Sunday, March 23, 2014
Hypocrisy On Parade: Michelle Obama Praises Free Speech on China Trip That Banned Journalists
Via Michael
In a speech rife with political overtones, she lectured the Chinese:
So Michelle Obama lectures a communist police state about free speech standards, while Obama is busy spying on journalists and spurring the Democrats in the Senate to redefine who is allowed First Amendment Press and Speech Rights, while restricting access to information in the U.S.
There is no shame felt by those who think they are gods and gifts to mankind.
The White House banned journalists from accompanying Michelle Obama on her trip to China and explained that it was because the purpose of her trip is not political. Some news outlets even repeated the White House’s assertion of the non-political nature of the visit without mentioning that the press was not allowed to accompany them. So much for the “most transparent White House in history”.
In a speech rife with political overtones, she lectured the Chinese:
“And that’s why it’s so important for information and ideas to flow freely over the internet and through the media; because that’s how we discover the truth.”“Truth” is of course whatever the Obama regime says is “the truth”. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your health insurance, you can keep your health insurance.
So Michelle Obama lectures a communist police state about free speech standards, while Obama is busy spying on journalists and spurring the Democrats in the Senate to redefine who is allowed First Amendment Press and Speech Rights, while restricting access to information in the U.S.
More @ Sword At The Ready
1970 Chevrolet Chevelle LS6 Convertible 454/450 HP 500 FT-LB, 4-Speed
More @ MECUM
Putin Will Pay Sanctions with Crimea's Gas Rights
Putin has committed to continuously send 30 to 40 billion rubles ($1 billion) in subsidies for the Crimea, including the commitment to lifting 560,000 Crimean pensioner payments from the Ukrainian average of $150 a month to Russia's minimum of $180. Crimean workers also expect that the monthly wage rate will rise over time from $270 as Ukrainians to the average of $660 as Russians.
This week saw escalating rounds of ceremonial sanctions by the U.S. and European Union (EU) against Russia over its annexation of the Crimea, followed by escalating ceremonial sanctions by Russia against the U.S. and EU. But as President Obama looked petulant, Russian President Vladimir Putin had a huge Cheshire-Cat grin as he welcomed two million residents of the Crimea and their massive off-shore natural gas rights into Mother Russia.
More @ Breitbart
YouTube Censors Mark Dice’s Channel
Dear @YouTube @YTCreators so I had this popular channel....55 million views, 265,000 subs, 3-5 million views a month...and you deleted it.
Media commentator and activist Mark Dice, whose channel
had 55 million views and 265,000 subscribers, had his account suspended
yesterday for what YouTube described as “severe terms of service
violations”. The channel was not deleted due to copyright issues.
The most popular videos on Dice’s channel lambasted
supporters of Barack Obama. Dice had built up a reputation for his ‘man
on the street’ videos which featured him getting Obama supporters to
sign petitions that called for a number of insane proposals, like
putting gun owners in concentration camps, killing newborn babies,
repealing the first amendment to silence criticism of Obama, and
granting Obama immunity from all crimes.
After Dice made a video drawing attention to the
censorship on his back-up channel, that too was deleted despite having
zero strikes against it. The channel was subsequently restored the next
day, but Dice’s main channel remains suspended. Attempts to get an
explanation for why the channel was deleted have proven fruitless.
Dice’s YouTube channel was also deleted after parent company Google gave some 200 government and police organizations “super flagger” powers, enabling them to flag up to 20 videos for review and possible removal.
More @ Infowars
"Do you have the courage to put your name on the same document that helped get Chief Harger fired?"
Here's Chief Harger in our group photo, front and center with a white shirt and cowboy hat.
We've all heard these famous last words; maybe we've even used them: "What's the worst that could happen?" Well, Police Chief Shane Harger of Jemez Springs, New Mexico (yes, it's a state) found out just what the worst is that could happen when he signed up for the recent CSPOA conference, held on January 24 in Las Vegas.
worst that could happen is, you get detained by airport security
because you are flagged as a potential terrorist due to your affiliation
with 'radical patriot groups.' Then, when you arrive home from the
conference after signing your name to possibly one of the most
significant documents you've seen in your life, you find out that you've
been fired - in fact your whole department has been shut down - due to your dangerous political affiliations.
Harger heard about the CSPOA through the grapevine and called us out of
the blue, just to find out more about the organization. It was just a
few weeks until the next convention, so after a personal discussion with
him we decided to invite him and one of his men to attend the
at the event, we heard remarks from Chief Harger about what a relief it
was to know that there were other people like him out there who were
still willing to stand up for what's right in the face of looming
opposition. He was the one who made the statement we alluded to in a
previous newsletter, "I've been to a lot of conventions and meetings for
law enforcement, but I've never attended one that started with a
prayer. Right then I knew this was something different."
