Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Thank You, Tim Russert!
Recently at LRC, the headline article is by Tom DiLorenzo, entitled “Why Neocons Are Freaking Out Over Lincoln.” It is a worthwhile read; yet one sentence really caught my attention. This one sentence reminded me of the kind praise I have for Mr. Russert. From DiLorenzo:
The neocons are still punch drunk, in
other words, from how the Ron Paul phenomenon, during the congressman’s
two attempts at securing the Republican Party presidential nomination,
captured the imaginations of millions of young people and continues to
do so.
Russert’s purpose in this interview was the “gotcha,” throwing out statements and questions that were unquestioned in the mainstream – the various myths that prop up the American religion. Russert’s task was obvious from his method – make it clear to so-called serious voters that Ron Paul is a flake.
Most memorable was the exchange regarding Lincoln:
More @ LRC
A Crying Shame: Daily Bell, RIP
Effective 16 July 2013 The Daily
Bell has ceased publishing new material. It will remain online as an archived
educational resource. The editors wish to thank Daily Bell readers and members
for previous participation.
With that note in the banner, and a final
editorial by Anthony, The Daily Bell is no more.
My relationship with DB goes back more than three
years. I have no idea how I first came upon
the site; perhaps something at LRC? Needless
to say, it was an eye-opening experience. Certainly, it was clear to me that
things in this world were not as they seemed on the surface. DB helped me to peel away layers from the
More @ Bionic Mosquito
NC: Confederate Ironclad CSS Neuse Moved Indoors To New Museum
The remnants of the Confederate Navy’s ironclad river gunboat, the CSS Neuse, will finally be moved indoors and will get its own museum.
“After years of exposure to hurricanes, heat, and pests, the CSS Neuse has a new home and is ready to greet visitors,” said state cultural resources officials this past weekend.
On Thursday, July 18th, a new highway marker will be dedicated for the Civil War-era ironclad at 10:30 a.m. at 130 S. Queen St., will be followed by behind-the-scenes public tours of the new CSS Neuse Civil War Interpretive Center located at 100 N. Queen St. in Kinston.
The CSS Neuse was a one-of-a-kind ironclad that was constructed by the Confederacy to help counter the superior numbers of the Union Navy. With all its advances in technology, the Neuse saw little action, though it did participate in at least one skirmish in 1865.
A dramatic move last June from its Vernon Avenue home to the new Queen Street location was cheered by onlookers as it made its way through downtown Kinston. The previous location was covered, but was outdoors and exposed the ship’s timbers to the elements.
The remnants of the Confederate Navy’s ironclad river gunboat, the CSS Neuse, will finally be moved indoors and will get its own museum.
“After years of exposure to hurricanes, heat, and pests, the CSS Neuse has a new home and is ready to greet visitors,” said state cultural resources officials this past weekend.
On Thursday, July 18th, a new highway marker will be dedicated for the Civil War-era ironclad at 10:30 a.m. at 130 S. Queen St., will be followed by behind-the-scenes public tours of the new CSS Neuse Civil War Interpretive Center located at 100 N. Queen St. in Kinston.
The CSS Neuse was a one-of-a-kind ironclad that was constructed by the Confederacy to help counter the superior numbers of the Union Navy. With all its advances in technology, the Neuse saw little action, though it did participate in at least one skirmish in 1865.
A dramatic move last June from its Vernon Avenue home to the new Queen Street location was cheered by onlookers as it made its way through downtown Kinston. The previous location was covered, but was outdoors and exposed the ship’s timbers to the elements.
More @ The Raleigh Telegram
WWII Reenactment
... beginning in July 1944. Quiet days in the South of France are over - the battalion redeployed to Normandy, where a month with Anglo-American forces. The backbone of the unit are experienced Grenadiers, behind which the battles around Kharkov, Kursk, and Kamenetz-Podolsk. Our task - to support battered much of the Wehrmacht and prevent break into the French motorized columns allies.
More @ Foto6X7
Mission, KS Police Arrest & Cavity Search Mom After Toddlers Drop Pebbles in Mail Slot
Catrina Engle is just a simple mother of two and wife to her husband. On the evening of March 3, 2013 she was leaving the Mission, Kansas Post Office and had just placed her two children, ages 4 and 2, in her minivan when she was approached by Officer Michelle Pierce and ordered to render her identification without reason. From that point on the day turned into a tragedy for her as she was arrested and a body cavity search was conducted out in the middle of the public by Officer Pierce.
