Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Huge cache of Confederate weapons seized by Gen. Sherman may have been found in S.C. river
Via Bill
Drunk and rowdy, Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman’s troops captured South Carolina’s capital on Feb. 17, 1865. It was nearing the end of the Civil War, and Sherman’s plan was to destroy the state where secession began.
“The truth is, the whole army is burning with an insatiable desire to wreak vengeance upon South Carolina,” Sherman wrote to Gen. Henry W. Halleck. “I almost tremble at her fate, but feel that she deserves all that seems in store for her.”
Sherman’s 60,000-man army torched Columbia in retaliation for seceding from the Union. The blaze, which he later blamed on a Confederate general he said left cotton bales in the streets, destroyed a third of the city. Sherman’s troops made off with the Confederate armory. They confiscated cannonballs, rammers, sabers and bayonet scabbards. And, on their way out of town, they dumped whatever they couldn’t carry into the Congaree River.

Drunk and rowdy, Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman’s troops captured South Carolina’s capital on Feb. 17, 1865. It was nearing the end of the Civil War, and Sherman’s plan was to destroy the state where secession began.
“The truth is, the whole army is burning with an insatiable desire to wreak vengeance upon South Carolina,” Sherman wrote to Gen. Henry W. Halleck. “I almost tremble at her fate, but feel that she deserves all that seems in store for her.”
Sherman’s 60,000-man army torched Columbia in retaliation for seceding from the Union. The blaze, which he later blamed on a Confederate general he said left cotton bales in the streets, destroyed a third of the city. Sherman’s troops made off with the Confederate armory. They confiscated cannonballs, rammers, sabers and bayonet scabbards. And, on their way out of town, they dumped whatever they couldn’t carry into the Congaree River.
More @ The Washington Post
Politically Incorrect Memes: The archive
Via Matthew
Below is an archive of politically incorrect memes that people have collected from around the internet. Outrage your leftist acquaintances and post these memes to Facebook, Twitter, blogs, blog comments, etc. To use a meme, just right-click on it and download it to your desktop.
This page is regularly updated with new memes so periodically check the bottom of this post to find new memes.
If you have memes you would like to be added to this page, please leave a link in the comments below. If you do not have a link, upload image to TinyPic and leave that link in the comments below. We prefer more "timeless" memes, i.e. not ones tied to current events. If a meme in question will be irrelevant a year from now, then it is not meant for this page.

Below is an archive of politically incorrect memes that people have collected from around the internet. Outrage your leftist acquaintances and post these memes to Facebook, Twitter, blogs, blog comments, etc. To use a meme, just right-click on it and download it to your desktop.
This page is regularly updated with new memes so periodically check the bottom of this post to find new memes.
If you have memes you would like to be added to this page, please leave a link in the comments below. If you do not have a link, upload image to TinyPic and leave that link in the comments below. We prefer more "timeless" memes, i.e. not ones tied to current events. If a meme in question will be irrelevant a year from now, then it is not meant for this page.
More @ Politically Incorrect Memes
The Southern Project: Restoring the Old or Ushering in the New?
By Red Phillips

For those unaware of what the title is referring to, 1.5 to
2 years ago the League of the South underwent a change in direction. For
reasons many and varied, some of us objected to this new direction.
There is more to this situation than I can cover in a brief article, so I will include a link here to a discussion I have been having recently with two of the leaders of the new direction caucus, Michael Cushman and Hunter Wallace.
Reading our back and forth will give you the gist of what part of the debate is all about.
There is more to this situation than I can cover in a brief article, so I will include a link here to a discussion I have been having recently with two of the leaders of the new direction caucus, Michael Cushman and Hunter Wallace.
Reading our back and forth will give you the gist of what part of the debate is all about.
