Thursday, November 10, 2016
A Plinth of Night
Every night he watched them, this strange trio, the two men and the woman (that is what it looked like, a woman, that is what it appeared to be in the darkness), make their way by foot along the side of the highway and go over the railroad tracks and disappear to goodness knew where. Then, maybe an hour or two later, they would return the exact way they had come, except the men would be toting cloth sacks loaded with something, and he could almost hear them, even across the road, grunt and groan with their new burden.
The woman did not make the trip by foot, however, because she had no legs to carry her, and she did not carry a sack because she did not have arms to balance such a weight. She was mainly a torso, a miniature trunk with a large head of whitish hair, that the men had secured to this kind of trundling table, this flat, round surface that moved upon rollers. It reminded him of an altar, a plinth, and the woman, if that’s what she was, was a kind of malformed deity being pushed back and forth by its subalterns. He could pick out her deformities in the successive electric lights secured by cedar poles along the road and because he had excellent eyesight, twenty-twenty vision. She had legless feet and armless hands, all of which appeared useless and incapable of motion. She wore the same colored dress night after night with the sleeves and legs cut away to allow her stumps to “breathe.”
The two men with her appeared young and scruffy. Each sported full beards and wore caps and denim shirts and blue jeans. They were slender and long-limbed.
More@ The Abbeville Institute
It's Fall Y'all Cookies
Double Chocolate & Toffee Cookies
Homemade Fudgy Brownie Mix
Toffee Blondie Bars
S'mores Cookies
M & M Christmas Cookies
Chocolate Peppermint Cookies
Kristen Dale
Donald Trump bandwagon grows as Cabinet speculation intensifies: Outsiders fill transition teams with lobbyists left on outskirts
Via Billy
The Trump bandwagon is growing quickly as the transition team scrambles to put together a full slate of leaders to fill out the administration and plot an agenda, and is leaving lobbyists on the outskirts.
One transition team member, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said an all-hands meeting just before the election was sparsely attended. Wednesday’s meeting had 10 times more people.
Although some of those leading transition teams on energy or homeland security are lobbyists, most of those in the room are not. Instead, think-tank types from places such as The Heritage Foundation are prominent. That is a break from previous transition teams, where lobbyists have dominated.
“It is very much a nonofficial Washington crowd,” the team member said.
Former New York Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani is officially open to being attorney general in a Trump administration, and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who might have trouble surviving confirmation to a Cabinet post, is being suggested as a natural chief of staff.
The Trump bandwagon is growing quickly as the transition team scrambles to put together a full slate of leaders to fill out the administration and plot an agenda, and is leaving lobbyists on the outskirts.
One transition team member, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said an all-hands meeting just before the election was sparsely attended. Wednesday’s meeting had 10 times more people.
Although some of those leading transition teams on energy or homeland security are lobbyists, most of those in the room are not. Instead, think-tank types from places such as The Heritage Foundation are prominent. That is a break from previous transition teams, where lobbyists have dominated.
“It is very much a nonofficial Washington crowd,” the team member said.
Former New York Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani is officially open to being attorney general in a Trump administration, and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who might have trouble surviving confirmation to a Cabinet post, is being suggested as a natural chief of staff.
More @ The Washington Times
Figures. Anti-Trump Protesters Were Bussed in to Austin #FakeProtests
Via Billy
Paid fake protesters were bussed in to the anti-Trump protests in Austin, Texas.
They must have spent a lot of Soros money on this operation.
There was a whole string of busses.
Everything they do is fake or paid for.
Paid fake protesters were bussed in to the anti-Trump protests in Austin, Texas.
They must have spent a lot of Soros money on this operation.
There was a whole string of busses.
Everything they do is fake or paid for.
More @ The Gateway Pundit
Sorry Snowflake But It’s Not Over…
Via Jonathan
It’s Nov 10th and it’s time to face the music.
For those of you on the left I know it is hard. You are confused, bewildered and deeply, deeply saddened. Maybe even triggered. You probably missed work or school yesterday, called in sick or simply didn’t get out of bed. That’s ok though because your Indigenous Women’s Studies prof said it was ok to skip the exam today. Everyone is getting an A as a morale builder. So cheer up.

