Vietnam service starts @ 25:00 (The timeline is screwed up)
Friday, November 3, 2017
Fed up, homeowner shoots alleged robber who later dies
Via John
The man who was shot in a Southwest Arkansas residence has died.
The 81-year-old who owns the home where the shooting occurred says the man had a gun and was trying to rob him.
"Whoever got the biggest gun and fastest will be boss when it is all said and done. ... In this case, it was me."
And Buddy Cates says he has been robbed a half dozen times in the past 10 months.
The man who was shot in a Southwest Arkansas residence has died.
The 81-year-old who owns the home where the shooting occurred says the man had a gun and was trying to rob him.
"Whoever got the biggest gun and fastest will be boss when it is all said and done. ... In this case, it was me."
And Buddy Cates says he has been robbed a half dozen times in the past 10 months.
More with video @ KSLA
A Note on Southern Humor

William Faulkner said much about Southern writing when he called Henry James “the nicest old lady lever met.” He indicated, of course, the sense of humor that the region has always had. And he indicated his disregard for the kind of psychological drama that identifies the target of his joke. If James liked to have a character weep seriously over wall paper, as he did in The Spoils of Poynton, Faulkner was likely to come up with a well-armed Sutpen or Sartoris for some blood and guts violence.
The South has always done it that way. We tend to express our conflicts with dramatic external gestures rather than let them rest on the psychological level. Our literary heritage accepts easily that Oedipus would actually gouge out his eyes when he discovers just how useless they have been. And the terrible violence at the end of Hamlet seems perfect [to us] as it brings to the surface the psychological conflicts that have gone before it.
An agrarian economy probably explains this literal approach best.
More @ The Abbeville Institute
Next Step for 12 Round Productions
12 Round Productions is establishing itself as a new media company. This is important, because as we have seen the social media sites are cracking down on conservative voices. Universities refuse to let conservatives speak. The media is hostile to conservatives. Newspapers go out of their way to slant the news in favor of liberal causes and points of view. Even in small towns, the publishers and reporters all come from the same journalism schools and carry the liberal message and points of view with them.
More@ Christian Mercenary
Paul Ryan didn't sign off on NRCC truce with Steve Bannon
Via Billy
House Speaker Paul Ryan doesn't approve of Rep. Steve Stivers' truce with anti-establishment firebrand Steve Bannon and was not consulted beforehand, Republican sources tell the Washington Examiner.
Stivers, the Ohio congressman who is leading the House GOP's 2018 campaign operation, forged a deal with Bannon that will cede certain open-seat nominating contests to Bannon in exchange for the Breitbart News chairman not fielding populist primary challengers against incumbent House Republicans.
But Republican sources confirmed on Friday that Ryan's political team was frustrated by the truce between Stivers, chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee, and Bannon, President Trump's former chief strategist — and that the speaker was unlikely to approve.
House Speaker Paul Ryan doesn't approve of Rep. Steve Stivers' truce with anti-establishment firebrand Steve Bannon and was not consulted beforehand, Republican sources tell the Washington Examiner.
Stivers, the Ohio congressman who is leading the House GOP's 2018 campaign operation, forged a deal with Bannon that will cede certain open-seat nominating contests to Bannon in exchange for the Breitbart News chairman not fielding populist primary challengers against incumbent House Republicans.
But Republican sources confirmed on Friday that Ryan's political team was frustrated by the truce between Stivers, chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee, and Bannon, President Trump's former chief strategist — and that the speaker was unlikely to approve.
More @ Washington Examiner
Five Trump-Era Food Stamp Facts Everyone Should Hear
Food stamp usage under the Trump administration has taken a nosedive at both the state and national levels, thanks to federal and state policies giving people incentives to choose work over welfare.
But how much has food stamp enrollment declined under President Trump’s time in office and what is causing this nationwide decrease in food stamp usage?Here are five facts about the decline in food stamp usage in the U.S. and how and why this is happening.
1. Food Stamp Usage is at Its Lowest Level in Seven Years
More @ Breitbart
GOP Tax Plan Includes Secret “Millionaire Tax”

