Saturday, April 19, 2014
Top 10 Reasons to Vote Democrat in 2014
I can only take credit for #10, but thought you’d get a kick out of this.
10. I’ll vote Democrat because I can’t wait for college football season to be delayed or cancelled because the student athletes are union employees.
9. I’ll vote Democrat because I believe oil company’s profits of 4% on a gallon of gas are obscene, but the government taxing the same gallon of gas at 15% isn’t.
8. I’ll vote Democrat because I believe the government will do a better job of spending the money I earn than I would.
7. I’ll vote Democrat because Freedom of Speech is fine as long as nobody is offended by it.
6. I’ll vote Democrat because I’m way too irresponsible to own a gun, and I know that my local police are all I need to protect me from murderers and thieves. I am also thankful that we have a 911 service that get police to your home in order to identify your body after a home invasion.
5. I’ll vote Democrat because I’m not concerned about millions of babies being aborted so long as we keep all death row inmates alive and comfy.
4. I’ll vote Democrat because I think illegal aliens have a right to free health care, education, and Social Security benefits, and we should take away the Social Security from those who paid into it.
3. I’ll vote Democrat because I believe that businesses should NOT be allowed to make profits for themselves. They need to break even and give the rest away to the government for redistribution as the Democrats see fit.
2. I’ll vote Democrat because I believe liberal judges need to rewrite the Constitution every few days to suit some fringe kooks who would never get their agendas past the voters.
And the Number One reason I’ll vote Democrat is:
1. I’ll vote Democrat because I think that it’s better to pay billions for oil to people who hate us, but not drill our own because it might upset some endangered beetle, gopher, fish or frog.
Common Core Math
The dumbing down of America is accelerating. A massive federal takeover of education known as “Common Core” is attempting to impose nationwide academic standards on public schools throughout the entire country. Thanks to the backing of billionaire Bill Gates, endless promotion by the U.S. Department of Education, and financial bribes to state governments by the Obama administration, 45 states and Washington, D.C. have already agreed to implement the full Common Core standards in their schools. Unfortunately, these “standards” are doing to public education what Obamacare is doing to our health care system – absolutely ruining it.
More @ Freedom Outpost
Potential World Record Mako Shark Caught on Gulf Coast Beach
Here’s a bit of advice to any angler who catches a potential record-breaking fish and wants to keep it hush-hush: don’t leave the fish draped out in the back of a pickup truck while making a pit stop for gas in broad daylight.
Florida anglers Earnie and Joey Polk learned that lesson the hard way this week after they teamed up to land an incredible 11-foot long, 805-pound shortfin mako Tuesday night. They wanted to keep the catch a secret, but the shark exceeded their pickup’s bed capacity. A protruding dorsal fin and tail draped over an open tailgate attracted onlookers when the cousins stopped for fuel. A candid photograph of Joey at the pump landed on Facebook and has since gone viral.
Though the cousins told the Pensacola News Journal they’re keeping the exact location of their catch a secret, they did reveal that they hooked the shark off a Gulf Coast beach around 10:30 p.m. and fought it for about an hour before bringing it to shore.
More @ Field & Stream
Charlie Daniels: Harry Reid should be in jail for 'impersonating an American'
Via avordvet
On Thursday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid called supporters of the Bundy ranch "domestic terrorists" and questioned their patriotism. Country music star Charlie Daniels responded the same day with a tweet saying Reid should be in jail for "impersonating an American."
"Harry Reid you should be put in jail for impersonating an American," he tweeted.
"Ouch!" the Twitchy staff wrote. A number of people agreed.
"AMEN Charlie!! I second that motion," one person said.
"Please keep the light shined on this cockroach @SenatorReid & his punk kids too @CharlieDaniels -you've got a powerful torch to do it," another person added.
On Thursday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid called supporters of the Bundy ranch "domestic terrorists" and questioned their patriotism. Country music star Charlie Daniels responded the same day with a tweet saying Reid should be in jail for "impersonating an American."
"Harry Reid you should be put in jail for impersonating an American," he tweeted.
"Ouch!" the Twitchy staff wrote. A number of people agreed.
"AMEN Charlie!! I second that motion," one person said.
