
Trump Organization, CFO Allen Weisselberg Plead No...
The left was angry with Donald Trump, from the moment he announced his
run for the presidency, until this very day. The reason is quite
simple. He was not a normal politician, who they could work behind the
scenes with to play the game, and get what they wanted, without looking
like they were getting it.
The Republicans are just as bad, and
participate with the Democrats, in playing the game, as was shown in the
first 2 years of Trump's presidency.
Paul Ryan and company made
sure that former president Trump was unable to accomplish many important
parts of his agenda, due to the Republicans in both the House and the
Senate dragging their feet. One big one was the concealed carry
reciprocity bill, which leadership of both chambers said was not going
to be able to pass, and therefore they would instead wait, until they
could muster more support.
And we must not forget the Obamacare
fiasco, which Trump basically made a big part of his campaign, along
with a border wall, that the House and Senate sent bills to Obama with
much frequency, knowing that he would not sign them. But when there was
a possibility that they had the chance to actually get it enacted, with
a president who would sign it, suddenly they were all out of ideas.
There used to be a phrase for what we would call such behavior in the
foundry where I spent my entire working life as an adult, of over 35
years, and the letters that started it were C and S.
I have never
been a Republican nor a Democrat, but voted for the man with the best
ideas, and also the best character, if I could. For example, I voted
for Jon Anderson, a third party candidate the first time Reagan ran, due
to some of his ideas on financial matters. And I could not vote for
Jimmy Carter, even though I am a Christian, and was considering
attending Bible College at the time. Because Jimmy Carter, at the time a
man of very high moral character, was a weak leader.
We elect many
of our officials, from the Sheriff to the District Attorney, and here in
Michigan, the board of both the University of Michigan, and Michigan
State University. While that might sound like a good idea, in
actuality, it makes the people who fill those jobs not the best for the
job, but instead, the best politicians, who know how to manipulate and
maneuver people's mind to vote for them, while the actual ability to do
the job takes second place, if it is even a consideration.
In New
York, the State Attorney General is Letitia James, and she set her
sights on the NRA while still running for office, knowing that much of
the state's population was liberal and did not like the organization,
due to the liberal anti gun groups messaging and propaganda.
James also didn't like former president Trump, and was working hard to
somehow find a way to get rid of him from the White House. In fact, the
Democrat party didn't just want to get rid of Trump, but they wanted
him to suffer, both to humiliate him, and to make certain that he could
never again run for president, or any other office. They didn't just
dislike his policies, but they literally hate him, and are still
actively trying to find a way to humiliate him and bury him for good.
They forget that Trump is not just one man, but he represents some 75
million voters, who are in agreement with him on many things, the main
one being that America is the greatest nation on earth, with people from
most other countries wanting to come here for the chance to better
themselves. And for the most part, if a person is willing to work, they
can better themselves, making both their lives and the lives of their
families into something significantly better than what they faced from
wherever they came from.