It was this discussion that prompted me to write this article
because I think a lot of the debate has taken place between a somewhat pointy
headed set of antagonists, who know what they are debating, but it may not be
readily apparent to the casual observer what is at issue. So I present this
More @ SHNV
Robert Edward Lee
Via Billy
Today we take a moment to remember the birth anniversary of Robert E. Lee (1807-1870), one of the greatest military commanders in American history. He was also a great man of faith who gave his all for the cause of Liberty and states' rights.
Today we take a moment to remember the birth anniversary of Robert E. Lee (1807-1870), one of the greatest military commanders in American history. He was also a great man of faith who gave his all for the cause of Liberty and states' rights.
More @ The Patriot Post
Who Will Be Held Accountable?
Via avordvet
Here is a brief summary of what happened to an American, Chad Chadwick, on US soil. Imagine being home one night by yourself. You’re feeling depressed, so you have a few drinks and then decide to take a bath. While you’re in the bath tub the combination of warm water and alcohol causes you to fall asleep. No big deal so far right? You’re not hurting anybody or yourself, you’re minding your own business, and as far as you know it’s just another night at home. Suddenly the door bangs open and a SWAT team comes rushing in. They throw a stun grenade into the bathroom, and when you stand up they shoot you with a .40 caliber non-lethal round. Ouch.
Here is a brief summary of what happened to an American, Chad Chadwick, on US soil. Imagine being home one night by yourself. You’re feeling depressed, so you have a few drinks and then decide to take a bath. While you’re in the bath tub the combination of warm water and alcohol causes you to fall asleep. No big deal so far right? You’re not hurting anybody or yourself, you’re minding your own business, and as far as you know it’s just another night at home. Suddenly the door bangs open and a SWAT team comes rushing in. They throw a stun grenade into the bathroom, and when you stand up they shoot you with a .40 caliber non-lethal round. Ouch.
More with video @ SHTF
“We’ll give them a gun fight…they’ll never forget,” says Sheriff unafraid of the PC media
Via avordvet
“We’ll give them a gun fight, one they’ll never forget,” Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd told a gaggle of reporters, one of whom even taunted the courageous police chief with a politically correct question about the optics of a gun fight. Four black males were apprehended by law enforcement teams from Polk County, Florida, Auburndale, and Haines City after committing alleged atrocities “much too graphic to detail” on two adult mother-daughter victims in their own home! (1)
“We’ll give them a gun fight, one they’ll never forget,” Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd told a gaggle of reporters, one of whom even taunted the courageous police chief with a politically correct question about the optics of a gun fight. Four black males were apprehended by law enforcement teams from Polk County, Florida, Auburndale, and Haines City after committing alleged atrocities “much too graphic to detail” on two adult mother-daughter victims in their own home! (1)
More @ Coach Is Right
SHOT Show 2015: Welcome to 12.5 Miles of Guns and Gear
The 2015 and 37th annual National Shooting Sports Foundation SHOT Show is here with 12.5 miles of aisles full of guns, gear and educational products ready to go. The show floor opened this morning and will welcome 60,000 attendees representing more than 10,000 manufacturers, distributors, publishers, sportsmen's organizations and retailers to Las Vegas this week. A whopping $90 million dollars will be dumped into the local economy over the next four days.
More @ Townhall
Muslim Brotherhood Agent Pelosi Wants on Intelligence Committee Once Told Authorities that ‘Allah Will Not Allow You To Stop Us’
At the 2012 Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) Convention, Rep. Andre Carson (D-IN), a Muslim whom House Minority leader Nancy Pelosi named as her choice to sit on the House Intelligence Committee, expressed solidarity with the Muslim Brotherhood in his speech. During that speech, Carson referred to unnamed infiltrators of his event before saying it was “unfortunate” that people think “we’re having secret meetings, that we’re plotting to destroy this country” before making a very bizarre statement.
Instead of assuring everyone that this was not in the least bit true, Carson said the following instead:
“Allah will not allow you to stop us.”It seemed that Carson accepted his own premise. Instead of denying that the Muslims behind the event had any intention of destroying America, Carson simply said authorities who were trying to prevent that destruction would not be stopped. Now some may say this is taken out of context but they run into trouble when presented with the list of Muslim organizations on a 1991 document introduced into evidence at the Holy Land Foundation trial.