Yesterday, House Republicans finally unveiled their 2018 tax plan, and as we reported, there’s plenty in it to like. There’s a balance of tax cuts that are “paid for” in part by limiting deductions that disproportionately benefit higher earners – most prominently in blue states.
Among the highlights of the tax plan include:
- Lowering individual tax rates for low- and middle-income Americans to Zero, 12%, 25%, and 35%; keeps tax rate for those making over $1 million at 39.6%
- Increasing the standard deduction from $6,350 to $12,000 for individuals and $12,700 to $24,000 for married couples.
- Establishing a new Family Credit, which includes expanding the Child Tax Credit from $1,000 to $1,600
- Preserving the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit
- Preserving the Earned Income Tax Credit
- Preserving the home mortgage interest deduction for existing mortgages and maintains the home mortgage interest deduction for newly purchased homes up to $500,000, half the current $1,000,000
- Continuing to allow people to write off the cost of state and local property taxes up to $10,000
- Repealing the Alternative Minimum Tax
- Lowering the corporate tax rate to 20% – down from 35%
- Reducing the tax rate on business income to no more than 25%
- Establishing strong safeguards to distinguish between individual wage income and “pass-through” business income
- Allowing businesses to immediately write off the full cost of new equipment
- Retaining the low-income housing tax credit
More @ The Political Insider
Charles Hurt: Clintons Now Involved in 3 'Watergate-Level' Scandals
Via Billy
On "Special Report" tonight, Charles Hurt reacted to former Democratic National Committee chairwoman Donna Brazile's bombshell claim that the DNC rigged the Democratic presidential primary to ensure that Hillary Clinton won the nomination over Bernie Sanders.
Brazile alleged that the DNC was in debt and signed an agreement with the Clinton campaign to keep the party financially afloat. She said that effectively turned the party’s financial, strategy and staffing decisions over to the Clinton team.
"We have three Watergate-level scandals going on right now involving the Clintons," Hurt said, pointing to the recent revelations about the controversial Uranium One deal and the Clinton campaign's financing of the now-infamous Trump dossier.

On "Special Report" tonight, Charles Hurt reacted to former Democratic National Committee chairwoman Donna Brazile's bombshell claim that the DNC rigged the Democratic presidential primary to ensure that Hillary Clinton won the nomination over Bernie Sanders.
Brazile alleged that the DNC was in debt and signed an agreement with the Clinton campaign to keep the party financially afloat. She said that effectively turned the party’s financial, strategy and staffing decisions over to the Clinton team.
"We have three Watergate-level scandals going on right now involving the Clintons," Hurt said, pointing to the recent revelations about the controversial Uranium One deal and the Clinton campaign's financing of the now-infamous Trump dossier.
More @ Fox
Trump: DOJ must do 'what is right and proper' and investigate Hillary Clinton & slams Sessions, DOJ for not going after Clinton, DNC
Via Billy
President Trump opened up on Democrats with both
Twitter barrels from high in the sky Friday, exploiting fractures in the
rival party after top operative Donna Brazile revealed insiders plotted
to steal last year's presidential primary from Bernie Sanders.
"Bernie Sanders supporters have every
right to be apoplectic of the complete theft of the Dem primary by
Crooked Hillary!" Trump tweeted from Air Force One, as he headed off on a
13-day tour of Asian nations.
The Coming Antifa Temper Tantrum
Via Billy
Stay tuned Saturday as the leftist/fascist “anti-fascist” group Refuse Fascism
has proclaimed that antifa groups throughout the nation will descend on
20 cities where they have pledged to protest “day after day and night
after night —not stopping” until their demand is met that Donald Trump
and Mike Pence are removed from office. How very undemocratic and
fascist of them.
Refuse Fascism’s call to action continues, “You cannot try to ‘wait things out.’ Those who lived through Nazi Germany and sat on the sidelines, looking on as Hitler demonized, criminalized and eventually rounded up one group after another, became shameful collaborators with monstrous crimes.” Who exactly are the ones advocating for violence against those whose speech they disagree with? Trump is no more a Nazi than antifa is pro-free speech.

