"HERE IS THE VIDEO OF THE SHOOTING—Clearly this shooting occurred within a crowd of protesters."
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Civilian on civilian shooting at CharlotteProtest: Rioters claim it was a police shooting.
Via Billy
"HERE IS THE VIDEO OF THE SHOOTING—Clearly this shooting occurred within a crowd of protesters."
"HERE IS THE VIDEO OF THE SHOOTING—Clearly this shooting occurred within a crowd of protesters."
NC: Charlotte officer involved in shooting joined CMPD like his father: Attended Fork Union Military Academy & Liberty University
Via Billy
Vinson decided to play a prep season at Fork Union (Va.) Military Academy, where he earned a scholarship to Liberty University.
Read more here: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/local/article103212447.html#storylink=cpy
Brentley Vinson, the CMPD officer involved in a fatal shooting that
sparked protests Tuesday night, grew up in Charlotte, played football
at Ardrey Kell High School and dreamed of becoming a police officer like
his father.
Larry Kennedy, who coached Vinson through middle school at J.M. Robinson in south Charlotte, said Vinson had long talked about becoming a police officer and would often talk about potentially becoming a federal officer one day. “I thought when he became a police officer like his dad (Alex) that it was a perfect fit for him,” said Kennedy, assistant football coach at South Mecklenburg High School. “I’ve watched this kid work his butt off from an early age. … He’s a phenomenal kid and happens to be in an unfortunate situation right now, and I hate to see him be in the middle of it and being vilified the way he is.”
Read more here: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/local/article103212447.html#storylink=cpyMoe
The Spirit of Greenbrier Military School Lives on at Fork Union
Read more here: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/local/article103212447.html#storylink=cpy
Larry Kennedy, who coached Vinson through middle school at J.M. Robinson in south Charlotte, said Vinson had long talked about becoming a police officer and would often talk about potentially becoming a federal officer one day. “I thought when he became a police officer like his dad (Alex) that it was a perfect fit for him,” said Kennedy, assistant football coach at South Mecklenburg High School. “I’ve watched this kid work his butt off from an early age. … He’s a phenomenal kid and happens to be in an unfortunate situation right now, and I hate to see him be in the middle of it and being vilified the way he is.”
More @ The Charlotte Observer
Read more here: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/local/article103212447.html#storylink=cpyMoe
COULTER: Trump Busts Muslim Protection Racket
Via Billy
Priceless as usual.
Forty minutes after the explosion in Chelsea Saturday night, Donald
Trump told a crowd in Colorado that a bomb had gone off in New York and
said, “We better get very tough, folks. We better get very, very tough.”
For the next 48 hours, the media denounced Trump for jumping to conclusions about a “bomb” — and especially for the wild suggestion that government policy had had anything to do with it. (How about our policy of naturalizing 858 people from terrorist-producing countries who were under orders of deportation? Is it deplorable to ask about that policy?)
That night, CNN boasted that it placed “numerous requests” to the Trump campaign, demanding his evidence that it was a bomb. This explosive-filled device with a detonator that blew up in a dumpster — what makes you think it was a bomb?
Hoping to get a snappy riposte from the pouty pantsuit on Trump’s wild leap from an explosion in a dumpster to a “bomb,” the press asked her to comment on Trump’s “conclusion” — as they termed his statement of the blindingly obvious.
Hillary referred to the bombing as a “bombing,” then snipped, “I
think it’s important to know the facts about any incident like this … I
think it’s always wiser to wait until you have information before making
For the next 48 hours, the media denounced Trump for jumping to conclusions about a “bomb” — and especially for the wild suggestion that government policy had had anything to do with it. (How about our policy of naturalizing 858 people from terrorist-producing countries who were under orders of deportation? Is it deplorable to ask about that policy?)
That night, CNN boasted that it placed “numerous requests” to the Trump campaign, demanding his evidence that it was a bomb. This explosive-filled device with a detonator that blew up in a dumpster — what makes you think it was a bomb?
Hoping to get a snappy riposte from the pouty pantsuit on Trump’s wild leap from an explosion in a dumpster to a “bomb,” the press asked her to comment on Trump’s “conclusion” — as they termed his statement of the blindingly obvious.
More @ The Daily Caller
In the Second Term of the First Black President, Rioting Is the New Normal
Via Billy
It's a sad observation, folks. I'm telling you, a sad, sad observation but it's an observation that I don't think I'm alone in making. It seems like rioting is almost expected now when there is a cop shooting.