Deplorables Regrouping For The Next Attack
It’s Nov 10th and it’s time to face the music.
For those of you on the left I know it is hard. You are confused, bewildered and deeply, deeply saddened. Maybe even triggered. You probably missed work or school yesterday, called in sick or simply didn’t get out of bed. That’s ok though because your Indigenous Women’s Studies prof said it was ok to skip the exam today. Everyone is getting an A as a morale builder. So cheer up.
More @ The Burning Platform


..........retreat to your safe spaces, grab your adult colouring books and put on a
happy face my special snow flakes because regardless of
whoever/whatever you are and regardless of what nation it is you reside
in, we, the deplorables, are coming for you.
Trumping Their Queen & Popcorn Sutton
Via comment by Anonymous on Nigel Farage describes Barack Obama as a 'loathsom...

Well, I guess we won’t have Hillary Clinton to kick around anymore.
Like millions of other Americans, I woke up in a cheerful frame of
mind this morning. Scrolling through a seemingly endless series of Daily Mail
photographs of weeping Hillary supporters made my mood even lighter.
Now all those Hillarites are going to have to make good on their
promises and emigrate to Canada or New Zealand. The snowflakes flying
out of California and New York will form a veritable blizzard heading
for Vancouver and Toronto.
What a pleasant thought!
More @ Gates of Vienna
Coulter: Trump Victory Boils Down To "Globalism vs. Nationality"
Via Billy
author and early Trump advocate Ann Coulter appeared on 'Good Morning
Britain' shortly after the Republican candidate officially won the
"It was entirely predictable, that's why lots of us did predict it," she said about Trump's victory.
"It is all part of the same thing," Coulter said about the issues Trump won on: Jobs, economy, immigration, and trade.
"That is globalism vs. nationality."
"It was entirely predictable, that's why lots of us did predict it," she said about Trump's victory.
"It is all part of the same thing," Coulter said about the issues Trump won on: Jobs, economy, immigration, and trade.
"That is globalism vs. nationality."
More @ RCP
What Trump’s Victory Means for the Status Quo in Washington: Exit America’s Old Elite
Via Billy
“I’m in shock,” says David Goldwyn, who reported to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as a special energy envoy from 2009 to 2011. Goldwyn has taught university courses, commented in the media, and run a consulting firm. He is, in other words, a Washington insider—a bad thing these days. He says it feels like 1976, when Jimmy Carter’s “peanut mafia” headed to Washington, or 1980, when Ronald Reagan’s revolutionaries swept in. “I’m really chagrined that the rhetoric of this campaign devolved into a situation that ended up throwing the baby out with the bathwater,” he says.

Insiders will be swept away unless they submit or change their games.
America’s elite institutions are accustomed to riding out changes in presidential administrations. It will be harder this time. Not since Andrew Jackson in 1828 has there been a president-elect who harnessed the public’s anger toward the Establishment the way Donald Trump has. Suddenly the political and technocratic elite in Washington are at risk of being disenfranchised. It’s a strange feeling.“I’m in shock,” says David Goldwyn, who reported to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as a special energy envoy from 2009 to 2011. Goldwyn has taught university courses, commented in the media, and run a consulting firm. He is, in other words, a Washington insider—a bad thing these days. He says it feels like 1976, when Jimmy Carter’s “peanut mafia” headed to Washington, or 1980, when Ronald Reagan’s revolutionaries swept in. “I’m really chagrined that the rhetoric of this campaign devolved into a situation that ended up throwing the baby out with the bathwater,” he says.
More @ Bloomberg
Nigel Farage describes Barack Obama as a 'loathsome creature' - and warns Donald Trump not to touch Theresa May
Via Billy
Nigel Farage has described Barack Obama as a “creature” and joked about warning Donald Trump not to "touch" Theresa May.
The interim Ukip leader said the current US President was a "loathsome individual who couldn’t stand our country."
Mr Farage also suggested he could act as a middle man between the next Republican President and the British Prime Minister, as he called on Mr Trump to try and “schmooze” her.
Nigel Farage has described Barack Obama as a “creature” and joked about warning Donald Trump not to "touch" Theresa May.
The interim Ukip leader said the current US President was a "loathsome individual who couldn’t stand our country."
Mr Farage also suggested he could act as a middle man between the next Republican President and the British Prime Minister, as he called on Mr Trump to try and “schmooze” her.
More with video @ The Telegraph
Remembering Pat Tillman: An example of courage, integrity our politicians should emulate
Via Billy