Antifa groups plan to begin an unending protest until Trump and Pence are removed from office. (Good luck)
Refuse Fascism’s call to action continues, “You cannot try to ‘wait things out.’ Those who lived through Nazi Germany and sat on the sidelines, looking on as Hitler demonized, criminalized and eventually rounded up one group after another, became shameful collaborators with monstrous crimes.” Who exactly are the ones advocating for violence against those whose speech they disagree with? Trump is no more a Nazi than antifa is pro-free speech.
More @ The Patriot Post
Democrat panic in Virginia?
Via Billy
Not long ago, the governor's race in Virginia was assumed to stay in Democrat hands.
Then something happened on the way to election day. In other words, the race is a dead heat.
What do Democrats do when they panic? They call you a racist, a sexist, a homophobe, or run TV ads showing scared minority children running away from a truck.
That ad will not contribute to make governing easy, if Democrat Ralph Northam wins. How do you bring people together after an ad like that?
I like the editorial at the Roanoke Times:
Not long ago, the governor's race in Virginia was assumed to stay in Democrat hands.
Then something happened on the way to election day. In other words, the race is a dead heat.
What do Democrats do when they panic? They call you a racist, a sexist, a homophobe, or run TV ads showing scared minority children running away from a truck.
That ad will not contribute to make governing easy, if Democrat Ralph Northam wins. How do you bring people together after an ad like that?
I like the editorial at the Roanoke Times:
More @ American Thinker
Spain to issue arrest warrant for Catalan leader
Via Billy
A judge in Madrid was set Friday to issue an EU arrest warrant for Catalonia's deposed leader over his region's tumultuous independence drive, in a move likely to take tensions to a new level in Spain's worst political crisis in decades.

A judge in Madrid was set Friday to issue an EU arrest warrant for Catalonia's deposed leader over his region's tumultuous independence drive, in a move likely to take tensions to a new level in Spain's worst political crisis in decades.
warrant for Carles Puigdemont, who is holed up in Belgium, was expected
a day after a Spanish judge threw other leading figures in Catalonia's
secession push in jail pending possible trial.
briefly blocked roads and a railway line in Catalonia as demonstrators
geared up for more protests after tens of thousands took to the streets
on Thursday waving Catalan flags and chanting in anger over the
More @ Yahoo
Trump calls judge's ruling on Bowe Bergdahl 'a complete and total disgrace'
Via Billy
President Trump called a military judge’s ruling that Bowe Bergdahl serve no prison time a “complete and total disgrace.”
“The decision on Sergeant Bergdahl is a complete and total disgrace to our Country and to our Military,” Trump tweeted Friday.
The military judge ruled
Friday morning that Bergdahl, who deserted his post in Afghanistan in
2009, shouldn’t serve time in prison. The judge also gave Bergdahl a
dishonorable discharge and reduced his rank to private. Additionally,
Bergdahl must forfeit pay equal to $1,000 per month for 10 months.
He'll probably be flooded with job offers from the commies.
President Trump called a military judge’s ruling that Bowe Bergdahl serve no prison time a “complete and total disgrace.”
“The decision on Sergeant Bergdahl is a complete and total disgrace to our Country and to our Military,” Trump tweeted Friday.
More @ Washington Examiner
Their America, and Ours: The Spirit of Civil Conflict Is Permeating Through America
“Meet you at Peace Cross.”
In northwest D.C. in the 1950s, that was an often-heard comment among high schoolers headed for Ocean City.
The Peace Cross, in Bladensburg, Maryland, was a 40-feet concrete memorial to the 49 sons of Prince George’s County lost in the Great War. Paid for by county families and the American Legion, it had stood since 1925.
Before the Beltway was built, Peace Cross, at the junction of U.S. Route 1 and Maryland Route 450, was a landmark to us all.
Last month, two federal judges
from the 4th Circuit ruled that Peace Cross “excessively entangles the government and religion” and must come down. A suggested compromise was to saw the arms off, so the monument ceases to be an offensive cross.
One wonders: At what moment did Peace Cross begin to violate the Constitution?
More @ Patrick J. Buchanan
Democrat Women Are Turning On Hillary For Rigging The Primary
Former interim DNC Chair Donna Brazile revealed evidence that confirmed the Committee rigged the primary for Hillary Clinton in 2016. Of course, we all knew this from Wikileaks last year, but the admission from such a powerful party figure is a surprise.
It wasn’t too long ago that the official party line was that the primary wasn’t rigged. In fact, earlier this year, current DNC Chair Tom Perez said while running for the position, “We heard loudly and clearly yesterday from Bernie supporters that the process was rigged and it was. And you’ve got to be honest about it. That’s why we need a chair who is transparent.” Ironically, he soon backpedaled and claimed he misspoke. So much for transparency – you got it right the first time, Tom, even if you weren’t allowed to say it.
Now the dam is officially breaking. In the wake of Brazile’s explosive news, Senator Elizabeth Warren agreed that the nomination was rigged.
More with video @ The Political Insider
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