’t him either.
Merrill wasn’t a Stolen Valor case, exactly; he wasn’t absent for dishonorable reasons, but because he was, in the first place, appointed late as commander, and then, he had persistent heart trouble that took him off the line.
But Merrill could have done the honorable thing, and said a few good words about the man who actually did all the stuff that Jeff Chandler portrayed Merrill as doing, Lt. Col. Charles N. Hunter. Instead, he seldom missed a chance to run down the man, despite (or because of?) Merrill’s legend being based on Hunter’s deeds. Nothing I detest more.
In 1962, a film starring Jeff Chandler brought a new hero into the American pantheon: Brgadier General (later MG) Frank D. Merrill, leader of the eponymous Merrill’s Marauders. Theater-goers watched Chandler and a cast of TV actors defeat the Japs heroically in the low-budget movie, and then Chandler’s character, beloved by his men, collapses of a heart attack. The movie was a huge success, in part because it was Chandler’s last — the 42-year-old wasn’t faking pain on the set, he was acting with an injured back, and then he had the sour luck to die during what should have been routine back surgery after the film wrapped.
As often is the case with movies, the connection with reality is a bit thin. Merill’s Marauders did do some amazing things, as a long-range penetration unit modeled on Orde Wingate’s Chindits; but Merrill’s own connection with the unit was tenuous and intermittent, despite his being the nominal commander.
The guy who trained the volunteers? It wasn’t Merrill.
The guy who led the unit in combat, through its bleakest days? That wasn’t him either.
Merrill wasn’t a Stolen Valor case, exactly; he wasn’t absent for dishonorable reasons, but because he was, in the first place, appointed late as commander, and then, he had persistent heart trouble that took him off the line.
But Merrill could have done the honorable thing, and said a few good words about the man who actually did all the stuff that Jeff Chandler portrayed Merrill as doing, Lt. Col. Charles N. Hunter. Instead, he seldom missed a chance to run down the man, despite (or because of?) Merrill’s legend being based on Hunter’s deeds. Nothing I detest more.
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