A cop shooting, period. Don't care about the details. It seems like it's now axiomatic that there's going to be rioting or massive public protests or threats of rioting or threats of unrest every time the cops have to draw their weapons.
Now, stop and think about this. Where are we here? We're in the United States of America. We are in the second term of the presidency of the first African-American president ever elected in this country, a former community organizer -- ah -- agitator, organizer, same thing, who promised and assured us, via hope and change, that none of this would survive the presidency. This kind of thing was destined for the ash heap.
It's a sad observation, folks. I'm telling you, a sad, sad observation but it's an observation that I don't think I'm alone in making. It seems like rioting is almost expected now when there is a cop shooting.
A cop shooting, period. Don't care about the details. It seems like it's now axiomatic that there's going to be rioting or massive public protests or threats of rioting or threats of unrest every time the cops have to draw their weapons.
Now, stop and think about this. Where are we here? We're in the United States of America. We are in the second term of the presidency of the first African-American president ever elected in this country, a former community organizer -- ah -- agitator, organizer, same thing, who promised and assured us, via hope and change, that none of this would survive the presidency. This kind of thing was destined for the ash heap.
More @ Rush
Trump opposes plan for U.S. to cede internet oversight
Via Billy
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump opposes a long-planned transition of oversight of the internet's technical management from the U.S. government to a global community of stakeholders, his campaign said in a statement on Wednesday.
Congress should block the handover, scheduled to occur on Oct. 1, "or internet freedom will be lost for good, since there will be no way to make it great again once it is lost," Stephen Miller, national policy director for the Trump campaign, said in a statement.
More @ Reuters
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump opposes a long-planned transition of oversight of the internet's technical management from the U.S. government to a global community of stakeholders, his campaign said in a statement on Wednesday.
Congress should block the handover, scheduled to occur on Oct. 1, "or internet freedom will be lost for good, since there will be no way to make it great again once it is lost," Stephen Miller, national policy director for the Trump campaign, said in a statement.
More @ Reuters
The Necessity for Extreme Vetting
Via Mike
“I have been ordered to wage war against mankind until they accept that there is no god but Allah and that they believe I am His prophet and accept all revelations through me.”
—The Prophet Muhammad as quoted in Sahih Muslim Hadith (001,0031).
“I have been ordered to wage war against mankind until they accept that there is no god but Allah and that they believe I am His prophet and accept all revelations through me.”
—The Prophet Muhammad as quoted in Sahih Muslim Hadith (001,0031).
This single hadith is by no means the only support
for the doctrines of Islamic Supremacy and Jihad, but it is one of the
most powerful and precise.
In addition to the Koran, the Hadith(s) (the
sayings of Muhammad) and the Sira (the acts of Muhammad) are the highly
revered doctrinal standards of Islam. The Hadith(s) and Sira together
are called “the Sunna.” In Islam, when a teaching is called “Sunna,” it
carries the infallible authority of Muhammad. Every rule of Islamic Law
(Sharia) is derived from the Koran or the Sunna. Thus Sharia Law carries
the infallible authority of the Koran and Sunna as divine revelation.
Sharia Law governs every aspect of the Muslim life—religion, civil law,
criminal law, war, friends, marriage, sex, food, clothing, manners,
social and cultural traditions, everything. Sharia Law is not subject to
amendment or revision. Even criticism of Sharia Law is subject to the
death penalty.
There are 109 war verses in the Koran alone, and
according to an analysis by Dr. Bill Warner on his politicalislam.com
website, 31 percent of the combined doctrinal texts of the Koran and
Sunna are about Jihad. Only a tiny percentage of these Jihad verses are
about “spiritual struggle,”
More @ The Tribune
Sanctuary Jurisdictions Protect Nearly 12,000 Criminal Illegal Immigrants in 19 Months
Via Cousin John
The recent murder committed by a twice-deported illegal immigrant gangbanger in a Maryland sanctuary county makes the following information both enraging and unbelievable; nearly 12,000 illegal immigrants with criminal histories were protected from federal authorities by sanctuary jurisdictions in the U.S. during a 19-month period, according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) figures obtained by the Washington D.C.-based Center for Immigration Studies (CIS).