Today marks what would have been the 40th birthday for Pat
Tillman, a rising star in the NFL who gave up fortune and joined the
Army Rangers to serve a much greater purpose -- defending freedom.
it not been for three bullets striking him down in the most famous case
of fratricide our country likely will ever see, Tillman could have been
so much more.
Whenever I’m feeling the
need for a patriotic jolt, I watch “The Tillman Story” to remind myself
what sacrifice truly means, but also to reflect on the depths of
deception our government will go through to bury or cover up the truth.
this is not meant to be a platform to voice conspiracy theories on what
happened April 22, 2004, near a canyon in Afghanistan. It’s more of a
reimagined history of what could have been.
More @ The Daily Home
Stunningly Inaccurate: Polls Were Off 7.4 Points in States Trump Won
Via Billy
Dan Scavino Jr.
Nov 9
Manhattan, NY
The pollsters were not just wrong this year they COMPLETELY MISSED the wave of support for DONALD TRUMP.
Arnon Mishkin, head of FOX News Decision Desk, went on America’s Newsroom on Wednesday to defend the inaccurate FOX News poll that showed Hillary Clinton up by 4 points. The final results have Hillary winning the popular vote by less than 1%.
Donald Trump won the battleground states in a landslide.
Former Cruz campaign pollster Chris Wilson added this.
Where the polls were wrong were in state level versions. You look at specifically Pennsylvania, Ohio, really Midwestern states. They had a high turnout of whites without a college degree and they weren’t just off… They weren’t just off for Trump. They were off 7.4 points on average on states that Trump won and they were still off 3.7 points in states that Clinton won.

October 2016 - Huffington Post Presidential Odds.
Clinton: 97.5%
Trump: 2.4%
We told you.
Arnon Mishkin, head of FOX News Decision Desk, went on America’s Newsroom on Wednesday to defend the inaccurate FOX News poll that showed Hillary Clinton up by 4 points. The final results have Hillary winning the popular vote by less than 1%.
Donald Trump won the battleground states in a landslide.
Former Cruz campaign pollster Chris Wilson added this.
Where the polls were wrong were in state level versions. You look at specifically Pennsylvania, Ohio, really Midwestern states. They had a high turnout of whites without a college degree and they weren’t just off… They weren’t just off for Trump. They were off 7.4 points on average on states that Trump won and they were still off 3.7 points in states that Clinton won.
More with video @ The Gateway Pundit
A warning from a Southern nationalist
Via Nancy
It is commonplace for the victor in a hotly-contested political race to
offer an olive branch to the loser in the form of a pledge to work
together and govern in the interests of everyone. This might work in a
homogeneous society in which most of the fundamental things are agreed
upon by both the winning and losing sides. However, in modern
multicultural, multi-racial America it will not work. The interests of
the two sides are diametrically opposed and it amounts to the old
zero-sum game–we win, you lose.
Lee Circle in New Orleans after Trump’s victory (Such class........)
More @ LS
Richmond Monuments Vandalized Overnight During "Peaceful Protests" of Election Results
Via Billy
Overnight in Richmond, several of our monuments were vandalized by "peaceful protestors" when hundreds of VCU students marched through Richmond, blocking traffic, shouting obscenities, and protesting the election results.
Some time during the night, the Matthew Fontaine Maury and Jefferson Davis monuments were vandalized. "YOUR VOTE WAS A HATE CRIME" was spray painted in red on both monuments.