The document reads in part:
The process of settlement is a “Civilization-Jihadist Process” with all the word means. The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.
More @ Shoebat
The Battle for Huertgen Forest: Impenetrable Darkness, Unheralded Valor, and Mystery
Part 5 of 5
Mike Scruggs
From Aachen in 1944, the Huertgen Forest appeared to be an impenetrable mass of dark green conifers stretching as far as the eye could see. The rolling terrain is often rugged and treacherous. Because the trees are so close together, their towering branches are interlocked, admitting only dim and gloomy sunlight on the forest’s floor. Without artificial light, the nights were pitch black, and soldiers could become disoriented while moving only a few yards.
The Huertgen Forest lies within a triangle formed by Aachen, Dueren on the Roer River, and Monschau. Its approximately 70 square miles lie just east of Germany’s border with Belgium. This area is collectively called the Huertgen Forest but consists of several smaller woods—Huertgen, Wenau, Eifel, Roetgen, and Monschau. West of the German border, it blends into the more famous Ardennes Forest. Along the east side of the German border lies the Siegfried Line, also called the Westwall. The Siegfried Line consisted of miles of concrete machine-gun bunkers and huge tank obstacles called “dragon’s teeth.” On the left or northwestern flank of the Huertgen, stretching from about 5 miles south of Aachen to the Roer River lies the Stolberg corridor with roads, farmland, and many small towns and villages.
The Battle for Huertgen Forest commenced on 19 September 1944. It was not one battle but many smaller battles. The American objective was to cross the Roer River and advance on easier ground to the Rhine River and its major industrial cities. The Battle for the Huertgen was interrupted on 16 December 1944 by the Battle of the Bulge (Ardennes Counteroffensive). Thus the Huertgen Forest campaign and the Battle of the Bulge overlapped in place and time and involved many of the same American units.
The Normandy Invasion and the Battle of the Bulge involved more troops and more casualties, but the Huertgen casualties per the number troops involved were more staggering. In that respect, the Battle for Huertgen Forest would classify as the costliest major American campaign in Europe.\
Approximately 113,000 Allied troops were landed on the Normandy beaches on June 6, 1944, or shortly thereafter. But the Normandy campaign lasted through July 24 and involved 1.3 million Allied troops against 380,000 German troops. Allied Casualties totaled 120,000 dead, wounded, missing, or captured.
In the Battle of the Bulge, 200,000 German troops, eight infantry and five armored divisions, initially trapped 83,000 American troops belonging to four infantry and one armored division, but by 24 December, 610,000 American troops were engaged. There were 90,000 American casualties including 19,000 dead.
In the Huertgen, not more than 170,000 of the First Army’s 254,000 troops were engaged. There were 33,000 casualties, including 9,000 non-combat casualties. The German artillery attack on U.S. forces at Inden during the Huertgen Forest campaign was the heaviest of the war. There was constant exposure to cold, rain, mud, and dampness for months. Infantry trenches were frequently knee deep in mud. Consequently, casualties from combat fatigue, serious respiratory conditions, frostbite, and trench-foot added significantly to direct combat casualties.
Combat casualties fell heavily on six infantry divisions of the V and VII corps. Four of the five highest American division casualty rates in the war were heavy participants in the Huertgen campaign—the 1st, 4th, 9th, and 28th divisions of the First Army. Each suffered more than 20,000 casualties. Many infantry companies in these divisions incurred 90 to 100 percent casualties during the Huertgen campaign. Only the 3rd Division of Patton’s Third Army exceeded these divisions and all others in the European campaign with 25,879 combat casualties.
From September 1944 through the end of the war in May 1945, the 104th Infantry Division of “Lightning Joe” Collins’ VII Corp suffered 7,011 combat casualties and over 7,000 non-combat casualties for a total of over 14,000. The manpower table for the 104th called for a strength of 14,000. Including many replacements, the total who served was approximately 30,000. .