A few weeks ago CIS published a map identifying about 300 jurisdictions that have official policies shielding illegal aliens from federal authorities. During a 19-month stretch from January 1, 2014, to September 30, 2015, more than 17,000 federal detainers were rejected by these sanctuary jurisdictions, CIS found. Around 11,800 of the detainers, or 68%, were issued for individuals with a prior criminal history. “According to ICE statistics, since the Obama administration implemented the new Priority Enforcement Program in July 2015 restricting ICE use of detainers, the number of rejected detainers has declined,” CIS writes in a report accompanying the map. “However, the number of detainers issued by ICE also has declined in 2016, so it is not clear if the new policies are a factor.”
The recent murder committed by a twice-deported illegal immigrant gangbanger in a Maryland sanctuary county makes the following information both enraging and unbelievable; nearly 12,000 illegal immigrants with criminal histories were protected from federal authorities by sanctuary jurisdictions in the U.S. during a 19-month period, according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) figures obtained by the Washington D.C.-based Center for Immigration Studies (CIS).
A few weeks ago CIS published a map identifying about 300 jurisdictions that have official policies shielding illegal aliens from federal authorities. During a 19-month stretch from January 1, 2014, to September 30, 2015, more than 17,000 federal detainers were rejected by these sanctuary jurisdictions, CIS found. Around 11,800 of the detainers, or 68%, were issued for individuals with a prior criminal history. “According to ICE statistics, since the Obama administration implemented the new Priority Enforcement Program in July 2015 restricting ICE use of detainers, the number of rejected detainers has declined,” CIS writes in a report accompanying the map. “However, the number of detainers issued by ICE also has declined in 2016, so it is not clear if the new policies are a factor.”
More @ Judicial Watch
Burns Chronicles No 29 Public Lands – Part 2 The Federal Government Has No Jurisdiction
In a previous article, “It’s a Matter of Jurisdiction“, we looked at the constitutional aspect of jurisdiction. Many will simply ignore that aspect, since they believe that the government is not bound by the Constitution, anymore. So, we must wonder whether those who enacted laws, more recently, regarding jurisdiction, especially on lands that were obtained for certain purposes, were as doubtful of the intent of the Constitution.
The original buildings on the Refuge were built during the Great Depression under one of the various work programs intended to provide employment. The land that they were built on was acquired by the government on February 18, 1935. The remainder of the government-owned land in Section 35, as the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge was expanded, was acquired on November 22, 1948.
Shortly after the first parcel was acquired, on April 27, 1935, Congress enacted “AN ACT To provide for the protection of land resources against soil erosion, and for other purposes”, at 49 STAT 163.
Those “other purposes did include uses anticipated “to preserve public lands and relieve unemployment“. That Act applied:
More @ Outpost of Freedom
66% of Employees are Planning a Job Change | Job Market Report 2016
Via Katie
According to our annual study of the job market, this year’s hiring and workplace trends indicate that things are on the upswing for workers. Salaries continue to modestly rise and hiring managers are busy looking to fill jobs. Whether we’re recruiting for marketing agencies or iconic fashion brands, the results support what we’ve been witnessing. The job seeker is in the driver’s seat. Here are some highlights from our latest Job Market Report.

According to our annual study of the job market, this year’s hiring and workplace trends indicate that things are on the upswing for workers. Salaries continue to modestly rise and hiring managers are busy looking to fill jobs. Whether we’re recruiting for marketing agencies or iconic fashion brands, the results support what we’ve been witnessing. The job seeker is in the driver’s seat. Here are some highlights from our latest Job Market Report.
Increase Trends Hold Steady
More @ Talent Thread
Electoral College Math, and Why I Think Trump Will Win
Via David
As Donald Trump has caught up with Hillary Clinton in the polls, he has likewise closed the gap in the electoral college. Ipsos/Reuters says the race to 270 votes is now nearly tied. Many are focusing on Maine, which allocates its electoral college votes by Congressional district, and where one district going for Trump might change the result.
A reader who has been studying the numbers sends a link to 538 (“Democrats Should Panic … If The Polls Still Look Like This In A Week”) and adds:

As Donald Trump has caught up with Hillary Clinton in the polls, he has likewise closed the gap in the electoral college. Ipsos/Reuters says the race to 270 votes is now nearly tied. Many are focusing on Maine, which allocates its electoral college votes by Congressional district, and where one district going for Trump might change the result.
