Sadly, the Democrats along with help from the Democrat controlled media will have succeeded in totally stealing this election with their fraudulent games and UNCONSTITUTIONAL laws. One would hope that history for the future generations is recorded accurately to reflect how corrupt the media was and how corrupt money from from big Socialist donors like George Soros totally perverted our once noble electoral process. At the end of the day, however; President Trump was winner and he will go down in history as one of our best Presidents in modern history.No other modern President achieved what President Trump achieved in such a short time. Our economy was the best it ever was and would have only grown to unbelievable proportions had the Chinese government not developed a virus that would ultimately kill so many and destroy the global economy. Under President Trumps leadership vaccinations were developed that normally would have taken years to be administered to the public, and yet the Democrats, especially the worthless idiotic Joe Biden will take credit for something he had nothing to do with.I truly do hope for a miracle between now and 20 January 2021 but if not, then I hope see President Trump take center stage in 2024 and rightfully claim the Presidency once again. Let the world and the American public see the damage Team Biden will do in the next four years, then overwhelmingly, God willing, President Trump will march to a landslide victory in 2024.If not, then our nation is doomed. Everything that our Founding Fathers and the greatest generation in WW2 fought for will be lost and Socialism will be the new normal.Political correctness has doomed our society, Hollywood and the music industry have perverted our society and once again, we as people of freedom loving nation have ignored lessons of history just as the mighty Romans did. This is truly the time when We the People must stand up or sit down and let our nation lapse into something we fought so hard to become. It's truly depressing to see what our nation has turned into. It's shameful and embarrassing.
~~ Ubbo Cotv