The Huertgen campaign has been obscured for two reasons. First, the more recent Battle of the Bulge, with its serious demonstration of unexpected German military prowess and its larger absolute numbers of troops and casualties, overshadowed it. But second, the Huertgen campaign was much delayed in achieving its objective in crossing the Roer and advancing to the Rhine, and the casualties incurred were far beyond expectations. Several infantry divisions were nearly ground to bits in the “Green hell” that American soldiers called the “Death Factory.” Other clear victories could be celebrated, but the top political and military brass preferred that the Huertgen campaign and all the questions surrounding it remain in obscurity.
Yet in obscuring the Battle for Huertgen Forest, we also obscure the tremendous valor, severe hardships, noble sacrifices, and dogged patriotic endurance of thousands of American soldiers who deserve better. The soldiers of the 104th Timberwolf Division alone received two Medals of Honor, 14 Distinguished Service Crosses, 642 Silver Stars, 2,797 Bronze Stars, and nearly 7,000 Purple Hearts.
There still exists a noble mystery of the German Medic who saved my friend, Howd Mosher’s life by tending his terrible shoulder wound. There is the mystery of the German Oberstleutnant (Lt. Col.) medical officer, who arranged a medical truce, so both Germans and Americans could treat and recover their wounded.
There is the further mystery of German Oberleutnant (First Lieutenant) Ludwig Havighorst, commander of the 15th Company of the Ninth Parachute Regiment, who claims (with witnesses) to have arranged a brief medical truce in Lucherberg on about 3 December 1944.
Havighorst enlisted in the Germany Army in 1935 and became an infantry NCO. He transferred to the German Air Force in 1940 and after training flew 427 combat missions, including 50 over Stalingrad, as a bombardier-navigator in the Heinkel 111 medium bomber, both as an NCO and an officer. He was wounded several times and experienced many narrow escapes from death. In October 1943, he was seriously injured in a truck accident requiring hospitalization and surgery. He was released on 1 July 1944, meanwhile having been recommended for the Knight’s Cross, Germany’s highest military honor. On 11 July 1944, he married his fiancée, Else, in St. Sixtus Church in Haltern. He wore his parade-dress uniform to demonstrate that a highly decorated German soldier could be a devout Christian and publicly say so. On 20 July, the day of the assassination attempt on Hitler, he received a telegram summoning him to the aircrew redeployment center at Quedlinburg. There he learned of his promotion to first lieutenant, but a medical examination disqualified him from further flying. Subsequently, he was assigned to a construction and engineering company of the Ninth Parachute Regiment. He was quickly made company commander, where his courage, example, and leadership were noted as exceptional by his men and his superior officers. He was one of seven brothers who served in the German Armed Forces during the war; only one was lost, posted as missing at the end of the war. Speaking of his early enthusiasm as a German Army NCO in 1939, Havighorst remarked,
“Not until many years later did it become clear to me what sort of Fuehrer we had served, but by then Germany was in ruins.”
1,700 Private Jets Fly to Davos to Discuss Global Warming
Absolutely amazing. :)
A squadron of 1,700 private jets are rumbling into Davos, Switzerland, this week to discuss global warming and other issues as the annual World Economic Forum gets underway.
The influx of private jets is so great, the Swiss Armed Forces has been forced to open up a military air base for the first time ever to absorb all the super rich flying their private jets into the event, reports Newsweek.“Decision-makers meeting in Davos must focus on ways to reduce climate risk while building more efficient, cleaner, and lower-carbon economies,” former Mexican president Felipe Calderon told USA Today.
More @ Breitbart
Bobby Jindal slams 'no-go zones,' pushes 'assimilation'
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal on Monday stood by his criticism of so-called "no-go" zones in Europe, where sovereign nations allegedly cede authority to Muslim immigrants, a controversial idea that many critics say is overblown.