CSPOA has been in frequent communication with Chief Harger since the
event. CSPOA staff met with Chief Harger and his family in Utah over
the weekend recently for a little R & R and some intense meetings.
We had to ascertain if he indeed wants to fight this atrocity and to
find out if his wife is on board also. They both are! His wife is a
wonderful lady and their son is a very well mannered eight year old.
We plan to back the Hargers all the way and make an example of the TSA's tyranny and highly improper hiring standards!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~
you have the courage to put your name on the same document that helped
get Chief Harger fired? We hope you do, because the more people that
sign, the less they will be able to stop it!
follow this link to read the resolution on our web site, where you can
see others who have signed and add your name to the list.
John Love, Bataan Death March survivor, dies at 91
Via WiscoDave
Love died Monday after a long battle with cancer, said Gerry Lightwine,
pastor at La Vida Llena, an Albuquerque retirement home where Love
As a 19-year-old member of the New Mexico Guard, Love was one of 75,000 Filipino and American soldiers who were taken captive by the Japanese in World War II when the U.S. forces surrendered in the province of Bataan and Corregidor Island in April 1942.
As a 19-year-old member of the New Mexico Guard, Love was one of 75,000 Filipino and American soldiers who were taken captive by the Japanese in World War II when the U.S. forces surrendered in the province of Bataan and Corregidor Island in April 1942.
More @ S&S
The only two foes to die in Russia's Crimea takeover are mourned together
Via Billy
In a room thick with the smoke of incense, beneath a glitter ball used in happier times, four shaven-headed Ukrainian soldiers stood to attention.
In a room thick with the smoke of incense, beneath a glitter ball used in happier times, four shaven-headed Ukrainian soldiers stood to attention.
They wore no caps, and sleeves of their blotchy camouflage coats bore the red
armbands of pall bearers, for between them lay a fifth soldier.
This was the guard of honour for Prapushik Sergei Kokorin, the first - and at
the time of writing only - Ukrainian
serviceman to die during the Russian invasion of Crimea.
Incongruously, the Ukrainian mourners were not alone. Next to them, four
bare-headed, pro-Russian Cossacks in formal blue uniforms stood their own
watch over Ruslan Kazakov - their own single casualty of this hitherto
bloodless annexation.
Both men were killed on Tuesday night during a murky incident at a Ukrainian
military installation in Simferopol.
More @ The Telegraph
Jim Fuller Interview (Parts I & II)
Robert Kay interviewed Jim Fuller of Rifle Dynamics in the Hawaii Reporter recently. Fuller is the founder of Rifle Dynamics, and is one of the better AK builders in the nation, specializing in heavy use, high-round-count AK-pattern rifles, who also teaches the proper building of an AK-series rifle in traveling classes, something that you absolutely will not find in the various “build parties” around the country.
From Part 1:
Q: There is a lot of hype on the Internet about the AK. Is there a particular myth or inaccuracy that you would like to dispel?
More @ Bearing Arms
Workbook teaches kids that Second Amendment includes gun control
A social studies workbook, used in an Illinois public middle school, is generating controversy among gun rights supporters because it claims that the Second Amendment permits only strictly regulated, registered gun ownership.
A screenshot of the workbook was first posted to the Facebook page for Illinois Gun Owners Rights. It provides the following description of the Second Amendment:
This amendment states that people have the right to certain weapons, providing that they register them and have not been in prison. The founding fathers included the amendment to prevent the United States from acting like the British who had tried to take weapons away from the colonists.The actual text of the Second Amendment makes no mention of gun registration:
More @ The Daily Caller
Rescue crews search for survivors after massive Washington mudslide
Rescue crews are searching for survivors after a massive landslide of dirt, trees and rocks in rural Washington killed three people, injured at least eight others and destroyed six houses.
Snohomish County Fire District 21 Chief Travis Hots told reporters late Saturday that crews could hear voices from the debris field pleading for help. It was not immediately clear how many people might still be alive.
"We have people who are yelling for our help, and we are going to take extreme risks," Hots said. "This is still a rescue mission until we determine otherwise."
Shari Ireton, a spokesperson for the Snohomish County Sheriff's office, said rescuers were using thermal imaging cameras to help try to find people.