What was her crime? Apparently her kids put a couple of pebbles in the mailbox and though the Post Officer was closed, she tried to get someone to help her and when they wouldn’t she was in a loud conversation on her cell phone in the lobby with her husband before leaving.
More @ Freedom Outpost
LIST: Violence, Lawlessness Since Zimmerman Verdict... *UPDATED to 30*
Via Billy
Below is a far from comprehensive list of reported acts of lawlessness (violence, vandalism, trespassing, drug use, arrests, assault, etc.) that have been reported by various media outlets.
Please note that the media are very good at reporting specific incidents, and just as good at not connecting those incidents in order to ensure America is never told the full story…
While an anti-science media, Democrats, leftists, and some Republicans continue to stoke racial division without a shred of evidence that race had anything to do with anything, here is what is happening throughout the country in this cynical wake:
Note: Suspected incidents have been added and will be updated or removed as we receive confirmation.
While we hope this list grows no larger, Breitbart News needs your help. If you come across a lawless incident involving the Zimmerman trial verdict, please tweet me @NolteNC or email the link to Also let me know if there is an accidental duplicate posting. We want this list to be as accurate and comprehensive as possible.
The same media that attempted to blame a mother of five in Wasilla, Alaska, for a mass shooting in Arizona (because of her use of standard crosshairs on a campaign map) is the same media that repeatedly described the shockingly lawless Occupy Wall Street movement as "mostly peaceful," and is now attempting to persuade America that the anti-Zimmerman protests currently being ginned up by an NBC News anchor (MSNBC's Al Sharpton) are also "mostly peaceful."Below is a far from comprehensive list of reported acts of lawlessness (violence, vandalism, trespassing, drug use, arrests, assault, etc.) that have been reported by various media outlets.
Please note that the media are very good at reporting specific incidents, and just as good at not connecting those incidents in order to ensure America is never told the full story…
While an anti-science media, Democrats, leftists, and some Republicans continue to stoke racial division without a shred of evidence that race had anything to do with anything, here is what is happening throughout the country in this cynical wake:
Note: Suspected incidents have been added and will be updated or removed as we receive confirmation.
More @ Breitbart
Fired Employee to File Suit Against Zimmerman Prosecutors
A former employee of Florida State Attorney Angela Corey's office plans to file a whistleblower lawsuit against George Zimmerman's prosecutors, his attorney told Reuters on Tuesday.
The action will put pressure on Corey, who already faces criticism from some legal experts for the unsuccessful prosecution of the case, which led to the acquittal of Zimmerman for shooting unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin. Zimmerman's defense has also called for sanctions against her and her prosecution team.
Ben Kruidbos, Corey's former director of information technology, was fired after testifying at a pre-trial hearing on June 6 that prosecutors failed to turn over potentially embarrassing evidence extracted from Martin's cell phone to the defense, as required by evidence-sharing laws.
"We will be filing a whistleblower action in (Florida's Fourth Judicial District) Circuit Court," said Kruidbos' attorney Wesley White, himself a former prosecutor who was hired by Corey but resigned in December because he disagreed with her prosecutorial priorities. He said the suit will be filed within the next 30 days.
More @ Newsmax
How to chop down a tree and stop a mad dog with a walking stick: The bizarre 'lifehacks' tips found on cigarette packets 100 years ago
Via WiscoDave
- 'How To' series of cards produced by Ogdens and Gallaher's in the 1910s
- Gave customers tips on emergency situations and everyday concern
Packets of cigarettes are not the first place people today would look for health and safety tips.
But as these cards show, smokers were given bizarre lifehacks when they lit up.
Among the tips contained in the cartons are practical pieces of advice that are still useful today, such as lighting a match in the wind or removing splinters.
More @ Daily Mail
University Prof Says God Is a White Racist
Just when you think you’ve heard it all, Anthea Butler, Associate Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Pennsylvania, claimed that “America’s God” is a white racist in her July 14 editorial.
Professor Butler wrote at
The not guilty verdict in the George Zimmerman case has me thinking a lot about a book I first encountered in seminary, Is God a White Racist?, by the Rev. Dr. Bill Jones. As a budding seminary student, it took me by surprise. Now, as a wiser, older professor looking at the needless death of Trayvon Martin, I have to say: I get it.