"Please keep the light shined on this cockroach @SenatorReid & his punk kids too @CharlieDaniels -you've got a powerful torch to do it," another person added.
More @ Examiner
FEDS SEIZE FAMILY’S RANCH: Warn neighbors not to enter: Sheriff warns Feds
Via avordvet
Laney was not surprised. He knew someday there would be an on-the-ground confrontation to enforce a 1997 court ruling which says his cattle are trespassing on federal land. That day has arrived.
Laney insists the land in question belongs to him; the Forest Service says it belongs to the federal government. So far, the federal court is on the side of the Forest Service. But Laney is not willing to throw in the towel and give up the land that has been in his family since long before there was a U.S. Forest Service.
Moreover, in New Mexico, there is a “brand law” that says, essentially, no cattle may be sold or transported out of state without approval from the State Livestock Board.
Local sheriff Cliff Snyder has notified the Forest Service and other state and federal officials that even though the Forest Service has a court order authorizing the confiscation of the Diamond Bar cattle, they “cannot be shipped and sold without being in direct violation of NM Statute.”
When Kit Laney answered a knock on his door Saturday, law enforcement officers from the U.S. Forest Service handed him a piece of paper announcing his Diamond Bar Ranch in southwest New Mexico would be shut down Wednesday and his 300 head of cattle grazing there would be removed – one way or the other.
Other Forest Service officials were busy nailing similar notices on fence posts along the highway and informing neighbors that after Feb. 11, they should not attempt to enter the Diamond Bar property.
Laney was not surprised. He knew someday there would be an on-the-ground confrontation to enforce a 1997 court ruling which says his cattle are trespassing on federal land. That day has arrived.
Laney insists the land in question belongs to him; the Forest Service says it belongs to the federal government. So far, the federal court is on the side of the Forest Service. But Laney is not willing to throw in the towel and give up the land that has been in his family since long before there was a U.S. Forest Service.
Moreover, in New Mexico, there is a “brand law” that says, essentially, no cattle may be sold or transported out of state without approval from the State Livestock Board.
Local sheriff Cliff Snyder has notified the Forest Service and other state and federal officials that even though the Forest Service has a court order authorizing the confiscation of the Diamond Bar cattle, they “cannot be shipped and sold without being in direct violation of NM Statute.”
More @ Tea Party Tribune
Patriotic organizations of Greensboro Honor North Carolina Veterans
Captain John Sloan of the Guilford Grays
has members in at least 34 patriotic groups. Of these the Guilford
County Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy (1899) was
among the first to be active locally. It grew out of two earlier
organizations which had been dedicated to the same basic objectives – to
honor the Confederate dead and to further the ideals for which they
first group – the Ladies Memorial Association -- was formed in 1866 by
local women. They had been moved by the tragedy of wounded Confederate
soldiers who had been brought to Greensboro after the Battle of
Bentonville, 234 of whom, all save 4 unknown by name, had died in the
homes, churches and schools of Greensboro, and had been buried in a mass
grave at the edge of town.
[A]ssociation, under the leadership of Mrs. John A. Gretter, purchased a
plot adjoining the Methodist Church cemetery on Ashe Street and honored
these dead with proper burial. Many years later when the Eclectic Club,
working with a Confederate committee, had laid the soldiers to final
rest in Green Hill Cemetery, the Ladies Memorial Association then raised
to their memory a granite monument which supports a bronze statue of a
Confederate soldier.
North Carolina War Between the States Sesquicentennial
“Unsurpassed Valor, Courage, and devotion to liberty”
“The Official Website of the North Carolina War Between the States Sesquicentennial Commission
Putin Makes it Clear: Invading Ukraine is On the Table
Russia: President Putin emphasized on Thursday that the upper chamber of Parliament had authorized him to use military force if necessary in eastern Ukraine, and he asserted Russia's historical claim to the territory in language not often used before. Mr. Putin repeatedly referred to eastern Ukraine as 'New Russia' - as the area north of the Black Sea was known after it was conquered by the Russian Empire in the late 1700s.