More @ Fox
Google encrypts Gmail in an attempt to make it 'NSA proof' and stop mass surveillance
Amid revelations that the National Security Agency has the ability to intercept data going between servers and other computers, tech giant Google now says it will encrypt all messages sent through its Gmail email service to prevent prying eyes from looking at private messages.
In a blog post made Thursday by head Gmail security engineer Nicolas Lidzborski, Google said that every time a user checks or sent email, it will be encryped as the data goes to and from Google's servers.
Although Google has given Gmail users the ability to sign into their accouints through an encrypted connection (known as HTTPS) since 2010, Gmail will now automatically default users to the more secure network.
More @ Daily Mail
[GALLERY] NHRA Amalie Gatornationals & Muscle Car Madness – Round 3
Enjoy photographic coverage from the starting line of the 2014 NHRA Amalie Gatornationals in Gainesville, Florida.
More @ Racing Junk
Here’s how the bracket looks so far:
More @ Racing Junk
The Dodge Vipers Being Crushed Were Destined for Doom from Day 1
The internet has been abuzz yesterday and today with the news that the Chrysler Group had ordered 93 of the first Dodge Vipers built in the early 1990s to be crushed after they had originally been given to technical schools around the country as learning tools. Many large media sources have gone out of their way to villainize the Chrysler Group and parent company Fiat SpA for not trying to preserve these historic performance cars but the vast majority of those reports are chock full of bad information. Also, there are some important details about these cars that sentenced all of them to death from day 1.
First, the reports indicate that the Chrysler Group has ordered these 93 pre-production Dodge Viper roadsters and coupes to be destroyed by the schools who possess them because there were two accidents in which someone was hurt while driving these cars and those accidents led to multimillion dollar lawsuits. These lawsuit rumors claim that students at two of the schools took their school’s Dodge Viper out for a joyride and while on said joyride – they crashed the car. These reports also claim that since the Chrysler Group only lent the cars to the schools and they technically still own them, the automaker was on the hook for these million dollar lawsuits.
More with video @ Racing Junk
How China Imported A Record $70 Billion In Physical Gold Without Sending The Price Of Gold Soaring
Via NC Renegade
A little over a month ago, we reported that following a year of record-shattering imports, China finally surpassed India as the world's largest importer of physical gold. This was hardly a surprise to anyone who has been following our coverage of the ravenous demand for gold out of China, starting in September 2011, and tracing it all the way to the present.
A little over a month ago, we reported that following a year of record-shattering imports, China finally surpassed India as the world's largest importer of physical gold. This was hardly a surprise to anyone who has been following our coverage of the ravenous demand for gold out of China, starting in September 2011, and tracing it all the way to the present.
More @ Zero Hedge
NC: Video of Renee Ellmers Berating Anti-Amnesty Constituents
Via NC Renegade
Yesterday, Ron Woodward of NC Listen reported on a meeting he had with Renee Ellmers
on the topic of immigration and amnesty. He claimed he had exited the
meeting appalled both by her positions and by her behavior.
One of the constituents attending the meeting recorded the conversation.
The Randolph Tea Party posted the clips online, and exclusively forwarded the links to PJ Media. Four clips of the meeting are embedded below.
At one point, Ellmers says of Woodard: “You don’t have any damn facts.”
Ellmers claims he is stereotyping, and constantly interrupts him. This conduct occurred after she had inconvenienced the group by changing locations at the last minute, refused to let all of the attendees into her office, and insisted she had to be leaving shortly.
Listen to her positions on immigration, and see if they follow her claim that she holds the same positions as Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, and Mike Lee. Yesterday, Lee’s Communication Director Brian Phillips answered her claim with this statement:

This fake, b---- conservative needs to go.
One of the constituents attending the meeting recorded the conversation.
The Randolph Tea Party posted the clips online, and exclusively forwarded the links to PJ Media. Four clips of the meeting are embedded below.
At one point, Ellmers says of Woodard: “You don’t have any damn facts.”
Ellmers claims he is stereotyping, and constantly interrupts him. This conduct occurred after she had inconvenienced the group by changing locations at the last minute, refused to let all of the attendees into her office, and insisted she had to be leaving shortly.
Listen to her positions on immigration, and see if they follow her claim that she holds the same positions as Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, and Mike Lee. Yesterday, Lee’s Communication Director Brian Phillips answered her claim with this statement:
Sen. Lee’s position has been very clear: piecemeal legislation, one bill at a time, evaluate and verify each step as we implement the reforms. We have read Rep. Ellmers’ most recent op-ed on reform and it sounds a lot like how the Gang of Eight tried to sell comprehensive immigration reform, something Sen. Lee spent several months last year opposing.
More @ PJ Media
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