Biden Effect: France, UK, Italy and Germany Turn t...
This is not Joe Biden's Fall of Saigon moment. It is his Fall of Rome
moment. Our enemies are chortling about America’s plummet as a super
power. America's abject humiliation is obvious to all. Now, the Taliban
is humiliating America even further by rejecting America’s hat-in-hand
request for more time to get its civilians and Afghan interpreters and
employees out of the country. America did not just “negotiate with
terrorists,” it begged for relief from terrorists and it was rebuffed.
a crisis situation, what sort of genius would send the SWAT team home
before a hostage was released? Yet, we pulled out our military in the
dark of night and left American civilians, the Afghan interpreters and
US employees, and billions of dollars in US equipment behind, all
because Joe Biden was hellbent about being able to claim that he got us
out of the country before 9/11.
Joe plunged ahead and ignored our
NATO’s allies’ warnings about such a precipitous pullout. Joe ignored
the American intel warnings. Joe ignored the Kabul embassy staff’s
warnings. Joe proved Barack Obama’s assessment to be spot on, “Don’t
underestimate Joe’s ability to f**k things up.”
In Joe's reckless
pullout from Afghanistan, he even left the 9/11 Monument made from
World Trade Center steel at Bagram Air Base. Expect that the Taliban
will exploit it as part of their victory monument. To be fair, it IS
their victory. Nice going, Joe. It will be just one more part of
America's humiliation. This is what happens when Americans elect an
empty suit for President.
Jill Biden and other Democrats knew
very well that Joe was in cognitive decline. Yet, "Dr." Jill Biden
wanted to be First Lady so badly, and other Democrats wanted to capture
the Oval Office so badly, that they did the best they could to hide
Joe's early- stage dementia throughout the campaign (at least from
Americans who weren’t paying attention). Now, America is paying the
Years ago, I knew a friend who was estranged from his wife
and was living apart. I asked him why he didn't just get a divorce. He
responded, "Cheaper to keep her." Americans are people who wave their
flag, yet expect that their wars are short, clean, and bloodless.
Americans who wanted the Afghan War to end are now being confronted by
their folly. This mess will cost more in the long run than it will save
in American blood and treasure. No American has been killed in
Afghanistan in 18 months. The war was costing a mere 1% of the budget.
Now, America's global standing has been massively damaged, and it will
be affected for many years. The cost of to repair this damage will be
terrible in American blood, sweat, and toil. Our enemies are chortling.
Thanks, Joe.
~~ Survivormann99