A reader who has been studying the numbers sends a link to 538 (“Democrats Should Panic … If The Polls Still Look Like This In A Week”) and adds:
I presume Trump wins Nevada. Adjusting for that, if this is accurate Trump loses 265 – 273. So he needs New Hampshire desperately to tie, and then win in the House…or NH plus Maine’s 2nd Congressional District for a bare win 270 – 268, second closest in history.That could be right. But I think more likely, Trump will win rather easily, and win going away as he did the Republican primaries. I expect him to carry states like Ohio, North Carolina, Florida, Michigan, maybe even Pennsylvania. Why? Two reasons.
More @ Powerline
Bryan: Those distinctive VMI types
Via Sister Anne "For those who knew him & for those who did not----- this was Billy."
People are occasionally surprised when I tell them that I graduated from the Virginia Military Institute.
I don’t know whether to take it as a compliment or an insult when they say I don’t seem to be the “VMI type.”
What is the VMI type? Is it represented by Gen. George C. Marshall, VMI class of 1901, the only professional soldier to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize? Does Jonathan Daniels, class of 1961, who was killed in 1965 saving the life of a fellow civil rights worker in Alabama, fit the profile? What about Gen. John Jumper, class of ’66, former chief of staff of the Air Force and now a Fortune 500 corporate chief executive? Does police officer Richard Donohue, class of 2002, who suffered a near-fatal wound during a shootout with the Boston Marathon bombing suspects last year?
More @ Richmond Times-Dispatch
My brother-in-law, Billy at VMI. He graduated without a single demerit as did Robert E. Lee from West Point.
People are occasionally surprised when I tell them that I graduated from the Virginia Military Institute.
I don’t know whether to take it as a compliment or an insult when they say I don’t seem to be the “VMI type.”
What is the VMI type? Is it represented by Gen. George C. Marshall, VMI class of 1901, the only professional soldier to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize? Does Jonathan Daniels, class of 1961, who was killed in 1965 saving the life of a fellow civil rights worker in Alabama, fit the profile? What about Gen. John Jumper, class of ’66, former chief of staff of the Air Force and now a Fortune 500 corporate chief executive? Does police officer Richard Donohue, class of 2002, who suffered a near-fatal wound during a shootout with the Boston Marathon bombing suspects last year?
More @ Richmond Times-Dispatch
The 'forgotten tribe' in West Virginia; why America's white working class feels left behind
Via Cousin John
Each morning for the last 65 years, 93-year-old Ed Shepard has walked to work to open up the Union 76 service station, here in rolling hills of West Virginia coal country.
Each morning for the last 65 years, 93-year-old Ed Shepard has walked to work to open up the Union 76 service station, here in rolling hills of West Virginia coal country.
he looks out his window, he can see a sweeping mural that shows what
life in Welch used to be like. A United Cigars shop on one side of the
street, a Western Union sign on the other. Lines of cars stretch into
the distance. Even Shepard himself -- who is as much a fixture of Welch
as any of its buildings -- is in the mural, a blue cap perched on his
wasn't ten square feet in this town that didn't have a successful
business in it, a business of every kind," Shepard said in an interview.
"No matter what you wanted or needed, you could buy it in Welch."
Those were better days.
More @ CNN
Why Won’t You Believe Me When I Say I Want to Kill You?
Via Billy
There were six global Islamic jihad attacks in Israel over the weekend, a knife attack in a mall in St. Cloud, Minnesota, and a bombing attack in the city of New York, with other bombs found in New York and New Jersey, and yet the elites in the media and the government who hold authority over us insist on covering up the truth and doing everything in their power not to admit that we’re at war with the global jihad.
Of course, those in charge waste no time coming on the “news” to spew platitudes at us such as “if you see something, say something”; “this has nothing to do with Islamic terrorism”; and my personal favorite, “be vigilant.”
They also hammered Trump for calling the bomb a bomb. Like that’s a bad thing. This is how Orwellian this is becoming. Our fearless leaders, with the absolute cooperation of our mainstream media, hope that by using extreme gaslighting and Orwellian mind-bending techniques on us, we will become so confused with cognitive dissonance that we’ll accept their narrative without complaint.
Their goal is to send us back into our slumber, so that we ignore the global Islamic jihad that is confronting us on a daily basis.

There were six global Islamic jihad attacks in Israel over the weekend, a knife attack in a mall in St. Cloud, Minnesota, and a bombing attack in the city of New York, with other bombs found in New York and New Jersey, and yet the elites in the media and the government who hold authority over us insist on covering up the truth and doing everything in their power not to admit that we’re at war with the global jihad.