Overnight in Richmond, several of our monuments were vandalized by "peaceful protestors" when hundreds of VCU students marched through Richmond, blocking traffic, shouting obscenities, and protesting the election results.
Some time during the night, the Matthew Fontaine Maury and Jefferson Davis monuments were vandalized. "YOUR VOTE WAS A HATE CRIME" was spray painted in red on both monuments.
More @ The Virginia Flaggers
Final Results: Trump 306, Clinton 232 (Updated 11/12)
Via Billy
With only New Hampshire left to be called, Clinton has turned in the Democratic Party's worst Electoral College performance in 28 years

Inside Germany's No-Go Zones: Part I - North Rhine-Westphalia
Via Billy

- "In Berlin or in the north of
Duisburg there are neighborhoods where colleagues hardly dare to stop a
car -- because they know that they'll be surrounded by 40 or 50 men."
These attacks amount to a "deliberate challenge to the authority of the
state -- attacks in which the perpetrators are expressing their contempt
for our society." — Rainer Wendt, President of the German Police Union.
- "Once Duisburg-Marxloh was a popular shopping and residential
area. Now clans claim the streets for themselves. The police are
powerless. The descent of the district is nightmarish." — N24
- Police say they are alarmed by the brutality and aggression of
the clans, who are said to view crime as leisure activity. If police
dare to intervene, hundreds of clan members are mobilized to confront
the police.
- A 17-page report prepared for the NRW State Parliament revealed
how Lebanese clans in Duisburg divide up certain neighborhoods in order
to pursue their criminal activities, such as robbery, drug dealing and
- "Further data collection is not legally permissible. Both
internally and externally, any classification that could be used to
depreciate human beings must be avoided. In this respect, the use of the
term 'family clan' is forbidden from the police point of view." — Ralf
Jäger, Interior Minister, North Rhine-Westphalia.
- Two police officers stopped a driver who ran a red light. The
driver got out of the car and ran away. When police caught up with him,
they were confronted by more than 50 migrants. A 15-year-old attacked a
policeman from behind and began strangling him, rendering him
More @ The Gatestone Institute
Sneaking Off with Russia’s Girlfriend
Via Billy
A recent revolution, a war-torn country, and US mischief orchestrated
by a spawn of Clinton… It all adds up to a genuine crisis. And a huge
opportunity to profit.
Doug Casey and I flew halfway around the world to check it out for you. But before I tell you about that, you need to know about Victoria Nuland…
I doubt one in a hundred Americans have heard of her.
The mainstream media rarely mention her. But that doesn’t mean she isn’t important.
Nuland personifies the Deep State—the permanently entrenched shadow government that lurks behind every government office. She’s an upper-level State Department bureaucrat, a protégé of Clinton and Dick Cheney, and a lifelong government employee.

Doug Casey and I flew halfway around the world to check it out for you. But before I tell you about that, you need to know about Victoria Nuland…
I doubt one in a hundred Americans have heard of her.
The mainstream media rarely mention her. But that doesn’t mean she isn’t important.
Nuland personifies the Deep State—the permanently entrenched shadow government that lurks behind every government office. She’s an upper-level State Department bureaucrat, a protégé of Clinton and Dick Cheney, and a lifelong government employee.
More @ Casey Research
Virginia Voters Decidedly Reject Monument Hating Mayoral Candidates
Anti-monument Mayoral candidates defeated in Richmond and Portsmouth.
In the midst of all the election excitement last night, two small, but very important races were decided in Virginia, and in both cases, voters rejected candidates who were outspoken in their desire to remove Confederate monuments.
More @ The Virginia Flaggers
Art Robinson for Congress: Maybe the 4th Time will be the charm!
Dear Friends,
I am writing to thank you all for your wonderful help in our recent and previous congressional campaigns.
While we did not win in this election cycle, we significantly improved.
Congressional District 4 Oregon is geographically the size of the country of Switzerland and has 350,000 homes. Communicating with these homes with the impediment of a 30-year unprincipled career politician constantly misrepresenting our policies is a formidable task.
Still, in all three previous elections, we won in all 4 rural counties. (No other challenger had ever before won more than one county against DeFazio since he became entrenched in office.)
This time we won 5 of the 7 counties, including a 5th county that is part rural and part urban.
The remaining 2 counties are urban centers that each includes a large university, Oregon State University and the University of Oregon. These counties are affluent as a result of very large influxes of government money to the universities and have typically leftist tendencies.
We received 40% of the vote overall.
Please accept the most respectful thanks from the Robinson family to all of you who have supported us in this unusual but worthwhile endeavor.
Sincerely yours,
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