More @ The Black Sphere
‘A Fox News Watcher’: Ejection Of Black Zimmerman Juror Over Ideology Embarrasses Race-Obsessed Pundits
Even if you resent it, you have to appreciate when reality cuts against the pundit-promoted narrative of the moment. In the wake of the verdict which found George Zimmerman not culpable for the killing of Trayvon Martin, many commentators lashed out at the justice system itself. With a nearly all-white jury, some political commentators asked how anyone could have anticipated an outcome other than full acquittal. On CNN today, it was revealed that it was the prosecution that ensured the jury would be composed primarily of white women. Why? One of the only black potential jurors being considered was nixed by the prosecution because he watched Fox News.
More @ Mediaite
Daily Beast: 'There's No Such Thing as Black-on-Black Crime
On Monday, in response to my piece on 17-year-old Darryl Green of Chicago, who was found shot to death after refusing to join a gang at school, Jamelle Bouie of The Daily Beast claimed that “black-on-black crime” is a myth. “There’s no such thing as ‘black-on-black’ crime. Yes, from 1976 to 2005, 94 percent of black victims were killed by black offenders, but that racial exclusivity was also true for white victims of violent crime—86 percent were killed by white offenders. Indeed, for the large majority of crimes, you’ll find that victims and offenders share a racial identity, or have some prior relationship to each other,” wrote Bouie. Bouie added, “Nor are African-Americans especially criminal. If they were, you would still see high rates of crime among blacks, even as the nation sees a historic decline in criminal offenses. Instead, crime rates among African-Americans, and black youth in particular, have taken a sharp drop.”
More @ Breitbart
Jeantel admits Trayvon 'whooped' Zimmerman's 'a--'
Prosecution witness Rachel Jeantel, whose testimony hurt the state’s case against George Zimmerman according to a juror, continued the damage Monday night in a CNN interview, apparently acknowledging that Trayvon Martin was beating George Zimmerman before he was shot and presenting conflicting interpretations of the term for which she will forever be associated, “creepy a– cracka.”
In an interview with CNN’s Piers Morgan, Jeantel insisted that Zimmerman and the jury didn’t have the cultural awareness to understand that Martin wasn’t giving the defendant a “bashing” but merely a “whoop-a–,” Breitbart News noted.
Jeantel, who was on the phone with Martin shortly before he was shot by Zimmerman Feb. 26, 2012, explained: “They don’t understand, they understand, ‘Oh, he would just bash, or was kill.’ When somebody bash somebody, like, blood, people, trust me, in the area I live, that’s not bashing. That’s just called “whoop-ass.” You just got your ass whooped. That’s what it is.’
Breitbart’s Joel Pollack noted Morgan tried to save Jeantel’s statement by asking her whether Martin would have “whooped a–” in self-defense, but the damage was done. The camera, he pointed out, caught a member of the audience reacting in shock at Jeantel’s admission.
More @ WND
Stunning rescue from pouncing black mob
In the wake of George Zimmerman’s acquittal , multiple “Justice for Trayvon” demonstrations and related acts of violence have been reported nationwide.
Some protesters were satisfied with making statements, such as Stevie Wonder’s proclamation that he will not perform in Florida until it eliminates its self-defense “Stand Your Ground” law.
Milwaukee NBC affiliate TWMJ reports the 34-year-old – who asked that only his first name, Chris, be used – was beaten by a dozen black teens and ultimately saved by a Good Samaritan who was also black.
“I was just being pummeled from every direction I could imagine,” said Chris.
More @ WND
NC: Wall Street Journal article in support of Tax Reform and the NC Senate

A Tar Heel Tax Cut at Last
It is refreshing to reach a compromise on something that we worked so
hard on and more so when national recognition is given. Copy and pasted
below is an article from the Wall Street Journal on July 16, 2013:
"After months of deliberations and legislative slips and slides, North
Carolina's Republican governor, Pat McCrory, and the GOP leaders who run
the House and Senate have finally reached a deal on tax cuts. The plan
is an impressive trifecta that will slash the personal income tax to
5.75% from 7.75%; cut the corporate tax to 5% from 6.9%; and eliminate
the state death tax.
"This is a big deal for growth, and we still think we can come back in
the next couple of years and get the rates even lower," says state
Senate President Phil Berger. More than anyone, Mr. Berger gets credit
for making this cut happen when it looked like it might die a slow
death. State think tanks like the Civitas Institute, which provided the
intellectual ammunition, also deserve praise.
Along the way there were lots of impasses. The Senate had originally
passed a more ambitious tax bill with a flat, 4% income tax rate and a
gradual phase-out of the corporate and franchise taxes. The plan would
have eliminated income tax deductions while squeezing out the exemptions
from the sales tax. But the special interests, especially the housing
lobby, revolted, and that plan died in the House.