Comment: Putin's timing relative to the Geneva negotiations is exquisite. His statement serves as the backdrop to the Russian negotiating position. He made it clear that nothing done in Geneva restricts his right and responsibility to protect Russians in eastern Ukraine.
Ukraine: Kiev regime President Oleksandr Turchynov directed the Defense Ministry to disestablish the 25th Airborne Brigade. He accused its personnel of showing cowardice and of surrendering their weapons, according to the Ukrainian News Agency.
Comment: The 25th Airborne surrendered its armored vehicles and weapons because it's colonel would not direct the unit to fire on Ukrainian civilians. He said he was told the unit's mission was to fight terrorists.Turchynov has invited a revolt by the Ukrainian army.
The regime in Kiev also issued orders to its border guards that all Russian men between 16 and 60 were banned from entering Ukraine. A letter to this effect was also sent to the Russian airline Aeroflot. All Crimeans also are banned from entering Ukraine. The justification is that the Kiev regime wants to keep out "undesirable individuals" and to reduce the risk of terrorist acts.
Russia has called the policy racist and discriminatory.
Comment: This is the latest manifestation of the Kiev regime's compulsion to annoy the Russians and shorten its time in office by its own hands.
More @ Townhall
Released Army ranger: Remember imprisoned colleagues: 'Leavenworth 10' seen as 'victims of untenable rules of engagement'
Released on parole after serving five years at the U.S. Disciplinary Barracks at Ft. Leavenworth for killing an al-Qaida terrorist, Army Ranger Michael Behenna doesn’t want the nation to forget the nine military service members with similar stories who remain at the Kansas penitentiary.
In an interview Thursday with Michael Savage, who called Behenna “an American hero unfairly charged and convicted,” the former first lieutenant noted he was among what activists call “The Leavenworth 10,” soldiers or Marines incarcerated at Ft. Leavenworth for killing members of al-Qaida or Iraqi insurgents.
Savage told Behenna: “You’re such a soldier, you don’t want to leave anyone behind.”
The website for “The Leavenworth 10,” who are serving from 10 to 40 years in prison, says “they and their families have fallen victim to the untenable Rules of Engagement, demoralizing ‘Catch and Release’ policies, and climate of political correctness that govern our troops’ actions while trying to survive a combat zone.”
More @ WND
$PLC: White supremacist website ‘breeding ground for deranged’
Via Frank
Nine individuals who regularly posted comments on the white
supremacist forum Stormfront were found guilty of murdering almost 100
people over the past half-decade, according to a report released today
by the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Coming less than a week after Frazier Glenn Miller, 73, allegedly killed three people at two Jewish centers in Kansas last weekend, SPLC released a report that calls Stormfront a “magnet and breeding ground for the deadly and the deranged.”
Coming less than a week after Frazier Glenn Miller, 73, allegedly killed three people at two Jewish centers in Kansas last weekend, SPLC released a report that calls Stormfront a “magnet and breeding ground for the deadly and the deranged.”
More @ Russia Today
That Kodak Moment
Via Tom
More @ Ten Smiths

First off, thanks to everyone that showed up and those that continue to hang in there in this endeavor. It definitely has made a difference. You are the story. Fact is, you have just stepped into that street where the sign overhead says “The Twilight Zone”, and there is no turning back now. For better or worse, we’re all knee-deep in “Change”. So here is a little slide show(*). Grab some popcorn and set your drinks where you won’t hit them.
More @ Ten Smiths
'Holy Grail' of muscle cars found in old barn
Via comment by PISSED on Tyranny to Victory: a Bundy Ranch Montage
They wouldn't be "Holy Grail" to me though. :)
N’ Loud” host Richard Rawlings has found what he calls the car
industry’s “Holy Grail” — the first two Pontiac Firebirds ever built, the New York Post reports.
simply “#1” and “#2,” the prototypes were manufactured by Pontiac
engineers and were used as models for the 1967 Firebird, which
revolutionized the world of sporty “muscle cars” when it rolled off the
assembly line.
found the cars in a garage in Connecticut,” says Rawlings. “They were
in a dilapidated barn and are the very first Firebirds . . . they were
hand-made . . . and were used by GM to decide if they wanted to build
the Firebird.”
More @ Fox
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