And the potential 2016
Republican presidential candidate decried what he called immigrants'
insistence on "non-assimilation, the fact that "you've got people who
want to come to our country but not adopt our values," which he called
More @ CNN
EPA Tested Deadly Air Pollutants On Children
Via Bill
A government watchdog group has obtained documents detailing how the EPA exposed children as young as 10 to deadly air pollutants without disclosing the full risks of the substances.
Government watchdogs say these EPA-backed studies could violate California state and federal law, because children were exposed to diesel exhaust in experiments with no health benefits to the subjects.
A government watchdog group has obtained documents detailing how the EPA exposed children as young as 10 to deadly air pollutants without disclosing the full risks of the substances.
Government watchdogs say these EPA-backed studies could violate California state and federal law, because children were exposed to diesel exhaust in experiments with no health benefits to the subjects.
More @ The Daily Caller
Ukrainian grandmother, 68, signs up to train alongside army cadets who nickname her 'The Punisher' after she passes military tests
Via WiscoDave
68-year-old Ukrainian grandmother has been nicknamed 'The Punisher'
after completing a gruelling military training alongside army cadets
four decades her junior.
from the army's training camp shows pensioner Ekaterina Bilyik rolling
over snow-covered fields, leaping to her feet and firing assault rifles
alongside the young men in her troop.
She is now preparing to take part in the fierce fighting that has torn eastern Ukraine apart.
More with video @ Daily Mail
New police radars can 'see' inside homes
Via LH
At least 50 U.S. law enforcement agencies have secretly equipped their officers with radar devices that allow them to effectively peer through the walls of houses to see whether anyone is inside, a practice raising new concerns about the extent of government surveillance.
Those agencies, including the FBI and the U.S. Marshals Service, began deploying the radar systems more than two years ago with little notice to the courts and no public disclosure of when or how they would be used. The technology raises legal and privacy issues because the U.S. Supreme Court has said officers generally cannot use high-tech sensors to tell them about the inside of a person's house without first obtaining a search warrant.
At least 50 U.S. law enforcement agencies have secretly equipped their officers with radar devices that allow them to effectively peer through the walls of houses to see whether anyone is inside, a practice raising new concerns about the extent of government surveillance.
Those agencies, including the FBI and the U.S. Marshals Service, began deploying the radar systems more than two years ago with little notice to the courts and no public disclosure of when or how they would be used. The technology raises legal and privacy issues because the U.S. Supreme Court has said officers generally cannot use high-tech sensors to tell them about the inside of a person's house without first obtaining a search warrant.
More with video@ USA Today
Sandy Hook Commission: Forget Mental Health, ‘Restrict Gun Ownership’
On January 16, the Sandy Hook Commission (SHC) voted to inform Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy (D) that guns pose a far greater threat than mental health issues and further gun restrictions are needed now. *Because we know how well that has worked in the past......
Connecticut was ranked as having the fifth most stringent gun control laws in the country when the heinous crime at Sandy Hook Elementary took place. Since then, they have instituted even stricter controls — but the SHC says they have not gone far enough yet.
More @ Breitbart
David Crowley of Gray State: “I’m not prone to suicide”
Via comment by Sioux on 3 Agencies Treating "Gray State" Deaths With Suspi...
"There was a 2-line note left, but no information that would explain what happened or why (contents of the note haven't been made public yet or confirmation that it was handwritten). Also, *the wife was Pakistani (ie, muslim) and her family was not happy that she married a white American military man (ie, non-muslim). Neither were close to their immediate families."
* I would sure guess Muslims were responsible considering the baby was killed.
More @ Canada Free Press
“You could not imagine a more committed couple” than David and Komel Crowley, he said.
Friends of David and Komel Crowley were in
disbelief and anguish Monday, two days after the bodies of the couple
and their 5-year-old daughter, Rani, were found in their Apple Valley home.
Valley police said Monday that the three died of gunshot wounds, and
they continued to characterize it as “an apparent murder suicide.”
More @ Star Tribune
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