The deal was held up in the House for more than a month in part because
the Republican speaker, Thom Tillis, fretted about the revenue losses.
Our sources tell us that Mr. Tillis wouldn't accept tax rates as low as
the Senate wanted to go because he wanted to preserve higher levels of
spending. According to one Raleigh political insider, "Tillis fought to
save every carve out for special interests in the state, including the
realtors, big hospitals, and developers."
The good news is that in the end the House relented to the compromise package announced Monday. (As for Mr. Tillis, he's currently running for the U.S. Senate seat now occupied by Democrat Kay Hagan).
Eliminating the estate tax is also significant. If North Carolina wants
to attract "snow bird" retirees from the North, and pull them away from
Florida, it helps to have a policy that doesn't tax seniors if they die
in the state. As important is improving the state's business climate.
"We had the highest income tax rates in the South, and this is hurting
business here," says the governor. "This tax reform plan is a major step
in restoring confidence in the economy so that employers start hiring
again, and it will help us continue to attract new employers.""
Green Berets Take On Anti-Gunners at Annual Meeting
Via LH
The Special Forces Association held its 2013 annual National Convention in San Antonio Texas.
With over 1,000 active-duty and former U.S. Army Green Berets in attendance it was resolved to ensure politicians understood the Association’s membership’s steadfast support of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
A resolution, “SFA RKBA Resolution” was presented to the membership and resolved the organization’s direct support for the Second Amendment and that the right to bear arms is an absolute fundamental freedom and right granted to American Citizens.
Special Forces Association Second Amendment Support Resolution
The Special Forces Association held its 2013 annual National Convention in San Antonio Texas.
With over 1,000 active-duty and former U.S. Army Green Berets in attendance it was resolved to ensure politicians understood the Association’s membership’s steadfast support of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
A resolution, “SFA RKBA Resolution” was presented to the membership and resolved the organization’s direct support for the Second Amendment and that the right to bear arms is an absolute fundamental freedom and right granted to American Citizens.
Special Forces Association Second Amendment Support Resolution
More @ AmmoLand
DOJ solicits email tips in Zimmerman civil rights probe
Blithering, blathering idiots. Am I being redundant? The FBI has already investigated this and ruled it out. Give it up, petty tyrants/useful idiots.
The U.S. Department of Justice on Monday afternoon appealed to civil rights groups and community leaders, nationally and in Sanford, for help investigating whether a federal criminal case might be brought against George Zimmerman for the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, one advocate said.
The DOJ has also set up a public email address to take in tips on its civil rights investigation.
Barbara Arnwine, president and executive director the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law – who earlier in the day joined calls for federal civil rights charges against Zimmerman, said that later in the afternoon, she joined a U.S. Department of Justice conference call to discuss the prospects.
Blithering, blathering idiots. Am I being redundant? The FBI has already investigated this and ruled it out. Give it up, petty tyrants/useful idiots.
The U.S. Department of Justice on Monday afternoon appealed to civil rights groups and community leaders, nationally and in Sanford, for help investigating whether a federal criminal case might be brought against George Zimmerman for the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, one advocate said.
The DOJ has also set up a public email address to take in tips on its civil rights investigation.
Barbara Arnwine, president and executive director the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law – who earlier in the day joined calls for federal civil rights charges against Zimmerman, said that later in the afternoon, she joined a U.S. Department of Justice conference call to discuss the prospects.
More Communist propaganda @ Orlando Sentinel
A rifle for Zimmerman
I have a post coming to PJ Media either later today or tomorrow about the specific self-defense law case in State of Florida vs. Goerge Zimmerman, but for now, let us simply acknowledge that:
- the media and prosecution lied profusely about the actual facts of the case, and the law;
- easily-led, unsophisticated simpletons accept everything they see on television or in the papers as “truth” or even “Truth,” since they lack basic skills in media criticism;
- despite the fact that George Zimmerman is innocent, and doesn’t have a racist bone in his tri-racial body, he’s going to be hunted for months and maybe years to come by an easily led thug culture because it serves the media/DNC narrative.
We do know that he has body armor now, and that he is getting his Kel-Tec PF9 pistol back from the Sanford Police Department (if indeed he hasn’t already). That may be enough for his mobile defense, but he is going to find a new home somewhere, and if he whereabouts are broadcast via social media to thuggish individuals, he could easily find himself and his wife under a hastily coordinated assault by multiple thugs in a home invasion with little to no warning.
With that distinct possibility in mind, I’d suggest that George Zimmerman invest in:
More @ Bob Owens
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