Of course, those in charge waste no time coming on the “news” to spew platitudes at us such as “if you see something, say something”; “this has nothing to do with Islamic terrorism”; and my personal favorite, “be vigilant.”
They also hammered Trump for calling the bomb a bomb. Like that’s a bad thing. This is how Orwellian this is becoming. Our fearless leaders, with the absolute cooperation of our mainstream media, hope that by using extreme gaslighting and Orwellian mind-bending techniques on us, we will become so confused with cognitive dissonance that we’ll accept their narrative without complaint.
Their goal is to send us back into our slumber, so that we ignore the global Islamic jihad that is confronting us on a daily basis.
More @ Jihad Watch
Smearing the South with false charges of racism
Via Billy
James D. Agresti is the president of Just Facts, a think tank dedicated to researching and publishing verifiable facts about the leading public policy issues of our time.
Blunt accusations of racism have become a common feature of public discourse over the past few years. With this, the views of both whites and blacks about the state of race relations in America have sunk to the lowest levels they have ever been since Gallup began polling on this issue in 2001.
Beyond claims that specific individuals are “racist,” certain media outlets, activists, and politicians have leveled this charge at broad groups of Americans. For example:
Blunt accusations of racism have become a common feature of public discourse over the past few years. With this, the views of both whites and blacks about the state of race relations in America have sunk to the lowest levels they have ever been since Gallup began polling on this issue in 2001.
Beyond claims that specific individuals are “racist,” certain media outlets, activists, and politicians have leveled this charge at broad groups of Americans. For example:
- The editorial board has declared that “many” of the nation’s 900,000 “police officers see black men as expendable figures on the urban landscape, not quite human beings.”
- Hillary Clinton recently stated that “half” of Donald Trump’s supporters are a “basket of deplorables” who are “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic—you name it.” She later walked this back a little by writing that she regrets saying “half.”
- The official website of #BlackLivesMatter contends that “virulent anti-Black racism … permeates our society.”More @ The Blaze
Don King drops N-word while introducing Trump
Former boxing promoter Don King used the N-word on Wednesday while introducing Donald Trump at a black church in Cleveland Heights, Ohio, just hours after the Republican National Committee released a new video aimed at attracting black voters.
"Donald Trump says no, we're going back to inclusiveness," King said about his longtime friend. "He don't care about political correctness, he wants what is right, and that's why I will walk with him, talk with him to the people about why the system is the problem."
"America needs Donald Trump," he added. "We need Donald Trump, especially black people, because you've got to understand my brothers and sisters, they told me to try to emulate and imitate the white man and then you can be successful."
More with video @ Washington Examiner
Judge Orders Release of Clinton Security Training Docs To Begin In Five Days
Via Billy
A frustrated federal judge ordered the State Department to begin producing within five days hundreds of documents on whether required or recommended security training, briefings or courses were completed by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her top aides.
Judge Richard Leon ruled Tuesday in favor of The Daily Caller News Foundation by rejecting the State Department’s motion to dismiss TheDCNF’s Freedom of Information Act lawsuit concerning production of the documents originally sought under the Freedom of Information Act. But he also denied TheDCNF’s request to depose State Department officials.
A frustrated federal judge ordered the State Department to begin producing within five days hundreds of documents on whether required or recommended security training, briefings or courses were completed by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her top aides.
Judge Richard Leon ruled Tuesday in favor of The Daily Caller News Foundation by rejecting the State Department’s motion to dismiss TheDCNF’s Freedom of Information Act lawsuit concerning production of the documents originally sought under the Freedom of Information Act. But he also denied TheDCNF’s request to depose State Department officials.
More @ The Daily Caller
Was Terence Crutcher On PCP?
Via comment by Sioux on Hillary Clinton Trashes Tulsa, Charlotte Police af...
The latest gentle giant was apparently gently on PCP. Remember that, supposedly, damning line,
The latest gentle giant was apparently gently on PCP. Remember that, supposedly, damning line,
Two 911 calls described an SUV that had been abandoned in the middle of the road. One unidentified caller said the driver was acting strangely, adding, "I think he's smoking something."Or the other one.
More @ Front Page
Hillary Clinton Trashes Tulsa, Charlotte Police after Shootings – Sides With Looters and Rioters
Via Billy
Hillary Clinton took to Twitter on Tuesday and early Wednesday to trash the Tulsa and Charlotte police after two men ...
bit.ly/2cKQtxj|By Jim Hoft
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