Thursday, September 2, 2021
I Went on The Young Turks to DEBATE Why Capitalism is Better Than Socialism
BIDEN LIED: Most Afghans Who Assisted US During 20-Year Occupation Did Not Get Evacuated – Due to Chaos at Airport Gates and Taliban Presence
Via Billy
Most Afghans who worked for US did not get evacuated, senior State Dept official says.
— Dan De Luce (@dandeluce) September 1, 2021
Af,veteran @SAEEDKH66212768
We are thousands interpreters who are SIV applicants non of us got evacuated. We are just lefted behind with no Hope's we served honorably and because of our service we are in extremely danger we are in rune and hide we need help just help 3:02 AM · Sep 2, 2021 we know that Joe Biden left TENS OF THOUSANDS of Afghans behind who assisted the US during the occupation.
Joe Biden even stranded the interpreter who saved his life in a snowstorm.
There were a total of 34,500 SIV (Special Immigrant Visas) visas allocated to Afghans who worked with US officials in country since December 19, 2014.More @ The Gateway Pundit
There’s a Problem in the Upper Reaches of Our Military: Somehow our new woke Pentagon is hell-bent on losing the trust of the American people.
On the very day of the attack that killed American troops, the sergeant major of the U.S. Army reminded us in a tweet that diversity is our strength, commemorating not the dead but Women’s Equality Day. If so, then is the opposite of diversity — unity — our weakness? Will such wokeness ensure that we do not abandon the Bagram air base in the middle of the night without opposition?
It is the beginning of a never-ending bad dream. Joe Biden and the Pentagon have managed to birth a new terrorist haven, destroy much of U.S. strategic deterrence, and alienate our allies and much of the country.
In the hours after the horrific deaths of 13 service members, we have been reassured by our military that our partnership with the Taliban to provide security for our flights was wise. We were told that the terrorist victors share similar goals to ours in a hasty American retreat from Kabul. We were reminded that Afghan refugees (unlike U.S. soldiers) will not be forced to be vaccinated on arrival. Such statements are either untrue or absurd.
More @ The Patriot Post
The Committee to Support and Defend
I reach out to you today with another note of thanks for your willingness to serve on the Committee to Support and Defend. I also come with an update.
You may be aware that after helping the American Constitutional Rights Union (ACRU) institute the Committee to Support and Defend, I answered a call to run for political office. This new calling requires so much of my attention that I have had to step back from my role heading up the Committee. Together with ACRU we have identified the best person to serve as the new officer in charge of this important project.
As you can see from the news today, America needs us. The Committee is going to prove to be a critical part of America’s future. I believe, firmly, the Committee’s work is an important extension of the oath each of us took when we first pledged to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. That’s why I’m so pleased to introduce you to Colonel Frank Bragg, who will be leading our charge moving forward.
Colonel Bragg will be supported by Tracey Miller who may also reach out to you from time to time, with additional information and actionable requests. I hope you will give them the same time and attention you have provided to me and General Arbuckle, who continues to head our parallel project at Flag Officers for America.
Thank you for all you have done to date – and I thank you in advance for the work I know you are about to do. We will be calling on you.
I’ve attached Colonel Bragg’s bio for your review. I also want you to see our updated website: www.
Very Respectfully,
Lt. Col. Allen West (retired)
PATCON XVIII October 2, 2021
Joe Biden’s Sinking Approval Rating Endangers Democrats Coast to Coast
This is not encouraging for Democrats hoping to hold the Senate.
— Sean T at RCP (@SeanTrende) September 1, 2021
President Joe Biden’s approval rating is massively underwater in several states nationwide heading into the 2022 midterm elections after his deadly Afghanistan withdrawal, according to polling by Civiqs.
Per this survey, Biden’s disapproval rating is higher than his approval rating in several key states in the upcoming midterm elections, including in Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia, and Wisconsin. The only state this survey shows Biden above water in — New Hampshire — has him up by a slim margin, but a separate survey published Wednesday showed Biden underwater there too.
More @ Breitbart
Facing Racial Realities, Measuring an American Dilemma
“Murder rates in these cities showed blacks were at least 18 times more likely to be arrested for murder than whites, and Latinos were about 5 times more likely to be arrested for murder than whites.
Contrary to the supposition of many, violent crime offenders are more likely to be arrested if they are white, for example, 22 percent more likely for robbery and 13 percent more likely for aggravated assault.
There is in reality a bias against whites, probably because greater legal and public relations precautions are called for in dealing with minority offenders. . . . "
Facing Racial Realities
Measuring an American Dilemma
Guest post by
Leonard M. "Mike" Scruggs
[Publisher's Note, by Gene Kizer, Jr. : Mike Scruggs has given us a good analysis of the latest book from Charles Alan Murray, a brilliant American political scientist who follows facts, science and numbers the way most Americans did before the age of wokeness.
More @ Charleston Athenaeum
Virginia Supreme Court Rules State Can Take Down General Robert Edward Lee's Statue
On Thursday, the Supreme Court of Virginia decided the state can remove a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee.
As reported by The Washington Post, the statue is allowed to be taken down from Monument Avenue in Richmond. “In unanimous rulings in two separate cases, the justices affirmed the power of Gov. Ralph Northam to order the 60-foot statue removed from state-owned property,” the outlet reported.
More @ The Daily Wire
When the Constitution Fails Us
Via Billy

None of these violations — short of the War Between the States — has been more public, affected more people and produced more harm than the executive orders issued by mayors and governors in the name of public health. Even the states caved, as very few tried to protect the liberties that the Constitution guarantees.
The time has come to nullify government interferences with personal autonomy by disregarding them, and to threaten seriously to leave and ignore the governments that hate our freedoms. If we don’t do this, make way for voluntary servitude
I have been writing for years asking if we still have the U.S. Constitution. That issue has come into sharper focus in the past 18 months as mayors and governors have created dictatorial powers and exercised those powers to interfere with personal autonomy in America. They have done this in utter disregard for the freedoms protected by the Constitution they have sworn to uphold by asserting that public health trumps personal liberty.
Here is the backstory.
More @ LRC
Trump Releases New Ad on Afghanistan, Slams Biden
🚨 NEW AD 🚨
— Taylor Budowich (@TayFromCA) September 1, 2021
45: A heartbreaking loss for the United States and its great Military. We must have hostages released and our Military equipment returned, NOW!
Sound on! Recall Newsom gets paged at the airport. Vote Yes on recall California!
Sound on! Recall Newsom gets paged at the airport.
— Brick Suit (@Brick_Suit) August 24, 2021
Vote Yes on recall California!
Vietnam misses Trump as it struggles with China: Trump is more popular in Vietnam than in any other country except the Philippines.
Via Jonathan
While U.S. pundits see Vice President Kamala Harris's visit to Hanoi as a way for her to get out of town and avoid awkward questions, the Chinese media responded with sharp commentary accusing her of inciting Vietnam against China. For her part, Harris accused China of "bullying" in the South China Sea. The U.S.-China-Vietnam strategic triangle is certainly on the minds of ordinary Vietnamese.
At a park in central Saigon, some students asked me, "Do you know why we love Trump?"
"Is it because he hates China?" I asked.
"Yeah!" They responded in unison.
More @ American Thinker